Secret Villain

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Secret Villain Page 16

by Dee J. Stone

  It’s the next day and the kids are training. But I can’t concentrate. This day has been one huge blur. I guess I’ve been focused on the whole Jeremy thing.

  “Nick!” Jack calls. “Am I doing this right?”

  I snap back in to where he’s slamming his fists into a robot. The thing’s pretty strong. Jack’s been at it for a while.

  “Keep going,” I tell him. “Until you smash it to bits.”

  Jack puffs as he punches it another time. “This thing is indestructible.”

  “Hey, guys,” Mia calls from the side of the room, where she’s texting instead of training. “Come see this.”

  Maddie and I rush over and she gives us her phone. But before we have a chance to look at it, our watches beep.

  I peer at mine and my gut drops to my toes. A group of villains are destroying a park in Queens.

  When I glance at Mia’s phone, sure enough, it’s Jeremy and our former fellow powered friends.

  “Dammit,” I say under my breath. “He’s not gonna meet us in Central Park. This is his response to our message. He wants war.”

  Maddie shoots in the air. “Told you. Let’s go.”

  “Can we come?” the kids ask.

  We’ve been training for days for this battle. I’m confident the kids are ready.

  Many of us who can’t fly get into cars with people the government hired to drive. The rest of us jet to the park. Maddie and I make sure to wear our goggles so we can see Jeremy.

  Maddie’s flying right beside me, her face filled with confidence and determination. She was right not to trust Jeremey, but I really thought we could reach some kind of agreement with him. I thought we could talk about what he wanted and he’d stop his villain ways. But I was wrong. I should have listened to Maddie. Why was I so stubborn?

  Is this why I had all these weird feelings the past few days? Did my gut somehow expect Jeremy to act this way? I guess it was kind of predictable, that a villain would attack rather than talk, but I wanted to give him a chance.

  “Stop,” Maddie says. “Don’t blame yourself.”

  I don’t have a chance to answer because we reach the park where the villains are destroying the place. As people flee the area, I notice something. The powered kids aren’t hurting anyone. They’re just crushing buildings and mailboxes, benches, cars, and other things around the area.

  There’s one person right in the center, who is hurting people, though. Jeremy. He’s invisible, but Maddie and I can see him.

  “Go!” Maddie says to the kids.

  “Wait,” I say. “Look around. The kids aren’t hurting anyone.” My eyes widen when I see one kid actually helping an old woman leave the park. I don’t understand. What’s going on?

  Maddie has the answer. “They don’t want to hurt anyone.” She points. “Do you see that? Jeremy’s grabbing Lucy’s arm and ordering her to attack, but she doesn’t want to.” She’s right. Lucy’s refusing to be part of this.

  The kids don’t want to hurt anyone. I don’t know why I’m hit with pride. But I push that aside. Not now. We need to stop Jeremy.

  When Jeremy sees us, he lifts his hand and we fly back. I burn all over, and when I look down at myself, I see I’m engulfed in flames. He threw a fireball, mixing it in with telekinesis for a stronger blow. Man, he’s tough.

  I quickly heal myself and the others, and we charge at him. Jeremy, who’s visible now, turns to the powered kids. “Fight them!”

  No one listens. A few look from Jeremy to us, then back to Jeremy. They float to our side, their arms crossed over their chests.

  Is this a setup? Or are they really leaving his side?

  Who do I trust?

  Slowly, slowly, many more join us. One or two are still helping the people escape. The only ones who remain on his side are Justin and Ally. Jeremy’s eyes fill with rage.

  “You cowards!” He shoots another fireball at the kids who left his side, burning them. I’m about to rush over to heal them, but he freezes me in place.

  Sweat and panic spread all over me as I try to break free. “Stop,” I say. “Just let me help them. Please.”

  His eyes sear as he laughs. “Why would I do that?”

  I thrash. “They did nothing wrong and don’t deserve this.” I peer to my left, where the kids are on fire. They’re yelling. I can’t take this. Just can’t. “Let me go!” I shout so loud, shoving my arms and breaking through his hold.

  I dash to the kids and heal as many as I can before Jeremy yanks me away. We stand face to face, his eyes still filled with fury. I don’t know what expression I’ve got on my face, but I hope he can see that I want him to suffer for what he did.

  He chortles. “You don’t even care about them.”

  “Like hell I don’t.”

  He looks behind me. “Then why are you letting them burn?”

  I grit my teeth, trying once again to free myself. It’s not working. He smiles wickedly before going back invisible and strengthening his hold on me. He starts squeezing the life out of me.

  Suddenly, he’s thrown to the side as something blasts right next to him. Maddie. She zooms over to him, while I sprint to the kids, healing those who are still…alive. I swallow, trying to push my feelings aside. I need to do this.

  “Hey,” Jeremy calls from a few feet away as Maddie throws fireballs at him. “How the hell can you see me?”

  I don’t know what she says because my attention is on the kids I’m trying to save. “Please,” I mutter as I heal a few. “Let them be okay.”

  Jack’s at my side. “I can’t see him, so I can’t attack.” He looks around. “But Maddie seems to know what she’s doing.”

  I tap my goggles. “We can see because of these, but forget about that for now. You and the others help the paramedics get everyone to the hospital. Maddie and I are going to deal with Jeremy.”

  He frowns. “I want to fight, though. Isn’t that what heroes do? They fight the villain?”

  “Yeah, but heroes also protect people, and right now I need you and the others to bring everyone to safety.”

  He nods. “Sure thing.” And he rushes off.

  When I’m done healing all whom I can, I join Maddie where she’s still battling Jeremy. Except right now, he has the upper hand, shooting fireballs at her. She deflects them all, but I notice a few burn marks on her clothes. We’ve got our suits on, which are fireproof, but they can’t protect against everything.

  “You okay,” I ask as I stand next to her, trying to stop his fireballs with my telekinesis. “Need me to heal you?”

  “Forget about me,” she says. “Just focus on him.”

  “Who made those for you?” he demands as he throws more fire our way. We’re doing a good job at deflecting them, but I know we can’t hold him off forever. He’s more powerful than us. But I’m not going to give up.

  He lets out a roar and spreads his arms out, flinging us to the other end of the park. As soon as I sit up, he’s right in front of me. He thrusts his hand forward, tossing me around. He does the same to Maddie.

  I don’t think we can defeat him. How in the world is he able to take on both of us? He’s even more powerful than I expected.

  “We can’t defeat him,” Maddie tells me before she’s thrown to the other side.

  No, we can’t. I look around. Other than a few reporters, cops, and paramedics, the park is deserted. The powered kids are gone because I told them to go.

  Was that a mistake? What if Jeremy kills us?

  “Nick,” a voice calls. Sounds like a kid. When I lift my head, I see Danny wiggling in Jeremy’s arms.

  “Danny,” I say. What the hell is he doing here?

  Maddie and I exchange confused and shocked glances. She holds up her hand, ready to attack. I motion for her to stand down. Any movement could cost my brother his life.

  Jeremy gives Danny a fake smile. “Your little bother likes to hurt things. He likes when they go boom. He was so eager to be bad. Isn’t that right, Danny?”

>   He continues to wiggle. I’ve never seen that look on his face. He’s more than scared. I feel the same way.

  I fist my hands to my sides, anger boiling up inside me. “Let him go.”

  Jeremy laughs. “Why? He was the one who came over to me. Tell him, Danny boy. Tell him everything.”

  Danny stops wiggling. His face fills with guilt and regret. “I didn’t mean to!”

  “Didn’t mean to what? What are you talking about?”

  Danny shakes his head like he can’t talk. Jeremy laughs again. “A few days ago, Danny got an email from someone. They chatted a bit and they learned they have things in common. Like blowing things up. Like enjoying to hurt people.”

  Danny hangs his head. “It was all fun and games. I never meant I liked hurting people.”

  Jeremy shakes him. “Don’t you know how rude it is to lie to the Blue Masked Hero?”

  “Stop!” I say.

  Jeremy laughs again. “Tell the truth, Danny, or someone will get hurt.”

  The tracking device. Why didn’t it alert us when Danny was taken? Then it hits me. Jeremy must have known about it and pulled it off.

  “We talked about teaming up,” Danny says reluctantly. “I didn’t know who he was, but he promised me I’d see many things go boom. I didn’t know he meant people. Then today, he wanted us to meet, so I did. I didn’t know it was the villain.”

  “You’re lying again!” Jeremy roars. He turns to me. “He was happy to see it was me. Weren’t you, Danny? You’re a fan.”

  Danny nods a little. “But I didn’t know how evil he is!”

  I get it. Danny’s just a kid who thought Jeremy was just another guy with powers. I can’t blame him, especially now when I see Danny wants nothing to do with him.

  “I want to be good,” Danny cries. “Let go of me!”

  Jeremy laughs that evil laugh. “No way.”

  This is too much. I wish I could pry Danny out of Jeremy’s hold. If only there was a way for me to use one hand to move my bro out of the way while the other hand deals with Jeremy.

  “Uh uh.” Jeremy wags his finger. “Any slight movement and the kid gets fried.”

  “What do you want?” I say through gritted teeth.

  Jeremy’s smile is wide and fake. “You wanted to talk, didn’t you?”

  “It’s too late for that,” Maddie says.

  Jeremy slams her into the tree. “Keep quiet. This isn’t your business. This is between me and your boyfriend.”

  Maddie glares at him. “What concerns him concerns me.”

  He shakes his head. “Not this time.”

  Maddie lifts a hand, but thinks better of it when she takes in Danny.

  “Right,” Jeremy says. “Think twice before you act.”

  Maddie’s sitting near the tree. She might be too weak to move right now. Her eyes meet mine. I can read what they’re saying—what do we do? How do we save my little brother?

  “What do you want with Danny?” I demand.

  He shrugs. “Nothing, really. I don’t care about the kid. And he’ll probably die eventually.”

  I glare at him. “You just lost your leverage.”

  He tilts his head. “Did I? Because if I kill him now, it will be because you pissed me off. It’ll be on your conscience. If he dies after you die…well, no one can really blame you, can they?”

  I’m about to tell him to go to hell, when he looks behind me and smiles. “Oh, look. Your obedient puppies are here.”

  I turn around. All the powered kids are here, including the ones who have left Jeremy’s side. His eyes narrow. “Tell them to get lost. This is between you and me.” He shakes Danny. “Tell them or the kid loses an arm.”

  Danny’s helpless and pleading eyes flick to mine. “I’m sorry, Nick. I didn’t mean to be bad.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Danny. Just hang in there.”

  “Tell them,” Jeremy barks. “Oh, and tell the pathetic humans over there to beat it, too. I just want you.” He turns to Maddie. “Bye, princess.”

  Maddie gets to her feet. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You sure about that?”

  Maddie presses her lips together.

  “Just go,” I say. “Everyone leave the park. Please.”

  They don’t move.

  “You heard your precious hero,” Jeremy says. “Leave!”

  One by one, they reluctantly walk out. Jeremy commands Justin and Ally to disappear, too. They obey like sheep.

  Danny’s still wiggling. “Are you going to hurt my brother?”

  Jeremy’s laugh is deep. “Hell yeah.”

  I swallow. Sweat shines on my forehead. I’m the Blue Masked Hero. I’ve got powers. But right now I feel like a scared little mouse.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “What do you want from me?” I ask.

  Still clutching Danny with his telekinesis, Jeremy floats around. I remain in place, worried he’ll hurt my brother.


  “On?” I ask.

  He floats some more before his head whips in my direction. “You killed my dad.”

  “Hiram deserved to die.”

  He scoffs. “Yeah, he did.”

  “What the hell are you saying?”

  He stops flying and zooms toward me. “I’m saying I’m glad my dad is dead, but you need to pay because you killed him.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “I know. And that’s all because of my dad.” He waves his hand over himself. “He did this to me. He turned me into a monster. I know you feel the same way. You don’t want your powers.”

  I’m about to refute him, but he says, “Don’t deny it. I know everything and I know you regret being The Blue Masked Hero. I mean, look what happened to your little sister.” He points to Danny. “Look at him. Every day, you regret having your powers.”

  “Maybe I do, but I wouldn’t be who I am without them.”

  He snickers. “And who are you anyway? A lame hero that no one cares about?”

  I glare at him. “A hero who is going to end you.”

  He laughs again. “You don’t get it, do you? You can’t defeat me. I’m too powerful. I have so much power and that’s why I’m crazy.” He swallows. “I killed my mom and my dad blamed me for it. It was his people who made me this way, but he blamed me. So I faked my death. I couldn’t stand being around him. I hated him. Now I can be the villain he always wanted me to be. Now I can be the most powerful person in the world.”

  I hold up my palms. “If you hated him and now you have what you want, why do you want to hurt me and my family?”

  He shrugs. “I have to start somewhere, don’t I? Why not start with the jerk who killed the only family I had left? Yeah, I hated my dad, but he was still my dad. And revenge is revenge.” He raises the hand he’s not using on Danny. “And now you’re going to pay for it.”

  I lift my fists. “Go on and fight me.”

  He shakes his head. “You don’t get it. If you fight me, the kid dies. And it’ll be his blood on your hands, not mine. Now, if you be a good boy and just stand there while I get my revenge, no one has to die. Other than you.” He chuckles.

  I panic, sweat gathering all over. If I try to save myself, Danny will definitely die. If I give myself up, there’s a chance he’ll live. Danny’s eyes are filled with tears as he continues trying to free himself. I have to save him, no matter what.

  I nod. “Okay, kill me.”

  His lip curls up. “Really? That was almost too easy. I mean, you hardly know the kid. What’s it been, like, only weeks since you met? And now you’re giving yourself up for him?”

  “Because that’s what family does. We protect one another.”

  His eyes flash. “So now you understand why I need to avenge my dad.”

  I shrug. “I don’t care about your motives. Just let my brother go.”

  “Maybe I will. After I’m done with you.”

  He raises his hand. I shut my eyes, getting ready to be fried,
when someone slips their hand into my left one. “Nick.” It’s Maddie. Opening my eyes, I don’t see her anywhere. She’s invisible? “Send him the biggest attack you can, but make sure he doesn’t see your hand.”

  It’s like I’m filled with ten times the amount of energy I normally have. From Maddie. I hold my right hand at my side, and wave my fingers around. Jeremy’s hurled into a tree. The blow is so strong I hear some bones cracking.

  Danny drops toward the ground. I catch him just in time. “You’re okay,” I say as he cries against me. “No one is going to hurt you.”

  “I’m sorry, Nick. I’m so sorry.”

  I pat his back. “It’s okay, Danny. It’s all over.”

  Paramedics rush to take him out of my arms and to the hospital to make sure he’s okay. I wave, reassuring him that everything is going to be okay. I then text Samantha to let her know Danny is in the hospital. She doesn’t ask questions. She must know what happened. I bet it’s all over the news.

  Maddie and I make our way to Jeremy, who’s groaning in pain near the tree. I hold my hand over him, preventing him from moving or doing any more damage.

  “What…” he gasps as his eyes go to Maddie. “How did you do that?”

  Maddie sticks her shoe into his ribs, causing him to flinch. “My secret.”

  This is the second time Maddie and I have held hands and defeated the enemy. What is it and why does it work? Not that I’m complaining. It’s awesome.

  I turn to Maddie. “Are our families okay?”

  She nods. “Everyone is accounted for.”

  “Why don’t you just kill me?” Jeremy moans in pain. “You know very well a jail can’t hold me.”

  I bend down to him. “You might be executed if the government feels you’re too dangerous.”

  He frowns, then moans again. “Can you heal me?”

  “Why can’t you heal yourself?”

  His eyes widen. “Why can’t I heal?”

  Maddie kicks him again. “Don’t be such a drama queen.”

  His eyes are still wide. “I can’t break your hold on me. I don’t have any powers.”

  “You’re lying,” I say. “You’re trying to get me to drop my hold, but that’s not going to happen.”

  He’s still moaning. “Please,” he sputters. “This is so painful.”


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