April Fools' Joke (Holiday High Series Book 3)

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April Fools' Joke (Holiday High Series Book 3) Page 9

by Kellie McAllen

  He punctuates his point by jabbing me in the chest with a finger, then he wags his head around and grins. “And I’m probably gonna win the big pot, too, because I’m just that skilled with the ladies.”

  Dylan tromps off (without washing his hands — ew), and I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

  Crap. That did not go the way I wanted it to. No matter what I do, this is going to end badly. If I blow the whistle to try to stop it, it’ll definitely come out that Dylan and I started all this with our own bet, and that will crush KC. Plus, it’ll hurt all the girls who’ve already been invited. If I let it happen, then KC and all the other girls will be victims.

  The only way they won’t be hurt is if they never find out. Maybe the guys can keep this under wraps and the girls will never know they were played. Heck, girls like that will probably be thrilled to get hit on by the popular guys. I just have to make sure everyone keeps their mouth shut.

  Chapter Eleven


  My fingers shake as I brush my lashes with mascara, turning them into clumpy spider legs. Why did I think I could handle this? Painful memories keep popping up like some demented game of Whac-A-Mole as I get ready for Jake’s party.

  I’m drunk on beer and my boyfriend’s parents’ liquor, dancing on the coffee table. Nelly’s “Hot in Herre” playing on the stereo. The guys hollering at me to give them a strip tease. I’m singing along, feeling free and sexy, and in my alcohol-induced buzz I do what the lyrics say and take all my clothes off, pulling off my slinky camisole and flouncy skirt, leaving nothing but a lace thong.

  They hoot and cheer as they encourage me to shake my tits. A camera flashes as Zach snaps a picture before hauling me off the table and into a dark bedroom.

  “Hay baby, I’ll take care of you if you’re in the mood.”

  His lips nuzzle at my neck, and his hands caress me — touching, groping, squeezing. He pulls me tight against him, rubbing his body up against mine. But it’s too much, too tight, and all I want to do is dance to the music I can still hear blaring in the other room. I try to pull away, but his fingers dig into my flesh, keeping me close. His lips are on mine, sucking then biting, and I can’t breathe. Sweat pops out, coating my body, making it harder for him to hold on to me as I squirm, but his hands are everywhere. His grip loosens when he moves one hand to his own pants, his attention diverted, and I yank myself away, breathing hard.

  “No, Zach.”

  “Kaitlyn.” He lets go of his belt and reaches for me, but I scurry out of the room.

  “Kaitlyn, what the hell?” He charges after me and grabs my arm.

  I whip my head around to glare at him. “I don’t want to have sex right now.”

  “Oh yeah? Well, you sure acted like you did when you took your clothes off in front of everybody.” He’s scowling, his handsome face ugly with anger.

  I find my shirt and tug it back on, pulling my long hair out of the low neckline. Suddenly, I feel exhausted, overwhelmed by the heat, the alcohol, the music. “I just want to go home.”

  “What are you talking about? We’re having a great time.”

  He reaches for me again, but I slap him away. “Don’t touch me.”

  “I’m your boyfriend, remember?” His dark eyes glare at me; a lock of black hair dangles between them.

  “So take me home. I’m ready to go.” I give him a sexy, pouty look.

  “Fine.” He huffs and goes to find our things.

  “Hey, you leaving already?” Somebody calls.

  Zach laughs it off with a wink and a leer. “A bunch of drunk guys or a naked girl who wants to get out of here — what do you think?”

  When we get to my house, he tries again, but I rebuff him, jumping out of the car before he has a chance to touch me. He peels out of the driveway, leaving me standing there.

  The next morning, I wake up to see my picture on Zach’s page. “The sexy babe who went home with me last night,” the caption reads.

  When I texted Zach and demanded he take it down, we argued, and eventually he broke up with me, calling me a tease and eventually a lot worse. By the next day, the entire school was buzzing with rumors about me, and the picture had circulated around every social media site. I’d refused to have sex with him, but he turned the tables, accusing me of being a slut. My classmates were all too eager to perpetuate the rumor.

  I put the mascara down and take a deep breath, reminding myself that this party won’t be anything like that. I have no intention of drinking, for one, and I’m certainly not taking off any clothes. And even though Jake is known for his pranks, I know he would never do anything like Zach did. I trust him. Besides, he promised he’d never prank me again.

  I check my outfit in the mirror and wonder what Jake will think of it. He seems attracted to me despite my attempts to look unappealing, and I’d like to surprise him with a better-looking date. I’m not quite ready to dump the goth look though, so I’m wearing all black, but it’s more flattering than the stuff I’ve been wearing. It hugs my curves without being revealing and could probably pass for normal party wear.

  My new car has finally arrived, a bulky, black, tank-like vehicle that doesn’t seem as necessary now, but I don’t think my dad would be too happy if I told him I changed my mind. He went to a lot of trouble and expense to get it for me. I climb up into the drivers’ seat and head to Jake’s house.

  He lives in a brick two-story with a tall, arched entryway, set in the middle of a cul-de-sac full of similar homes. It’s not quite as nice as my parents’ house, but his family is obviously well off.

  The driveway and street in front of his house are full of cars, and a few people are milling around outside. I’m surprised and a little relieved that some of them don’t look like the typical kids who go to parties like this — status-obsessed, popular, rich kids who throw and attend parties to elevate their standing in the social hierarchy. Maybe West Bay parties are different from what I’m used to. Maybe they’re just for fun.

  I make my way inside where the thumping music and mass of bodies is familiar, and so are the red Solo cups. I gulp and remind myself that just because they’re drinking doesn’t mean I have to. A few people glance at me with a look of familiarity, but I don’t know any of their names, so I don’t say anything to them.

  I push through the crowd, noticing more and more people who look out of place in this atmosphere, and I chide myself for being so judgmental. I should be glad I go to a school where all the different groups can have a good time together.

  I spot Jake, and he turns and catches my eye at the same moment, smiling. Is it just my imagination, or does he get cuter every time I see him? His brown hair flops casually across his forehead, and his smile makes his jaw sharp and his hazel eyes sparkle, crinkling at the corners. His forest green pullover brings out the green in his eyes, and his dark jeans hang just right, hugging all the right places.

  “KC! You made it.” He gazes down at me as his hands reach for my hips, and it feels completely natural even though he’s never touched me like that before. I can feel the heat of them even through my jeans.

  “Hi, Jake. Looks like you have a good crowd.”

  He glances around, a look on his face I can’t quite read. “Yeah, it seems like the whole school is here.” When he turns back to me, the look disappears. “Glad you came. You look really nice.”

  My lips curl up in a small smile. “So do you.” He grins at that and runs a hand through his hair. For a moment, I’m distracted, wondering what it would feel like if I reached out and did the same.

  “You want something to drink?” Jake asks, distracting me from my small fantasy.

  I nod. “Just some water or soda. I think I’ll skip the alcohol tonight.”

  Worry flashes across his face for a moment. “Are you okay with being here?”

  I suck in a deep breath and force a smile. “Yeah, I’ll be all right.”

  He smiles back, still a little unsure, and takes my hand, leading me i
nto the kitchen. There’s a keg in the middle of the room and guys congregating around it, talking and laughing. Some packs of soda sit on the counters, and Jake pulls out a can and hands it to me. I pop it open and take a sip, glancing around.

  “You want to dance? Or I could show you around.” Jake seems a little awkward, and it’s kind of cute. He’s normally so confident. It reminds me that I really don’t know him that well, and I want to learn more.

  “Will you show me your room?” I blurt out then freeze, my eyes wide. I hope he doesn’t take that the wrong way. “I mean, I’d just kind of like to see it.”

  He gives me that wide, heart-stopping smile that makes my pulse stutter. “Sure, come on.”

  He pulls me toward the stairs and up to the second floor. Most of the doors are shut. We walk to one with a Do Not Enter sticker stuck to it, and Jake pushes it open. The room is dark, so Jake clicks on a small lamp next to his bed. It gives just enough light to reveal a blue and gray-striped comforter tossed haphazardly across his bed.

  His nightstand and a desk in the corner are crowded with books, magazines, papers, and random things, but the rest of the room is fairly clean. Dirty clothes mound over the top of a hamper, but there’s nothing on the floor but a gray shag rug and some free weights. A shelf above his desk is lined with trophies, and he has a small basketball hoop on his closet door. Jake’s scent is magnified in here — clean and fresh but masculine.

  There’s nothing too revealing about him in here, but that’s okay. It makes me feel like he’s not hiding anything. I sit down on the bed, feeling comfortable in his space. After a moment of hesitation, Jake sits down next to me. I turn to look at him, his face just inches from mine.

  We stare into each other’s eyes for a long moment, asking the same, silent question. Something in my gaze must give him an answer, because ever so slowly he leans in. I can feel his warm breath on my cheek as he tilts his head, angling his mouth towards mine, but he pauses a hairsbreadth away, waiting for me to close the gap between us. I do, and our lips meet in a feather-soft touch, so different from my last kiss. Jake doesn’t take anything from me, he just follows my lead.

  His hands are in his lap, and he grips his thighs, but he doesn’t reach for me. My own hands stretch out to touch his chest. Jake shivers when they make contact. Tentatively, he moves his hands from his lap to mine, resting them on the top of my thighs. I can feel the heat of them searing my skin. I clench my legs together and slide my hands down to Jake’s waist, feeling the ridges of his abdomen as I go.

  We kiss for several seconds, and when we part, Jake stares into my eyes for another moment. “I really like you, KC,” he whispers.

  I grin and duck my head. “I like you, too.” That earns me a big smile.

  “Do you want to go back out to the party?” His face looks worried, like he’s afraid he’s already gone too far.

  I really don’t want to. I want to stay here and lose myself in kissing him, but I’m not ready to go any farther than that, so maybe it’s for the best if we stop now. Zach’s accusations about being a tease echo in my mind, and I don’t want to lead Jake on.

  “I guess,” is the best I can do, but Jake nods and stands up, holding out a hand to me. I take it and slip my fingers in between his.

  When we pass another door, Jake tells me he needs to use the bathroom and hustles inside. I blush and decide to give him some time alone. I head back towards the kitchen to look for food.

  I hear voices as I near the doorway, and the things they’re saying stop me in my tracks. I stand out of view and listen for a minute.

  “Clarissa is definitely the ugliest girl here. Her face looks like a pizza, and by the size of her ass, I’d say she’s eaten quite a few.”

  Someone else chuckles. “I wouldn’t get anywhere near her if I were you, or she might try to eat you.”

  “I think Kirsten is worse than her. She looks like a cross between a horse and a wolf with that long snout and all that facial hair. I’m not sure I can find her lips under that mustache, but I’m gonna try.” More laughing.

  “I’m going for Ramona; she looks like a heroin addict from an 80’s movie.”

  “Well, while you asswipes were standing around talking, I’ve already been making progress with Butterface Brittany.”

  “Big deal, lots of guys are willing to close their eyes so they can put their hands on that one. You better find someone worse than that.”

  “Anybody got a nose plug? I’m gonna try to get a kiss from Leanne.”

  Their words curdle my stomach, and I lose any appetite I had. Why do guys have to be so cruel?

  I head into the living room instead, looking around for anyone I know. There are lots of people paired off in couples, talking and flirting with each other, but almost all the girls are misfits in some way. An uneasy feeling hovers over me like a shadow.

  Jake sneaks up behind me, startling me when he places a hand on my lower back. “Hey, sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”

  He glances at me and smiles, but then his attention is drawn away. I follow his eyes to the corner where his friend Dylan is talking to a girl with frizzy hair and buck teeth. She doesn’t look like his type at all, but Dylan is smiling and standing close, and the girl is chattering away, lit up with excitement. Dylan glances our way and sneers, and Jake narrows his eyes and clenches his jaw.

  Dylan puts a hand on the girl’s arm, and her eyes get wide as she bobs her head a couple times, staring at it. He bends down to whisper something in her ear then leads her over to the couch. A couple people are already sitting there, so they have to squeeze in. When Dylan puts his arm around her, the girl gulps and rubs her hands up and down her thighs, leaving damp streaks. Several people in the crowd stare curiously at them.

  Jake watches them for a second then turns toward me, resting a hand on my hip. “I’m really glad you came tonight.”

  His voice is soft and laced with emotion.

  “I am, too. Thanks for asking me,” I whisper back.

  Jake’s eyes shift towards Dylan again who has one arm around the girl’s back and the other on her knee. Jake frowns, and I frown, too, wishing he wasn’t so distracted by them.

  “Jake?” I try to pull his attention back towards me.

  “Huh?” He looks my way for half a second before his eyes dart back towards Dylan.

  I move a hand to his chest; that seemed to work before. “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?”

  Dylan leans in towards the girl like he wants to kiss her, and Jake yanks his head back towards me with a wide, forced smile.

  “Everything is great. I’ve got the best girl ever right here with me.”

  He moves to kiss me, his hands pulling me closer as his lips take mine. It’s not as forceful as the kiss Zach took from me at the last party, but it’s nothing like the sweet, tender, tentative kiss Jake gave me in his bedroom. It’s much more deliberate. At first I’m startled, but he keeps going for several seconds, and I can’t help but melt into his soft, warm lips and firm embrace. My own hands wrap around his waist.

  But as soon as he pulls away, his eyes immediately dart towards Dylan, and irritation and insecurity bloom in my chest. Jake glares at Dylan, his mouth curling in a proud smile. Dylan sneers at him and pulls away from the girl.

  “Come on, let’s go get something to eat.” Jake grabs my hand and turns toward the kitchen, but Dylan rises from the couch and starts heading our way.

  “Jake, is there something going on between you and your friend?” My eyes flick between Dylan, who looks angry, and Jake, who looks a little scared. I cling to Jake, and Dylan’s stare snaps to my clutching hands.

  “I guess you’re pretty proud of yourself, huh? Got a new girlfriend?” Dylan puts his hands on his hips and flexes his muscles, making his broad shoulders look massive.

  “I’m proud of KC. She’s really special.” Jake squeezes my hand with a sweaty palm.

  “Did you ask her to prom yet?”

  Jake flinches. “I’m n
ot worried about prom right now, we’re just getting to know each other.”

  “Well, you don’t have to worry, do you? I’m sure she’ll say yes when she finds out you’ve got an all-expense-paid trip, thanks to her. Right?” Dylan leers at me, and I look from him to Jake.

  “Jake, what is he talking about?”

  “It’s nothing, KC. Just ignore him. He’s an idiot.” Jake shakes his head.

  “Nothing? What do you mean, nothing? It’s gonna cost me at least $300. That’s a pretty expensive bet.”

  “Shut up, Dylan.” Jake glares at him. “Come on, KC.” He grabs my hand and tugs, but I’m rooted in place. My heart rate speeds up to the beat of the pounding music throbbing around me. Suddenly the party seems too crowded, too loud, and I wish it would all stop for a second so I can think.

  “What’s he talking about, Jake? What bet?” I stare at him, feeling frantic, hoping to see a reasonable explanation in his eyes, but all I see is guilt.

  “He claimed he could get any girl he wanted, even a prickly, emo chick like you, so we made a bet. I guess he was right.” Dylan shrugs like it’s no big deal. Like I didn’t just get stabbed in the heart. The blood rushes from my head and pours from my chest. I clutch my hand to my heart to staunch it.

  “KC, listen to me. KC.” Jake pulls my hand, trying to get my attention, but everything else has finally disappeared, and all I can do is stare at the smug look on Dylan’s face. When Jake pulls again, I yank my hand away and lock onto his eyes like a laser beam.

  “Is it true, Jake? Was I a bet?”

  “No, KC. I mean, there was a bet, but that was before. Before I knew you, before you told me about—”

  I scowl at him. Don’t you dare say that in front of all these people! I suddenly realize everyone in the room is staring at us, and something I heard earlier pops into my head. The boys in the kitchen were comparing the girls, trying to decide who was the ugliest. I look around at all the couples — girls who don’t normally get invited to parties like this paired up with boys who do. Suddenly, everything makes sense.


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