Broken Bastard (Killer of Kings Book 2)

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Broken Bastard (Killer of Kings Book 2) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  She was deprived of touch. He had noticed that, and he’d been trained to know what a woman wanted more than anything. Finally, he cupped her pussy. Her heat and readiness soaked his hand.

  “Bain,” she said—his name a whimper, a beg. He didn’t care. Sliding a single finger through her slit, he found her clit, and circled the bud before moving down to her cunt. With only one digit, he thrust it inside her.

  Her pussy tightened around him.

  “No man deserved you, baby. None of them knew how to worship your body properly.” He eased her off him and moved so that he was between her thighs.

  “You don’t have to do that,” she said.

  “Has anyone taken the time to lick this pretty pussy?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No. No. I don’t like it. You don’t have to do it.”

  He smiled. “You’ve not had your pussy licked properly if you don’t like it, and believe me, when I finish with you, you’re going to love it.”

  Her hand was covering her mound, and she looked nervous.

  Bain slapped her hand, and she let out a little scream. “Trust me. I haven’t killed you, have I? You’re still living and breathing. Trust me. I’m not going to lie to you.”

  She glared at him and flopped to the bed.

  Come on, Bain. Make her scream her head off.

  He eased the lips of her pussy open, and she had a pretty one. Flicking the clit, he heard her cry out, gasping. Bain smiled before sucking that bud into his mouth, using his teeth to create a little bite of pain. He teased her entrance, and then slammed his tongue into her cunt. She tasted so damn good, and he loved the sounds she was making. The little squeals were only making him want to hear more of them. While he fucked her cunt, he caressed her clit with his fingers.

  Scarlett writhed on the bed. He saw her hands stretch out, fisting the covers.

  “Please, don’t stop,” she said. “It feels so good. Bain!”

  Pulling his tongue out of her pussy, he replaced it with his fingers, and then worked on her clit. His cock was swollen with pre-cum soaking the bed where he lay. He wanted so badly to just fuck her hard so that she couldn’t walk straight. Instead, he took his time, drawing her close to the edge of orgasm, only he didn’t allow her to rush over the peak.

  “Do you want me to stop? You don’t like a man sucking this pretty pussy.”

  “No! Don’t stop, please. I’m so close.”

  Running his fingers over her mound, he went back, tasting her once again. This time, he didn’t stop. He kept her poised at the edge, refusing to allow her that tumble into bliss. Every second he spent teasing her, he was determined to get her so addicted to him that she couldn’t walk away.

  There’s nowhere else for her to go.

  He wanted her here of her own free will. For the first time in his life, he wanted this woman. She was the precious gift that he had been given, and he intended to cherish her always. All of his life he had never wanted anything at all. He’d never cared for material shit. He did what he was good at, living life and waiting for death. He wouldn’t go willingly, and for the first time in his long, miserable existence, he wanted something more than anything else in the world. He wanted Scarlett to belong to him, to claim her as his own, to possess her, and in return she could have him.

  “Bain! Bain!” She screamed his name as he thrust her over the edge, and he sucked on her clit, flicking his tongue back and forth as he did. At the same time, his fingers were thrusting inside her tightening pussy. Her back arched, her nipples tightened, and a beautiful flush covered her chest as she shattered apart.

  Only when the final aftershocks of her orgasm had ceased did he release her. He moved up her body, licking her excess cream from his face, knowing he would love nothing more than to continue licking her cunt all night long.

  Scarlett opened her eyes, and he loved the look of shock in her eyes.

  “Do you like having your pussy licked?”

  She groaned, covering her face.

  He eased her hands away and stared down into her face. Pressing a gentle kiss to her lips, he started to climb off her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I wanted to give you pleasure.”

  She shook her head and glanced down at his hard cock. “I want you, Bain. This wasn’t just about me. I want you. Downstairs, I wanted you inside me.” She sat up and moved toward him, her hand circling his cock as she ran it up and down his length. She touched his cheek and kissed him back. “I want you to have the same pleasure that I had.”

  When she made to wrap her lips around his length, he stopped her and shook his head. “I want to be inside you.” He moved her hand away and claimed her lips before she could say anything. Pushing her back to the bed, he was kind of in a surreal moment as she lay against his pillows. Her hair fanned out on his bed. She was like the dream woman he had been waiting a long time for, never expecting to have.

  Reaching into his drawer beside his bed, he retrieved a condom and tore open the packet. He’d always kept condoms on hand, just in case. Rolling the latex over his dick, he moved between her thighs. Compared to him she was so much smaller, and he wasn’t a small man. He knew how to use his dick, and she was soaking wet. Her orgasm would make it easy for him to take her.

  Easing the tip of his cock at her entrance, he began to slide inside her, inch by glorious inch. Her tight pussy sucked him in, and he gripped her hips, watching his cock work inside her body. She was so beautiful to him, and he wanted to keep her, and protect her, and damn it, love her.

  He was a cold, hard killer, and he wanted to be the right man for her.

  With his grip on her hips, he plunged the last couple of inches, and they both cried out together. Her pussy squeezed his cock.

  “You feel amazing,” she said. “You’re so big.”

  He released her hips and held her hands, pinning them to the bed. Right now, he was unravelling, and he didn’t fucking understand it. Never had he been so consumed, so needy. Scarlett heightened that. She was making him feel, making him want something that he thought had been denied him so long ago.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he ravished her mouth and began to rock inside her. At first he started out slow, allowing her to get accustomed to his size. Then he sped up, thrusting inside her with more force, needing to claim her, to brand her, to mark her as his. That way, every single step that she took, she’d remember who she belonged to.

  Breaking from the kiss, he moved toward her pulse, biting down and sucking, and then he moved down to her nipples.

  “Please, Bain,” she said, moaning his name. Staring into her eyes, he fucked her hard, and then stopped. She wasn’t just any woman. This was the woman he wanted, the woman he would protect.

  “What is it?” she asked. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong.” In fact, he finally felt like he was waking up, as if he had been doing nothing but sleeping all of his life. “Tell me that you want me.”

  “I want you, Bain.”

  Her words were all he needed to hear. He saw that she spoke the truth, even if he was the one to ask her to say those perfect words.

  She squeezed his hand and frowned. “What’s happening?” she asked. “Bain, you’re crying.” Tears fell from his eyes, and he didn’t try to hide it. Never from Scarlett. She needed to see the real man he was.

  Slowing his thrusts down, Bain did to Scarlett what he had never done to another woman. He made love to her and let her see parts of himself that he had never allowed another to see.

  Chapter Seven

  Scarlett twisted amongst the sheets, her body pleasantly sore. She remembered last night and couldn’t help but smile. Never in her life had she experienced such equal measures of passion and pleasure. Bain had satisfied her in ways she never knew possible.

  By the time she peeked open her eyes, she realized Bain was gone. A moment of panic settled in her gut. She rushed into a sitting position so fast, a wave of dizziness caugh
t her off guard. “Bain!”

  His large frame filled the doorway of the bathroom, a white towel around his waist and toothbrush in his mouth. “Yeah, babe?”

  Her nerves eased the instant she saw him. The more she fell for Bain, the more she worried he’d be killed because of his line of work. She couldn’t lose him.

  “Nothing.” She tugged the sheets up over her breasts. “Why are you up so early?”

  “I have another job. It came in early, and I only have two days to prepare.” He disappeared back into the bathroom. She could hear the water flowing into the sink and then the clink of a razor against porcelain.

  He was so casual about murder, but she knew he was a killer and still wanted him, so she couldn’t really complain. It just felt wrong. Scarlett wondered who the unlucky victim would be this time, and if he deserved what was coming to him or not.

  Bain strode into the room, his rock-hard body not easy to ignore. She watched every muscle move and shift as he tugged on a pair of black jeans. He buttoned up and then sat on the edge of the bed with a fresh t-shirt in hand.

  “There’s something we have to get done today,” he said. “This friend of yours, the one who knows you went to Semenov’s, I need her address.”

  “What? No!”

  He squeezed her thigh. “I didn’t say I was going to kill her. But she needs to be dealt with.”

  “What does that mean, Bain? I told you I’d rather take her place if someone has to pay for something. She doesn’t deserve for anything bad to happen to her.”

  “Look, my boss won’t stop until I clean shit up. I still don’t know what I’ll do about you, but I know for damn sure I can’t have that girl running her mouth,” he said. Bain slipped the t-shirt over his head, the cotton clinging to his muscles. “We need to find her so you can tell her you’re alive and well. Her life’s in your hands, so make sure you give her a convincing story. I need her to recant her police report.”

  “I don’t need to give her a story. I want to be here. With you.” She touched his neck, tracing her finger along the intricate patterns. “If Lisa believes me, will everything be okay?”

  “One thing at a time, sweetheart. You have fifteen minutes. I’ll be getting things ready downstairs.” He seemed all business again, the previous night’s vulnerabilities long forgotten. She didn’t want to lose that gentle side of him she was falling in love with.

  When he stood, he held the side of her face and kissed her forehead. The single act erased all her misgivings. She exhaled as he left the room.

  Scarlett washed up and dressed in the outfit Bain had bought for her last night. She didn’t have much else to wear. She wondered if she’d ever be able to go back home to her apartment to get her belongings. Then again, what did the future even hold for her? Did Bain expect her to move in with him? Was she supposed to go back to her old life at some point? She didn’t want to pretend none of this happened, to forget Bain and all the drama. He’d come into her life for a reason. She had to believe that.

  By the time she went downstairs, he was filling a large black duffel bag with guns of all shapes and sizes. She froze, the reality of her situation hitting her hard.

  “Why do we need those just to see Lisa? You said you wouldn’t hurt her.”

  “I’m always prepared. We have a lot of stops to make, and you never know who you’ll run into.” Bain zipped up the bag and slung it over his shoulder.

  She followed him out of the house. “What stops?” she asked.

  “First things first. This Lisa chick needs to keep her mouth shut.” He dropped the bag into the trunk of his car. “I have some prep to do for my next assignment, and we need to pay your ex a visit.”

  He moved fast, getting into the driver’s seat of the BMW while she stood speechless at the rear of the car. There was no way she wanted to set her eyes on Michael today or ever. But that didn’t mean she wanted him dead either, even if he did deserve it.

  Scarlett slipped into the passenger seat, the early morning sun reflecting off the face of Bain’s watch. It was a high-end Rolex, and it made her think about why he was still living this dangerous lifestyle when he’d already made a fortune. “I don’t want to see my ex. Let’s just forget about that chapter of my life. It’s over.”

  “It’s not over. Not if he’s still looking for you.”

  “The thing with his brother was a fluke. He doesn’t know where I am. Hell, I don’t even know where I am.”

  He shifted in his seat, looking directly at her. “You’re scared,” he said, his voice calm and steady. “Never let your fear do the talking. You have me now.”

  Scarlett couldn’t speak. He was right of course. Deep down, she was still terrified of her ex and the horrible memories she tried to supress. Memories even Bain didn’t know about.

  “You don’t know the half of it. I don’t want to see Michael. I can’t even stand the sound of his name.”

  “You and me both.” Bain pulled off his property with a spray of gravel and hit the road. The early morning light allowed her to see the gorgeous landscape around Bain’s home. Green fields and forests in the distance, not another house in sight. She could never afford to live in the country. Even her basement apartment in the city stretched her budget.

  Her thoughts wandered. Scarlett didn’t like the idea of Lisa getting involved in this mess. When Bain asked for the address she knew he was testing her loyalty because he was already on his way to Lisa’s place. Scarlett hoped she could be convincing enough. How did she expect one of her close friends to believe she’d just decided to quit her job and run off with a stranger with no hint beforehand? Combined with the mass murder scene at Semenov’s, it all sounded way too far-fetched.

  “This is it,” said Bain, after parallel parking like a pro outside Lisa’s building.

  “You can wait here,” said Scarlett. “I’ll talk with her and be back soon.”

  Bain didn’t even bother answering her, getting out of the car and waiting for her on the sidewalk with his arms crossed in front of him. She sighed. There was no way he’d let her out of his sight. She was still technically his prisoner until he decided otherwise.

  They walked to the front entrance, and she pressed Lisa’s buzzer. When she heard her friend’s voice, a strange sensation came over her. She’d pushed aside thoughts of her old life, including Lisa, since that night. Although she hated her job, the constant struggling, and the memories of her horrific love life, Lisa had always been a good friend.

  The elevator was broken so they took the stairs up to the third floor. Bain stayed several feet behind her as they walked up the hallway. She knocked on the door, but it opened so fast, her hand was still mid-air.

  “Oh my God! I can’t believe it’s you,” Lisa said. “I was going to call the cops today. I thought you were dead.” She grabbed Scarlett’s arm and pulled her into the apartment. Bain followed, closing the door behind him.

  Lisa stared at Bain, a look of apprehension on her face.

  “I have to talk to you,” Scarlett said. “There’s been a huge misunderstanding.”

  They moved to the far end of the room by the window, but Lisa kept turning her head to glance back at Bain. Once they were out of earshot, Lisa whispered. “Who the hell is that? Is he one of Semenov’s men? Are you in trouble?”

  “Stop,” Scarlett said. “You’re being ridiculous.”

  “Who is he then? Should I call the police?”

  “Lisa, relax. He’s my … boyfriend. After that scare I got at Semenov’s I decided to put everything behind me, to start fresh. You know my career was going nowhere fast at the office.”

  “Wait, you’re starting over. With him?”

  “Yes, with him,” Scarlett said.

  “Look at all those tattoos. He looks like a scary biker. Since when is ‘scary biker dude’ your type?”

  Scarlet was getting worried. If she didn’t convince Lisa, she was sure Bain would put a bullet in her head. She gave Lisa a little shake to get her undiv
ided attention. “Lisa, trust me, he’s my type. He’s literally a sex machine. I’m happy, living my dream, I just wanted to get you up to speed because I know how you worry.”

  “A sex machine?”

  She wasn’t joking when she said Bain was a sex machine—he literally was. The man was trained to pleasure women, and she could vouch for his skills after being on the receiving end last night. Just thinking about him made her feel hot and bothered.

  “He’s good to me, Lisa.”

  Her friend must have seen it in her eyes, the truth, the love she had for Bain, because Lisa hugged her, pulling her close. “I was so worried. At first when I saw the news, I thought you were dead. Then when no one said anything, I thought you were digging into more research, and then I got scared, and thought something bad had happened. I’m just glad you’re okay and that you came to tell me. I was literally about to call the cops.”

  “Could you do me a favor?” Scarlett asked. “Tell Carter I won’t be coming back. I can’t face him. It’ll be one less researcher he has to let go.”


  “Did you tell the police anything?”

  “I was going to today. I hadn’t heard from you, but you weren’t listed as one of the dead. Did you see the carnage on the news? There were almost a dozen bodies.”

  “I was lucky to have missed it.” Scarlett heard Bain clear his throat and knew her time was running out.

  Luckily, Lisa seemed too happy that she wasn’t six feet under to push her for more information. She hoped it was convincing enough to satisfy Bain.

  Once they were back in the car, she sagged against her seat. It was stressful telling her friend half-truths and worrying she wouldn’t believe her.

  “Was that good enough for you?” she asked.


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