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Secrets Page 5

by Nancy Popovich

  “What was that all about?” Sonya demanded.

  “I do not wish for to be kidnap,” he replied in a very grown up manner. “Je comprend ce voisinage très bien. (I know this neighbourhood very well.) We walk one block this way. There we get taxi.”

  “Please explain to me how two men were kidnap in broad daylight on your watch!” the controlled anger in the voice demanded.

  “We believe that we were made, and that the hijackers were aware that their pickup point was our only weakness at that moment. We do not believe that those in the car were working alone. Sir!”

  Silencing them with a wave of his finger, he answered his cell phone, listened for a minute and then put the cell down.

  “Find them!” he ordered. “Unfortunately, I have been advise that there was no option but to inform les Gendarmes. We have only a short time before explanation must be made to those who must be obey. If my ass get kick, mes amis, yours are chop liver!”

  With that, he dismissed them.


  Paying for the taxi, Sonya stepped out and analyzed the Hotel Mercure. Sylvain, being a sophisticated urbanite even at his age, took little notice of the lovely building, concentrating instead on Sonya, following her into the lobby.

  She picked up a house telephone, and a frown crossed her brow. “Monsieur Steven Hunter, s’il vous plait.(please)” She waited, and then left a brief, terse message before hanging up. “Steve, this is Sonya. I’m in the lobby. Please come when you get this message – it’s vitally important.”

  Picking up the phone again, she asked for Mike Toth, with the same results. Frustration was becoming apparent, but she left a message, hung up and took a deep breath.

  “It looks like my cousins are out,” she explained to Sylvain. “We can wait in the restaurant. Do you want a coffee or a hot chocolate? And we should contact your grandmother.”

  “Yes, we sit in restaurant. I forgot Granmama!” They took a seat at the café and ordered some hot chocolate. Sylvain took out his cell phone, quickly texting a message to his grandmother.

  Sonya almost smacked her own forehead. Of course! She could text Steve, and he would receive the message immediately! Both were busy texting, when they heard someone clearing their throat next to their table. Looking up, Sonya was immensely relieved to see Mike. She almost began to cry as she rose to hug him.

  “What a surprise to see you here,” he began. “Is this your new boyfriend?” he smiled kindly, referring to Sylvain.

  Sonya introduced Sylvain, who was eyeing Mike with suspicion. “Mike, this is Sylvain Lalonde. We are staying with him and his grandmother. Sylvain, this is my cousin, Mike Toth. Do you know where Steve is? It’s really important!”

  Mike’s curiosity was piqued. “Where is Bryan?” he asked quietly.

  With that, Sonya’s eyes began to fill and a tear rolled down her cheek unnoticed. “We don’t know,” she whispered. “He and Lucien were kidnapped early this morning.”

  “Kidnapped? Lucien?” Mike repeated in a Desoto voice. “Who is Lucien?”

  “Mon Papa,” Sylvain solemnly replied, his eyes beginning to fill with tears.

  “Sonya?” Another voice interrupted, and Sonya looked up to see that BB had almost materialized beside them. “Why the tears?” he inquired solicitously.

  By now the entire situation was beginning to become emotionally overwhelming, and Sonya was finding it more and more difficult to keep the tears from flowing. Immediately, BB took her elbow, Mike paid for their hot chocolates and with Sylvain tagging along behind, they crossed the lobby and stepped into an elevator. Mike led them to his room, opened the door and their little procession stepped inside.

  “Perhaps we can help,” BB stated. His voice was kind, but his authority was undeniable.

  With a little help from Sylvain, Sonya began to describe the kidnapping, including their visit to the police arrondissement, and then she sat somewhat heavily onto the side of the bed. Sylvain sat beside her, rather awkwardly patting her hand in a very sweet gesture to try to comfort her.

  Mike was dumbfounded. BB stood at military rest, not saying much, his face inscrutable. As he stood, his cell phone signalled. In one economical motion, he flipped it open and appeared to read a text. He punched a number, listened to whatever was said and tersely ordered, “Galahad home base immediately!” And then in one motion, he flipped the phone closed.

  His radar like eyes focussed upon Sonya and Sylvain. “So, young Sylvain, what is your father’s name? Do you have any idea why anyone would force your father and Bryan into a car?”

  In no way cowed by the obviously powerful older gentleman standing in front of him, Sylvain pulled himself into a straighter position, and still patting the top of Sonya’s hand, replied. “Lucien Lalonde est mon papa,” as if challenging BB to dispute it.

  “Ah, merci,” BB replied, his face registering a slight and very sympathetic smile. “And neither you nor your granmamma know why he was kidnapped, I take it?” Still holding onto his composure, the youngster simply shook his head.

  “Well,” BB continued, “I believe we must ensure that nothing like that happens to either you or Sonya or your grandmamma! I believe that it might not …”

  A knock at the door interrupted him. Mike, who throughout all of this conversation was silently taking it all in, stepped to answer the door, allowing Steve to enter.

  “I received a …” Steve stopped mid-sentence, the moment he viewed the assembly in Mike’s now somewhat crowded room.

  “It would appear that both Bryan and Lucien have been kidnapped in front of the Lalonde home. Sonya and Sylvain witnessed it from an upstairs window. The police have been informed,” BB advised in a matter-of-fact manner.

  Steve’s face registered a split-second flicker of shock and surprise, returning to normal instantly. “And you have not heard anything from the kidnappers?” he queried.

  “No,” Sonya replied, “nothing! Madame Lalonde was so sure that someone would call, but nothing. We left while she had some appointments. Maybe someone called when we were out! Sylvain, maybe you should call her instead of texting.”

  Immediately pulling out his cell, Sylvain hit speed dial for his grandmother. Its ring was not answered. He then dialled her cell. Again, no answer. “She always come home at this time,” his worried voice declared. “We go home, Sonya, she be worry.”

  “If you will give me a moment alone with Steven, I shall drive you both home. My car is downstairs and I am very familiar with Paris as I have called this city my home for decades. Mike, would you be so kind as to accompany them to the elevator? I shall be out momentarily.”

  Mike nodded and opened the door for the others. Neither Sonya nor Sylvan refused. It occurred to Sonya that BB was accustomed to being obeyed. Then, she remembered that he was retired from the RAF, and thought that he was definitely accustomed to being obeyed.


  “How the hell did this happen?” Steve demanded testily, pacing back and forth and rubbing the back of his head. “I thought that Grégoire had taken precautions for his men.”

  “As did I,” BB replied serenely. “He just sent a text to advise about the kidnapping and that he has every eye and ear looking for them. I am not pleased! Grégoire has a great deal to explain.”

  Steve took a deep breath. “You do realize that this is no longer just an operation. My family is involved, and make no mistake,” he stated, looking BB directly in the eye, “I will not look the other way in this instance no matter what MI5 and MI6 wants or needs.”

  BB inhaled slightly, surprised at Steve’s statement and his emotional response, and he obviously considered his next words very carefully. “This is an operation,” he replied quietly. “We follow protocol.”

  “No, it is no longer the same!” Steve rebutted. “A child, a young woman and an elderly lady have been sucked into this! And may I remind you, that Bryan was a temporary stooge who was used without his knowledge. This is non-negotiable. These are not depa
rtment employees! Department employees are aware of the circumstances in which they work and understand as Lucien understands, the risks. Non-employees do not!” Steve stated with emphasis. His eyes had become burning green embers in his face and his anger was escalating.

  BB sucked in another breath, calmly stting, “You do not give the orders here, I do.”

  “Let us not dicker,” Steve countered in a chillingly quiet voice, an inflexible look crossing his face. “I have options. You know that. I am here because our cases intersect into one mission. I can and I will access others if you cross me on this!”

  A slow smile filtered across BB’s face. “You continue to surprise me, Steven. Were I in your place, I would have said the exact same thing. As it turns out, this is also my family now and because of that, I agree with you.”

  This took Steve completely by surprise. He had never contradicted his stepfather, not even when he left the RAF and joined MI5, despite considerable opposition from BB. Now he knew that BB was MI6, but at that time he did not. His MI5 training came into play and he waited in silence, allowing it to force more conversation. BB had much more to lose than he did, given that his son was waiting for them at the elevator.

  “We shall do whatever we can to make this unfortunate circumstance cease. The case will take second place. Are we agreed?” BB asked.

  Steve held out his hand. “We are! Whatever resources I can muster, we will use.”

  BB shook his hand. “Mine as well. Now, let us make this happen!”

  With that, he marched to the door, holding it open for Steve to follow. They joined the group at the elevator and once on the ground floor, BB requested that Mike drive with Steve. He then climbed into his Mercedes with Sonya and Sylvain and gave his chauffeur the address.

  Both young people were surprised at their mode of transportation, eyeballing one another and not saying a word. The trip to Madame Lalonde’s home was silent. It occurred to Sonya to wonder why BB knew the address, but today had been so strange, she was beginning to believe just about anything could, and would happen.

  The Mercedes arrived at Madame Lalonde’s home and all was in chaos. Police cars were parked and there were blockades. BB emerged from the Mercedes, assisted Sonya and Sylvain to step out, and then marched up to the gendarme at the blockade, flashing some sort of identification that garnered immediate attention. They were allowed passage without hesitation, Steve and Mike at their heels.

  Sylvain was so upset that he ran into his home shouting his grandmother’s name. What appeared to be a paramedic stopped him just short of an emergency stretcher. Upon the gurney, Madame Lalonde lay, bandaged and bloodied.

  Sonya had never in her life felt more like heaving than at the moment that she saw Sylvain’s face when he first spied his injured grandmother.

  A firm hand gripped Sylvain’s shoulder. BB quietly spoke something into his ear and Sylvain nodded. BB approached the stretcher and then whispered something into Madame Lalonde’s ear. She smiled, and when BB held her hand, she visibly squeezed it. He spoke to her again and she called a police officer over.

  The three of them spoke for several minutes, after which Madame Lalonde called her grandson over and hugged him as best she was able. She then spoke to him privately, gently wiping the tears from his face.

  He then nodded, kissed her cheek and returned to Sonya’s side, leaning against her as she encircled him in her arms. He laid his head on her shoulder, bravely watching as his beloved grandmother was loaded into an ambulance and whisked away.

  BB and Steve spoke to the police officer in charge after which, they approached Sylvain and requested that he come into the house. Sylvain clasped Sonya’s hand and they both entered the house.

  It was a disaster. Drawers had been emptied everywhere, cushions had been dumped on the floor and bookcases overturned. Upstairs was no better than downstairs had been. Sonya and Bryan’s bedroom had been absolutely trashed. Bryan’s backpack had been ripped apart and every drawer and had been dumped. Their suitcases were in shreds as was Sonya’s computer case.

  Sylvain never let go of Sonya’s hand as they went from room to room. He spoke to the officer as they entered each room, unable to tell them if something had been taken. Until the chaos was cleared, it was impossible to tell if anything was gone. His grandmother was the one that would know, and his worry about her was palpable.

  Steve and BB seemed to be clearing the way with the police and within minutes, they were sitting back in the Mercedes.

  The police officer that seemed to be in charge came to their car and spoke briefly with BB. With a nod of his head to the officer, BB spoke momentarily to his chauffeur and the Mercedes glided away from the nice street upon which resided the lovely home of Madame Lalonde, and then turned onto a busy road. From there, Sonya had no idea where they were, other than the fact that Steve’s car was almost stuck to their bumper.


  The interior of the Mercedes was silent and BB was seated in front with the chauffeur. Sonya could see his ramrod straight back and part of his profile. He said not a word, even when his cell phone rang. He simply listened and then hung up.

  It broke Sonya’s heart to see young Sylvain’s face. He was doing his utmost to be brave, but every now and then, Sonya could almost feel him relive the vision of his injured grandmother.

  “Where will they take Madame Lalonde?” Sonya asked.

  “To the hospital,” was BB’s minimal reply.

  “I would hope so!” Sonya retorted somewhat sarcastically. “Sylvain is entitled to know which hospital. She is his grandmother and his guardian! Are we going to the hospital to see her?”

  Sylvain’s teary eyes looked up at Sonya in what seemed to be thanks, and she squeezed his hand. Given his age, she felt that he was holding up very well. First his father’s kidnapping, then his grandmother’s injury and then the trashing of their home, were happenings that individually were difficult, but clustered together were a major blow.

  “Was Madame Lalonde badly hurt?” Sonya continued relentlessly.

  “Not too badly, she was bruised, her nose bloodied, but she was not seriously hurt otherwise. She will be checked out by a doctor and then placed in a safe house, where she will be free from fear of another attack,” BB replied with what seemed to Sonya, some emphasis. Sylvain seemed to sigh in relief.

  A safe house, Sonya thought. Somehow, it seemed like everyday business to BB. Truthfully, she had expected Steve to be the one taking over, given that he was MI5. Of course, she reasoned, they were in France and he was British interior intelligence and probably had no pull here. However, whatever the identification that BB had shown to the police at the Lalonde house had received immediate recognition. It was puzzling.

  “So, where are we going? To see Madame Lalonde?”

  “No. We are going to the safe house. She will be escorted to join us as soon as she is cleared by a doctor,” BB replied, somewhat preoccupied.

  Well, at least they now had an answer of sorts. A slight smile crossed Sylvain’s face, and he silently let out a sigh of relief. It was then that Sonya allowed herself to actually look out of the car and view the scenery. The sun lit the lovely city of Paris, with its architecture and green boulevards. It literally glowed in the bright light of late morning.

  Their little caravan continued to drive, turning here and there, and Sonya had not a clue where they were, or where they were headed. They passed through some gates and down a pretty road. Sonya felt that perhaps they were in a residential neighbourhood. Finally, their car entered a driveway and the garage door automatically lifted. The Mercedes drove in and Steve pulled his sporty little car beside the Mercedes. He and Mike climbed out and the garage door closed almost silently behind them.

  The chauffeur was immediately out of his seat and around the car to open BB’s door, while Sonya and Sylvain joined Steve and Mike. Then, the chauffeur opened the house door and glanced around the hallway as their little group followed him, finally arriving at a liv
ing room.

  “Please make yourselves comfortable,” BB requested. “Steve and I need to talk for a few minutes, but we shall be right back.” With that they both left the room, step in step.

  Mike sat in an armchair and watched their retreating backs. “Well, today is turning out very differently than I thought it would!” he announced. “Are you two all right?” he asked Sonya and Sylvain.

  Sylvain silently nodded and Sonya was certain that he was just as confused as she was. “I’m not so sure, Mike. We still haven’t heard from Bryan and Lucien. They will call the house, and there is no one there to answer,” her voice wavered a bit.

  “Calls are being transferred, it is all arranged,” Steve reported as he entered the room. “If they attempt to contact any of you, the call will not go unanswered.”

  BB interrupted. “Lunch will be served in about half an hour. Maurice can show you to your rooms and you have time to freshen up.”

  With that, Maurice stood and walked down the hallway, obviously expecting them to follow him, which they did. He climbed a set of stairs at the end of the hallway and opened bedroom doors, indicating which one had been earmarked for each of them.

  Thanking him, Sonya stepped into her room, which although small, was really most charming. It’s seamlessly mismatched furniture and warm colours made it welcome and cosy.

  So, she mused, the chauffeur’s name was Maurice. He was a very good looking man, his dark hair and hazel eyes giving him a somewhat exotic look. He reminded her of Steve the first time that she had met him. It had been at John and Sara’s, the day that the family learned that Steve was really Johnny and Mike’s half brother. He had the same feline grace, and although slim, appeared to have a strength and athleticism that was not normal day to day.


  Immensely relieved that she had covered all possibilities when packing her tote bag, Sonya mentally thanked her sister, Susan the world traveller, for her lessons in packing. Sonya removed the shirt and jeans from the tote bag and hung them up in the closet. She placed her tote bag under the bed, her computer upon the dresser and her overnight essentials and makeup upon the adjoining bathroom’s counter, where she splashed cold water on her face.


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