ImPerfectly Matched! (The Match #2)

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ImPerfectly Matched! (The Match #2) Page 5

by Mj Fields

  “Condom,” she cries out.

  “No need sweets,” I say as I bend down to lick her bare little pussy then suck her clit.

  “What the hell?” she gasps when she looks down.

  “Internet dick and plastic dick, are nothing compared to me.” She starts to argue, I bow down and suck the clit again.

  “Ricco, you asshole,” she cries out as she starts to squirm trying to escape what I know is an orgasm that’s going to fuck her up good. “Just go with it Kat.”

  “Easy,” she hisses and then I fuck her faster. “Damn you!”

  “Tell me it’s not good and I’ll stop,” I say and then lick her clit.

  “Fuck you,” she hisses and then grips the back of the couch. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  And I do, I keep fucking her through her orgasm even when she tries to stop it. Her legs are trembling and I am still fucking her.

  “This better than the sexting shit Kat?” I ask when she looks like she’s had a little more than enough.

  “Fuck you,” she pants.

  So I speed up the pace. “Damn you!” Her back arches again.

  I bow down again to lick her. “Mmm. Taste fucking good. Again, is this better than the sexting shit Kat?”

  “Yes. Yes, damn it!”

  I kiss a trail up her stomach, between her tits and then her lips.

  “Now I’m gonna fuck you for real.”

  “There is no fucking way,” she looks almost panicked.

  I smirk. “Oh yeah I am.”

  A knock at the door puts a fucking stop to that plan. I look back and see blue and red lights flashing outside.


  I look back at her and she smirks. “Go put your clothes on, but I’m not done with you yet. I wanna hear your purr when my cock is inside you and not some plastic dick.”

  I push up and throw her a shirt and pants at her.

  I take the dick, open the garbage and throw it away.

  “Hey that’s mine,” she grumbles as she pulls herself up and throws her shirt on.

  “Not anymore.”

  I step into my pants and throw on my shirt. Takes all of ten seconds.

  “Come on Kitty Kat,” I smile as I watch her stand on legs that I know are still trembling.

  She gives me the bird. “Where’s the bathroom?”

  I point to the short corridor. “Chop chop, time’s a wasting.”




  I look in the mirror, my eye makeup has decided to go south for the season and my southern parts are feeling as battered as the confederate army after the Civil War.

  What the fuck just happened?

  I look down at my still pantless self, at my crotch hoping like hell he didn’t turn my pretty pussy into the Battle of Bull Run. Worse yet, would that kind of fucking lead to meat flaps? I wonder if that’s what happened to Pontiac.

  It’s all good in the hood I think as I grab a paper towel, wet it and wash the undercarriage. Sore, but still pretty.

  After tossing the paper towel I lift my leg and push it in my pant leg. My fucking legs are sore. That man is a sick motherfucker.

  I will never admit it to him, but I kind of like it.

  I don’t like that he tossed my twenty-fourth birthday dick from Macey in the garbage, asshole. But I would get it back.

  Save the peen!

  I close my eyes and almost laugh, almost, at the fact that he's uncut. It's ET with a hood, an anteater, Snuffleupagus, the thing is wearing a turtleneck and is absolutely…Mt. Ricco the Magnificent.

  I was a little pissed when he pulled it away from me. It was cool to play with.

  I feel a little… giddy. Wait no, I don’t do giddy.





  I cover my mouth so I don’t laugh out loud.

  Damn I love peen, but that one, could it be…?




  Someone needs to make a toy like that!

  I quickly wash off the makeup running down my face and then straighten up my clothes.

  I shake off any stupid nonsensical girly bullshit about magnificent uncut peens and walk out the door.

  “You should call Josephina and stay there for a couple days,” Detective Nicholas DeAngelo suggests.

  “No. I’m not afraid of her, what’s she gonna do, paint me green?” Ricco shakes his head no. “Find her, lock her up, it’s done.”

  “Until we find her, I am again advising you to stay in a better area than this with your little girl,” Detective DeAngelo says.

  Nicholas DeAngelo is Italian, six-foot-tall, jet black hair, and dark brown eyes. He’s hot, he’s alpha, and if I were into forty something men, I’d tap that.

  “Hey Kat,” he says when he sees me.

  “Nick, how are you?” I ask.

  “I’m good, you think you can talk sense into your friend?” he asks.

  “Him?” I ask pointing to Ricco. “No. Probably not.”

  “Nick, I got this,” Ricco says.

  “Right, but what if she is running with the gang? What if there are more than her, and she pulls that shit in front of your kid? Think about it man. I know any of the Steels would take you in,” Nick says.

  “Not their responsibility. I take care of mine,” he says.

  “Think of it as a gift Ricco,” I toss the same words he used on me back at him. “Family.”

  “Listen to her, she’s making a lot of sense right now.” Nick sighs and then looks at me, “Don’t you have a place now? Down on the other end of town?”

  “Yes,” I nod.

  “Maybe you could stay with Kat,” he says to Ricco.

  “Nah, I wouldn’t want to impose,” he says. “Like I said-”

  “Where’s your kid now?”

  He nods toward me. “With her sister.”

  “She asleep?” Nicholas asks him but looks at me and arches his brow as if to say ‘you gonna do something?’

  “Darby and I are leaving at like nine in the morning to head out for a couple days. Natalia is welcome to stay there.” I look at Ricco who shakes his head no. “And you can too.”

  “Not going to impose, and sure as fuck not gonna run and hide.”

  “It’s no imposition, I won’t even be there and let’s face it, I’m not sure they could hide you anywhere.” I look at my watch. “Let’s jet. I’m tired.”

  Ricco looks at me and squints his eyes.

  “The boys are outside taking pictures, nothing in here was touched?”

  He starts looking around.

  “No. Everything is good,” Ricco says moving quickly to the kitchen. “Thanks Nick, keep in touch?”

  “You’re going with Kat right?”

  “Got no choice do I?” he says, pulling the red plastic handles on the garbage bag closed.

  Oh shit, my dick. I wonder if Nicholas saw it.

  “Good move, I’ll be in contact.” He nods at Ricco then turns and looks at me with a smirk on his face. “You take care of him, I’m sure he’d do it for you.”

  I don’t say shit. I can’t. I wonder if he saw the dick. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

  As soon as the door shuts I whip around. “Do you think he saw my dick?”

  “Not sure Kat, but he may have noticed your shirt is on inside out.” He shrugs and ties up the bag while I look down at my inside out shirt.

  Then he walks into the room opposite the bathroom.

  “Hey,” I say following him, “this is a problem.”

  Walking in the room behind him I freeze when I see the bright pink walls, the mural of Alice at the tea party with all the characters from my favorite childhood book.

  He is throwing stuff from a dresser that doesn’t match the bed into it a bag.

  “I wouldn’t worry about it. The man’s a detective, I’m sure he can keep a secret or two.” I hear a zipper and then he is standing in front of m
e. “You ready?”

  I nod and look at him. “This must be your room?”

  He smirks. “Actually it is.”

  He nods to the door and I laugh.

  “So your bedroom is Wonderland.”

  “After tonight do you doubt it?”

  I roll my eyes.

  “It’s a one bedroom, so yeah I sleep in there most of the time.”

  He shuts the light off in the room and I walk out.

  “You should get a bigger place, in a better neighborhood.”

  “I have a nice place,” he says grabbing the garbage as he walks toward the door.

  I don’t want to offend him, but I’m not really good at keeping my thoughts hidden. “You could afford a nicer one. You work hard.”

  He opens the front door and holds it open for me. “I told you I have a nice place Kat. This ain’t it. Been paying child support for almost a year on two kids that I thought were mine. I have a house, just renting it out so that I didn’t lose it.”

  I walk outside. “Now that you know they’re not yours and you don’t have to pay for them, you can afford it right?”

  “When the child support ends,” he says stepping closer to me and dropping the bag in the outside garbage container. “I can give the couple renting the boot.”

  He takes my hand and yanks me toward him.

  I try to pull it away.

  “Not trying to fuck you Kat. Would like to have you closer for you, not me.”

  “You think that bitch is going to come after you?”

  “Never thought she’d do this, so I won’t take chances.”

  He quickly walks us to the car, hits the unlock on my keys he still has, opens the passenger side door and motions for me to get in.

  “My car, I drive,” I say stepping back.

  “Kat, I fucking drive. You ride.”

  He says nothing more but moves around the car and gets in the driver’s side.

  He leans over. “This isn’t work woman, this is Kat and Ricco, and I say get in,” he grumbles.

  I begrudgingly get in the car and shut the door behind me.

  He adjusts the seat, the steering wheel, the damn mirrors and starts the car.

  “You sure you’re all set now?”

  “No.” He reaches around me and grabs the seat belt, clicks it in and then does his. “Now I’m set.”

  “You sure?” I ask.

  “Are you sure?” he asks turning toward me, suddenly serious.

  I don’t say anything.

  “You want me in your house for two days when you’re not going to be around? With my little girl? You don’t like kids, you don’t like people, you like your space-”

  “She’s cool, even though she pissed my bed. I’m not gonna be around and it’s not like you’re going to wear my shoes or steal anything of value, oh wait, you already did. Take anything else, I’ll bust your hand.”

  “She is cool.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I sigh.

  He shakes his head. “Woman,” he stops and looks up.

  “Man,” I reply.

  “Just wanna let you know I like you best when you’re under me, you’re…” he pauses, “docile.”

  “Am not.” I look away because he’s giving me those eyes. Eyes that say ‘I see you’ and eyes that say ‘I want you’ and eyes that say things without words so I imagine what they mean and I don’t dream about men wanting me. I dream about fucking them, the rest is nonsense.

  “I see you Kitty Kat,” he says as he reaches up and strokes a strand of my hair. “I watched you come so fucking hard, so perfect. No bullshit, no attitude, no reservations, nothing but our bodies. I wanna be buried inside you next time you do. This thing with my daughter and your -”

  “Seriously Ricco? I like her, she’s cool. I’m not a kid hater. I just don’t want them or the responsibility. So drop it.”

  “Kat, it’s not all about you. She likes you and Darby, talked about you all damn morning. She just lost her grandmother-”

  “And you are losing you,” I say with attitude to match his.

  “What’s that supposed to mean? I’m no fucking different.”

  “No you’re right, never mind. Not my business.”

  “No, I wanna know.”

  “I seriously don’t want to talk about it,” I tell him truthfully.

  “Woman, I said-”

  “No, just no. If we’re gonna be fuck buddies, I don’t want-”

  “We were friends first. You see me slipping up, you tell me, just like I tell you.”

  I don’t say a thing and he lifts my chin to meet his eyes. “Say it.”

  “Fine.” I pull away. “You do Wine Wednesday, find my… toys. Then you lose someone, and you want a fuck buddy. But do you really want a fuck buddy or do you want to escape from that loss by beating up my pooter and-”

  “You sore?” he says.

  “Not the point jackass. I know I am perfectly capable of fucking and forgetting, but you are going through some shit right now, and this could be a very bad thing, for you.” I point my finger in his chest.

  “You’re going through shit too Kat. Your family is back in your life and you’re dating and shit. You aren’t thinking clearly. So fuck me and not some sociopath on social media, it works for both of us. No wait,” he says. “You’ve gotten off on three separate occasions and I haven’t come once.”

  He looks less stressed. Sex does that to you. I love sex. Well I love sex without allowing emotion.

  “Can you fuck someone and not get attached? Because I sure can and-”

  “Woman, I have a cock. What most women don’t get is that someone fucks you and you’re no longer a challenge. He fucks right, he knows he’s got you. I can have that ass anyway I want it, part time or full time. Anytime fucking time I want.”

  “Not true,” I say and he smiles.

  “No, not all women end up that way. That’s why I know damn well this is gonna work. I also know the more we overthink this, the more we over talk it, the more likely we are to fuck it up and believe it or not, I don’t wanna fuck this up.”

  “I’m not prone to overthinking things,” I say.

  “The minute you appear to be I’ll let you know. Can’t fuck this up. But we sure as hell can fuck.”

  “I’ll do the same,” I nod.

  “I know you will Kat.” He winks. Then he reaches over and squeezes my hand.

  He puts one hand on the wheel, one hand in mine. I squeeze his back and pull my hand away to turn on the radio.

  ‘Stressed Out’ by Twenty One Pilots is playing and I lean back and look out the window at the water as he drives down the strip.

  A song I hadn’t heard before starts, ‘Why don’t you be you and I be me. Everything that’s broke leave it to the breeze.’

  He turns left. “Wrong way pal.”

  He doesn’t say shit as he drives up two blocks and pulls over to the side of the road.

  “Right there.” He points across the road to a two story house that is a little bigger than mine. It has tan siding and white trim, a nice front porch and the landscaping is simple but well maintained. There is a garage attached by a breezeway to the house. “That’s mine.”

  I wasn’t expecting that. “Damn, nice pad Ricco.” I sit forward and look around. “Sweet neighborhood too.”

  “School’s two blocks over, best one in the area. That’s why I bought this place. For her. Lots of time and money went into fixing it up.”

  “And a garage.”

  “That would have been helpful tonight. She’d have only gotten to the bike,” he says quieter still looking at the house. He clears his throat. “You do what you have to do. My girl will be back here in time to start school. It’s all good.”

  “If I were you I’d sue those trifling bitches,” I tell him.

  “Learned a long time ago to stop living in the past,” he says and pulls away from the curb. “The present and future is where it’s at.”

  I wonder how he ca
n say that, be positive when today the past was thrust in his face, then it bit him where it counts, right in the man metal, his vehicles.

  He stops at the stop sign and looks over.

  “If they’re asleep, I’m gonna need a little something from you.” My knees clench together automatically and he laughs. “How fucking-”

  “Nope. Stop, it’s in the past.” I hold up my hand to shut him up.

  “Your pussy is still sore, it’s the present. It was worth it huh?”

  “Seriously do you pat yourself on the back every time you batter a bush?”

  “No babe,” he stops and looks over at me.

  “I hate that ‘babe’ shit.”

  “I know, tell me why.”

  I shake my head no. “It’s in the past. Leave it there, I did.”

  “Gotcha,” he nods. “Moving forward, communication is key to making this work. Something pisses me off, I’ll let you know. You do the same.”

  “As if I wouldn’t.”

  “Right,” he nods.


  Uncomfortable Overnight


  We pull up to her place and I’m not feeling real good about this. She thinks she can handle it. She can, but not yet. I put the car in park and turn it off. She starts to get out and I grab her wrist.

  “I wanna thank you for this. I have no problem taking my kid back there. Someone thinks they wanna start shit I can end it real quick.”

  “It’s seriously no problem and your little girl, she doesn’t need two parents behind bars.”

  “She has one parent.”

  “Exactly tough guy, now let’s go.”

  I don’t let go. “They’re asleep. You need to eat mattress.”


  “You come hard and loud Kat.”

  “For fuck’s sake.” She pulls her hand away and opens the door. As she gets out she gives me the finger. “Eat this.”

  Gladly, I think to myself.

  I get out of the car watching her walk toward the house.

  First time I saw her it was from behind. Wanted to tap it then, then I learned she was not just some hot piece of ass stopping by to get some art done. She was a grade A fucking bitch who I’d be working with.

  I didn’t pussyfoot around her like the new guys did, neither did the Steel brothers, we gave her shit and she gave it back. I admittedly was a little softer on her, and yes it had everything to do with wanting to bang her. Then it was the frown. I hated seeing people wallow in their own misery. Move on, or drown in shit.


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