ImPerfectly Matched! (The Match #2)

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ImPerfectly Matched! (The Match #2) Page 10

by Mj Fields

  “Yes. Yes. Yes,” Macey says and walks toward her.

  “That’s not a good idea,” I say to their backs.

  “Got a better one?” Macey asks.

  “Do your shit, but make sure she’s with you when you go to meet him. Let her make the decision to dump him. Nothing good comes of meddling.”

  While Kat and Macey were plotting to castrate the asshole, they drank more and cleaned up the mess inside, while I picked up the few bottles outside.

  An hour later and Zack and Marcus are taking a cab to their apartment.

  Kat insisted Macey stay the night. I’m sure she thought it meant I would leave. She was wrong.

  She comes down the stairs and pretends I am not standing in the middle of the room while she walks past me to grab her and Macey’s phones. When she turns around she looks at me.

  “You leaving?”

  I shake my head no. “I told you what was going down tonight.”

  She shakes her head no. “I’m tired and-”

  “Pissed because you think I kissed her.”

  “I don’t care what you do.” She attempts to walk by and I grab her wrist.

  “Ricco, I am tired, drunk, and pissed off, do you really think I’m going to stand here and argue with you?”

  “You’re Kat, I know you will.” I pull her against me. “If she was naked and we were alone, I still would have pulled the fuck away. Do you feel me?”

  “Well then that’s stupid,” she says and looks away. “Fucking is fucking.”

  “After this afternoon, you know damn well fucking isn’t just fucking Kat.” I release one of her hips and lift her chin. “I’m gonna remind you of that now.”

  “I’m all set,” she says as her eyes dart from my lips to my eyes and back again.

  “You’re just sore, let me make it better.”

  She shakes her head no and I let my hand move slowly down her cheek, her neck, her bare arm, and down her body until I hit bare leg. “I almost got hard when you walked into the church wearing this. You wore it all night long. I’ve been half-mast all day.”

  “My bad, I should have changed.”

  I run my hand slowly up the skirt of her dress. “Been wondering what’s under here too.”

  “Hmm,” she says and turns away.

  My hands run up the back of her thigh and up her smooth bare ass cheek. “You haven’t wore underwear all fucking day?”

  She sighs and turns her head further away. The ability to be smooth kind of slips and my hand moves faster. When I hit the scrap of lace I realize she has on a thong.

  “Nice,” I say as I squeeze.

  Her body stiffens and she stands straighter.

  “I’ve thought about you all fucking day Kat. No one else. Promised you I wouldn’t be fucking anyone but you before I even fucked you. Sure as fuck don’t wanna go elsewhere after I’ve been inside you.”

  When she doesn’t say a word I grip her ass tight and pull her hard against me.

  “You hear me? No one.”

  “Look, that’s not the agreement. You wanna date, you date, you wanna kiss, you kiss, you wanna fuck-”

  “I wanna fuck you,” I say interrupting her.

  “You telling me when the ass-tro-whores were rubbing on you all night you didn’t wonder what it would be like to fuck them.”

  “Only ass-tro anything I wanna fuck is this one.” I give her ass a squeeze.

  “Bullshit, any red blooded man wants to fuck everything in sight.”

  “Between you and I Kat, I knew them all when I was younger,” I say raising my eyebrow.

  “So you fucked them all?”

  “I was a busy kid.”

  Wrong fucking thing to say, she pushes me back away from her.

  “You need to deal with it, fuck, get over it. My word’s good Kat. I’m fucking you, I’m fucking no one else. You gave me yours and I’m not questioning shit.”

  “I have a date Thursday.”

  I shrug. “Don’t care. You wanna fuck him, you tell me and our agreement is null and void.”

  She shrugs exaggeratedly. “Fine. Whatever. I’m going to bed.”

  She walks toward her room and I don’t wait for an invitation, I follow.

  What does Kat do when she steps inside her room, she shuts the damn door.

  I give her a minute, she’s pissed and whether or not she will admit it, she was pissed because she didn’t want me kissing another woman.

  She’ll admit it. I’ll make damn sure she does.

  When I walk in she’s standing in front of the bathroom mirror taking off her eye makeup, unaware I’m in her room. “Fucker, I went to a funeral for him. I winged my eye liner for him. Fuck that. Fuck buddy means fuck buddy, not get your tits in an uproar, Kat. Nonsensical. Stupid. Bitches are stupid. I’m no bitch. Well I’m a bitch but not that kind of bitch.”

  I start to undress quietly as she continues to spew shit about men sucking and her being a bitch but not a bitch. It is fucking hysterical.

  I climb into the bed and switch off the nightstand light making the room dark as hell. I lay back and continue listening to Kat spew.

  “Men, fuck men. Fuck men and their penises.” I watch her lean in closer to the mirror, “Penises are not magic. You have a body pillow to lay next to, a broom to kill spiders, you can open your own fucking jars, and you have more peens than you’ll ever play with. Fuck. Them. All. And fuck Ricco and his mountain cock. It is not a unicorn, or magical.”

  She stops while she sticks the toothbrush in her mouth and brushes her teeth still sputtering.

  I wish I had a video camera, I would have recorded it and sent it to her just to fuck with her.

  After she spits out the paste she looks in the mirror as she pulls her hair up high on her head and ties it with a hair tie.

  Then she cups her tits and says, “Who needs balls. I got these.”

  She doesn’t walk out she fucking struts.

  She sits on the edge of the bed and sighs. “Fucker stole my peens, wrecked my pooty, and kissed a bitch in my kitchen.”

  At this point I am seriously embarrassed for her and as much as I think it would be fun to fuck with her, I know Kat and she won’t take kindly to that.

  So I sigh, letting her know I’m in her damn bed and also giving her the opportunity to shut up or flip out.

  “You are not here,” she whispers.

  “Lay down Kat,” I say and she does.

  “You are not here,” she whispers rolling to her side facing away from me.

  I lean over and reach on the floor where my bag sits. I grab one of her plastic dicks that I grabbed from home and then I roll over and pull her toward me.

  “You are not here,” she says.

  “Shhh,” I whisper and pull her leg up as I slide my knee between her legs.

  “I don’t do sleepovers,” she whispers as I lay back pulling her against me, her back to my chest.

  “I know that,” I say kissing her neck.

  “And I don’t get attached.” This time her voice is so low, so fucking quiet it’s like she is trying to tell herself a secret.

  “I know it’s not in your plans.” I reach around and drop the dick on the mattress and slide my hand between her legs.

  “Pussy’s wet.” I lick up her neck and she shivers. “So fucking hot and wet.”

  She whimpers as I slide a finger in her and she tenses.

  “Sore,” she sighs.

  “I know Kat.”

  I don’t go in hard. One finger easing in and out at a nice lazy pace. I reach my other hand around and circle her clit.

  She moans and arches into my touch.

  “Just like that Kat. Just like that I can make you feel good.”

  “Shhh,” she says as her hips gently rotate.

  “I’m giving you what you want. I’m not taking shit Kat. I’m doing you nice and easy. You feel me?”

  “Yes, yes I feel you.”

  Her hips press a little harder into my touch. “Tell me
what you want?”

  “I,” she shakes her head against me.

  “Truth Kat. It’s you and me, Ricco and Kat.”

  “I don’t want this,” she says moaning.

  “You do woman, you fucking do,” I tell her, kissing her neck.

  “I don’t want to.” Again her whisper is a secret to herself.

  I take in a deep breath and rub my face against her head. “Then don’t.”

  And I think to myself, I fucking dare you.

  I pull my hand away from her hot wet pussy and grab the dick. I turn it on and rub it from her knee to her center.

  “I’ll go easy with this. But then, I’m gonna fuck you.”

  “Yes,” she pants.




  I wake up in the most peculiar position. I am lying in Ricco’s arms looking at his chest and the ink of two people entwined.

  I wake up with an ache between my legs. The same ache I had when I was at that damn funeral and he had his paw on my knee stopping me from kicking that bitch’s ass.

  I wake up with the same ache I felt all day long until, if I remember correctly, I made a complete and total ass out of myself when I assumed that the man lying under me and around me made that ache worse, and then better…for much of last night and I assume by the feeling between my thighs, stopped just a few hours ago.

  I wake and it’s still dark. I assume it is anyway. The curtains are drawn in my room and it’s pitch black.

  I wake knowing that if I don’t get my ass out of this bed Macey is going to bust in to wake me up and see me naked with the man who for days now has driven me mad with lust, desire, and satisfied me much more than I have ever been satisfied.

  I slide down his body to escape without waking him. As soon as my feet hit the floor he groans and his hand flexes. Quickly I push my body pillow toward him in hopes that he doesn’t wake because, I have no idea what I will say to him after last night. Hell I don’t remember half of what came out of my mouth last night and I’m pretty damn sure I don’t want to know.

  When he relaxes again, I grab my nightgown and throw it on, and step into a pair of pajama shorts that I left on the floor yesterday before the funeral.

  Had I been too much of a bitch to him?


  He’d been through a lot, seemed to be fine, said he was fine, he said his only issue was me.

  I close my eyes and to escape the visual of Ricco’s beautiful body laying asleep in my bed only to find the visual of him hovering over me. Him between my legs licking me. The hunger in his eyes as he fucked me relentlessly. And the way he looked when he came so hard inside of me that our bodies both shook.

  Fuck I wanted him again and I have never wanted sex after a night of binge drinking.

  I grab the blanket that had been neatly folded on the end of my bed and tiptoe out of my bedroom.

  The sun hasn’t come up yet but dawn is breaking. I tiptoe up the stairs, peek in and see that Macey is still asleep and walk past the spare bedroom.

  I walk further down the hall and into my office, climb into the uncomfortable twin bed and close my eyes.

  I wake to Macey and the sun.

  “Hey, I’m going home to get ready for work,” she groans and I nod. “We need to decide what we’re gonna do about Stephanie. See you tonight for tacos?”

  I nod and she turns and walks out the door.

  I listen to her walk down the stairs and then look out the window waiting to see her get in her car and drive away.

  As soon she does, I get up and get in the upstairs shower. I stand under it and allow the water to flow over my body.

  I grab my body sponge, lavender body soap and scrub my body clean hoping it also gets rid of his scent, one that I had grown accustomed to. A scent that always made me feel comfortable. A scent that now would remind me of him and I.

  Kat and Ricco.

  I get out of the shower and dry off, get dressed and stand at the top of the stairs trying to decide if I wanna face him, or if I wanna go back and hide in the guest bedroom.

  I hear a phone ring and the fear of it waking him up causes me to run down the stairs toward the sound.

  On the island are two phones, his and mine. His is the one ringing and it says Momma J.

  I hesitate to answer it but if I don’t, he’ll surely wake up. As I put my thumb on accept I see that it is almost nine in the morning.

  Holy shit.


  “Kat? This is Joe.”

  “Hi Joe.”

  “Did I dial your number dear, I was trying to reach Ricco.”

  I hesitate for a moment thinking the truth will sound suspicious, and then decide fuck it.

  “We all got a little drunk last night, he and Macey stayed here.”

  Yes, I throw in Macey because it sounds a little less suspicious than just him staying, plus, it was the truth.

  “I expected that,” she says with a smile. “Could you ask him if it would be alright if his little one stayed one more night. The kids are having a great time, and truth be told, so am I.”

  “I can wake him up and ask him.”

  “He’s still asleep?” she gasps.


  “Then don’t wake him. The poor man hasn’t slept in for three years. Even when Natalia came home from the hospital and it was just the two of them, he wouldn’t let me or anyone else stay the night to help. He said he was her father; he’d take care of her. Do you remember that Kat?”

  I don’t. I don’t remember it at all, but that is one truth I will hide because it made me sound like a complete bitch. “Yeah, I guess I should let him sleep in.”

  “He’s a good father,” she says and her smile is audible.

  “He sure loves that little girl.”

  “Anyone who has met her does.”

  “My sister thinks she’s pretty damn cool.”

  “And you?” she asks.

  “I-” I pause because forever I have stood on my I-hate-kids soap box and now well… “I don’t like kids, but she’s, well she’s cool.”

  “Have him call when he wakes up,” she says. “Oh and he likes pancakes and bacon.”

  “Cool?” I say because I don’t think it’s cool that she’s implying I should make him breakfast.

  “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” she says with no ounce of humor in her voice.

  “If that’s true, I am never going to learn to cook.”

  She laughs. “Talk to you soon dear.”

  “Thanks for everything yesterday Joe. I know he appreciates it,” I say as I start making coffee.

  “It was nothing. That’s what family does.”

  I set his phone down and groan as I lean over and hide my head in my arms that are resting on the island.

  Seconds later I feel hands on my hips and then lips on my neck. “Morning Kat.”

  Oh dear lawd.

  He pulls me up and turns me around. “Macey still here?”

  I don’t know how to answer him. If I tell the truth I have a feeling I am going to end up in bed, if I lie, he’ll figure it out.

  “No, but you need to call Momma Joe ASAP.”

  He lets go and grabs his phone and looks at it. “Did she say anything? Is Nat okay? Why the hell am I getting up so late?”

  I answer the most important question first. “Natalia is fine. She wants to stay another night. So yes, she said a lot of things.”

  He sighs and then shrugs. “Not used to waking up without her climbing all over me.” Then he looks at the phone again and asks, “How the hell did I sleep so late?”

  I don’t say anything, because every reason that could have made him sleep in would be a reminder of what went down. “I’m gonna be late to work.”

  “You need to chill,” I tell him. “It’s Tuesday, no one comes in until after noon anyway.”

  His eyebrows shoot up and he looks at me, “You’re telling me to chill about
the shop? What the hell has gotten into you?” He chuckles and says, “Wait, I know exactly-”

  “Don’t,” I say and push his hand that is holding the phone into his chest. “Call Joe and let her know your plans.”

  “Right now all I am planning is fucking you Kat. You think I should tell her that?”

  “No, I would advise against it.”

  “Which part? The fucking you, or the telling her?”

  “Both,” I say and walk past him toward the Keurig.

  I grab the cup of coffee and hand it to him.

  “Thanks babe,” he winks and I scowl. “Oh that’s right you don’t like babe. How about Boo?”

  “I will cut you if you call me either.”

  “An ex call you babe or something?” he asks and takes a sip of his coffee.

  The way he is looking over his cup at me trying to hide the fact that he knows damn well he’s crossing a line would piss me off if he didn’t look so damn good.

  “Or something,” I answer and turn away.

  “I’m not trying to manipulate you or feed you some line Kat. Whatever comes out of my mouth is genuine.” I look back and he’s shaking his head as he dials the phone.

  I walk away giving him privacy so that he can have a conversation. I also walk away because I don’t want to play twenty questions. Most importantly I walk away because my friend is fucking hot and it makes me sick that I am almost okay with him calling me babe.

  I walk in my bathroom to grab my blow dryer to get ready for the day and to distance myself from this insane want to not only let him abuse my pooty again but climb that fucking mountain and do it myself.

  Okay, what the hell is that about. I wonder if there is some sort of chemical reaction that happens when a man’s cum has been inside you. What changes chemically in a woman? There has to be something. I mean, I look at all the women around who have defined ‘types’ and then they end up with a man who does not fit the mold. Not just end up with, but love the bastards, go down on their knees for them, let them change who they are.

  Stephanie. How the hell are we going to get her through this.

  Ricco’s right. She has to see it with her own eyes. If I’m right about the shit cum does to us chicks, she’s going to be completely fucked.


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