A Taste of Cyn (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Taste of Cyn (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Marla Monroe

  A Taste of Cyn

  Best friends, Roy Simpson and Aden Dempsy, agree to share in order to have the chance to be with Cynthia Hawthorn, but will she be able to accept both men in her life? Gatlinburg is a small town. How will loving two men affect her business and her friendships?

  With a stalker in the mix, Cynthia places her trust in the two men despite her fear of becoming too close to them. If she lets her guard down, she knows that she won’t be able to say no to them. Despite her resolve not to become involved, Cynthia loses her heart to the two men, but after the stalker is caught, she wonders if Aden and Roy are no longer as interested in her.

  Roy and Aden want nothing more than to shower their sweet Cyn with love and affection. When a misunderstanding has her running away, they struggle to win their sweet Cyn back.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 62,647 words


  Marla Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Marla Monroe

  First E-book Publication: December 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher




  I just wanted to say thanks to the people I met in Gatlinburg while I was there researching this book. They were all friendly and helpful and made my stay simply amazing. The beautiful surroundings of the Smokey Mountains was the perfect backdrop for both my writing and the setting of this book.

  A special thanks to Liz, who I met while there. Thank you for all of your support and I hope to see you again soon!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  “Oh, come on, man. It’s just a store. Let’s see what sort of fun things they have.” Roy Simpson waggled his eyebrows at his friend, Aden Dempsy.

  “It’s a sex shop, plain and simple, Roy. We don’t have time to be messing around right now. There’s too much at stake with the farm.” Aden shoved his hands in his pockets.

  Roy rolled his eyes. Aden was so serious all the time since they’d gotten back from Afghanistan. They had met back in boot camp over sixteen years ago and had become great friends from day one. Aden wasn’t the same man he’d been back then, and Roy was determined to find some of the old Aden and coax that man out again.

  “How will twenty minutes hurt anything? And since when have you not been interested in sex?” Roy asked.

  “Dammit, Roy. Fine. We’ll waste twenty minutes walking around looking like immature, adolescent idiots if it will make you happy.” Aden pushed open the door to the shop and walked inside. And stopped just inside the door.

  Roy bumped into his friend and frowned. “Hey, why’d you stop?”

  When Aden didn’t immediately say something, Roy stepped to the side and saw what had the other man standing with his mouth open. A woman was bent over a low display table fiddling with something, her very delectable ass on display. The hem of her skirt had lifted just enough that they had a glimpse of thigh high stockings attached to a deep red garter. The sight was enough to make anyone stop and take notice. It had sure gotten his attention. Talk about lust at first sight.

  “Good gravy. Is that a sight for sore eyes or what?” Roy whispered.

  Aden didn’t respond to him. Instead, he cleared his throat loud enough that the woman bending over the table shot to her feet and spun around on dangerously high heels. She lost her balance, and both Roy and Aden rushed to grab her before she fell.

  “Careful there, baby doll. You’re going to hurt yourself like that.” Roy grinned.

  Her wide-eyed expression quickly changed to a professional one as she extracted herself from their arms.

  “You startled me. Can I help you find something?” she asked, giving them a pleasant smile.

  “Oh, I think we’ve found what we were looking for,” Roy said with a wink.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off of hers. Their deep blue color made him think of deep water. He couldn’t help but wonder if her waters ran deep. Her smile had his heart pumping hard as he worked to keep his expression playful. Roy wanted her, not just for a fun ride, but to explore and get to know. There wa
s just something about her.

  “We’re just browsing. Thank you.” Aden grabbed Roy by the shoulder and shoved him toward the other side of the store.

  “Hey! I was talking to the pretty woman.”

  “You were flirting with her,” Aden said with a frown.

  “So? There’s nothing wrong with flirting. What’s wrong with you?” Roy noticed that Aden’s usual frown had taken over his entire face now. There were even lines across his forehead.

  “I’m sure she’s too busy to deal with your senseless flirting. If you’re not serious, why bother?” Aden asked, staring at an arrangement of sensual, matching underwear.

  “Who said I wasn’t serious? Besides, even if I wasn’t, it makes women feel good to have a guy flirt with them.”

  “Were you?” Aden stopped and turned to stare at him.

  “What? Serious? Yeah. She’s cute.” Roy pulled out a matching bra and panty set in the same deep red as the woman’s garter had been. “I wonder if she’s wearing this matching set under that black skirt and red blouse.”

  “You’re serious? You want to ask her out or something?” Aden’s expression had grown tight and as neutral as Roy had ever seen it.

  “Yeah. I’d ask her out, but I need to talk to her a little bit before just popping the question. She’s hot, Aden. Look at all those curves. Her ass is perfect for holding on to during…”

  “I get the picture.” Aden cut him off, turning away from him to look at a lacy black negligee. “What if I was going to ask her out?”

  Roy grinned then frowned. He wanted Aden to get back to normal as much as was possible, but he liked the blonde-headed beauty. Her long hair was a mixture of shades that gave her a saucy look. That and those cobalt-blue eyes set his blood on fire and had his dick standing at attention already.

  “I guess we could both ask her out and see who she wants to go with.” Roy watched his friend to catch his reaction.

  Aden didn’t turn around at first. “I guess, but don’t you think that she’ll just see it as a joke or that we’re in competition?” He turned around and looked at Roy. “She’d probably turn us both down just because we’re both asking at the same time.”

  “So what’s your suggestion?” Roy asked, frowning.

  “One of us asks her out now, and the other asks her out later for next weekend.”

  Roy wasn’t sure what to make of Aden’s sudden change in attitude now. For months, the other man hadn’t wanted to even talk about going anywhere, much less seeing someone. Now, when Roy found a woman attractive and wanted to ask her out, Aden was suddenly interested. He started to say something to that effect but backed down and held his tongue. It hit him that they had always found the same women attractive since they’d known each other. Maybe it wasn’t Aden being an ass after all.

  “So how do we choose who asks her out today?” Roy finally asked.

  Aden set the scented body lotion down and looked at Roy. “Flip a coin.”

  “Are you serious? You’d flip a coin over asking a girl out?” Roy asked.

  “How else are we going to settle who asks her out first? Rock, paper, scissors?”

  The idea seemed a little unethical to him, but he couldn’t come up with a better one. Besides, the woman had two men wanting to date her, and they weren’t taking bets or anything. He felt a little better about it, but not much.

  “Okay. I’ve got a quarter,” Roy said, digging in his pocket.

  Aden smiled and watched as he dug it out and flipped it into the air. When he slapped it down on the back of his hand, Aden called it.


  Roy shrugged and uncovered the coin with a groan. “Lucky bastard.”

  “So, get lost. I’ll meet you at the truck in thirty minutes,” Aden said, looking over to where the woman stood talking to another customer.

  Roy wanted to argue, but he’d agreed to the stupid plan like an idiot. Now he had to deal with it.

  * * * *

  Aden watched as his longtime friend walked out the door of the store. He felt a little guilty about challenging him over asking the woman out, but for the first time in a long time, he felt something other than emptiness inside, and she was the cause. He wanted to explore the feeling and get to know the woman.

  He quickly searched for something to ask her about in order to have a reason to talk to her. He dismissed the sexy lingerie and found a bottle of lotion that smelled a lot like she had when he’d briefly had her in his arms. It was as good as anything, so he turned and noticed that the woman was watching Roy walk out of the store with an interested expression on her face. His stomach sank at the knowledge that she found his buddy good looking. What would she think of him?

  As he silently approached her, she turned to see him. Her shoulder length blonde hair with its variety of shades framed her sweet face. She had the deepest blue eyes he’d ever seen. They were very expressive so that he was able to read her initial interest then mild panic before she settled into a relaxed façade.

  Aden wanted to see her face blossom with arousal and go slack with satiation after he’d taken her to paradise and back with his mouth on her pussy. He imagined she would taste as good as she smelled. The idea of tasting her tender flesh to find out had his cock rock hard and aching by the time he made it to where she stood waiting.

  Her smile brightened his entire world. It had been dark for so long that he hadn’t even realized just how dark until she illuminated it with her presence. Aden wanted to find Roy and tell him that he’d changed his mind. He didn’t want to play the game at all. He just wanted his friend to back off, but he couldn’t do that. Not only was he a man of his word, but Aden couldn’t bring himself to push his friend away. Yes, this tempting woman mattered despite the fact that he didn’t know anything about her, but Roy was his best friend and had been with him all through the hell of Afghanistan. Real friends didn’t do that to each other.

  He struggled to keep his inner conflict from showing on his face as he approached the lovely woman. She fidgeted as if nervous of him. It made him pause. Did he look like a stalker or something? He was sure he wasn’t scowling, at least he didn’t think he was. Roy had accused him of doing just that nearly every day they’d been stateside. He tried harder to appear less threatening as he stopped in front of her, the bottle of lotion front and center, to shift her gaze there and off of his face.

  He cleared his throat to speak, but she beat him to it.

  * * * *

  Cynthia Hawthorn waved Denise off as the other woman left to go back to her shop, Tempting Temptations, next door. Denise was a good friend with whom she often ate dinner when they both closed their shops early. The other woman had run over to find out if she was free on Saturday night to go out with some of their friends. As much as Cynthia wanted to go, she rarely did. She always felt so out of place and a little like the third wheel, no matter how many people there were.

  She looked around the room to see where the two sexy-looking guys had disappeared to. She hoped they hadn’t left while she’d been talking to Denise. She wanted another look at them. Both men had smelled amazing when they’d grabbed her, preventing her from falling earlier. The slightly taller one with the dark brown hair and yummy, chocolate-colored eyes was heading for the door. She couldn’t help admiring his muscular build and squeezable ass as he walked away.

  Cynthia strangled a sigh as the other man walked toward her with a bottle of lotion in his hand. His light brown hair was cut very short, almost a buzz cut. His hazel-colored eyes seemed to have more of a green tint than a brown. His full lips and the dimple at the corner of his mouth as he walked over had her insides fluttering with a spring sky full of butterflies.

  “H–hi. Can I help you?” She nearly cringed. Stuttering was so schoolgirl.

  “Hello. I’m sure you can. I’m trying to decide if this is a scent my sister would like. She has a birthday coming up, um, soon.” His smile lit up his eyes and had his dimple flashing.

  “Does she li
ke fruity, flowery, or soft scents?”

  His expression changed to one of unease. Cynthia knew that look well. Most men didn’t have a clue what the women in their lives liked, or even what they normally bought and wore. That included clothes, shoes, perfumes, and lotions.

  “I was sort of wondering if you would put some on, so I could see what it smelled like on you.” He gave her a sheepish-looking grin.

  “I’d be happy to, but it will smell different on me than it might on your sister.” She held out her hand to take the bottle of lotion.

  “Yes, but it will smell different on you than it does in the bottle, too.” He reached out to hand her the lotion.

  Their hands touched, and she felt a jolt of awareness sizzle through her fingers. She couldn’t prevent her quick intake of breath, but he seemed just as shocked as she was. She quickly covered her disquiet by smoothing a small amount of the lotion onto the back of her hand and wrist. Setting the bottle down before she dropped it, Cynthia quickly rubbed the lotion into her skin and lifted her hand for him to smell.

  He smiled into her eyes before bending slightly to smell. He took her hand in one of his and gently lifted it to his face. When he closed his eyes and inhaled, Cynthia thought she would come on the spot. Every nerve ending in her body was centered on his touch and the way he smiled as he drew in the scent from her hand. His face was so close to her hand that he could easily brush his lips across it.

  As if hearing her thoughts, he did just that. Warm, firm lips gently touched her skin, scorching it all the way to her bloodstream. Instantly, her mouth watered, and her pussy saturated her panties. She’d never reacted like this with any man she’d ever dated before, and here this stranger had gotten an amazing response with just the barest of kisses to the back of her hand.


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