The Girl's Guide to Falling in Love

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The Girl's Guide to Falling in Love Page 4

by Sophie Hart

  Annie sat in stunned silence for a moment, slowly blowing out the air in her cheeks. She waited for a few minutes, but it seemed apparent that Nick and Julia weren’t coming back. It was such a shame, Annie reflected. She’d seen situations like this time and time again; both partners hurt and angry, throwing away what they had because they were too stubborn to consider their other half’s point of view.

  What she really needed now, Annie decided, was a nice, calming cup of tea. She stood up from behind her desk and headed down the corridor to the communal kitchen, thinking about what she could possibly do to help Nick and Julia. She wondered whether they would come back. She hoped Nick would call her at least, then she could check that everything was okay with them, maybe make some suggestions to—

  ‘Someone’s having a tough day.’

  Annie looked up, startled, to see Jamie Kennedy sitting at the kitchen table, a cup of coffee in his hand and a magazine open in front of him. Jamie worked in one of the other units and ran a software design company with his brother, Matt, working on everything from business programs to video game development.

  ‘I was in my own world,’ Annie admitted, feeling embarrassed. ‘I didn’t see you there.’

  ‘Charming,’ Jamie retorted with a grin. He was in his early thirties, with dark blond hair and blue eyes, and he was currently dressed in grey suit trousers and a creased shirt, the sleeves pushed up past his elbows. His body language was relaxed, his long legs stretched out under the table.

  ‘Catching up with Take a Break?’ Annie teased, as she walked past and saw what he was reading.

  ‘What? Oh!’ Jamie laughed. ‘We really need to get some more masculine reads around her,’ he told her, deliberately lowering his voice a couple of octaves. ‘Ones with sports cars and bikini-clad women and… bloke stuff!’

  ‘Nah, you love it. “I caught my husband naked with the neighbour”,’ Annie read over his shoulder, as Jamie slammed the magazine shut.

  ‘I thought that sort of thing was more your department,’ he commented wryly.

  ‘I don’t know if anything’s my department,’ Annie sighed, thinking of how badly the session with Nick and Julia had just gone.

  ‘Why? What’s happened?’

  ‘Oh, just a tough first session with a new client,’ Annie replied, as she turned on the kettle then reached into the biscuit tin for a chocolate HobNob. ‘Sometimes people can be their own worst enemy. You wouldn’t think it would be so hard to communicate your feelings to the person you married, would you?’

  Jamie smiled indulgently. ‘Don’t you ever get tired of listening to other people’s problems?’

  ‘Not really. Everyone’s different – no two cases are the same – and I always want to find a way to help if I can. It’s very satisfying. I guess I’m just a sucker for a happy ending,’ she confessed. ‘How about you? How’s everything with your business?’

  ‘Busy, believe it or not. I know it might not look like it,’ Jamie grinned, nodding at his coffee and magazine. ‘I’m just taking a screen break. Your eyes go square after a while.’

  ‘So what are you working on at the moment?’

  Jamie raised an eyebrow. ‘If I told you I’d have to kill you. Nah, we’re designing a new app for a travel company. It’s pretty cool, actually. You put in your budget, and the kind of holiday you want – beach, city break, culture, etc. – and it brings up the top deals for you.’

  ‘Sounds great. Is it going to make you a millionaire?’

  ‘Fingers crossed. I don’t know whether it’s quite as catchy as Angry Birds though.’

  ‘Shame,’ Annie replied, helping herself to a second HobNob. Before she could put the lid back on, Jamie had sneaked up behind her and snatched one out of the tin.

  ‘Biscuits help you think more clearly. It’s a fact,’ Jamie told her, his blue eyes sparkling.

  ‘Hmm, I’m not sure that’s very scientific, but I choose to believe you,’ Annie retorted, taking a bite.

  Jamie ate his biscuit in two mouthfuls, washing it down with the last of his coffee. ‘I’d better get back to it,’ he said reluctantly, glancing up at the clock.

  Annie followed his gaze. ‘Me too. I don’t have long until my next appointment, and I want to catch up with some paperwork before then.’

  ‘Roll on retirement,’ Jamie smiled.

  ‘You know you love it really,’ Annie teased him. ‘Anyway, don’t you just sit around all day playing games on your Sega Mega Drive?’

  ‘Xbox One actually. You’re so 1990s.’

  ‘Don’t the kids these days still play Tetris?’ Annie wondered, feigning confusion.

  ‘If they don’t, they should. Pure genius, that game.’

  ‘Ah, memories,’ Annie sighed.

  ‘Well, I’d better run,’ Jamie said, stealing one final biscuit before heading for the door. ‘Have a great day, Annie.’

  ‘Thanks, Jamie,’ she smiled. ‘You too.’


  Chapter Five

  ‘Nice girls like sex too’ – Hugh Hefner

  ‘Hi, babe! Happy birthday!’

  ‘Thanks,’ Zoe grinned at her boyfriend, Simon, as he swept her into his arms and kissed her, oblivious to the stares of passers-by on the street. At six foot one and almost sixteen stone, he was a huge bear of a man, and Zoe loved the fact that he could scoop her up and throw her over his shoulder as though she weighed nothing. His size made her feel secure and protected, and she was pretty keen on the way he could throw her around in the bedroom too…

  ‘Have you been waiting long?’ Simon asked. In the distance, the church bells were chiming six.

  ‘No, only a couple of minutes. Are you okay? You look a bit weird.’

  ‘I’m fine,’ Simon insisted, smoothing back his sandy hair. His large, heavy-set face was flushed and shiny, his hazel eyes glittering. ‘I’ve just been rushing around. I didn’t want to leave you standing here alone on your birthday.’

  ‘Let’s head in, it’s freezing out here.’ Zoe slipped her gloved hand into Simon’s, and they made their way into Blue Mango, their favourite Thai restaurant, on Exchange Street. Inside it was warm and cosy and smelt delicious, the air heavy with the aroma of lemongrass, chilli and ginger.

  Only a handful of the tables were occupied, and the waiter rushed over to greet them, seating them at a window table.

  ‘Wow, you look gorgeous,’ Simon exclaimed, practically salivating as Zoe shrugged off her coat. She was wearing a dark blue wrap dress, which perfectly showed off her petite figure and pale skin. Her long, copper-coloured hair was left loose, and she’d added just a touch of make-up to emphasise her clear, blue eyes.

  ‘You don’t scrub up too badly yourself,’ Zoe grinned, thinking how handsome he looked in his smart grey trousers and a pale blue shirt – a real contrast to the casual overalls and hoodies he usually wore for work.

  The two of them placed their orders: Pad Thai with prawns for Zoe, and chicken jungle curry for Simon, with a bottle of white wine to share.

  ‘Happy birthday to my gorgeous girlfriend,’ Simon toasted, when their drinks arrived.

  Zoe found herself blushing as a couple of people overheard what he’d said, turning round to smile at them. ‘Thank you,’ she murmured. ‘And thanks for my earrings. I love them,’ she added, indicating the sparkly studs in her ears.

  ‘You’re very welcome,’ Simon replied, as she blew a kiss at him across the table.

  It was Zoe’s twenty-fifth birthday, but despite hitting the quarter-of-a-century milestone, she and Simon had both had to work that day. To make up for it, Simon had surprised her with breakfast in bed that morning, accompanied by a pile of presents. There’d been the latest book by Jojo Moyes, half a dozen cupcakes from her favourite bakery, and some lush smellies from The Body Shop. Zoe’s heart had begun to race when she’d unwrapped the blue velvet jewellery box – she and Simon had been together for three years now, and everyone kept asking when it would be their turn to walk down the aisle – and when she�
�d opened it she’d found the beautiful earrings nestled inside. If Zoe was being completely honest, she couldn’t help but feel a stab of disappointment.

  ‘So how was your day?’ Simon asked solicitously.

  ‘It was good. Busy as usual. We had a Persian cat with a seizure – Patrick suspected it was epilepsy – and we had to run tests straight away, which was pretty hectic, but the cat’s recovering well and they sorted out medication, so that’s good.’

  Zoe worked as a veterinary assistant. Originally from Chester, she’d studied Veterinary Nursing at Norwich University, and stayed in the city ever since.

  ‘And then Jackie got me a card, and a Colin the Caterpillar cake from Marks and Spencer’s, which was sweet of her,’ Zoe continued. ‘We shared it amongst everyone on our tea break, and it was scrummy.’ She frowned at Simon, who appeared to be staring off into space, giving him a playful nudge under the table. ‘Are you listening to me?’

  He looked up, startled. ‘Sorry, yes. Persian. Seizure. Colin the Caterpillar. Scrummy. See?’ he replied smugly, reaching across the table to take her hands. ‘I’m the perfect boyfriend.’

  ‘I don’t know about that… Pretty close though,’ Zoe smiled, weaving her fingers through his.

  After three years together, the two of them were blissfully happy and still madly in love. Their sex life was great – regular and experimental – and neither of them was exactly shy in the bedroom. Or the living room. Or the bathroom.

  Their friends were always teasing them, telling them to ‘get a room’ when they got a little too amorous in public, but both Zoe and Simon were eager to make sure that their sex life stayed fresh and exciting. In fact, tonight Zoe was wearing a brand new set of underwear that she knew Simon would love; even though it was her birthday, she wanted to give him a treat as well.

  ‘Your Pad Thai, madam,’ announced the waiter, and Zoe found herself blushing, as she snapped out of her naughty thoughts.

  ‘How was work?’ she asked Simon, as she speared a forkful of her food.

  Simon shrugged in reply. ‘Okay, I suppose. Obviously the season hasn’t really got going yet, so I’m just doing general maintenance and repairs at the moment, making sure everything’s ready for when we start getting busy. We’ve got a few bookings in for half term, but it won’t really take off until Easter.’

  Simon worked for his father, Brian, who ran a boat hire company on the Norfolk Broads. They rented out narrowboats and cabin cruisers for tourists to explore the maze of canals and waterways for which the county was famous. The business was hugely popular in the summer months, with families and groups of friends lured by the prospect of a week messing about in boats, stopping off at pubs along the way, and being lulled to sleep at night by the gently lapping water.

  Zoe and Simon would sometimes borrow a vessel for the weekend, cruising the river by day and making passionate love in the tiny cabin at night. It was incredibly romantic.

  ‘A couple of the boats are in for repairs at the moment, and I think I’m going to completely repaint the Big Dipper. She’s looking a bit old and scruffy,’ Simon continued.

  ‘The Big Dipper? I thought you said your dad had sold that one, at the end of last summer?’

  ‘Did I? Oh yeah, I meant the Carolina,’ Simon corrected himself.

  Zoe frowned. Her boyfriend was definitely behaving weirdly. He seemed oddly distracted, zoning in and out of their conversation. As Zoe watched, he pulled back his shirt cuff and checked his watch – for the second time in as many minutes.

  ‘Sorry, am I keeping you from something?’ Zoe asked sweetly.

  ‘What? No, just making sure we’re there on time for the show. We have to collect the tickets by seven thirty.’

  As part of Zoe’s birthday present, Simon had arranged for them to go and see Grease at the Theatre Royal, and Zoe was beyond excited.

  ‘Relax, we’ve got plenty of time. It’s not even half six yet,’ Zoe reassured him. ‘Mmm, this food is delicious. Is yours okay? You’ve hardly touched it.’

  ‘Oh, it’s great,’ Simon assured her, digging in heartily. ‘I’m just not that hungry, I suppose.’

  ‘That’s unlike you,’ Zoe laughed. Being a big guy, Simon was known for his hearty appetite. ‘Did you have a late lunch? Or maybe you’re coming down with something. You look a little feverish,’ she added worriedly, taking in the sheen of sweat on his forehead, and his flushed complexion.

  ‘I’ll be fine,’ Simon insisted, breaking out into that grin she loved so much. ‘And nothing will stop me from seeing the show tonight, don’t worry.’

  ‘Good!’ Zoe exclaimed. ‘I know I keep going on about it, but I absolutely love Grease. It’s one of Mum’s favourite films, so we watched it all the time when I was a kid. Me and my friend Claire, from back home, used to make up dance routines to the songs. She was always Sandy, and I had to be Frenchy, because of my hair,’ Zoe giggled, indicating her russet-red waves.

  ‘Mmm,’ Simon replied distractedly.

  ‘What’s wrong with you tonight?’ Zoe demanded, dropping her fork with a clatter.

  Simon looked up in alarm. ‘Nothing, nothing. I’m so sorry, babe.’ He reached out across the table, taking her hands once more and softly stroking her palms with his fingertips. ‘Nothing’s wrong. I just want to make sure everything goes perfectly on your birthday, that’s all.’

  ‘Aww, that’s so sweet,’ Zoe murmured, her anger disappearing as quickly as it had arrived. ‘But you don’t need to worry. Everything’s going to be amazing.’

  ‘I hope so,’ Simon replied, blowing out the air in his cheeks. ‘I really hope so.’

  * * *

  Zoe couldn’t tear her eyes away from the stage, a huge grin plastered across her face as she watched the talented performers bring to life the world of Grease. The show was nearing its finale, with the cast singing about how they were always going to be together. It was a whirl of colour and energy, the girls twirling in their fifties-style skirts, the boys looking hot in their T-Bird leather jackets. Zoe couldn’t help singing along to the familiar tunes, and a quick glance around told her that she wasn’t the only one; the audience were clapping their hands and tapping their toes as they joined in.

  Zoe glanced over at Simon to see if he was enjoying it as much as she was but, to her surprise, he looked terrible. He was staring off into the distance, his face deathly pale. He’d been acting strangely all evening; during the interval, he’d treated them both to a glass of champagne, but every time Zoe tried to talk to him he seemed distracted and on edge. After a few minutes he disappeared to the bathroom and didn’t come back until the interval was almost over, leaving Zoe alone, self-consciously sipping her birthday fizz.

  ‘Are you okay?’ she whispered anxiously.

  Simon stared at her, his eyes wide. ‘Stay here. I’ll be back soon.’

  He went to stand up, but Zoe grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. ‘What?’ she asked in confusion. ‘Are you ill? Shall I come with you?’

  ‘No!’ Simon practically snapped. ‘Stay here. I’ll be okay.’

  He clambered over the feet of the people seated next to them, hastily making his way into the aisle and bolting through the exit doors.

  Zoe watched in disbelief, wondering what she should do. Back on stage, Grease was reaching its climax, the audience cheering as Danny and Sandy drove off in a specially designed red Cadillac. The cast came forward to take their bows, but Zoe barely noticed. Her hands moved mechanically, joining in as everyone around her clapped wildly, but all of her attention was focused on the door through which Simon had sprinted, wondering whether or not she should follow him.

  The audience gradually quietened down, as the actors playing Danny and Sandy held up their hands, calling for silence. Zoe was only half listening as the pair began to speak.

  ‘We hope you all enjoyed our show tonight, and we’d like to say a huge thank you for coming to see us. Danny and Sandy found their happy ever after, but tonight we’re hoping to make som
eone else’s dream come true. We’ve got someone here who’d like to say a few words.’

  The cast stood aside, and a man made his way through the middle, his bulky frame dominating the stage. He looked terrified, his eyes bulging like a rabbit caught in the headlights, as he took in the hundreds of people in front of him, all watching him expectantly.

  Zoe looked up and gasped, her hands flying to her face in shock. It couldn’t be, could it? But it was! It was Simon. What on earth was he doing on stage with the cast of Grease?

  As Zoe watched, he turned towards where she was sitting, his eyes seeking her out in the mass of people. When he found her, he seemed to relax a little. Then, clearing his throat, he began to speak.

  ‘Happy birthday to my gorgeous girlfriend, Zoe. I love you so much, and I wanted tonight to be truly memorable for you.’

  His voice was shaky to start with, but his confidence was growing with every word. Out in the audience, people were twisting around, trying to work out who his speech was directed at. Zoe’s heart was thumping, and she could feel that her cheeks had turned red.

  ‘Which is why I wanted to ask…’ Simon continued.

  Suddenly, Zoe knew what was coming. She let out a cry as Simon got down on one knee, a ring box in his hands. His gaze was focused directly on her, and at that moment it seemed as though they were the only two people in the entire auditorium. There were gasps from the audience then the entire room fell silent.

  ‘…Zoe Miller, will you marry me?’

  Time seemed to slow. Everyone on stage was now staring at Zoe, the packed audience craning their necks to try to catch a glimpse of her.

  Zoe opened her mouth to speak. ‘Yes,’ she whispered. The word came out as a croak, her voice barely audible, and she had to repeat herself. ‘Yes!’

  ‘She said yes!’ shouted a man nearby.

  The crowd took up the cry, relaying the message to Simon. ‘She said yes, she said yes!’ Then the applause broke out again, people whooping and cheering as the cast beckoned for Zoe to come and join Simon. The crowd parted as she made her way along the aisle, her legs shaky as she walked up to the front. Someone helped her onto the stage, and then Zoe fell into Simon’s arms, the spotlight beaming down on them as the crowd oohed and aahed. It felt like an incredible dream.


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