Into The Deep

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Into The Deep Page 2

by T A. McKay

  As I’m scrolling down through the adverts, I notice a vacancy for a receptionist at the local swimming pool. I wasn’t even aware that we had a swimming pool around here. Granted, I haven't long since moved to the area, but you’d think that I would have noticed it.

  I open up the advert and see that it’s just on the other side of the park. Now I feel really dumb for missing it, I make a promise to myself that I’ll make an extra effort to get out and explore the local area more. The fact that it is so close to where I live is the reason I fill in the attached application form. I’m not the biggest fan of swimming pools, in fact if I’m to be completely honest, I have a paralysing fear of them, but if the job is restricted to the reception area only though, I think it should be fine.

  I know that it’s not exactly a job in publishing, but I’m pretty sure my bills don't care what I do as long as I can manage to pay them. As I press the send key, I whisper a small prayer and cross my fingers. I’m pretty sure that if I had a lucky rabbit’s foot on hand, I’d be rubbing it right now too. I need a job. After continuing to search the webpage for more vacancies for a while I decide that I have done enough searching for the day, there’s nothing else that would be suitable. Most of them are too far away to be accessible and the others are, well, let’s just say that I’m not at the stage where I need to clean windows just yet. I switch the computer off and spin in my chair as I look around my tiny apartment. I need something to keep myself entertained, and in the process, hopefully something that’ll help to cool me down. Making a mental list in my mind of all the things that I have the energy to do, I find that I’m left with only one option. A shower it is then.

  After taking my second cool shower of the day, I tie my hair back and go to grab my Kindle. I want to finish the great book I’m currently reading. Today is definitely not a day to be venturing outside. The heat that’s beaming down from the sun is making it far too uncomfortable to make the outdoors enjoyable.

  I pass by my computer and the flashing email icon catches my eye. It’s most likely to be spam, but I decide to open it anyway. I don’t have anything else planned for the rest of the day and so this might help to take up a few minutes.

  After reading it for a few seconds, I let out a small chuckle, one of almost relief. I’ve actually been offered an interview for the job at the pool. I feel myself becoming a little panicked when I see that they have asked if I can be there in a few hours, but I decide to take this as a good sign.

  I send them a quick reply, telling them that I’ll be there, before racing through to my bedroom so I can dress in something a little more professional. Or, at least something that isn't jean shorts and a tank top. I don't have any idea on what to wear. I need something that will keep me cool as I walk there though, I don’t think that turning up a sweaty mess will make a great first impression.

  Once I’ve decided on a black gypsy skirt, which reaches down to my ankles, a light white summer top and some strappy sandals, I leave my apartment and make my way across the park so I can try and locate the pool. I turn and glance at the bench I usually take up residence on as I walk past. The whole place really does look different in the daylight. Unfortunately though, looking at the bench also makes me picture Rocco, with his perfect body and swoon worthy voice.

  Stop! I tell myself quietly. I need to forget about him. I only met him for five minutes. We had one conversation. I need to get my brain to listen to me for once. It always goes back to that brief meeting. Leaving the park. I turn to the left and there it is, right in front of me. How the hell did I manage to miss this place? It’s an enormous building and is located approximately one hundred yards along the pathway. The front wall is made up of tinted glass windows and the sign outside states ‘Clear Water Pool’. Everything that I can see from the outside really doesn’t help with my excuses for not noticing it before now. Entering the building, I’m met with a cool blast of air from their amazing air conditioning unit, and at this point I’ve decided that I really want this job.

  Leaving with what feels like the first smile in a long time, I decide that perhaps my luck is beginning to change. I got the job! I know it’s probably because they’re desperate for help, but I don't care. I’m still over the moon that it was me who got it.

  When I first arrived at the reception desk, the poor manager was running around and seemed highly harassed. He’d been trying to cover the front desk, the telephones, and the deliveries that were arriving. I felt sorry for the slightly red faced, sweaty man and so I went behind the desk and started to answer the phone. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, but I thought it’d be better for people to hear a voice than just continuous ringing on the other end of the line. Once it had calmed down a little, the owner, Matt, shook my hand and offered me the job on the spot. Though there was one condition. I was only able to have the job if I promised to start tomorrow.

  I have an early start in the morning, so I decide to head straight home to get myself organised. I’ve been given a uniform, so at least I don't have to worry about what to wear. Walking home, I don't really notice the heat as much as I did earlier so I take my time and walk leisurely through the park. It may be a while before I can enjoy the daytime chaos of the children and dogs running around again. I smile as I slowly make my way towards my apartment. Yeah, things certainly seem to be looking up.

  Chapter Two

  Wow, I’m really not used to being up so early. Why is it that when you need to get up for something you never want to? I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock twice before I can muster up enough energy to crawl out of bed. But here I am, ready to leave and it’s only 4.45am.

  I’m showered, dressed and I’ve already consumed two cups of coffee while trying to wake myself up properly before I head out. I just need to keep reminding myself that if I start early, then I finish early and I think I’m going to need something to keep me going in a few hours’ time. I have a feeling that the next eight hours might be the longest if my life. The uniform I’m wearing consists of black knee length capri pants, an electric blue fitted t-shirt and comfortable black trainers. They look really good together and I’m sure they’re going to be comfortable to work in.

  I check myself in the mirror and realise that I don't look quite as bad as I’d been expecting to at this time of the morning. I’ve pulled my long brown hair back into a ponytail, so it doesn't get in my way, and I’ve kept my make up to a minimum, having applied only mascara and a little lip gloss.

  I walk through to the kitchen and fill my travel mug with my favourite caramel flavoured mocha, before heading out the door to start my first day back in the workforce.

  It’s still dark outside as I make my journey to work. To think that only twenty four hours ago I was sitting on the bench, thinking about how crap my life was and how nothing was going right for me and now, a day later, I have a job that I’m hoping to enjoy. Even if I don't happen to enjoy it, at least I’ll now have some money coming in.

  I arrive outside the building just before I’m meant to start my shift. Upon walking inside, the smell of chlorine assaults my senses. I didn’t notice how strong it was yesterday, but I put this down to the air conditioning systems. I take a deep breath as I walk further inside. If I’m going to keep this job then I’ll need to overcome the memories that are associated with this very smell. It’s time to start dealing with them.

  I find Matt behind the reception desk, wearing a huge smile. He looks a lot more relaxed than he did yesterday and he’s obviously eager to get my training underway. I really don't think that he is much of a people person, but I think that he’s sweet all the same. He’s an older man and has permanent rosy cheeks. They make him look a bit like Santa.

  I place my bag in the lockable drawer under the desk and for the next half hour, Matt runs through my list of procedures and duties. I’m glad that my daily routine wont take me near the pool side area. The closest I’ll need to be is when I’ll be in the spectator’s area. Looking through the glass is perfect
ly fine with me.

  From the way he’s explaining things, I'm pretty sure that he doesn't actually have much more knowledge himself. Every couple of minutes he keeps referring back to the procedures book that the last receptionist left behind for him.

  After a while, I eventually told him that I would be fine and if I were to have any problems or concerns, then he would be the first person I’d call. He seemed happy enough with that so right now I’m sitting in front of the computer and trying to get my head around the booking system while the place is still quiet.

  I’d asked Matt why he opened the place up so early when there doesn’t seem to be anyone around, though he told me that the swimming team are already in the pool and have been for a while now. Swimming team? There’s another thing to add to my ever-growing knowledge of the local area. The booking system seems quite easy to use. Also on the computer is the running system for the pool and steam room area. That looks a lot more complicated than the booking system and if I had my way, I wouldn't touch it...ever. But unfortunately, that is also a part of my job. I need to monitor and check the areas, making sure that everything runs smoothly. I’m pretty sure that at some point that I’ll manage to empty the pool or make the steam room ice over or something.

  I continue to work through my list of observations, taking notes down in the logbook of all the readings that the computer is showing on the screen. I click into one of the sections marked ‘alarm’, and note that it’s set at running. According to my procedures, this is correct.

  As I’m clicking out of the programme, I press the wrong button. My heart stops beating in my chest as an alarm starts to sound throughout the pool.

  I’m frozen in my chair, just staring at the screen. I have no idea what I need to do. We’re not talking about a quiet alarm here. We’re talking about an alarm that you’ll be able to hear halfway down the street and one that will have everyone racing out of the pool within seconds! I start pressing everything on the screen, trying to turn it off. Why won't it just switch off?

  “Please, please, please, please,” I repeat over and over again as I hear the doors of the changing rooms opening up as the men begin to exit ... in only towels and swimming trunks.

  “Please, please, please, please!” I continue my mantra because I’m still having a hard time working out how to turn the bloody thing off.

  “Miss? You really need to leave.”

  I freeze right in the middle of my panicked button pressing when I hear the voice. Oh no. Please. Please don't let it be him! When look up, I come face to face with the very man who has consumed most of my thoughts over the past twenty-four hours. I don’t think that I would have recognised him if I’d have seen him in the pool, but there’s no mistaking the voice. I would recognise it anywhere, even after only our first brief encounter.

  “Evacuating the whole pool, and with my mistake, losing my job on my first day,” I snap. I didn't mean to, but I’m now really starting to sweat as more people make their way out onto the street whilst half naked. Thankfully, it’s a warm morning.

  “May I?” He asks as he moves around the desk to stand beside me. I move my chair back to give him some room. My mind isn’t working with me just now. I know that in this situation and with everything that’s going on I shouldn't notice, but I do. He’s standing right next to me, wearing nothing but swimming trunks, and he’s close enough to me that if I turn just slightly in my chair, I’d be able to lick the drops of water off his amazing abs.

  I really need to get my thoughts in check because I have absolutely no idea where that even came from. I find that I’m unable to look away though. He’s incredible, his skin is glistening, and the muscles of his abdomen are tightening and relaxing as he bends over to work on the computer. I have an overwhelming need to reach my hand out and touch him. I wonder if he’s as solid as he appears to be. I’m pulled away from my thoughts when all of a sudden the alarm stops and silence takes over again. I look back up to his face quickly, but not before he has obviously already noticed where I was looking. When my eyes reach his face, I’m greeted with a small smile that’s pulling up at the sides of his mouth.

  “How did you know how to do that?” I ask, trying my hardest to take his attention away from the very obvious blush I feel traveling over my face. My cheeks are burning. I can’t believe that he’s just caught me checking him out.

  “Matt managed to do the same thing in his first week covering the job. I helped him sort it out and I made sure to remember how to fix it. I knew there was a good chance he’d do it again.”

  “Well thankfully you did because I had no idea what to do. Now I just have to get everyone back inside and apologise, then hope that I can convince Matt not to fire me.” I’m not feeling very positive on that particular thought. I turn sharply and face him when I hear him beginning to laugh. He’s thrown his head right back and is laughing as though I’ve just told him the funniest joke in the world.

  “Well, I’m glad that I could make you laugh. I didn’t realise that me losing my job would be so amusing for you.” I throw at him as I storm away. I need to let everyone know that they can return back to pool and changing rooms. He grabs my arm gently, turning me towards him. He takes hold of a piece of my hair that’s escaped from my ponytail and places it softly behind my ear. It takes everything in my power not to melt from his touch.

  “Hey, I wasn't laughing at you losing your job. I was laughing at the thought of Matt firing you for something that he’s done himself.” His hand feels cool from standing in the air-conditioned area with very little clothing on, but all I can feel is the heat that’s beginning to spread through my arm from where he’s still touching me. I look into his eyes and then realise that he’s being so nice to me, but I’m being a bitch. I shouldn’t be snapping at him like that, especially when he’s just me helped me with the alarm.

  “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you, I just really need this job and I don't want to lose it.”

  “You’ll be fine. Listen, let’s just get all these people back inside before they freeze.” He says this with a smile over his lips. I try to resist, but I can’t seem to stop myself from smiling widely back at him while nodding a yes.

  We manage to get everyone back into the pool and changing area without too much trouble, and there are a lot of apologies made.

  I sit down heavily on the chair behind my desk and let out a deep sigh. I really can’t believe everything that’s happened, especially in my first few hours of working here, but on the upside, I doubt that it can get any worse.

  I have a little giggle to myself as I turn back to the computer and exit the damn programme, making sure that I click on the correct button this time. I finally manage to get into a flow while I continue to work through my to-do list and answer phones. I’m learning a lot from the people on the phones about what we actually offer. There’s a small gym, a steam room, a sports massage therapist that comes in four times a week, and then obviously the pool itself. Not just that, it also has numerous conference rooms that can be booked for parties or meetings. I have to keep asking myself again, how the hell did I miss this place? I’m totally engrossed in my work when Matt walks up behind me and taps me lightly on the shoulder. I just about jump out of my skin. Why am I so jumpy these days?

  “Good afternoon, Makenzie. How are things going?”

  I glance up at him and wonder how much I should tell him about the day so far. I would accidentally on purpose forget to mention the whole alarm thing, but the fact that he’ll talk to the people that were evacuated this morning, I know I have to break it to him first.

  “Em … yeah it’s ... eh, good,” I stutter. ‘Come on girl! Grow a pair and tell him’, I scold myself in my head.

  “There was a slight mishap earlier, but I got everything back under control and everyone seemed happy when they left.” I know they had been because they were all laughing at me when they left. I certainly know the perfect way to make a first impression. Rocco was the only one who was
n’t laughing at me. He simply smiled his gorgeous smile and winked at me over his shoulder as he left.

  “Mishap? What kind of mishap?” Matt enquires. I close my eyes tightly. I’m going to have to tell Matt everything and there is only one thought going through my mind at this particular moment. Please don't fire me!

  “Well, the thing is … I accidentally set off the fire alarm from the computer and the whole place had to be evacuated. But, I apologised and everyone told me that it was okay and understood that it’s my first day.” I explain quickly, without having any time to even take a breath. I needed to get my explanation out before he interrupted me.

  “The whole place got evacuated? How could you do that Makenzie? Do you understand what would have happened if …?” With that last word, Matt bursts into a fit of laughter. What the hell? He must see the look washing over my face change, from panic to confusion because he’s trying to control his laughter, but he’s failing miserably at it.

  “I’m sorry, Makenzie. I’m just pulling your leg. I heard from a few of the guys what had happened and I couldn't resist playing with you,” I look at him with complete shock now. He’s only having a joke with me?

  “You knew? And you still had me explain it? You are such a horrible man, Matt!” I shout at him. I can't believe he just got me like that. I feel a drop of sweat rolling down my spine from the panic he’s just made me feel.

  “I’m sorry, I'm sorry! Rocco said that it would be funny and it would make you feel better if I teased you about it. Honestly, the amount of times that I’ve set that bloody thing off doesn't bear thinking about,” Matt explains, though the only words I seem to be able to comprehend are when he mentions that Rocco said he should do it. That sneaky little … I will get him back for this!

  “As long as no harm has been done, Matt. I really need this job and don't want to do anything stupid enough to lose it.”


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