Into The Deep

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Into The Deep Page 10

by T A. McKay

  Chapter Eleven

  Everything hurts. My throat is killing me. Every time I try to swallow it’s feels as though I have razor blades sticking into my throat. I’m even finding it sore to breath. My lungs feel like there’s someone sitting on my chest, and my ribs, yeah they’re definitely sitting on my ribs as well. I want to open my eyes, but when I try, they feel as though they’re glued tightly shut. I try to turn my head, but wince and let out an involuntary moan, though it sounds more like a rasp by the time it makes its way out from my mouth.

  “Makenzie?” I hear a buzzing sound beside me and turn away from the noise, hoping that my head isn't about to explode.

  “Makenzie? Can you hear me?” I immediately recognise the soft spoken words. It sounds like Rocco, but I’m not entirely sure why he's here. Actually, now that I think about it, I’m not completely sure where here is. I try again to open my eyes and this time manage to a little, but the harsh white light that means through my eyelids has me instantly closing them again.

  “Hey! Hey, she’s moving! She hasn't spoken yet but I think she’s starting to wake up!”

  Is Rocco talking to me? If he is then I really don't understand what he’s talking about. My head is so fuzzy. It feels like I have the worst hangover ever imaginable, but I don't even remember having had a drink. I try to remember where I was and what I was doing, but I really can't think through the fog that’s clouding my thoughts.

  “Hi, honey. How are you feeling?” I hear a female voice that I don't think I recognise and then feel hands lightly touching my wrists, before something is stuck in my ear. I turn my head away quickly, but immediately wish that I hadn't.

  “Its ok, hon. I’m only taking your temperature. It won't hurt you, I promise.”

  Temperature? Why is she taking my temperature? Where am I?

  I force my eyes open again, even against the glare of the bright white lights. After blinking a few times, my eyes feel a little less grainy and I’m finally able to focus on my surroundings. The walls are white and look very sterile. There’s a curtain pulled across on the right side of me, and behind it I can see a large window, though all it’s displaying is the darkness outside. When I look down, I see that my legs are covered with a pale pink blanket and I’m wearing a hospital gown. Hospital? I turn my head to the left and see Rocco standing right beside my bed with a worried look over his face. His looks frighteningly pale and his eyes are surrounded with dark circles.

  “So, you’ve finally decided to wake up, have you?”

  “W-w-what?” I manage to croak out. My throat is burning and I’m finding it so hard to talk.

  “She’ll probably need a drink. I bet her throat is sore after everything she’s been through. Would you like a drink, sweetie?” I don't think I’ve ever been called so many pet names as much as this before. I look over to the older nurse, fractionally nodding my answer. I try not to speak again, at least until I’ve had a drink. Rocco pours some water into a glass from the jug that’s beside my bed on the night table, before placing a straw inside. He holds the straw against my lips and I greedily drink as much as I possibly can.

  “A little at a time. Just take little sips.” I cough slightly and I receive a knowing look from the nurse.

  “My name is Elizabeth and I’m the night shift nurse. The doctor will be here soon to check on you. Do you remember anything about how you got here?” I shake my head, looking towards Rocco to see if he’ll enlighten me. He looks at me with sympathetic eyes, but it’s clear that he isn’t going to tell me anything. He lifts the glass up to my lips again. I have another sip as the door to the room swings open and when I turn to look, I see a tall, thin man wearing a white coat entering the room. He’s wearing scrubs under his coat and carrying a patient file in his right hand.

  “Makenzie? I’m Doctor Noelle. I was the A&E duty doctor when the ambulance first brought you in.” He must see my eyes widen when he offers me this information. I have absolutely no idea what anyone’s talking about.

  “Do you know what happened or why you’re here?” I feel like a mute and shake my head again. I can't seem to summon up enough energy to speak.

  “You were in an accident at the place where you work. You slipped into the pool and needed to be pulled out. You swallowed a lot of water and had to have CPR performed on you at the scene.. By the time the ambulance arrived, you were breathing on your own again.” I look over to Rocco and notice that his eyes are beginning to gloss over, as though he’s holding back the tears.

  “You?” I croak. He gives me a small smile and nods his head a couple of times.

  “The only reason you’re sitting here with us now is due to the quick actions of this young man right here. If you’d have been in the water any longer or they hadn't started the CPR when they did, I’m not so sure that the paramedics would have been able to revive you in time. He did a really great job today.” Rocco’s cheeks begin to heat as the doctor glances towards him with a look of awe.

  “Thank you.” I notice the more I speak, the stronger my voice is becoming. “I don’t know how I can ever thank you enough.”

  “It was nothing, really. You needed help and I’m really glad that I was the one to be there to help you. I’m glad that you’re going to be okay, Mackenzie.” He takes a hold of my hand and squeezes it gently. There is so much to take in, especially considering I still can’t remember anything that happened to me, and if I’m to be completely truthful, this scares me a bit.

  “Why can't I remember anything?” I ask Dr Noelle as he writes something down on my notes

  “It’s perfectly normal when your body goes through something like this. Once your mind thinks you’ve recovered enough to be able to cope with the memories, it will let them through.” I suppose that makes sense, and to be honest I’m not entirely sure if I want to remember if it was as bad as they’re making it out to be.

  Dr Noelle continued his checks on me for several more minutes and seemed happy when he left of how I’ve been progressing.

  I feel completely drained. It feels as though I haven't slept in days. I don't even know what the time is. It could be the middle of the night for all I know and going by the darkness outside, it’s definitely late. I glance around the room and try to find a clock.

  “What are you looking for?” Rocco asks. He’s still sitting next to my bed and holding my hand. He hasn’t made any attempt to move from where he is.

  “I don't know what the time is. I was looking for a clock.” I continue to look around the room.

  “It’s just after two o’clock. Are you tired?”

  “Two o’clock? As in two o’clock in the morning?” I know it’s a stupid question considering it’s highly unlikely that it would be this dark out in the afternoon.

  “Yeah, two in the morning. You’ve been asleep for about sixteen hours, Makenzie.” I look at him to make sure he isn't joking with me. How could I have been out for so long? I try to think back, but the last thing I can remember is the start of my shift at five o’clock. I couldn't have been at work too long before the argument took place. Oh, wait. I remember an argument.

  “You were fighting with Josh …” He lowers his eyes away from mine. I keep my gaze on him because I want to see his face, but he’s beginning to look embarrassed and won't look at me.

  “Yeah, we were arguing. Can you remember how you ended up in the pool? It was me, Makenzie. I pushed you.” His mouth twists unhappily and he continues to hold his gaze firmly on the floor.

  “You pushed me? You pushed me in the pool? Why would you do that?” I can barely get my words out past my tightening throat and can feel the tears brewing in my eyes. I can't believe that he would do that. I know he doesn't know about my fear of the water or anything, but still, to push me in?

  “I didn't mean to. You were standing behind me when Josh pushed me and … I knocked you. I didn't know you were so close behind me. Mackenzie, I’m really really sorry.” As he speaks, he brings his eyes back to mine and I can see the pa
in. I can see that he feels bad about what happened.

  “Oh. So you didn't just push me in then?” I say with a small smile reaching my lips. I need to make him feel better. It sounds as though it was an accident, and I’m sure as hell that Rocco wouldn’t do anything to intentionally hurt me.

  “No … well, yeah. But, I honestly didn’t know you were there. When you fell in the pool, I stood and waited for you to start swimming back up, but you didn’t. You just kept sinking until you hit the bottom of the pool. When I realised that you weren’t coming back up to the surface, I think I actually felt my heart stop. I just stood there and I didn’t move. I couldn’t move. Thankfully, Ben jumped in and pulled you out of the water. When I saw that you weren’t breathing, I nearly lost it again but I needed to bring you back. I couldn’t lose you.” His words shock me. To find out what put me in hospital and what happened to me is bad enough, but to hear what Rocco has been through hurts too. I know all the emotions I felt when I was watching my sister. I tighten my grip on his hand.

  “I’m sorry.” I whisper to him. He laughs a little at my words.

  “Why are you sorry? None of this was your fault, Mackenzie. None. I do have one question for you, though. How does someone your age not know how to swim? I swear I feel like I lost about five years off my life today, watching you sink to the bottom of the pool, Makenzie.” I lower my head so he doesn't see the embarrassment that I can feel moving into my cheeks again. He doesn't know it, but he’s just asked me the only question in the world that I’m not comfortable in answering.

  “I don't like the water so I don't tend to go near it. It seems silly to learn if I don't need too.” I hate lying to him, but I can't get the real reason to pass through my lips. Will he think that I’m weak if I was to tell him the real reason for my fear?

  “That’s it. Once you’re feeling better then you and I have a date with a pool. I’ll have you swimming in no time.” I feel the panic beginning to well up inside me just thinking about being in the water. My breaths become faster than they should be and I know that Rocco must see the look of fear over my face now.

  “I … no … I … can't … no …” I stutter as I start to hyperventilate. Rocco stands up quickly from his seat and comes to sit on the bed with me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me close to his chest. I breathe in deeply, inhaling the smell of him as I allow him to soothe me. I really do love the way he smells.

  “Hey. Shhhhh. Makenzie, what’s wrong? What did I say? I need you to tell me so I don't say it again.” I pull away from his body so I can see into his eyes. He keeps his hands on my hips, and I have to admit, I like it. A lot. They’re holding me steady, giving me the strength I need for what I’m about to say. I hate talking about this with anyone, including my parents, but he seems to be giving me enough strength just from his touch. Taking a deep breath, I brace myself for the words I’m about to speak.

  “My little sister Cassie died in a pool accident … She was seven … I watched it happen, but I couldn't do anything about it … I haven't been in a pool since the day it happened.” I feel the tears forming in my eyes, and Rocco pulls me against him again, firmer this time.

  “Oh, Makenzie. I’m so sorry. I had no idea. I promise that I won't mention the pool ever again.” I smile against his chest, wondering how that will possibly work out for him. Only I, with my extreme fear of pools, could want to date a guy who’s a member of a swimming club. This thought makes me giggle softly, making Rocco pull back and eye me strangely.

  “Oh, come on! Don't tell me you don't think that this situation isn't just a little bit funny! I have a fear of pools and you’re a member of the swimming team?” He smiles at me and I can tell that I’ve managed to lighten the mood. It feels good. The last thing I want is to make Rocco feel awkward, especially after everything he’s done for me. I mean, he literally saved my life.

  “Okay, yeah. I admit the situation is a little unusual.”

  “My turn to ask a question. What were you and Josh fighting over? I can't remember that part.” His laughter abruptly stops and his cheeks begin to redden again.

  “Are you blushing, Rocco?” I laugh a little harder this time as his cheeks become even redder. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Rocco look so embarrassed before now.

  “Erm … well … the thing … the thing is … I kinda asked him not to ask you out again. I told him that I was interested and I wanted to see where this would go …” I feel a sudden burst of warmth making its way through my body from his words. He wants more with me?

  “As you can probably gather, he wasn't overly happy about it. I think he likes you, but you know, I really don't care anymore. I told him when you first moved here that I liked you, but it didn't stop him asking you out. None of the guys are used to me actually going after a girl, so I don't really blame him for going ahead and asking you on a date anyway.”

  “I’m sure you don't have to chase girls, Rocco. I mean, have you looked in the mirror recently?” I can't help the little giggle that follows those words. I mean, who is he trying to kid?

  “That’s not what I mean. I mean, I don't date.” He doesn’t date? This sexy guy before me who can have any girl he wants doesn’t date?

  “What? Like ever? But, I saw you. You were out with a girl. The one who was keeping your arm warm with her chest at the restaurant.” I try to keep the jealousy out of my voice, but I fail.

  Laughing, Rocco answers,

  “Oh, yeah. I totally forgot about her. I only went out with her as a favour to Mason. He wanted to take her friend out, but she wouldn’t go out without her friend. And, yes I know, she wouldn't stop touching me,” Rocco fakes a shudder through his body, which ultimately lessens my jealousy slightly.

  “I can't even remember her name, Kim, no Katy? I know this must sounds really bad but the only thing I could focus on that night was you. When you left with Josh after we kissed, I wanted to chase after you and beat the hell out of Josh but Mason wouldn't let me.” I watch as the smile crossing his lips get bigger as he tells the story. I remember that moment very clearly. He looked so angry when I left, but I thought that it was because he was angry with me, not Josh.

  “When was the last time you went out on a proper date?” I’m enjoying this time with Rocco. It’s quiet, just the two of us, and he seems willing to open up to me and I’m more than happy to keep him talking.

  “My last date? I think it was when I was with Elle. I haven't been out with anyone since she left. Well, apart from the night we went out dancing.” I can’t believe that’s the only time he’s been out since he split up with Elle.

  “When did you and she split up?” I still can’t believe what he’s telling me.

  “I would say maybe about a year ago, maybe slightly longer. I can’t honestly remember.”

  “But why haven't you dated? I don't understand.” I can see he’s starting to get uncomfortable with the questions I’m asking him, but I just can't seem to be able to stop myself. I need to understand why he hasn’t been out with anyone.

  “I just went through a lot with Elle. I didn't want to be with someone when I was still broken,” There he goes with the broken comments again. I really don't know what he means when he talks like this. There’s nothing wrong with him, so why would he think this? I’m just about to ask him something else, but the door to my room slams open again. I turn and still my movements. He’s the last person in the world that I thought I’d see rushing into my room and looking panicked.

  “Makenzie? Oh my god! Are you okay? I was so scared when the hospital called.”

  Oh God.


  Chapter Twelve

  “Carl? What the hell are you doing here?” My voice reveals the shock I’m suffering from seeing Carl rushing into my room. How does he even know that I’m here? More importantly, why is he here? He briskly walks over and stands on the opposite side of the bed that Rocco is sitting on, before wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly. Well, this is awkw
ard. No. This is really awkward. Rocco still has his hands resting on my hips from when he was just hugging me before Carl entered the room and now Carl is trying to pull me into his arms too.

  “The hospital called. I’m still down on their records as your emergency contact. I was so worried about you, Mackenzie. When they told me that you hadn't woken up yet …” I mentally curse myself for not changing my details after we parted ways. How could I be so stupid? I’ve no idea what to do. I mean, this hasn't exactly been the best day I’ve ever experienced.

  I feel Rocco slipping his hands away from my hips and returning to sit back in the chair next to my bed, though it isn't his hands I want removed from my body. I want Carl to take his hands off of me and then just leave.

  “I’m fine, Carl. You can go back to Rose now. You really didn't need to come here.” I watch as Carls eyes flicker away from me, and as they land on Rocco, I can see the questioning look within them. In the next moment, he reaches his hand out towards Rocco.


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