Into The Deep

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Into The Deep Page 12

by T A. McKay

  I’ve never had someone in my life who has had such an effect on me before, not just the chemistry between us messing with my hormones, but he can actually calm me. Make me feel safer than ever before. The last thought going through my mind before I finally drift off is one of Rocco, with his dark hair and eyes, the thought of the smile he gives me when he’s turned on, the one that makes my toes curl. The one who I’m making it my mission to see more of, whether Rocco knows it yet or not.

  Chapter Thirteen

  My day had started so dreadfully, and it just seemed to go downhill as the day progressed. It started bad when I woke up this morning after 9am, normally I would be happy to have a long lie but this was the last thing I had expected. My few hours’ nap the day before had turned into close to 12 hours of sleep…on my sofa. So not only had I missed my chance to go to Rocco’s last night, I also woke up with a sore neck. Not only was I annoyed that I never made it to his house, but I had been determined to set things right before any unpleasant pictures of Carl and me had the chance to run too wild in his mind.

  After showering and getting dressed I sat wondering what to do. I wanted to talk to Rocco but I knew he would be at work, I already knew he had a week of meetings at work, so a quick search later and I left my apartment with the address of the garage in my phone. It was quite a ways away on foot but it didn’t bother me, I had dressed casually in a short denim skirt, blue halter-top and a pair of low tops, so a walk with the wind against my face and the fresh air was a welcome treat. I was about half way in to my twenty-minute walk when the heavens opened, we hadn’t had rain for weeks so I hadn’t even thought to bring a jacket. And that’s how I got where I am now, standing in the forecourt of Rocco’s garage looking like a drowned rat.

  I wasn’t sure what to do now, no matter how much I want to talk to him, did I really want to see him when I looked like such a mess? But the thought of walking home again in the rain, (and knowing my luck today) catching pneumonia, just wasn’t an appealing thought. I’m stuck in my head trying to make a decision but the sudden sound of laughter sliced through my thoughts. I look up to see Mason standing in the open garage door, doubled over with his hands on his knees, laughing so hard that tears run down his cheeks. The indecision is back, but for a totally different reason. Now I need to decide where I’m going to punch Mason, my vote at the moment is that really sensitive area between his legs. I clench my fists and storm over to where he is standing, the look on my face must be one of murder as he raises his hands and backs away from me quickly.

  “Don’t, Makenzie. I didn’t mean to laugh. Dammit woman, don’t hit me.” He may be saying all the right words but the laughing hasn’t stopped yet.

  “Really, Mason? I shouldn’t hit you when you are finding the fact that I’m drenched absolutely hilarious. I have had a shit day and I need to relieve some tension. Hitting you would be the best cure at the moment.” I can hear the anger in my voice, even though I wasn’t trying to sound quite as stabby. Definitely a bad day!

  “Nope. Not gonna be your punching bag. I only let women do that in bed, but you know…if you’re offering?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively but that does nothing to help. Not even his smile and wink will get me out of this mood. A door creaks open and I turn as I hear his voice.

  “Mason. What the he…” He notices me standing there and stops mid-sentence. God knows how disastrous I look at this moment, I know rain still dripping down my face. Rocco starts to back up slightly like he will be able to just disappear into the shadows.

  “Don’t even try it!” I point a finger at him so he knows exactly who I'm talking to. He stops in his tracks and looks towards Mason with a look that is asking for help.

  “I'm sorry dude, but you’re on your own with this one.” With this Mason walks back to the work area returning to the bikes being worked on. This is the first of me noticing that there happened to be an audience of dudes watching us, looking at me with a mixture of amusement and something that looks like worry. I feel the blush working up my cheeks, who knows what they must be thinking about this mad woman standing soaking wet and shouting at both their bosses.

  I point at Rocco again, “We need to talk. Now.”

  “Oh...em...ok. Is my office ok?” I nod my head and he stands back to let me walk past him. His office is not what I expected. Working in the garage I expected to see lots of grease, bike parts and for it to look a bit run down but that's not what I get. To start with, it’s actually quite large. There is an enormous dark wood desk taking up a good portion of the room, I'm not sure any one person needs a desk of that magnitude. He must hold a lot of meetings in here with the professional look that the room has, but then I have never seen Rocco looking anything less than perfect so I shouldn’t expect his office to look any different. Hearing the door close behind me I turn and look at him, and as much as I try not to look over him I just can’t stop myself. He looks good in anything he wears but in a suit with the sleeves rolled up, showing just a little of his tattoo, he is almost edible. I give my head a shake to clear my mind, I'm not here to look at him, I'm here to kick his arse.

  “You walked out on me again, Rocco.” I’m happy that I manage to get the words out strong. He looks at me for a moment later before walking away, leaving the office through a different door. I stand there with my mouth open, not believing that he is actually walking away from me again. Before I have a chance to shout after him, he re-appears through the door holding a towel in his hand. He hands it to me as he walks over to his desk and grabs something out of a drawer. I am drying my hair when he comes back to stand in front of me, it doesn’t escape my notice that he still hasn’t spoken to me.

  “Here. You look cold.” He holds out a white t-shirt with the garages name ‘RM’s Custom Fits’, on the front.

  “I'm fine, Rocco. I will dry off soon.”

  “Makenzie, you can’t keep that top on. You will end up ill, especially after what you have just been through.” His voice takes on a slight edge to it.

  “Rocco, I...” I'm not able to finish what I am saying before he has me turned towards the door, pushing me through it by the shoulders.

  “I'm not gonna speak to you until you get your top changed, Makenzie. So stop fighting me, and just do it.” With those parting words he closes the door, leaving me alone in a small bathroom. I stand there mutely with a t-shirt in my hands, glaring at the door he has just closed. Well damn him. He will just have to deal with it. He won’t talk to me until I'm wearing it then I will wear it, and hope I don’t die of embarrassment while I prove a point.

  With the fresh shirt in place I stomp from the bathroom; I refuse to admit to Rocco that I’m grateful to be feeling warmer. Rocco is sitting, waiting, on the edge of his desk with a cup of coffee in his hand. His long legs are stretched out in front of him, I wonder how it’s possible that he seems so comfortable with himself, I am always a little awkward no matter who I am around. I’d kill for just a shred of that inner comfort. My arms crossed over the front of my body, I can already feel the blush on my cheeks.

  “Here. This will help warm you up.” Little does he know, that when he is around me my body is always warm.

  “Thank you. If you put it on the table I will get it in a minute.”

  “Damn it, Makenzie. Stop being so bloody defiant.” I stand there in shock. He thinks I'm being defiant? Who the hell does he think he is? Fine I will take his bloody cup of coffee. I drop my arms and reach out to take the cup. I register the instant he notices the reason for my “bloody defiance,” as he so kindly calls it. His eyes drop down to my chest and rapidly darken to a smouldering gaze I can’t look away from. I can feel his stare on my breasts and it’s making my nipples tighten under the thin layer of the T-shirt. He has just learnt the unspoken rule among women, that you can’t wear a bra under a halter-top. At the same time I learn that I have absolutely no control over my body when he is about. He hasn’t stopped staring since I moved my hands.

  “Rocco, my face is up
here.” His head whips up as he looks at my face instead of my chest. I see a reddening blush creep into his face, but it doesn’t remove the lust I can see in his eyes. If he wants me as much as his body claims to, why does he keep running away?

  “Damn. Yeah, sorry. You…em…wanted to talk?” He manages to stutter out while focusing intently on my face. I take a step towards him and he pulls his legs back in so I don’t trip.

  “I want to know the truth, why did you walk out again?” His shoulders dropped a little and I hear him sigh. He turns slightly and places the cup on his desk, turning back to me he explains.

  “I couldn’t be there with him. I want to hurt him for what he put you through, for the pain he caused you. And watching him touch you was just driving me insane. He still wants you, Makenzie.” I move closer to him again, forcing him to spread his knees apart.

  “I know he does, but I don’t want him. There was only one person in that room that I wanted to touch me, and he left me there…again.” He is watching my lips as I talk, his tongue licking over his own. This talk isn’t going the way I wanted it to. I came here to kick his ass and all I can think about is kissing him.

  “He’s your fiancé.” He whispers, his lips so close to mine.

  “Ex.” I brush my nose over Rocco’s and I hear him inhale deeply. I can feel him trying to resist, trying to not give into what is between us. His hands reach out and grab me by the hips pulling me further into him. I place my hands on his chest, playing with the buttons of his shirt. He always feels so good; so warm and hard under my hands.

  “He still wants you though. I don’t want to get in between the two of you.”

  “There is nothing to get between, Rocco. The only person I wanted there yesterday is the stubborn man that is trying really hard not to kiss me right now.” That's the final push that Rocco needs to finally put his lips on mine. I swallow the groan from him as I open my mouth, allowing him all the access he wants. His hands grip harder as I move fully against him, letting every inch of our bodies press together. Grinding gently into the now prominent erection in his trousers, I feel more confident about the plan to make him mine. His kiss dominates me, there is more need and passion in this one kiss than any of the others that we have shared. His lips mark me, making me his even if he doesn’t even realise it. I pull back from the kiss slightly, taking his bottom lip between my teeth and pulling gently. His eyes close as he lets a little growl out, placing his head against mine he mutters,

  “Makenzie, you keep doing things like that and I won’t be able to stop myself from what I do next.”

  “Who says I want you to stop?” I challenge him. Daring him to take me the way we both crave. He looks at me for another moment before grabbing me tightly at the waist, lifting me completely and turning before placing me where he had been sitting on his desk.

  “You really do like to challenge me at every opportunity, don’t you? I reach up and loosen the tie from around his neck, pulling it over his head, letting it drop to the floor.

  Starting to unbutton his shirt I say to him,

  “There is no challenge here, Rocco. I am right here in front of you to do with as you please. I don’t know how to tell you any clearer than I have,” I lean forward and place kisses on his chest in between my words.

  “I,” Kiss.

  “Want,” Kiss.

  “You.” Kiss.

  Rocco’s head has dropped back as I work my way down his body letting my lips work their magic. Reaching the bottom button, I pull the shirt out of his trousers. He brings his head up and watches me as I push the shirt from his shoulders, making it land next to his tie on the floor. I take a minute to look over him, standing there in just his trousers. His chest is going up and down as his breathing is getting harsher, and his eyes haven’t left mine. He reaches forward and grabs the hair at the back of my head, bringing my lips close to his.

  “You are going to make me lose the only control I ever thought I had. I can’t think when you touch me.” His words, along with the hold he has on my hair is making me wet. I can feel the muscles in my core tighten as he tangles his hands in my hair even more.

  “I want you, Makenzie. More than I’ve ever wanted anyone before. Are you willing to accept everything from me? All of my flaws? All of it, even if I can’t give you everything I should?” I try to form words, but he has stolen all the breath from my body. I feel like I'm drowning in all the thoughts and emotions flooding through me. He pulls my head back more, taking the skin of my neck just the way I yearned.

  “I asked you a question, Makenzie. Can you accept me with everything I can, and everything I can’t give you? Do you want me?” I hear a squeak leave my throat as I feel my body hurtling towards orgasm. He hasn’t even touched me and I feel like I'm losing the fight against my release. Every time he says my name, it feels like he is running his tongue between my legs. My breath shudders as he moves in and runs his nose up my neck smelling me. When did I lose the power in this seduction?

  “I want anything I can get from you, Rocco. I want everything you can give me and the things you can’t I won’t even miss.” He releases his hold on my hair and I can finally look him in the eyes. He has a strange look deep within them, almost like fear but I have no idea why he would be afraid.

  “Do you know what you’re asking for? I haven’t been with anyone since my accident, not even Elle. I don’t know if I can anymore.”

  And there it is. The truth of everything that is going through his head. The fears that have been making him run from me. I feel a lump in my throat when I realise how much it took him to say those words to me, to admit his biggest fear aloud. I will not let this moment pass without showing him how un-broken he is. Leaning forward I let me breath wash over his lips as I reach down and cup his still present erection in my hand.

  “It sure doesn’t feel like there is a problem with anything working. I think it feels amazing and I haven’t even felt it in the flesh yet.” Rocco’s head bumps against mine and his eyes close.

  “Fuck, Makenzie.” He gasps against my lips. I let my hands move to his belt buckle slowly, giving him a chance to stop me if he needs to. I don’t want to push him too hard, not now that he is finally letting his walls come down. I pop the top button on a moan, I don’t think I have ever been so turned on in my life. I have wanted men in the past but I need Rocco. His lips press onto mine gently, I know the connection of our lips is important to him, making him feel more grounded. I know this as I feel exactly the same way. I lower his zipper, feeling the pressure of his hardness on my fingers. I don’t know how he didn’t break the zip. I rub my hand up the outside of his boxer shorts and along the outline of him. A groan comes from Rocco and it’s my turn to shudder. Now that I am this close to his hardness, and even thought I have been this close before, it’s not enough. I need it all. I push his trousers down over his hips lightly, giving me better access to what I am desperate for. I pull the front of his boxers away, I can feel him tense where his body is against me. He feels like a bow, strung tight and ready to release the tension at any moment. My heart is racing as I take this…this whatever it is, further than we have before. I wrap my fingers around his erection and gently rub him from root to tip.

  “Oh God. Makenzie, oh my god.” he chants as his head drops forward and leans on my chest. I continue to trace my hand up and down his length, feeling him shudder and jump in my hand. Without lifting his head I feel his hands grip at the edge of the t-shirt I'm wearing, roughly pulling it up my body, until I have no option but let him go and lift my arms so he can take it off me. He throws it to the floor where we are building a pile of clothing, once it is clear from my head and before I am able to focus again his lips attack mine. His tongue is hot against mine, exploring my mouth and sucking on my tongue. I wrap my fingers in his hair and pull him closer, trying to lose myself in his body; wanting him to lose himself in mine just as much. I feel his hands move up my sides, rubbing little patterns on my skin, as he gets closer to where I wa
nt to feel his hands. I hold my breath as his smooth gentle hands finally make contact with my breasts, gently massaging them, his thumb rubbing over my already hard nipples.

  “Rocco.” I manage to pant into his mouth. The sensations swirling through my body are becoming too hard to handle, I feel everything that he is doing to me. His tongue and his hand making a lethal combination for my nerves. Now that I have parted my lips from him, he kisses over my jaw, down my neck, over my shoulder and down my chest towards my breasts. Taking my nipple into his mouth a rough gasp erupts as I have to work hard to keep the orgasm I feel, from happening. His tongue has a direct line to my core and I feel everything intensifying in the bottom of my belly and I know it won’t take much to push me past the point of no return. Grabbing Rocco’s hair I mean to pull his head away, to give me some relief from his mouth, but what I do instead is push him closer to my body, arching my back, pushing my breasts closer to him. I can’t get enough but I know this may be too much very soon.

  “Rocco. You need to stop. I can’t take anymore.” He pulls his mouth away from my breast but tug my nipple with his teeth.

  “Why?” He growls out in a rasp that I have never heard him use before, and immediately returns his mouth to my other breast.

  “Oh God. Please, Rocco, stop. My body is about to explode.” And I'm not lying to him, my body is right on the edge now, every nerve is so sensitive that I think I am about to spontaneously combust. Rocco doesn’t listen to me though, the hand that isn’t being used to hold my breast to his mouth runs down my body. He lifts my skirt as he trails his fingers trail up the inside of my thigh. I throw my head back and stare at the ceiling, hoping that if I can’t see what he is doing to me I might be able to calm down. I am proven wrong when he slips his fingers into my panties, running the length of me.


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