Into The Deep

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Into The Deep Page 16

by T A. McKay

  “Yeah, Mason. You’re right. She isn’t worth anyone’s time.” I walk away from her with my head held high. Leaving behind the woman that broke the man I love.

  Love? Do I love Rocco? I really think I do. Mason catches up with me and throws his arm around my shoulder.

  “Come on, Rocky. Let’s go and get your man.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Rushing from the hotel that the function is held, my heart drops when I notice that Rocco’s car is gone from where he parked it. He really did leave. I check my phone to see if he had sent me a message, but there’s nothing. He has disappeared.

  “Where would he go, Mason?” We are moving quickly towards his car. We both know it’s important to find Rocco, to find out what Elle has said to him. I’m scared that she’s finally broken him, that I won’t ever get my Rocco back. The look he had in his eyes as he left scared me, I had never seen him look so shattered, not even when he was reliving the past.

  “I’m not sure. Maybe we should start with the obvious places first. Lets try the garage since it’s the closest, and then try his place.” Mason is trying to seem calm but I can see the worry in his eyes. I might lose the man I love, but Mason may lose his best friend.

  We had checked the garage but we hadn’t found Rocco. We are now driving towards his house, I have all my hopes pinned on him being there. I don’t know if my nerves will last if we have to try and think of another place that he might be. The only other place I can think of is the pool, but I don’t want to think about having to go there. The drive has been quiet, there is nothing to talk about and I think that Mason is stuck in his head, just as much as I am. I keep thinking that I should ask him if he is ok, but his hands gripping the steering wheel show me that he is barely holding onto his anger. So I leave him to his thoughts, hoping that he can settle the emotions that he is feeling.

  Pulling into Rocco’s street I release the breath that I think I have been holding since the hotel. His car is in his driveway. Mason pulls to a stop behind it but doesn’t turn off the engine. I turn to look at him.

  “Are you not coming in?”

  “No, Makenzie. I think this is something that only you can help with. I can only imagine the things she said to him, about being broken and useless. You are the only one that can prove to him that's she’s wrong.” I feel tears building behind my eyes. This Mason right in front of me is the one that I love. The one with a huge heart, the one that would do anything for someone he loves. I reach over and squeeze his hand.

  “Thank you. I will text you when I can.” Leaning over he gives me a small kiss on my cheek.

  “Take care of my boy.” I open the car door and leave, before I lose the battle to hold back my tears.

  “Will you stop running away from me, Rocco.” He turns to looks at me and I can see his eyes are still riddled with that gut wrenching pain. I have finally got him to open his front door. I had stood for a while after Mason left, just trying to get Rocco to open it. He hadn’t said anything when I had started to knock but I knew he was there, I swear I felt like I could feel his pain through the door. When I had threatened to call the police to come and check on him he had finally relented and opened it. The vision that met me when the door opened wasn’t one that I will ever forget. He looked like he was breaking from the inside out.

  “Rocco, please. Will you tell me what happened?” His head falls in defeat as he leans back against the wall.

  For a few unbearable moments of silence I felt how strongly her words had affected his battered soul. My stomach twisted and something told me that I was losing him.

  “I can’t do this, Makenzie. I thought I could, but I can’t be the man you want. The man you need.” I watch him closely wondering exactly what had happened. Why were we back to this again? I thought we had gotten past his disbelief that I want him. I walk over to him, standing as close to him as I can without actually touching him.

  “Look at me, Rocco.” He doesn’t raise his head, instead he lowers himself down the wall until he is sitting on the floor, placing his head in his hands. He is breaking in front of me and I need to stop him, to save him. Dropping to my knees next to him, I place my hand on his chin I lift it until I can see his beautiful, pain filled eyes.

  “Tell me what happened.” I say gently, just above a whisper.

  “The woman you saw me talking to, that was Elle.”

  “Yeah I worked that out. And I don’t know what she said, and I really don’t care. You can’t let her get under your skin. You are so much better than she is. You need to see all the people that are around you Rocco. We love you.” I try to think of another way to show him the type of man he is. That he is the only person that I want. It’s not the way I want to tell him but I think he needs to know. I take a deep breath and let out the words that I hope will show him what he means to me.

  “I love you, Rocco.” I manage on barely a whisper. Even though I only admitted it to myself earlier in the evening, right now, with his courage and confidence dwindling he needs to know my feelings. He looks into my eyes and I know he’s struggling with it, he wants to believe me but her voice just won’t let him. I move my face closer to him, placing my lips next to his ear and whisper,

  “I love you, Rocco.” He lets out a pained breath. It sounds like it has been ripped from the bottom of his soul. I repeat the words to him.

  “I love you, Rocco.” I place a kiss under his ear, under my lips I can feel his body shudder. If he won’t believe my words then he will have to believe my actions. I will not leave this house until he fully understands, and believes the love I have for him. I let my lips follow the curve of his jaw, the feel of his slight stubble on my lips sends a surge of electricity through my body.

  I need this man, more than he will possibly ever know. Moving towards his lips, I stop and look at him. He has his eyes closed, I wonder if he wants me to stop. I don’t want to. He opens his eyes and looks straight at me. I’m sure he can see straight into me and I wonder if my eyes reflect the heat that’s in his.

  “Don’t stop. Please.” I move to close the small distance between us, my lips brushing over his gently, letting him back away if he wants. Instead of backing away like I thought he might, he puts his hand to the back of my neck, pulling me closer. The heat in the kiss increases, the gentleness is replaced by a desperation that I can feel flowing from Rocco to me. Feeling his hand tangle in my hair, I move my body closer to him, until I feel my breasts rub against his chest.

  My lungs start to burn with the need to breathe, but I don’t want to lose the contact with his searing lips. I’m afraid if I pull away from him he will stop and run like he always does. I let a small gasp out when I pull back from him and I can finally breathe. I place kisses on his cheek. He lowers his knees, extending his legs out in front of him. I don’t hesitate to crawl into his lap, straddling his legs. The split on my dress opens fully on my left side, allowing me to sit comfortably. It also leaves my left leg completely bare right up to the top of the thigh. He moves the hand that isn’t holding my neck down to hold my hip, gently pulling me closer into him. I grind my hips, feeling his erection straining inside his tuxedo trousers. Listening to the groan he lets out gives me confidence to keep going, maybe I’m getting through to him just how much I want him.

  His lips find my neck, causing goose bumps all over my body. He can get such a huge reaction from me by doing so little. He finds that spot where my neck joins my shoulder and bites it gently, before soothing it with his tongue. He pulls on my hair bringing my head back to give his mouth full access to my neck, moving lower he nips along my collarbone. I noticed that my hands have moved from his hair and are now grabbing onto the front of his shirt and I don’t remember moving them there. He lets me raise my head again and our lips meet, our tongues tangle and our hips pulse together.

  We touch from head to toe, but I crave to touch him more, to feel him over every part of my body at once. With his hands and his lips. Closing my eyes, I grind my hips har
der into him, I can feel him close to my core and the few layers that separate us are driving me insane, I just want him inside me. I am concentrating so hard on the feel of his erection against me that I am surprised when I feel the strap of my dress fall from my shoulder. I open my eyes and see that Rocco has slid it down; he pulls it further until my breast is uncovered and naked in front of him. He uses his thumb to rub over my very erect nipple, the friction causing my belly muscle to tense. This in turn causes the fire in my core to get bigger. I want Rocco to hurry up and take me but I also want this to never end. I want to savour every moment.

  His lips move down to my breast, kissing from the top until he has my nipple in his mouth. The heat from his mouth is like lava on me, I feel like he is marking them with his tongue. He removes my other strap as he continues to lavish my nipple with his mouth, giving it more attention that it has ever had. My breast feel heavy with the arousal he has flooding through my body. He moves his mouth to my other breast giving it the same attention. The coolness of the hallway attacks my wet nipple making me shudder. Rocco lifts his head to look at me.

  “Are you ok?” He asks in a husky voice. I pull on his bowtie that was lying loose around his neck, throwing it to the floor.

  “I’m better than ok.” I lean forward again, capturing his lips while I start to undo his buttons on his shirt. I nibble his lips and then sooth them with my tongue. His breathing has increased almost to the point of gasping, and when I run my hands inside his open shirt feeling his beautifully carved abs he lets out a groan.

  “Are you ok?” I ask him with a smile.

  “I’m better than ok.” He replies with a laugh.

  “Can I make a suggestion?” He asks as he continues to palm my breasts. The feeling is amazing and I’m trying so hard to concentrate on what he’s saying to me. His pam is slightly calloused and these are rubbing over my nipple.

  “If you keep doing that, then no. You feel so amazing.” I lean forward and kiss him again. I can’t keep my lips off him. He pushes me back slightly, only far enough that our lips part.

  “Amazing. But when I’m with you for the first time, I don’t want it to be on my hall floor. Can we please move before I get too carried away to care?”

  “And you promise if we stop you won’t run away from me?” I smile at him so he knows I am teasing him, and I am, a little. There is a part of me though that is scared that he will run, and I want him to stop running now I have him exactly where I want him.

  “Makenzie, I swear that there is nothing in this world that would make you leave my bed tonight.” Placing a gentle kiss on my lips he pushes me up to my feet, I grab his hand and help him off the floor. Not dropping my hand he pulls me in the direction of his bedroom.

  It feels like forever since we were in here last, not just since last night. Rocco drops my hand as he goes to close the curtains. I walk over to look at the selection of photograph’s that line his wall. I had noticed them last night but hadn’t paid much attention. The photos are all black and white scenic pictures, there are a few were of the ocean with big waves crashing onto the shore. They are breath taking. There are another few of city sky lines, but there was no way I could name the cities. Rocco wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder as I stand there looking at them.

  “These are beautiful, Rocco. I have never seen anything like them before.”

  “My brother Noah took them. It’s just a hobby. I think he should take it up professionally but he won’t listen to me.”

  “I agree. He’s wasting an amazing talent.” They really are eye catching, and even though they are black and white they seem to have so much life in them.

  “As much as I love my brother, I think I would rather talk about how I can get you back into that big bed over there.” He whispers into my ear. Little does he know that he really doesn’t have to do much at all, he would never have to do much. I’ve been drawn to him since I met him, even my body knew before my brain did that he was it. He is the one.

  “Rocco, all you need to do is ask.” I turn in his arms to face him, I don’t think I will ever get tired of looking at his beautiful face.

  “Makenzie,” he whispers against my lips, his breath warm against me. I am glad that he is holding me still or I would have been in a puddle on the floor.

  “Will you please let me make love to you?”

  “Oh God, Rocco.” I think I actually swoon, but he is there to catch me again. I realize that he has been there catching me for a while now, I just haven’t noticed before. Once I know that my legs can take my weight again, I step back from his body. I can feel his eyes all over me, the heat from them almost burning my skin as they move over me. The look that Rocco is giving me is pure desire, he looks as though I’m the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. It gives me confidence in what I’m about to do. I let the straps of my dress fall from my shoulders, swaying my body slightly the dress is quickly lying around my ankles. Standing completely naked in from of him, nowhere to hide. I feel relaxed and comfortable standing there, and I know I don’t want to hide anything from him.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” His eyes haven’t made it back up to my face yet. Moving forward I stand right in front of him, close enough to feel his heat, to smell him, but not close enough that we are touching. I reach out and push his shirt from his shoulders. Now it’s my turn to take in his body, he honestly looks like he is sculpted by a world-renowned artist. I give in to the temptation that is standing before me and run my hand down his abdomen.

  The muscles tremble under my touch, making them tight. Not allowing my hands to stop their downward decent on his body I run my fingers along the waistband of his trousers. Undoing the button and lowering the zip, I push his trousers down over his hips. His eyes haven’t left mine since I moved closer to him, his breathing is getting quicker and matches mine now. Both of us are just standing there, just staring at each other but not touching. I break eye contact, starting to feel exposed and my nerves are starting to show through.

  Rocco growls before he grabs me, hand tangling in my hair tilting my head back as his lips slam against mine. We move backwards across his room until the back of my legs hit his bed and I tumble onto it, with Rocco still attached to me. His kisses consume me with so much passion and need. I try to be equal in what I give him back but there is no mistaking who is now in control. He moves us further up the bed, and never once does his lips leave me.

  My lips. My neck. My breasts. The heat of my body is intense, the wetness between my legs can no longer be hidden and I’m scared that I might orgasm before he actually gets inside me.

  “Rocco. Oh God, Rocco. You’re going to have to hurry up. I can’t take anymore.” He stands at the bottom of the bed, I prop myself up on my elbows and watch as he finally, yes lord finally, removes his boxer shorts. My mouth goes dry looking at him. My core tightens and I’m in real danger of that orgasm, just imaging him inside me. I have never seen a man look as perfect as he does, he is truly every woman’s dream come true. But in the midst of my admiration he suddenly stopped, turned and alarm strikes as I watched him walk away from me.

  “Rocco?” He must have heard the panic in my voice because even I felt the hysteria coursing through me. He can’t leave me this way.

  “Beautiful, I will be back in one minute.” I watch as he goes through the door leaving his room, he reappears less than a minute later holding a little square foil packet in his raised fingers.

  “We can’t get very far without this.” He is wearing that smile that makes my heart beat faster. The one of pure joy.

  “True, but maybe you should grab more than one.” I wink at him as I watch him start to crawl up the bed towards me. His lips graze over my skin as he moves higher, everywhere he touches gets me hotter and less patient.

  “Rocco, I love you,” I kiss him on the lips.

  “But I swear, if you don’t hurry up I am going to tie you to this bed and have my wicked way with
you.” This actually makes him laugh. Maybe he thinks I’m joking?

  “As fun as that sounds, maybe next time.” He lowers his body onto mine. It’s the first time I have felt him naked against me, and I am sure this is what heaven feels like. He is hard all over but warm and gentle. I can feel his erection settling between my legs, moving slightly to create friction on my clit. My eyes roll in my head. He really is trying to kill me. My hands are touching everywhere I can, and I am getting myself worked up into a heated mess. Rocco groans when I tilt my hips up into him.

  “I want this to last so long for you, Makenzie. But I can’t. I need to have you now. I’m sorry.” Rocco pants these words in between grinding into me.

  “Don’t make me wait.” I plead with him, not ashamed to be begging. He leans back from me, putting the condom on. Propping himself over me on this arms, he reaches down and runs his fingers along me. I gasp at his touch.

  “You are so wet. Are you ready for me?” I try to answer him but he pushes two fingers into me stealing all my thoughts. Pumping them in and out of me slowly, gradually building up speed as I struggle to keep my hips on the bed. It takes all the control I have to just lie there and enjoy the moment. I moan as he slips his fingers back into my body and it seems to break the last portion of control Rocco has. He leans down over my body again and kisses me, little sweet kisses, as his tongue tastes my mouth.

  I feel the heat from his erection as he places it at my opening. I want to push forward, I want him to slam into me, to fill me. He gently pushes into me. I feel the thickness of him spread my muscles, stretching to almost the point of pain, pain that is still pleasure. I dig my nails into the skin on his back making him grunt. I can’t stop it, the feeling is just so intense. Soon he is fully filling me, touching deep inside. He stays still and I just want him, no I need him to move.


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