Something Deeper

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Something Deeper Page 3

by Shara Azod

  “Mr. Westmorland was just explaining work has to be put off until the right materials for the roof arrive.”

  Damn! She hadn’t even noticed Leland’s approach. He was standing right there in front of her, frowning down at her as if she had done something wrong.

  “Fine,” she snapped at Jimmy, refusing to give Leland the time of day.

  How dare he sneak up on her like that? And it wasn’t as if she hadn’t ordered the right materials. The packaging slip proved that she had. It was the supplier that fucked up the order.

  “Knock off the crew,” she instructed Jimmy, giving Leland her back. Hopefully he would take the hint and kiss her ass. “Tell them I will give them a call the day before we come back to the island. Y’all go ahead and take all the boats except the Pleasure Palace. I will be along in a while.”

  With that she stalked off toward the newly renovated garden house. She needed some time to think away from Leland Westmorland and her interfering cousin. Maybe she would take a dip after they had all gone. If that didn’t cool off her over heated libido, she didn’t know what would.


  Leland was the first to admit he had led a blessed life. He had been born into money and prestige, school had not been especially hard on him, and women had always come with ease; though admittedly none he had ever considered settling down with. There had never in his life been a reason for him to get overly upset, so he never had. There had never been anything he wanted he couldn’t have. Until he met Toni Bignon. The woman had worked herself under his skin and just would not get out.

  He was man enough to readily admit he was more than interested. Mere physical attraction could not even begin to explain what he felt about the petite beauty. She was so far outside the type of women he generally dated; he was at a complete loss at how to approach her. Not that she would let him. The woman was determined to avoid him like he was some kind of leper.

  It wouldn’t have been so bad if she treated all the men on the worksite the same way. He had to watch day in and day out as she laughed and joked with the brawny construction workers under her charge. She could sweet talk a vendor like nobody’s business or given the provocation, she handled them like a shark. She had the respect of everyone who worked for her and with her. She was never afraid of getting her own hands dirty, often hefting materials that had to weigh twice as much as she did. Her men loved her. Maybe a little too much.

  Leland was forced to watch men ogle the woman he wanted with something that was fast bordering on obsession. What was worse was that Toni was completely clueless of their interest. She wore cut-off jean shorts most days, showing off those shapely dark brown legs that were sheer perfection. He had never seen legs that short look so well defined, so damn good! He wanted to take a bite out of those legs.

  Didn’t she know every time she walked by, damn near every man on the site was watching that delectable, well-rounded ass of hers? Wasn’t she the least bit curious as to why there always seemed to be hands ready to steady the ladder whenever she went up on the roof? He had watched the construction workers squabble over whose turn it was to hold the ladder while she blithely went up and down, never guessing the eyes clued to her backside.

  It was damned galling it. It was beyond infuriating. It was going to stop.

  He waited for everyone to load on to the waiting boats to take them back to the mainland, staying carefully hidden, especially from that cousin of hers. That man was worse than a mother hen, constantly blocking him when he tried to maneuver a way to corner Toni alone. She must have told him about their little interlude while alone on the island.

  Jimmy wasn’t going to be here to save her now. He knew Toni had no intention of heading to the mainland tonight. She often chose to stay over, sleeping either on her boat, or on the trailer set up on the south lawn facing the ocean. Generally, he would wait in his car at the marina, waiting for a glimpse of her boat that never came. He had to fight the desire to swim across the channel to see what she was up to, but he managed to talk himself out of it and drive slowly back to the house he had rented for the duration of the project.

  Well, he was done with waiting.

  As soon as the last boat faded over the horizon, he slipped from his hiding place, stalking over to the trailer Toni had disappeared into moments before. He didn’t bother knocking, and just as he suspected the door wasn’t locked. He could hear water running in the bathroom, the door wide open.

  Mild irritation blew up to a full grown fury. Anyone could walk in on her and have their way with that tight ass of hers. Had she no sense of self preservation? That woman needed to be spanked, thoroughly, until her backside burned. A groan escaped from his lips just thinking about it. Well, a man has to do what a man has to do.

  He strode toward the tiny bathroom with purpose. This was for her own good. While her men may be on their best behavior on the job site, there was no telling the thoughts that ran through their heads at the end of the day. And with her flaunting her assets to all and sundry, a man could get ideas. She needed to learn to take precautions. Had she always been this cavalier with her safety?

  His anger fed his courage as he stomped into the bathroom, ready to lay down the law. The sight that greeted him stopped him dead in his tracks.

  Leland had to grab on to the sink to stop himself from sinking to his knees. The damn shower had a clear glass door; there was no frosting, no distortion, nothing at all to hide the wet nymph behind the pane of glass. Were petite women supposed to be stacked like that? He knew she had delicious illusions of curves fully clothed, but this-this was a body men only saw in movies.

  There was no way he was leaving this trailer before making this woman his own. He wasn’t going to lie to himself and say all he needed was a taste, then go back to being his normal self. After spending days of watching and fantasizing about this woman, he had come to grips this was no simple fascination. He seriously doubted sleeping with her once or twice was going to cure what ailed him. And right about now he had every intention of embracing the insane, blistering hot need she brought out in him. Hell, he was going to smear it all over his skin and roll around in it for as long as she’d let him, and then he would just have to sweet talk her into giving him more.

  He was just about to stalk forward when the messages his eyes were sending his brain finally processed. Her hands were moving, spreading the thick foam of soap across her skin. Leland was a man who showered at least once a day, and he knew the difference between cleansing and caressing. Toni wasn’t cleansing a damn thing. The way one hands cupped her breasts, allowing her fingers to flick the nipples didn’t have anything to do with washing off the dirt and grime of the day. And the other hand…

  What he wouldn’t give to be right where that other hand was right now. With one leg bent and resting on the edge of the shower, he couldn’t see that devilish little hand stroke her pussy, but he could imagine it. If the moans emitting from the steaming shower were any indication, that hand was doing quite a fine job. But he could do better.

  Shaken to his core, Leland took another step forward, and then stopped when the moans developed into words. One word in particular.

  “Oh, Leland.”

  The soft gasp of his name went through his ears straight down to his cock. She was fantasizing about him while getting herself off in the shower? That little minx! All day, every day she pretended as if he didn’t exist, yet she could masturbate while thinking of him?

  Gritting his teeth, Leland stomped the rest away to the door of the shower, flinging it open and grabbing his prey. She wasn’t about to freeze him out, and then sulk off to be with him only in her dirty little fantasies! Miss Toni Bignon was about to get all of Leland Westmorland if it was the last thing he ever did!

  Chapter 5

  Despite the fact that she shrieked in supposed shock, Toni couldn’t honestly say she was surprised when the shower door was thrown open, banging against the wall so hard she winced. She couldn’t claim to be astonished when
she was unceremoniously yanked into incredibly strong, well defined arms. And as much as she knew she would probably burn in hell for it, she wasn’t the least bit ashamed to have been caught masturbating to visions of the man who took her wet body and pinned it to the wall, trying to grasp her hair through her shower cap while invading her mouth with his tongue like it was a conquering army and her mouth was some kind of rich, ripe prize. The cap was ripped from her head, freeing her hair to hang down to her shoulder. He wasted no time grabbing a fistful to yank her head back, allowing deeper access to her mouth.

  She was thrilled. She was exhilarated. And damned if she wasn’t turned on!

  She knew Leland had been watching her all day. Well, he had been watching since the beginning of the project really. But his stares had become more intense, his mood more surly. She knew what he was thinking, but there was no way in hell she was ever going to approach him. She didn’t really lie to herself as much as she lied to Jimmy. Since that kiss when she was showing him the house, she could think about nothing else but being with Leland. Some days she was so wound up, she locked herself in the trailer and took care of her wayward yearnings right there. She even purchased a new Mr. Happy and kept him locked in the trailer bedroom that was both an impromptu office as well as a place to crash when she was just too tired to drive back home.

  So, when the shower door swung open, Toni was relieved. She and Mr. Happy #2 had become far too well acquainted with each other. She knew without a doubt the fire started by a kiss would not be doused by anyone other than the man who started it. Once she slept with him, she could ignore him properly and get on with her life. Leland was becoming a distraction she just didn’t want any more.

  “If you wanted the real thing, sugar, all you had to do was ask for it.”

  Ah, hell, there was that “sugar” word, said all proper like. That was about all the foreplay she needed.

  Even though she shivered at the deep drawl in her ear, there was no way in hell she was going to ask for a damn thing. He wanted every bit as much as she did; he needed to be the one asking. Begging even.

  “Get off me,” Toni growled, though she didn’t bother moving her hands from grasping his shoulders to push him away. She didn’t mean it. From the smirk on his face as he leaned back, she knew Leland didn’t believe it either. Instead moving away, she felt a thick finger probing her sopping opening.

  “Come on, sugar,” his lazy twang was accompanied by an equally lazy smile. He was too good looking for his own good! “You don’t mean that do you?”

  She didn’t bother to answer. He knew damned well she didn’t mean it! What an idiotic question! If she meant it, why would her nipples tighten so much they felt like they would burst? Her breast felt all hot and heavy as his talented tongue circled the areolas before sucking the distressed nubbins, sending a flood of juices to her core.

  Damned man! Didn’t he know the last thing she needed was freaking foreplay? She was so hot, so needy; she was seriously considering pushing him back and jumping on him.

  But then he traveled south, his scorching mouth blazing a trail of fire from her chest, down her torso, to her belly, where he paused to worship her belly ring.

  “Damn!” she heard he exclaimed in a fervent whisper as his tongue flicked the diminutive piece of jewelry back and forth.

  She thought she was surely going to have to punch him upside the head if he didn’t get on with it. Fortunately for him, he kept going, moving downward so slowly she felt like screaming from the tension building in her belly. Sharp bolts of tingling lightening raced across every inch of her skin. Her nerve endings were wound so tightly, by the time he made his way to her pussy, the first swipe of his tongue nearly sent her over the edge.

  “Right there, please!” She didn’t care that she was pleading. She didn’t care she had a death grip on his hair. All she cared about was getting satisfaction, and she wanted it now!

  With a growl that thrilled Toni to her toes, Leland wrapped both legs around his shoulders, grabbed her ass and lifted her up in one smooth move. She barely had time to release a delighted squeal before he sat her on the edge of the sink, and then dove right into her center, eating away like a wild man.

  And damn, could the man eat some pussy! He feasted like it was his favorite meal, alternating between thrusting as far inside her as he could go before moving upward to torture her clit. It took less than a minute before she was coming like a rocket, her hips rocking forward in a desperate attempt to get closer.

  And he didn’t stop there. Never in her life had Toni came more than once with a man going down on her, but Leland would not let her pull away. His mouth demanded more, sending her body higher and higher. He sucked, he licked, he even bit her ever so lightly, sending her over the edge again and again. His tongue wasn’t talented, as she had earlier believed, it was a miracle worker. It was maestro, playing her body like a Stradivarius.

  “Stop! Leland please, I need you. I want your cock! Please!” Begging had never felt so good.


  “You taste so good,” Leland groaned against her mound, placing a lingering kiss on her nether lips. “Condom?”

  He hadn’t wanted to stop, but if he hadn’t, he would have come on himself the next time she screamed his name. Never was a sweeter sound ever uttered than Toni screaming, “Leland! Yes, yes, Leland!” If his cock got any harder, it was going to break off!

  “In the cabinet,” she gasped out, pulling at the handle although she was sitting right in front of it. Her body was blocking her best efforts to get the damn thing open without getting down and turning around to do it.

  He took pity on her, understanding all too well her haste. He had to get inside her right now! Thank the Heavens above she had condoms…

  “What the hell are you doing with condoms here?”

  Out of nowhere jealous anger engulfed every nook and granny of his body. Who the fuck did she have condoms for? He knew damn well she wasn’t sleeping with any of the men on her crew; he had been watching her very carefully. None of the men on the site followed her with intimate knowledge in their eyes. Just hunger. A hunger that pissed him off to the highest level of pistivity.

  So why the condoms?

  Her big brown eyes blinked rapidly up at him. He could almost see her brain trying to assimilate his words. She probably had condoms stashed everywhere, not that she was sleeping around, but just in case. Toni was nothing if not over prepared. That just pissed him off more. She didn’t need to squirrel away prophylactics to make sure she was protected. She wasn’t going to be with anyone else. Ever.

  As a man who had spent most of his adult life running from anything that had even the slightest whiff of permanence, the epiphany should have scared him shitless. Instead he felt a surge of satisfaction he couldn’t begin to explain.

  “Are you on birth control?” He really didn’t mean the words to sound as gruff as it sounded, but damn he needed to be inside her. All the jumbled thoughts and surging emotions aside, he really, really needed this woman right this second.

  “Yeah, why?”

  She hadn’t really caught on to what he had just said about the condoms, which was a relief. He knew he was going to pay for that comment later, but he’d cross that bridge when he got to it. Instead of answering, he grabbed her ass, pulling her forward on the sink and buried himself balls deep inside her in one powerful stroke.

  “Oh, shit!” It was more of a plea than an exclamation. He hadn’t been prepared for this.

  She was so damn tight, her walls opening to him like a flower, than immediately clamping down in a deliciously taut grip. He was going to die. Pass out right here in this tiny bathroom in a trailer. He couldn’t think of a better way to go.

  His hips slammed into her of their own accord. There was simply no way to slow it down and savor the moment. He would savor later, but right now he just had to possess her, to be possessed by her. He was half afraid he was hurting her, but by the way she was scratching the hell out of
his back and digging her heels into his behind to lift herself into his thrusts told him pain was the last thing on her mind.

  “Yes, Leland,” Toni cried, scouring his back. “Harder!”

  Oh, hell yes. He grasped her ass, pulling her completely on his cock. He needed a bed, a slab, something. If only he could stop long enough to find one.

  “Oh, shit. I’m coming!”

  Her pussy was strangling his dick. Her vaginal walls squeezed him, demanding his essence to flood her womb. It was too fast, but he was helpless against it. His balls drew up against the base of his cock, the pressure was too much.

  “Aw, fuck!”

  He came so hard his head swam, yet his dick stayed hard. Refusing to leave the warm cocoon of her incredibly snug sheath, he cast a look over his shoulder to discern the direction of the bedroom. Without a word he gathered her into his arms and stalked to the bed, following her down onto the mattress without untangling their bodies. He needed more. And he would have it.


  Toni couldn’t stop the tiny shivers encompassing her body. Her clit throbbed mercilessly, her pussy wept. It was so much better than she had imagined! Leland was all thick and long and devastating. But it had gone too quickly. She didn’t want it to end.

  “More,” she demanded, unsure if he could.

  Most men needed a few minutes between rounds, not that she had a wealth of experience, but that was what she’d been told. Given that most sexual advice she’d ever received came from Jimmy, who was gay as the day was long, she wasn’t sure how much she should apply to her own life.

  The way he was looking down at her…Toni quivered at the fierceness in his eyes. It was sexy as all get out.

  “Why do you have condoms in this trailer?” Leland growled.

  She would have been pissed and told him all about himself if he hadn’t flexed his hips while he was growling at her. She couldn’t think straight with his beautifully broad cock brushing all up against her spot like that.


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