The Valley of Nargrond

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The Valley of Nargrond Page 39

by C A Oliver

  Nyriele stood amazed before him; she did not at first understand what he was saying, yet she knew she could not run away.

  Mynar dyl felt the sweetness of her breath, and his burning lust overwhelmed him. A split second later and a sensation of exhilarating delight exploded from his lips. For a moment he did not understand that he had kissed Nyriele. Then, deliberately abandoning himself to this sense of feverish pleasure, he devoured her lips. He could not form a coherent thought as chaotic images whirled before his eyes.

  At last, so great was the joy in his heart that his courage rose within him. He felt the bold spirit that had brought him out of Ystanargrond rearing up again. Looking Nyriele in the eye, he declared his love.

  “I desire you now more than ever. You are Llyoriane’s heir, the noblest of all Llewenti maidens.

  Come closer to me, beautiful swan, unite with me, let yourself be transformed by me, by the strength of the hawk!

  The torrents of love I have for you are the source of Llewenti rebirth.

  And from our union, a young Daughter of the Islands will be born, a maiden so fair that Eïwal Vars will cease mourning the loss of Queen Llyoriane and return among his children to request her hand.”

  Mynar dyl seemed overwhelmed by concupiscence, by a fierce desire to possess her, and it could now be read clearly in his eyes. He was discovering Eïwal Vars’ gift, wild desire, inherited from the deity of hunting, who had conquered even Queen Llyoriane.

  For a moment, Nyriele was about to yield to his overwhelming will. But looking at the flickering candles, she realised that her mind was feeling weak. Scents of saffron, orange and vanilla were provoking the pleasant dizziness she was feeling.

  Nyriele immediately escaped Mynar dyl’s embrace and left the room without a word.

  Looking at the glass Nyriele had drunk from, the warlord of Tios Halabron smiled.

  “How sweet! She ran like a young deer fleeing from a stag…

  No matter. It is only a question of time before I see you stripped, Nyriele. And then not long after, you will need a new dress: a larger one.”

  Now alone once more, Mynar dyl could not resist taking out the sword that he had carefully hidden inside the blanket.

  Examining the reflection of his fair face in the shining blade of Lynsing, Mynar felt dazzled by his own beauty.

  “I believe I have discovered what true wisdom is,” he concluded. “The answer has been there all along, but I have been too blind to see it. Our daughter is the answer to everything.”



  The Hawenti

  The High Elves are called ‘Hawenti’ in the language of the Llewenti, as opposed to the ‘Wenti’ who identify as ‘free’ Elves. The Hawenti accepted the gift of immortality offered by the Gods. They are immortal in the sense that they are immune to disease and do not age, although they can be killed in battle. They are divided into two main nations: The Gold Elves (the most prominent) and the Silver Elves. The Hawenti have a greater depth of knowledge than other Elvin nations, due to their natural inclination for learning as well as their extreme age. Their power and wisdom know no comparison and within their eyes the fire of eternity can be seen. That kindred of the Elves were ever distinguished both by their knowledge of things and by their desire to know more.

  The Morawenti

  The Night Elves are called ‘Morawenti’ in the language of the Llewenti. The Morawenti are a subdivision of the Silver Elves, the second of the Hawenti nations. They are therefore counted among the High Elves as they accepted the gift of immortality offered by the Gods. Morawenti are immortal in the sense that they are immune to disease and do not age, although they too can be killed in battle. Morawenti tend to be thinner and taller in size than other Elves. They are characterised by very pale, almost livid skin, and their gaze is deep and mysterious. They all have dark hair, though their eye colour varies between grey and black. They favour wearing dark coloured tunics with grey or green shades and robes of fine linen, cotton or silk.

  The Llewenti

  One of the seven nations of ‘free’ Elves, they are called ‘Llewenti’ in their language, ‘Llew’ meaning ‘Green’ and ‘Wenti’ meaning ‘Elves’. They were so named because their first Patriarch’s attire was green. They are counted among the nations of Elves who refused the gift of immortality offered by the Gods. Llewenti enjoy much longer lives than Men, living for five to six centuries depending on their bloodline. Their race is similar in appearance to humans, but they are fairer and wiser, with greater spiritual powers, keener senses, and a deeper empathy with nature. They are for the most part a simple, peaceful, and reclusive community, famous for their singing skills. With sharper senses, they are highly skilled at crafts, especially when using natural resources. The Green Elves are wise in the ways of the forest and the natural world.

  The Irawenti

  One of the seven nations of the ‘free’ Elves, they are called ‘Irawenti’ in the language of the Llewenti, ‘Ira’ meaning ‘Blue’ and ‘Wenti’ meaning ‘Elves’. They were so named, because their first Guide’s eyes had the colour of the tropical seas and azure reflections emanated from his black hair. They are counted among the nations of Elves who refused the gift of immortality offered by the Gods. Irawenti enjoy much longer lives than men, living for four to five centuries depending on their bloodline. Their race is similar in appearance to the Green Elves but darker and wilder, with greater physical powers and a closer empathy with water. They are for the most part a free, joyful and adventurous race, famous for their navigation skills.

  Having sharper connection with rivers and oceans, they are at their strongest and most knowledgeable when aboard their ships. The Blue Elves are wise in the ways of the sea.



  The clan Llyvary

  Llewenti clan, principal and historical member of the Council of Llymar Forest

  ~Myryae dyl Llyvary: Matriarch of the Llewenti, Envoy of Llymar to the Pact Gathering

  ~Nyriele dyl Llyvary, ‘Llyoriane’s Heir’: Llewenti Matriarch, High Priestess of Eïwele Llyi in Llafal

  The clan Ernaly

  Llewenti clan originating from Nyn Ernaly, member of the Council of Llymar Forest

  ~Mynar dyl Ernaly, ‘the Fair’: Warlord of Tios Halabron

  ~Dyoren, ‘the Seeker’: Renegade knight of the Secret Vale

  The clan Avrony

  Llewenti clan originating from Nyn Avrony, member of the Council of Llymar Forest

  ~Gal dyl Avrony: Protector of the Forest

  House of Dol Lewin

  Rebel Hawenti House originating from Mentolewin, member of the Council of Llymar Forest

  ~Camatael Dol Lewin: Lord of the House of Dol Lewin, High Priest of Eïwal Lon in Tios Lluin

  Community of Mentollà

  Group of Irawenti and Hawenti refugees originating from Essawylor across the Austral Ocean, member of the Council of Llymar Forest

  ~Feïwal dyn Filweni: Warlord of Mentollà and High Priest of Eïwal Ffeyn

  ~Fendrya dyn Feli: Keeper of Pearls

  ~Roquendagor: Commander of Mentollà

  ~Curwë: Guild Master of Alqualinquë in Llymar Forest

  ~Aewöl: Guild Master of Alqualinquë in Gwa Nyn

  ~Gelros: Aewöl’s servant


  House of Dol Nos-Loscin

  Rebel Hawenti House originating from Cumberae

  ~Terela Dol Nos-Loscin: Princess of Cumberae

  ~Alton Dol Nos-Loscin: Ambassador of Cumberae



  An Act of Faith (Songs of the Lost Islands #1)

  The Lonely Seeker (Songs of the Lost Islands #2)

  Two Winged Lions (Songs of the Lost Islands #4) (Coming 2021)

  For more information, visit


  C. A. Oliver was born in 1971 and spent his youth be
tween Oxford and Bordeaux. From an early age, he was an avid reader of both the English and French canons, and it was J.R.R. Tolkien and Maurice Druon who would come to influence his writing above all others.

  In his teenage years, Oliver and four friends began a tabletop role-playing game. Fifteen years later, after 3,500 hours of discussion, imagination and strategy, what began as a game had developed into an entire universe. As gamemaster, Oliver documented the gargantuan campaign’s progress.

  This fantasy world lay dormant for several years. Then, in 2014, after witnessing uncanny parallels with real-world politics, Oliver began to forge Songs of the Lost Islands, a 12-part fantasy series that draws heavily on the fifteen-year campaign. He started writing the first trilogy at Sandfield Road in Oxford, the very street on which Tolkien once lived. It was concluded at Rue Alexandre Dumas in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, where Dumas composed The Three Musketeers.

  C. A. Oliver now lives between Paris and Rio de Janeiro, having married a Brazilian academic. Songs of the Lost Islands has been above all inspired by what Oliver knows best: the ever-changing winds of global politics, the depth and scope of English fantasy; and the fragile, incomprehensible beauty of his wife’s homeland.

  Table of Contents

  CHAPTER 1: Mynar dyl

  CHAPTER 2: Fendrya

  CHAPTER 3: Gelros

  CHAPTER 4: Camatael

  CHAPTER 5: Alton

  CHAPTER 6: Dyoren

  CHAPTER 7: Lynsing




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