KNOW - Mattie & Milo (Fettered Book 4)

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KNOW - Mattie & Milo (Fettered Book 4) Page 15

by Lilia Moon

  I sit myself up, grab her hips and slam inside her, deep and hard and fierce. She keens into her pillow and the cave man in me answers. I watch my cock, thrusting into her pussy, covered in her slick juices and nothing else, and the roar of the fire inside me becomes an inferno.

  I land a quick slap on her ass, just enough to make her jump in surprise, and thrust hard again. I can already feel the walls of her pussy quivering. This won’t take long, and I want to imprint every moment of it down somewhere deep in both of us. Because I know exactly what this is, and it’s far more than the best sex of my life.

  It’s the beginnings of a really awesome new set of grooves.

  Chapter Fifty-Two


  This time when I stretch, I can feel all the signs of a body that’s going to struggle to walk tomorrow—and a pussy that’s so exhausted it wants to nap for a month.

  Or at least a few hours.

  I giggle into the pillow. I have sweaty man slumped half off my side, his leg still thrown over both of mine, and judging from his breathing, he’s either unconscious or most of the way there.

  He grunts and starts to shift a little. “Sorry, let me move.”

  I murmur a protest and he stops. “Stay. I like this.” He’s as shattered as I am, and that feels really good, because I’ve always thought of Milo as this really controlled person. Someone who’s observant and detailed and an amazing friend to subs everywhere, but controlled. The kind of man whose favorite kink is edging someone for hours.

  What just happened was fast and hot and sweaty and raw and he went all unleashed-Dom on my ass and the contrast between the two ways he’s just broken and caught me in one afternoon is still blowing my mind as I lie here in a puddle of my own sweat and his. All my worries of the past week feel really silly. Like I’ve spent the last ten years living in a container that’s too small and I just finally figured it out.

  I worried he wouldn’t be able to clear me out. To get me to where a paddle can take me. Instead, he brought me a paddle made with his own two hands and then proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he doesn’t need it. Which I would tell him, but I’m pretty sure he’s drooling on my shoulder, and what I’m listening to might be the beginnings of a snore.

  I shake my head a little, because I’m getting all goopy and it’s not even about the sex. Which was kind of mind-blowing too. We had sex bare. No condoms. First time for me ever, and judging from the look on his face when he slid into my pussy naked, not something he’s done that often either.

  But the kicker? I invited him in that way—and I did it after the most vanilla sex of my life.

  I feel the giggle bubbling up. I had missionary position sex. With a Dom. After he broke me with a feather.

  Milo shifts a little as I shake quietly underneath him.

  I smile into my pillow and let the giggles quietly fade away. I’m beginning to understand why Damon and Harlan look like fat, lazy cats, and it isn’t because the kink suddenly got all new and special. It’s this. This feeling of utter contentment as I lie here, with someone’s heart beating into my shoulder, their sleepy breath blowing into my ear, and their drool about to hit my cheek.

  I might owe Ari for the rest of forever.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Milo - epilogue

  It’s only been a couple of weeks. I remind myself of that as I walk out of the bedroom I’m starting to think of as ours, into the kitchen that’s getting way more action than it ever got before Mattie showed up.

  She’s already got a cast-iron frying pan I’m pretty sure isn’t mine heating on the stovetop, and a bowl of neatly chopped veggies sitting on the counter awaiting their sexy date with eggs and shredded cheese. Shredded by hand, no less. My sub got very stern with me last week when I brought home the kind in a bag that someone else already shredded.

  I sidle up beside her, because I can, and because she looks adorably sexy and mussed up and touchable and I know what I did to make her look that way this morning. I slide a hand up under the t-shirt that used to be mine and caress warm skin. “You don’t need to do this all the time, you know.” Especially on her day off. And after a late night at the club. One in which we squeezed in a quick session with her new paddle, but otherwise mostly got dragged off by other people and had to make up for it when we got home. Which is a groove I’ll happily jump in any day.

  She turns and gives me the kind of kiss that makes me really happy there’s a woman in my kitchen. “I like doing this. You want bacon in your omelette, or just veggies?”

  I grin down at her, because clearly we haven’t been talking enough in between all the sexing. “I never say no to bacon. Ever.”

  She laughs. “Noted. There’s a container in the fridge from the last time I was here—can you grab it?”

  Oops. I make a face and hope this doesn’t get me some kind of demerit points. “Not anymore. Sorry.”

  She just rolls her eyes and turns around, still in my arms. “Fine. Veggie omelet for you.”

  This is not exactly punishment. It took her one breakfast at my house to shoo me out of my own kitchen and take over, and I’m still learning the full extent of her cooking skills, but I already know she’s fantastic with anything that goes in a frying pan. I nuzzle into her neck. “What can I do to be useful?”

  She shimmies her hips back into my cock.

  I shake my head and reach a hand down to gently squeeze her ass. “Sore?”

  She snorts. “Like that stopped you this morning.”

  This morning was prelude. And since there isn’t actually anything in the frying pan yet, I’m happy to take the next steps. I reach around her and turn off the heat on the stove. Kinky play at home is adding a lot of things to my Dom safety checklist.

  Her breath quickens, but she doesn’t move.

  Smart sub. “Hands on the edge of the counter. Bend over, eyes closed, no noise.”

  I grin and finger the remote in my pocket. It’s one of my favorite things on our growing list of kinks that might be compatible with a baby down the hall one day. We figured out fast that vibrators are really quiet and I can torment Mattie with one in her ass for hours. Which probably pleases me far more than it pleases her, but she’s pretty fond of what comes afterward.

  I wait until I hear her breath hitching a little and then I run my fingers under the hem of her yoga pants and slide them down to her knees. The underwear can stay—I have a fondness for her little scraps of lace, and they won’t get in the way of where I want to be next.

  I crouch down behind her, close enough to smell, not quite close enough to taste. Driving us both a little closer to crazy.

  She makes a very quiet, incoherent sound.

  I chuckle. My sub gets frustrated very easily. Unfortunately for her, it also makes her very wet, so I foresee a lot of it in her future. Except for this morning, because I’m suddenly starving, and given how much I’ve put her through in the last twenty-four hours, she probably is too. I stand back up and free my cock from captivity. I’m dressing differently these days—access is everything.

  I slide in, marveling at the amazing feeling of being in Mattie’s pussy with no latex between us, and pull her up tight against my chest.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  Mattie - epilogue

  His hands are on the move, one sliding down into my panties, the other up under the shirt that I borrowed from his drawer. “We have five minutes until the baby wakes up. You’re going to come fast and you’re going to come totally silently.”

  That last order might kill me. These quickies are a new addition to his Dom repertoire, and they’re pure torture, even though I know all I have to do is stand here. I also know he won’t need five minutes. He knows how to stretch me out for hours without letting me come, and he knows how to get me there riding a streak of lightning.

  He bends his knees behind me, shallow thrusts that drive the tip of his cock straight into my g-spot. My breath wheezes as I try to keep quiet. He stopped once when I got too
loud and that nearly broke us both. His fingers find my nipples, rolling them one at a time as his other hand rubs tight circles over the slick heat of my clit.

  I use my leverage on the counter and tilt my ass, trying to take him deeper.

  He growls low in my ear and continues his shallow, frustrating thrusts. They’re doing the job. I can feel the heat building, gathering, ready to consume him and me and this kitchen and everything in it.

  His hand leaves my nipple and slides out the bottom of the shirt. I have just a moment to tense, and then the vibrator in my ass goes off and my hands fly off the counter to cover my mouth. Evil freaking man. I should have known this was coming when I woke up to warm lube and questing fingers in my ass crack.

  He laughs and moves back to my nipples. “You’re getting better at this. I might need to up my game.” He thrusts again, a quick, hard pattern that touches all the right buttons and satisfies none of them. I can feel the vibrator intensifying everything for both of us, which means at least he’s feeling the torture of this too. I squeeze my internal muscles.

  He tweaks my nipple hard, which just makes my hips jam back against his in a desperate attempt to give the furnace somewhere to go.

  And then I hear it. The quiet groan into my shoulder that means my Dom is at the end of his control. He wraps me into him, impossibly tight—and then his fingers are working my nipples and my clit both, and there’s absolutely nothing that could keep me from flying off into the morning sky except for the arms holding me tight as I shatter. He’s right behind me, an earthquake shaking us both.

  I don’t let go of the counter. It might be all that’s holding us up.

  He nuzzles into my neck, sucking in air and the sexy, sweaty smell of us. I lean back, resting my head beside his.

  The fingers that are still cupping me move gently. “Can you stand? I’ll take the vibe out.”

  I don’t even know when he turned it off. I make some kind of wobbly, incoherent noise and keep using him as my spine. There are upsides to being the submissive, and this is one of them.

  He chuckles and somehow manages to deal with the vibe and soak a warm washcloth to clean us up, all without letting me dissolve into a puddle on the floor. The warm cloth feels good. The gentle, competent way he uses it feels even better. He slides my yoga pants back up my legs and cuddles my back into his chest—and then walks us backward a few steps and slides down a wall.

  I grin and turn sideways to cozy in better. The man loves cuddling, even on his kitchen floor. “I’m pretty sure you woke the baby.”

  He chuckles. “Nope. That was you and those high-pitched little whimpers you don’t think anyone can hear.”

  I have no idea what he’s talking about. Apparently really good sex makes me deaf.

  His stomach rumbles, and I hear that just fine. I put a palm on his chest and push away from my happy place. “Breakfast. Before we don’t have enough energy to get up off the floor and die of starvation mere feet away from food.”

  He pulls me back in for a kiss. “Want me to go get more bacon?”

  The store isn’t that far away, but I’ve learned. Sending Milo for groceries when he’s hungry is like sending a polar bear off on an ice floe. “Nope. We’ll make do with veggies and cheese, and then I’ll go buy out the bacon aisle while you do whatever it is you have to do to finish that special-order spanking bench.” I’ll be fast on the bacon—ogling him while he works is one of my new favorite pastimes.

  He grins. “Want to help? I’ll let you use my rotary sander.”

  That would totally get in the way of my ogling. “No way. Today’s my day off, and I plan to spend it convincing you to use the sander with your shirt off.”

  He laughs and squeezes my nicely sore ass. “Only if you cook naked.”

  I make a face at him as I lever up off his lap. “We both know where that ends, and it isn’t with cooked omelettes.”

  He stays on the floor, leaning against the wall like a man who has no place else he’d rather be in the world, and just looks up at me, utter contentment in his eyes.

  I’m pretty sure he sees exactly the same thing looking back.

  That’s the end of the story, but if you want to read about the night they took the paddle to the club (and how a pizza box make Ari cry!), go to the next page and follow my instructions…

  xoxo Lilia

  Note from Lilia

  That’s the last Fettered book so far, but don’t worry—there are more on the way. Three more (and yes, Ari will get her story.)

  First, however, a little bonus content! This time it’s that part I skipped over in the epilogue, where Mattie’s new paddle pays a visit to Fettered. To read it, go sign up for my email list. There will be special bonus content for each book, just for my subscribers. Signing up will let you hear about my next release as soon as it’s out, too.

  Next up in the Fettered series, Quint doesn’t know what’s in the water lately, but he has no intentions of drinking. Until he meets the new trainee who needs the club’s toughest Dom.

  Go sign up for my email list. Seriously, people. :)

  xoxo Lilia

  P.S. If you write Mattie & Milo a review (for which I am always grateful)—please let me know here!




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