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River Page 4

by E. L. Todd

  “Or just to show off another accomplishment.”

  “You don’t need to show off for me,” I said. “I already know how successful, talented, and smart you are.”

  A glowing look came into his eyes, like he was pleased with my response.

  I grabbed the glass and took a sip. “It’s smooth.”

  He raised his glass to his lips and smelled it before he took a quick drink. “Worth every penny.”

  I set my glass down and tried to think of something to say. Nathan and I spent time together but we usually talked about work. Now there wasn’t a topic for us to discuss. I didn’t realize how nervous he made me until now. When I looked at him, I felt like I was gawking. So I turned away and looked out the window. I fidgeted with my fingers under the table where he couldn’t see. I’d never been so insecure around someone but Nathan made me that way. I cared so much about his opinion that I never wanted to give him a reason to think less of me. But then again, I doubted he had the highest opinion of me to begin with.

  “So,” he said as he looked at me with his intelligent eyes. “What’s new with you?”

  I tried to think of something interesting to say. “I started kickboxing. That’s pretty fun.”

  “Sounds strenuous.”

  “Yeah, Danielle and I are soaked in sweat by the end.”

  “Your friend that came to the office?” His interest in my hobby increased by tenfold.

  “Yeah.” It was clear he hadn’t forgotten about her.

  “So…is she strictly gay or is she bi?” He stared at me intently while he waited for my answer.

  It made me feel terrible all over again. He still wanted to sleep with Danielle. “No, she only likes women.”

  He sighed. “I see…”

  Was I just being too sensitive about this? My other guy friends talked about the girls they were into. Every time Nathan mentioned his attraction to a woman I wanted to demolish my apartment. I was both jealous and hurt. But it was stupid to feel that way. Nathan was a dream I would never enjoy—unless I was asleep.

  “I’ve been doing martial arts,” he said. “Just to mix it up.”

  “That sounds difficult.”

  He shrugged. “I have a trainer so it’s not that bad.”

  I suddenly noticed he never asked if I was seeing anyone. Not once. Did he assume I was single all the time? Or did he just not care about my love life? Again, was I reading too much into it?

  We made small talk about our preferences for exercise and then his dad came up.

  “You still haven’t talk to him?” I asked.

  He just shook his head.

  I suspected I was the only person who knew what was going on in his life. He was fiercely protective of his private life. I’d noticed he never had a long-term relationship, and I suspected it was because he simply didn’t trust people. “You’ll have to speak to him eventually.”

  “I don’t have to do anything,” he said coldly.

  “He’s still your father…”

  “He cheated on my mom—for years. No, he’s not my father.”

  Nathan was close to his mom, and he took the divorce hard. When he found out what his father did, it changed him. He became more detached and mysterious. I suspected it hurt him a lot more than he let on. “I’m sorry.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  “You did nothing wrong, Meadow.”

  I took a sip of my wine because I didn’t know what else to do.

  Thankfully, the food arrived. The waiter set the dishes in front of us before he walked away.

  Nathan picked at his food and only took a few bites. He was a very particular eater. He was in such great shape because he exercised a lot and restricted his diet. He never deviated from it. While I respected his discipline, I also thought it made him a little uptight.

  I cut into my calzone and ate half of it in minutes. “Wow, this is good.”

  He gave me a slight smile. “Told you so.”

  “It’s so crunchy but cheesy on the inside.” I couldn’t stop eating because it was delicious.

  Nathan sipped his wine then took a few bites.

  Within minutes, I finished the whole thing. “I know I’ll regret that later…”

  He stared at my empty plate.

  The waiter brought the tab and Nathan immediately slipped his card inside, like he was in a hurry. Then he returned to sipping his wine.

  I didn’t understand Nathan sometimes. One moment he acted like I meant nothing to him. But then it seemed like he really wanted to keep a good relationship with me. And then he was distant all over again. I really wish I could just stop caring. Or I really wish I could be the girl he was obsessed with. I wanted to be the woman who changed him, who forced him to wear his heart on his sleeve. I knew both of those scenarios would never happen, unfortunately.

  “Ready to go?” he asked when the waiter returned with his card.


  We left the restaurant and his driver drove us to my apartment. When Nathan got out to walk me to the door, I felt a slight sense of thrill that he was being a gentleman for me. I knew I shouldn’t be excited about it. The gesture wasn’t that grand. But it was better than him just dropping me off and hitting the gas.

  He walked me to my door with his hands in his pockets. “Thank you for having dinner with me. I hope this makes you…not hate me as much.”

  “I could never hate you.” I wished I could sometimes.

  “Because I do care about you. I’m sorry I didn’t make that clear.”

  I liked hearing those words. He cared about me. “It’s okay.”

  “Good night, Meadow,” he said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Disappointment, for the zillionth time, filled me. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting. I guess at least a hug. He never embraced me or touched me. The only affection we shared was a handshake when he initially hired me. I felt like a sister to him, someone he liked but kept at a distance. “Good night, Nathan.” I watched him go, knowing he carried my heart deep in his pocket—along with lint, loose change, and probably a paperclip.

  I sucked it up and headed to Beautiful Entourage. It was clear Nathan had no clue I existed. I wasn’t sure why because I considered myself to be his type. I was pretty, thin, and I had nice legs. What was wrong with me? Why did he view me like I was another guy?

  I met with Danielle, the secretary of the business.

  “What exactly do you need him for?”

  I still couldn’t believe I was there. “Well, it’s a long story…”

  “I’m here until five anyway.” She patiently waited for me to speak.

  “I have a thing for my boss.” That was an understatement. “And he doesn’t even know I’m alive. I guess I just want him to notice me.”

  “And you think having a gorgeous boyfriend would do that?”’

  I shrugged. “It might. Maybe if he sees someone else want me, he’ll want me.”

  She nodded then turned to her computer. “Have any preference?”

  “Preference for what?” I asked.

  “For your escort.”


  She typed on her computer.

  I listened to the sound of her moving fingers as they tapped against the keyboard. Her hands were moving fast and it seemed like she was writing a novel. I felt more insecure as the minutes passed. “Do people do this often…?”

  “Do what?”

  “You know…come in here.”

  She caught my unease. “A lot of girls do. Why do you think I have a full-time job? And they are all nervous in the beginning. It’s a little weird, I admit. But I’ve had clients come in here for the exact same reason as you.”

  “Because they are trying to get a man to notice them?”


  At least I wasn’t alone.

  “You’ll meet River tomorrow at noon,” she said. “Any questions?”

  River? I’ve heard that name before. But where? I searched my memory
until I remembered the man from the charity event. He was extremely good-looking and sweet. I wondered if he was one and the same. “Do you have a picture of him?”

  “I sure do.” She turned the screen to face me.

  I stared at his face, recognizing him immediately. “I’ll be there.”



  When I looked at the name in the folder, my eyes narrowed.


  That was way too unusual of a name to be a coincidence. So I checked her driver’s license photo, and behold, it was the same girl I met at the charity event. She was in tears at the bathroom, upset over some jerk off whom treated her like garbage.

  Even now I don’t understand why I stopped when I saw her. I could have easily looked the other way and pretended I didn’t notice her falling tears. But I didn’t. I tried to help her. I wanted to help her.

  I wondered what she needed my services for. What is for the same guy? Why was this beautiful girl trying so hard to impress a guy who clearly didn’t give a damn about her? Women were weird sometimes. They had all the power and they didn’t even know it.

  I walked inside the coffee shop and immediately spotted her sitting in a booth in the corner. Judging the way her eyes immediately turned to me, she’d been expecting me. When Danielle told her my name she made the connection, just as I made the connection with her.

  I straightened my tie and approached her table. When I got a closer look, I was surprised by the appearance of her startling green eyes. Now that she wasn’t crying, she had a different appearance. I didn’t think she was ugly on that night, but I hadn’t taken the time to really notice her beauty either. I was too distracted.

  Meadow gave me a nervous smile. But it was still nice to see. “So, we meet again?”

  “We do.” I extended my hand to shake hers. “And it’s a pleasure.”

  She shook it with a firm grasp before she dropped her hand.

  I noticed the way her small wrist felt in my grasp. I only had a second to analyze it, but it was enough. Then I dropped the embrace and sat in the seat across from her.

  She took me in with her pretty eyes. Her brown hair framed her face in slight curves. Her nails were painted green, identical to the color of her eyes. She wore shorts that showed off her toned legs. Her top didn’t have a sleeve so I could see her well-rounded shoulders. Her body was a perfect ten. Her face was in eleven. “What are the odds?” She fidgeted with her hands like she was nervous.

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “What are they?”

  “So, you’re an escort?” she asked.

  “Yep,” I said. “I’ve been doing it for years.”

  “When I saw you at the charity event…”

  “I was working,” I said proactively. “The girl hired me but drank way too much. All I did was pull her hair back all night. It was easy money either way—just not what I signed up for.”

  “Did she get home okay?”

  “Yeah,” I said. “She passed out in the bathroom so I took her to my apartment. When she woke up at three in the afternoon the following day, I took her home.”

  “Good think you’re a nice guy.”

  “I feel like I’m holding down the fort most of the time.” A coffee sat in front of her but she didn’t touch it. I got a whiff of the smell, and the distinct scent of hazelnut was in the air. “So, how can I help you?”

  She rested her arms on the table. “Well, you already know a little bit of my problem…”

  “Your boss?”

  She nodded.

  “The guy who ditched you?” I tried to remind her this guy wasn’t worth fighting for.


  This woman was too beautiful for this crap. I didn’t care if the guy was Brad Pitt’s twin. There was no reason why he shouldn’t want her. There was a possibility she was insanely annoying or irritating, but I could tell she wasn’t from the limited interaction I had with her. She certainly was nothing like Theresa. “Tell me more about this relationship.”

  She made a deep sigh before she spoke. “I’ve known him for most of my life, and I’ve had an insane crush on him since I started liking boys. So, I’ve been blessed with this curse for a very long time.”

  “And it’s never gone away?”

  “Not really,” she admitted. “I’ve seen guys here and there but no one serious. And he’s never seen me with anyone.”

  “That sounds terrible,” I blurted.

  She shrugged in guilt. “You won’t hear me say otherwise. But that’s the truth of the matter.”

  “So, you want me to make him realize what he’s missing?”


  “Not that I don’t want your business or I can’t help you, but wouldn’t it make more sense to quit your job and move?”

  Judging the look on her face, this was something she considered numerous times. “Yes, it makes perfect sense. But every time I decided I’m going to get over him nothing happens. And after he ditched me at the charity event, I was so livid that I had the fuel to finally do it. But then he apologized and was so charming…and took me to dinner. This is my last option and I have to try. If it doesn’t work, then I’ll be forced to move to another state or something.”

  I’d never been hung up on a girl—especially like that. “Well, I think I can help you. But you’re going to have to listen to me—even if it hurts you.”

  “What is your meaning?”

  “As a guy, I understand other guys. And if he hasn’t showed any interest in you after this long, he probably never will. I don’t mean to come off harsh but that’s the reality of the situation.”

  She didn’t seem offended at all. “You’re probably right.”

  “And the best way to get a man’s attention is to ignore him.”

  “Ignore him?” she asked incredulously.

  “When he apologized to you for being a jerk, did he know you were mad?”

  “Well…I ignored him and refused to look at him.”

  “Exactly,” I said. “You ignored him. And that caught his attention.”

  She considered my words then nodded.

  “And this will probably make you feel like shit,” he said. “But I have to say it.”

  “I can handle it.” She stared me in the eye.

  “If you’ve felt this way for him this long, there’s not a doubt in my mind he knows.”

  She didn’t react.

  “As in, he knows you’re into him.”

  She ran her fingers through her hair then turned her gaze to the wall, like she was looking at something. She took a few minutes to gather her thoughts before she turned back to me. “I hope you’re wrong. Otherwise, I’ll be mortified.”

  I wasn’t wrong. But I didn’t need to rub it in. “You shouldn’t be mortified. If a beautiful woman like you had a crush on me for years I’d be flattered.”

  Her eyes lightened slightly. “You’re sweet.”

  “Just honest.” Our eyes locked for a moment, and I couldn’t help but notice the intense shade of her eyes. They almost looked fake. “So, you have a lot of work to do in order to make this work.”

  “Like what?” she asked.

  “Well, guys don’t like girls who will wait for anyone. Then they aren’t worth waiting for.” I tried to say this in a gentle way so I wouldn’t insult her. That wasn’t my intention.

  “Yes, I’m a loser,” she said. “I get it.”

  “I didn’t say you were a loser. I’m just explaining what he’s thinking. Guys like women they think they can’t get. Then it makes the women more desirable. And when a guy does get them, it makes them appreciate the girl. Trust me on this.”

  “Then what do I do?”

  “First, you’re going to ignore him and be indifferent to him. Do your job but don’t look at him. Don’t go that extra mile. Act like you have more important things to do than get exactly twelve cubes of sugar in his coffee.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Next, you’re go
ing to change your wardrobe.”

  She looked down at herself. “What’s wrong with my clothes?”

  “Nothing,” I said. “You look very cute in that.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  I folded my hands on the table and try to say this politely. “With all due respect, you have a gorgeous body. You have long legs that guys love to feel wrapped around their waists, and you have an hourglass figure. Not to mention your rack and thick lips.”

  “Thanks…” Her cheeks reddened. “But I don’t understand the relevance.”

  “You need to wear the right clothes to show off all those things.”

  “You want me to dress slutty?” she asked in surprise.

  “No. Definitely not. Guys don’t like that either.”

  “They don’t?” She cocked an eyebrow.

  “Guys who are good-looking enough to get laid often want a girl who doesn’t just give it up to anyone. He wants someone with a little class. It makes the conquest better.”

  “You sound like the relationship whisperer.”

  I chuckled. “I do, don’t I? I’m just sharing my experience. And you need to find the right clothes that highlight all your good features. Put them on display, so to speak.”

  She regarded me for a moment. “This isn’t your first rodeo.”

  “Nope. And I will get you Prince Charming. I can almost guarantee it.”

  “You’re confident,” she noted.

  “I just wish you would realize that you’re too good for this guy.” I leaned back into the chair and crossed my ankle on the opposite knee.

  “He does have a lot of good qualities,” she said. “You’re only seeing him in his worst light.”

  I didn’t think so. “He asked you to be his date then he ditched you for someone better. He had no respect or consideration for another person. Secondly, he didn’t even make sure you got home okay. He didn’t check on you at all. Just because this guy is rich and good-looking doesn’t give him the right to treat you however he wants. Judge a man by how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

  “But he did apologize and make it up to me.”


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