Once a Cowboy

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Once a Cowboy Page 3

by Linda Warren

  His parents pressured Brodie every way they could, but at nineteen he quit college and followed the rodeo circuit. He made friends who became his family. Colter Kincaid had also decided the rodeo was the life for him. To Brodie, Colter and another cowboy named Tripp Daniels were like his brothers. They always would be.

  His parents finally accepted his rodeo ways, as they called his life, but they had very little contact during those years. His father relented enough to fly to Vegas when Brodie won the national finals. They had a congratulatory beer together before his father left for Washington. He died two months later.

  Claudia, his mother, moved to Dallas to be near her sister, Cleo. They were an unlikely pair. His mother was a social butterfly, enjoying teas, luncheons and charity functions. Cleo, who had married beneath her, as his mother had so often said, had been a cook in a large restaurant until she retired. Claudia had never approved of Cleo’s lifestyle—Cleo had been married three times and she loved to dance and go out and have fun. That was what had caused the problem today.

  Brodie had lunch with them once a week. Cleo was a great cook and he always enjoyed the meal, but his mother was in one of her moods. Cleo had a new boyfriend and they went square-dancing several nights a week. Claudia was upset because that left her alone at night. She wanted Brodie to tell Cleo how bad this man was for her. He didn’t even know the man and he had no intention of doing any such thing.

  When he refused, his mother had become suddenly short of breath. Claudia had had rheumatic fever as a child that left her with a heart murmur. After Brodie’s birth, she began to have more and more problems with her heart. Two years ago, she’d had a mild heart attack, and today he’d feared the same thing was happening.

  He’d spent the rest of the afternoon in the emergency room and the doctor said Claudia didn’t have a heart attack, just an anxiety attack. In the end, his mother had gotten what she’d wanted—Cleo would stay home to take care of Claudia.

  His mother had always been clingy and needy and it seemed to have gotten worse with age. Soon he’d have to talk to her about her fear of being alone. He wasn’t looking forward to it. The bruises were still too raw from today’s confrontation.

  He’d rather face a bull from the bowels of hell than have a conversation with his mother. He knew he had a chance of surviving with the bull. Claudia had a way of ripping him to shreds with just a few well-chosen words.

  He frowned as he saw a Jeep parked in his driveway. He didn’t recognize it, then he saw a woman walking toward the vehicle. A blonde in white shorts that showed off long, slim legs and a tank top that bared tanned arms. Her hair was clipped behind her head and those feminine curves were in all the right places. Touchable places.

  His day just got better.

  T HE WHITE FOUR-DOOR TRUCK rattled loudly so Alex knew it was a diesel. The large grill guard and all-terrain tires indicated the truck was for heavy-duty jobs. A man and his truck. In Texas, it defined who he was. This truck said Brodie Hayes was one tough hombre. A woman raised in Texas knew to never mess with a man’s truck or his life. Alex was about to break one of those rules.

  The dogs trotted from the barn and scurried to her, sniffing at her feet again. She hardly noticed them as she watched one booted foot slide to the ground. She held her breath as she waited for the rest of the cowboy to emerge from the truck. Tight-fitting Wranglers molded his long legs, a gold belt buckle glistened on a tooled leather belt, a starched white shirt framed his broad shoulders and a Stetson rested perfectly on his dark head. She found herself staring into the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. The bluest eyes in Texas, she thought, her pulse hammering wildly in her ears.

  He removed his hat. “Howdy, ma’am. May I help you?”

  Ohmygod. He had a dimple in the carved structure of his left cheek—an incredibly sexy dimple. His black hair curled into his collar in an unruly, wanton way. The heat of the sun was hot, but this sensual type of heat was much hotter. It burned through her body all the way to her toes and she curled them into her sandals.

  Looking at his picture was one thing, but seeing him in the flesh was quite another. A neon sign seemed to blink in her mind. Cowboy. Dangerous. Stay away.

  For the first time she was physically attracted to a man just by looking at him. She always thought that type of reaction was crazy when her girlfriends had giggled about it. Of course she’d found men handsome, but she’d never sleep with them just because of that. Brodie Hayes was different. With the crook of his finger…she drew in a deep breath. Weak and pliable she wasn’t.


  His voice was deep with a true Texas drawl that tightened her toes even more and sent her pulse into orbit. But somehow she managed to find her vocal cords.

  “I was looking for the Circle C Ranch.” As a private investigator, she was used to thinking fast.

  He shook his head. “Never heard of it.”

  “I must have gotten the directions wrong.” She hated to play stupid, but sometimes it worked. “I’ll call my friend to see where I turned wrong.”

  He just dipped his head in acknowledgement.

  She’d hoped for some sort of conversation or introduction, but none came so she walked toward her car. She had no intention of leaving though. Getting in, she waited until he disappeared inside. Large oak trees shaded the house and the dogs trotted to one and lay down. A light breeze stirred the stifling heat.

  A plan formed in her mind. If she could get something with his DNA on it, then Brodie wouldn’t have to know about Helen Braxton. It would save him some heartache. Counting to ten, she got out, marched to the front door and knocked.

  He opened it immediately and her heart did a nervous flip-flop. If they could package masculinity, Brodie Hayes’s picture would be on the bottle. She was getting tired of that female reaction. He probably encountered it every day. He was just a man. Get over it, she told herself. She had a job to do.

  “I’m sorry to bother you again, but my cell’s not working. May I please use your phone?”

  “Sure.” He opened the door wider and she stepped into his home. She followed him through a foyer into a large den with a stone fireplace, hardwood floors and overstuffed leather furniture. A large plasma TV almost covered one wall and plaques, trophies, belt buckles and numerous items from his rodeo days were displayed in a large glass case that covered another wall.

  She was taking in her surroundings, but trying to be discreet when he handed her a cordless phone.

  “Thank you. I don’t know what’s wrong with my cell. I can’t get a signal.”

  “That happens sometimes.”

  She was getting the impression he was a man of few words. Engaging in a friendly chat wasn’t going to happen. Why wasn’t he curious or intrigued by a strange woman on his doorstep?

  She had no choice but to place a call. She poked out her home number, hoping Naddy would be outside smoking another cigarette. Her luck didn’t hold. Naddy answered on the second ring.

  “Nad, this is Alex. I’m afraid I’m lost. Could you please give me the directions again?”

  “Who is this?” She heard the confusion in Naddy’s voice.

  “Yes, I know. I’m always getting lost. But I’m a city girl and these country roads are so confusing.”

  “I’m hanging up because you’re not making any sense. I get confused enough on my own.”

  “You know me, and please don’t use a dumb blonde joke.”

  “Oh. You’re stalling for time or staking out a place somewhere.” Bless her, Naddy finally got it.

  “Yes. I’ll call you as soon as I get there.”

  “Whatever, child. I got work to do.”

  Naddy hung up and Alex did the same, handing the phone to Brodie, who had cl
icked on the six o’clock news. She hadn’t even made a blip on his male radar. Her fragile ego took a nosedive and she brought her thoughts back to the job she was here to do. Get DNA evidence.

  “Thank you,” she said, her eyes trailing toward the rodeo memorabilia. “Are those yours?”

  He glanced at her. “Yes.”

  She walked closer, staring at several silver and gold buckles. “So you’re a rodeo rider?”

  “Used to be. Just a cowboy now. “

  She held out her hand. “I’m Alex Donovan.”

  Brodie took her hand, it was soft yet strong. Just like the lady, he thought. The moment he looked into her brown eyes he knew she wasn’t a casual type gal. “Nice girl” was written all over her pretty face—this was the type of woman he normally steered clear of. Women who wanted commitment, forever and a part of his soul in the bargain.

  He chose women who didn’t get their hearts broken when he walked away, because that’s who he was—a walk-away type guy. His friends, Colter and Tripp, had found true love but he knew that wasn’t in the cards for him. Nesting wasn’t in his nature. Risking his life and staying on the move was. His father had said those were the qualities of a soldier, but he was a cowboy to the core.

  Although it was true that these days he’d settled in one place. Risking his life was a day on the freeway pulling a horse trailer. Since his retirement from the rodeo, his life had changed, he had to admit that. But the woman hadn’t been made who could make him think about marriage.

  Pity, he thought for a nostalgic moment, the blonde was very attractive. And something about the touch of her smooth skin against his sent his thoughts in an entirely different direction.

  He released her hand. “I’m Brodie Hayes.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Her smile lit up her face. Damn. She wasn’t just attractive. She was beautiful.

  “I apologize for interrupting your evening.” She glanced at the TV.

  The rise and fall of her breasts against the tank top caught his eye. He pulled himself up sharp. What was wrong with him? This woman wasn’t his type.

  “No problem, ma’am.” He turned his attention back to the TV.

  “May I please use your bathroom?”

  “Down the hall to the right.” He breathed a sigh of relief as she disappeared.

  A LEX HURRIED to the bathroom, locked the door and went to work. She was looking for some of his hair. Bingo. A comb lay on the vanity with black strands in it. Not many, but it might be enough.

  Pulling a plastic bag out of her pocket, she slipped the comb into it, then tucked it into her shorts. She flushed the commode and quickly made her way to the den.

  Brodie had his eyes on the TV and didn’t even look up.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “Sure,” he replied, sparing her a brief glance.

  She had no choice but to leave. He could have been friendlier. She fumed about that all the way to her car. He was probably used to having his pick of women and today he just wasn’t interested. Or he wasn’t interested in her. Why did that hurt?

  She’d just invaded his privacy and had stolen something from his house, so if she never saw him again that would probably be for the best—for both of them.

  All the way into the city, she knew she had the evidence to prove if Brodie Hayes was Helen Braxton’s son. She’d told Helen the odds were slim and she still believed that.

  But those blue eyes were hard to ignore.

  The same eyes she’d seen in the photos of the Braxton men. And in Maggie.

  F ROM HIS KITCHEN WINDOW , Brodie watched her drive away. He wasn’t sure what that was about, but he had a feeling the lady wasn’t lost. What was she after? Didn’t matter. He’d never see her again.

  A smile tugged at his mouth. Tripp would laugh at him. Brodie was known as a charmer, a ladies’ man around the rodeo circuit. He never met a woman he didn’t like. Or who didn’t like him. So what had held him back with…what did she say her name was? Alex Donovan. That was it. What held him back from getting to know Alex better?

  He walked into the den and sank into his chair. Maybe he was getting older. Maybe a nice girl wasn’t on his to-do list. Or maybe his instincts told him Alex deserved better than a walk-away cowboy.

  A LEX CAME THROUGH the back door and did a double take. Naddy, with her hair in rollers, was in the utility room, stuffing clothes into the washing machine.

  “Get your investigating done?” Naddy asked, pouring soap onto the clothes.

  “Yes. Thanks for catching on.”

  “Might take me a minute, but I always catch on.” Naddy closed the lid.

  “Naddy, what are you doing?”

  Naddy lifted a sharp eyebrow.

  “Okay. Dumb question. I’ll try again. Why are you washing clothes? I usually have to threaten you to get you to do that.”

  “I’m going to Vegas and I need clean clothes.” Naddy turned the dial and water spewed into the machine. Alex couldn’t hear over the loud noise so she pulled her grandmother into the kitchen.

  “Why are you going to Vegas?”

  “Can’t get those idiots in control of the case to listen to me. I’m going in person. Ethel and me are driving.”

  “What!” Alex followed her into her bedroom. “You are not driving to Vegas. Absolutely not.”

  “I drive just as good as when I was twenty, only better. I don’t drive as fast.”

  Alex took a calming breath. “You’re not driving to Vegas in your old Buick.”

  Naddy placed her hands on her hips. “Are you saying that I’m old?”

  “You’re seventy-eight. What do you think?”

  “I think I can do what I want.”


  “Ethel’s seventy-six and she doesn’t drive too bad, except she has trouble staying awake.”

  “Okay. Okay.” Alex threw up her hands, knowing her grandmother was working her. “I’ll pay for your plane ticket.”

  “What about Ethel? I don’t want to go alone.”

  Alex gritted her teeth. “Okay. I’ll pay for Ethel, too.”

  “You’re such a sucker.” Naddy laughed.

  “I knew you were playing me from the start. You wouldn’t do laundry unless you were after something. And you’d better not crow too much or I’ll rescind the offer.” She paused. “Does Buck know you’re going?”

  “No. You can tell him after I’m gone.”

  Alex shook her head. “Oh, no. You tell him before you leave.”

  “Honeychild.” Naddy put an arm around her shoulder and Alex caught a whiff of Ben-Gay. “Why do you always want that family connection to be there? It isn’t. I was a bad mother, a terrible mother. I admit that. Bucky has a right to hate me. I was young, stupid and had no idea how to raise a kid. He grew up the hard way, by himself with a string of step-daddies.”

  Alex had heard this a million times and Naddy wasn’t getting around her by using that bad-mother routine. “All the same, you’ll tell him.”

  “Did I say you were a sucker? Crafty is more like it.”

  “I’ll be upstairs,” she said, walking away.

  “Want to help with my laundry?”

  “No, thanks,” Alex called, running up the stairs.

  She laid the plastic bag with the comb on her dresser. In the morning she’d call a lab they used to run the test. She’d also call Helen so she could give a sample to see if Brodie was her son. One little test, but it could change a lot of lives.

  That night she went to sleep seeing the bluest eyes in Texas.

e awoke to loud voices, which was reminiscent of her childhood. Evidently Naddy had told Buck she was going to Vegas. She didn’t bother going down. They’d yell and scream until one of them was out of breath.

  She changed into jeans and a knit top. She brushed her hair and clipped it behind her head. After applying the barest of makeup, she headed downstairs.

  “Don’t think I’m paying for this crazy trip!”

  “I never asked you for a dime.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  Alex walked between Buck and Naddy. “Good morning, all. Think I’ll get my coffee on the way to work.” With her hand on the doorknob, she looked at her father. “Is the air fixed?”

  “I had to work on the damn thing myself and I got it going for now. Bert’ll fix it this morning.”

  “Really? The old push method didn’t work?”

  Buck glared at her. “Don’t start with me. I’ve already had it with Naddy. Going to Vegas. That’s insane.” He pointed a finger at his mother. “Don’t come back to this house with a man in tow. That’s all I got to say.”

  “Bucky, you take all the fun out of life.”

  “Don’t call me Bucky.”

  “I had those teeth fixed, didn’t I?”

  Buck slammed out the door and Alex stared at her grandmother. “This certainly isn’t the Cleaver household.”

  Naddy chuckled. Alex used to sit for hours watching reruns of Leave It To Beaver, wishing she had a mother like June and a father like Ward. How unrealistic was that? Not to mention outdated.

  “More like a soap opera,” Naddy muttered.

  Alex only grinned. “When are you leaving?”

  “Ethel’s daughter is dropping her off and we’re taking a cab to the airport.”

  “Be careful.” Alex hugged her.

  “If I was careful, I wouldn’t have any fun.”


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