Home > Other > ALIEN INVASION > Page 7

by Hallett, Peter

  There was a knock at the door, which thankfully snapped me out of my descent into a void of anxiety. It was a place I fell into all too often. “Freddie, I’m just going to the door, someone’s knocking.”

  “Okay, Mommy.”

  I stood; as I walked past him I ran my hand over his head. He pulled away from it quickly. I swallowed the lump in my throat, wiped the tears from my face, and entered the hall.

  I opened up the front door. It was my neighbor, Janice. I threw my arms around her before she even had a chance to speak, and I sobbed. “Nina, is everything okay? We heard screaming. Is Freddie okay? Was it another meltdown?”

  I couldn't answer. I just held on, concerned my hug was too tight for such an old woman. When I had settled, I pulled away. “Sorry, it’s been a difficult …” I couldn’t get the rest of the words out, I was crying again.

  “It’s okay, dear.” She stepped in and placed her hand on my shoulder. “Is everything okay now?”

  “Yeah, thank you.” I wiped the tears away again.

  “Good … I have an idea. Why don’t you go upstairs, have a bath, or a nap, I’ll look after Freddie for a bit. If I need you, I’ll come and get you.”

  “That would be really helpful, are you sure it’s okay?”

  “Sure.” She smiled, her dentures wobbled as she did.

  “Thank you.” I hugged her again and she patted me on the back as I did.

  I stuck my head through the door, into the living room. “Mommy is just going to go and have a bath, Freddie.”

  He didn’t break his stare from the fan. “Okay, Mommy.”

  “Janice is going to come and sit with you for a little while.”

  “I like Janice, she has funny teeth.”

  “Freddie!” I rolled my eyes.

  Janice squeezed past me and into the living room. “Don’t worry, Nina. His honesty is one of the many things I love about him. Now go and have that bath.”

  “Thank you.”

  I walked into the upstairs bathroom and ran the bath as I took my clothes off. I made sure it was warm enough, and full of bubbles before I got in. I let out a long breath again, the scent made my nose run a little.

  As I was lying there, watching the foamy bubbled water run down my breasts, pretending my nipples were little islands, my mind wandered, like it had a bad habit of doing.

  I thought about my husband. How much I missed him. His omelets were legendary. I smiled. I thought about his smile, how comforting it had been, it was able to calm me, to warm me. I thought about the touch of his skin, how it used to feel when it brushed against mine while we lay in bed on lazy Sunday mornings.

  My eyes had shut instinctively, and one of my feet clumsily hit the tap that turns the shower on. The head of which was hooped around the spigots. The powerful vigor of the water hit my foot and the massaging force of the blast made me jump more than the heat. I sat up, cursed, and turned it off.

  I just stared at it for a while as another thought floated around my mind. This one always found its way into my head when I needed to relieve the tension, when I needed to feel something different. I placed one hand under the showerhead and turned the tap to start the cascade again. The power shower sent quick little pinging streams of water onto my skin.

  I looked over my shoulder to check the door was locked. It was. I should have known it would be. I’d never take a bath with it not being locked if Janice was in the house, plus Freddie had a habit of walking in on me. Paranoia was setting in; I knew what I was planning and I didn’t want to get caught doing it.

  While still sitting up, I spread my legs as far as the bath would allow, my knees now up by my face. I untangled the shower head from the spigot and placed it under the water. I turned the faucet to increase the flow from the head and placed it face up. The water started to bubble in front of me.

  I slid the head under myself. The curved plastic rested nicely against me. Part of it over my opening and the rest nuzzled agreeably against my pleasure spot. The little spikey streams firing onto me were enough to send shivers through my body and to force me to grip onto the side of the bath with my free hand.

  My husband walks up behind me, his eyes moving over the length of my legs until they find rest on my butt. Once he’s close he places his hand on my ass and gives it a squeeze. He then lets it roam all over, his palm caressing its curve before his hand finds rest, his palm pressed on my butt and his fingers low enough to touch me where I want him. I moan.

  He takes hold of me by the hips and presses himself on to my butt. I feel his hardness on my butt. He runs his hands up my back and under my blouse. His fingers tickle my skin as they work their way to my bra. I get shivers and he unhooks me.

  I wanted to moan. So I did. Quietly though. My eyes looked to the ceiling as the high-powered beads of water beat off me in a steady and never-ending pulse.

  My breasts drop and he reaches his hands around to the front, pushing my bra over the top of them, to hold both of them in his big strong hands. He squeezes them, massages them, before he withdraws his hands back to my hips. They don’t stay there long; he lets them feel down my legs until his fingers hook under my skirt. He rolls it up until it rests on my hips.

  His hands work over my ass again and I moan once more. Then I hear the zip of his jeans being undone. I look over my shoulder to see him pull them down to his knees. He’s not wearing underwear. He’s standing at attention. It’s big. I worry if I can take it but I know I want it. The head bounces a few times on one of my butt cheeks before he pulls the thong from my crack and over one of my cheeks.

  The thin jets were shooting up into me, an animated dance over my insides. More water was thumping on my throbbing lips. They, like everywhere else, were so sensitive now. They were swollen. I was close.

  I feel the head on me. It slowly starts to part me as he pushes forward. My lips slide over him and tightly grip. He keeps it on its course to fill me. I’m pulled wide as he finally fills me.

  I turned the faucet farther. The water that sped forth sent another tsunami of eroticism onto me, through me; my whole body was feeling the dynamism that was prancing. My butt was sliding back and forth over the bottom of the bath.

  Every inch of his manhood is fully in and I beg. I beg him to go harder. I feel him draw back; leaving me some ways before it’s thrust back into me with force. I feel it hit my insides in the most pleasurable way. I push my butt backward into him, somehow managing to squeeze a little extra of him in me; he’s not been this deep before. I don’t want him to ever not be again.

  My legs became tense. My body started to arch even more. I was almost there. The hand that was gripping the bath was having trouble keeping hold. Water was splashing from the tub. The water from the shower head was unrelenting, attacking me with bopping, tiptoeing, gallops of gushes of bubbly jets.

  He drives it into me over and over again, my whole body rocking from his on each thrust, my butt slapping against his abs, my breasts swinging, his hands on my hips, holding me with potency, allowing him to delve deeper into me. It’s like a never-ending, all-giving pole, my wet insides the flag it’s flying.

  I bit my bottom lip. Guttural throat moans were made, I wanted to make more. I wanted to scream out all the air from my lungs. I could tell it was going to be intense. It already was. My temperature was rising. Beads of sweat on my temples, more running over my breasts, little drops falling from my nipples.

  He reaches around me again and grabs my bare breasts. He holds them in his big powerful hands once more as he continues, bringing me to the edge of where I want to jump from, the fall certain to be full of erotic adrenaline.

  I let myself go over it as I hear him moan. He picks up speed and I’m being uncontrollably bounced as he finishes in me and me with him. I look over my shoulder and say, “Thank you. I love you.”

  He does one last hard thrust, I growl in my throat and then gasp as he pulls from me. “I love you too. Always have, always will.”

  I pressed the sho
werhead harder onto myself. It spat its watery tongues at me and all my tension was released in a sudden and almost violent jolt of electricity. I lost control of my body. The shower head shot away as I collapsed and orgasmed on the way down, on the way backward into the water, under the water, to the bottom of the bath, until the back of my head smashed into it and shot me back out, dizzy, breathless and coughing up water.

  Then …

  I started to cry, full on sobbing again.


  I jumped off the bus at the stop that was across the street from Alec’s apartment building. The night air was biting at my skin, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end and my teeth to chatter. I should have worn something more protective than a t-shirt, but that had been the least of my concerns when gathering my belongings. My priorities had been to grab what was needed for my escape and my costume for the convention.

  I jogged across the road, holding one arm over my boobs to stop them bouncing. I saw a man in a suit walking on the sidewalk I was aiming for, trying to hide his smile. I wasn’t sure if it was my goofy running that had him tickled or my attempt to keep my tits from hitting me in the face. It didn’t matter which it was, I still felt like an idiot.

  Unlike the apartment building I lived in the elevators in Alec’s worked. They even played music. It was terrible music, sure, but it was still a step in the right direction when it came to the place you called home. His family wasn’t rich but they weren’t short of cash either. I guess it helps when your dad doesn’t spend every cent on beer.

  I walked down the hallway to the door numbered 77 and knocked. It wasn’t long before his mom answered. She was wearing a dress that looked expensive and showed off heaps of cleavage. Her hair didn’t have a strand out of place, unlike mine. She was also wearing a massive and welcoming smile, her teeth casting light off them.

  “June, it’s good to see you again. Come on in.”

  I smiled and entered the apartment. It smelt so different to where I lived, less alcohol hanging in the air I guess. You’d get drunk in our living room if you took too deep of a breath. Alec’s apartment contained much more pleasing scents. I think I could make out vanilla and cherry. It almost made me hungry.

  “It’s nice to see you again,” I said as I slipped my backpack off my shoulders and held it by my side.

  “Alec is in his room. He’s getting dressed into his costume. He’s very excited about the convention. He loves them. He told me this was your first one.”

  “That’s right. I’m excited too … Also a little bit nervous.” I looked to my feet and cleared my throat.

  “There’s no need to be, sweetie. I’m sure you’ll feel at home once you get there. Alec never feels as comfortable as when he is around the comic reading type. Geeks, I think he calls them.”

  “It’s not that. My dad … he …”

  “He still hasn’t changed then?” She placed her hand on my shoulder.

  It made me jump. I felt terrible that I’d had such a reaction. It would have looked as if she repulsed me. She didn’t remove it though. I didn’t mind either. I just wasn’t used to someone touching me in a loving way. The only time I got touched by my dad was when he hit me.

  “I’m sorry I’m jumpy,” I quickly said.

  “It’s okay … and it’s completely understandable. If you ever need anywhere to stay, you’re always welcome here.”

  I looked up at her. She was smiling again. This one was different than when she’d welcomed me, though. She felt sorry for me that was plain to see. Her eyes looked so kind. “Thank you … and he hasn’t changed. I don’t think he ever will.”

  “Maybe he will one day. Stranger things have happened.” She squeezed my shoulder. I didn’t jump that time. “Why don’t you go and help Alec with his costume and get changed into yours, he’s been standing in front of that mirror for hours, maybe you can hurry him along.”

  “I’ll try, but you know what he’s like.”

  “I do.”

  I didn’t want to leave her. I felt safe in her company. If it wouldn’t have been so easy for my dad to find me there, I’d have run off and lived with them. I would have to travel farther away though. Somewhere he would never think to look. No one could know where I’d gone. Not even Alec, which really upset me, but it was for the best. It would keep both of us safe.

  I was just about to enter Alec’s room when his mom said, “And don’t be concerned. If your dad calls, we’ve not seen you.” She winked.

  I smiled and said, “Thank you.”

  “June, is that you?” Alec shouted from inside his room.

  “Yep, it’s me. Is it safe to come in? You’re not naked are you?”

  “Nope. Enter, my fair maiden.”

  “I’m not fair, but I’m coming in.”

  Alec’s room was geek heaven. The walls were covered in DC and Marvel posters. The one he had of the Joker over his bed always freaked me out, though. His grotesque smile reminded me too much of my dad’s.

  Alec had an awesome gaming station setup in the corner, too. He even had one of those chairs that rumbled and had built-in speakers. He’d let me sit in it, he’s pretty precious about it but he allowed me the honor, but I hadn’t done it since. Not because he wouldn’t let me, but because he’d made a joke about the rumbling and vibrations, that I was enjoying them too much. That embarrassed me enough to not use it again.

  Alec was standing in front of his mirror, fixing his hair into pigtails. He already had on his Sailor Moon costume. He wore more girly clothes than I did. “What do you think?” he asked. I gave him the thumbs up. “Do you think any sexy girls at the convention are just itching to hook up with a guy dressed as a female anime character?”

  “You tell me, I’ve never been to one before. Do they have a thing for confusingly-gendered people at these things?” I went and sat on his bed, having to push some frilly panties out of the way before I could find a space free of clothes big enough to fit my fat butt.

  “I have a problem, as you know.”

  “A big one.”

  “Ha. Ha. Very funny. I mean, I dress like a girl, but I’m straight. When girls see me dressed as a girl, they think I’m gay. Which ruins my chances with them, unless they want to be friends. I’m hoping I’ll meet a drunk lesbian or something.”

  “I think she might be a little shocked when she reaches up your skirt and finds a dick.”

  “That’s why she needs to be drunk.” He turned to me, did a little spin. His hair was fixed in the pigtails. “So, what do you think?”

  “Very pretty.” He was too. It was so annoying. He looked better in girl clothes than I did. Damn him for being skinny and for having such sexy legs.

  “So what costume have you brought to wear?”

  “Well, I couldn’t afford to buy anything, so I had to make something out of what I already had.”

  He bounced down onto the bed next to me. “Let me guess, you’re going as a Nirvana fan?”

  “I’m not wearing it yet, you idiot.”

  He did cat claws at me and meowed. “Calm down, kitty. I was joking.” I punched him in his arm. He grabbed at it and rubbed. “Hey, take it easy. I’m fragile.”

  “You’re a pussy.” I smiled. Then a pillow hit me in the face. “You do that again, and you’re a dead man, Alec.”

  “I’m not Alec today.”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot, sorry. You do that again, and you’re a dead woman, Paula.” I waved my finger at him. He tried to bite it, so I snatched it away. We both laughed. “Do I have to call you Paula? I’ll get confused.”

  “Just don’t call me Alec around anyone else.”

  “That seems even more confusing.”

  “What about this, just call me babe. That way, it doesn’t matter when you call it me or who we’re around”

  “Okay, I’m sure I’ll forget, though.”

  “You won’t. I’ll tickle you just before anyone comes to talk to us, as a reminder.”

  “Don’t. Yo
u know that makes me pee.”

  “Why do you think I’m going to do it?” I punched him in the arm again. He hit me in the face with the pillow again. “Stop keeping me in suspense. What’s your costume?” He clapped his hands in front of him like an excited Japanese schoolgirl.

  “Doctor Who,” I said, unsure what his reaction would be. He hated that show just as much as I hated Sailor Moon.


  “Don’t laugh, it’s the best I could do.”

  “I’m not laughing at the costume … Well I am, but not in the way you’re probably thinking. So, I’m going to the convention dressed as a girl and you’re going dressed as a guy. We’ll make the cutest couple.”

  He laughed. I laughed.

  “Okay, that is funny,” I said.

  “Get changed quickly. The cab will be here to pick us up soon.”



  “Are you talking about the cab, or where I can get changed?”


  “I’m not getting changed in front of you.”

  “You can get changed behind me, I’ll turn around.”

  “No peeking, though.”

  “I would never do such a thing.”

  “I’m not sure that’s true.”

  “I would peek, but not at you.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I raised my voice a little too loud.

  “You both okay in there?”

  “Yeah, fine, Mom!” Alec shouted at the door. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he said to me.

  “What did you mean it like?” I raised my fist, ready.

  “I meant, I wouldn’t peek at you because you’re my best friend. That’s not what friends do.”

  “You sure?”


  “I don’t think anyone would want to peek.” A tear snuck free. I wasn’t the most confident of people when it came to my body. I was too fat for my liking, for anyone’s liking, if the bullies were right.

  “Are you crying?”


  “You are.”

  “I’m not.”


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