Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins

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Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins Page 7

by Allen Gates

  Across the room, as he stared at her he knew he liked what he saw. He could feel her uneasiness even from that distance. I can change that, he thought. She just needs to get to know me.


  THE QUESTIONING OF the senator seemed strange to Lon. Somehow the senator appeared overly accommodating in laying out his reasons for any situation they threw at him. He became very emotional, and at one point Lon drew an angry response out of him when they informed him of Marie’s erotic emails they had pulled up on her computer.

  Later in the car, Lon questioned his outburst as merely acting out a response he thought we would expect. Anne, of course, still giving him the benefit of doubt felt he appeared sincere.

  “You have a hang up on this guy, Lon. We have nothing that ties him to this killing or anything else illegal. I’m aware that most of the time if there is a spouse involved, they immediately become the main suspect, but I don’t see it in this instance.”

  Lon only grunted to show his disagreement but then agreed to her request to back off a little in his attitude toward the senator. As he made the agreement he crossed his fingers and turned away so that Anne would not see his smile.

  “What’s our next move, Lon?”

  “We have no choice but to review the victim’s files, once again, to check every name connected in any way to each of them, where and when they were selected, and then we’ll recheck them again. There has to be a clue about this guy in one of them that we’re missing. I hate to say it, Anne, but I feel our killer has waited long enough and could be in the process of selecting a new victim. By the way single lady keep that in mind when you’re out running around at night.”

  “I do not run around as you put it, I’ll have you know. That’s what most married people like you call it. I’m a single woman free to be who I am; and you’re jealous.”

  Lon laughed at her and said, “Okay, I give let’s get started. Grab the Radford file and we'll work back from Marie to the first victim.”


  AFTER CHECKING HER log and adding the necessary comments on her final patient, Stephanie was ready to call it a day. The night nurse, just coming on, called to her and said there was a note for her on the desk. It was a folded sheet of hospital paper.

  “Have a nice night, Doc.” Len

  She felt a chill and knew immediately who Len was. Throwing it in the waste basket, she walked quickly to the side exit of the hospital. She was excited at the prospect of heading home and meeting her new fantasy guy on the beach at sunset. Getting dressed in her bathing suit and arriving there ahead of him, was her plan.

  Leaning on the front door of his car, Len watched her walk out, enter her car, and drive away. He sat in the driver’s seat and pulled out of the parking lot staying well behind her.


  THE FILE OF every victim had been reviewed and documented with every pertinent bit of information ascertained placed on the clue board. It had been a long and stressful day for Lon who had internalized much sadness as he viewed each photo of the female victims, so he suggested they knock off for the night.

  “You want to stop for a drink, Anne? It’s still pretty early?”

  “If it’s my choice, I say yes. I want you to meet someone and give me your opinion.”

  “Sounds great, but I want you to promise me you will send my butt out of there after one drink, because I need to spend some time at home. I hate what I’m about to say, but I’ll follow you to get to your new love nest, so don’t lose me with that lead foot of yours.”

  Anne left the building with Lon and they made a pact with each other agreeing to put the case out of their mind for the night. She backed out of her parking spot and without thinking pulled out and headed down the road while Lon was just starting his car. He managed to catch up with her and she waved realizing that she had done exactly what he had asked her not to do and figured he was probably upset with her. Turning the corner, Anne saw his car parked in front of the bar and felt a tinge of excitement.

  This is ridiculous, she thought. You’re a grown woman, acting like a high school girl. She drove to the parking lot on the side of the building and parked. Lon pulled in the spot next to her and teased her about her driving as they walked to the front door.

  It took a second or so for their eyes to adjust and then she heard her name called and turned to see Terry sitting at a table against the far wall. He stood as they approached and awaited introduction to the man with her before reaching out his hand. He made no attempt to hug Anne which she appreciated as she was not ready for any display of affection in front of her partner.

  Lon sat and listened more than conversed with the pair, adding an occasional uh-huh, or I see, and waited for the perfect opportunity to inject a “nice to meet you, but I need to head home. After a few more short stories, he got his chance, stood up and said “adios compadres.” Anne smiled at him appreciating his cowboy humor and he felt her look of, what do you think? He gave her a smile and a wink and left. Terry remained standing and watched the detective exit the bar.

  “So, now I have met my competition,” he said, as he sat back down at the table.

  “That’s a silly observation, Terry! He is happily married with a twelve year old son.”

  “Since when has a family determined whether or not a man is attracted to another woman? I think he is attracted to you. I understand the attraction, but I have to admit, it bothers me.”

  “Don’t you think it’s a little early for you to be bothered by my receiving the attention of another man?”

  “No Anne, I do not think it’s too early. I believe in telling you exactly how I feel at all times.”

  “I like you telling it like it is, but come on Terry you’re a little quick with your overly attentive reaction.”

  She saw his face change from concern to one of anger. It was obvious he did not like her response and his piercing eyes made it known.

  “I do not like his attitude toward me, so it’s time to think this over carefully before going any further.”


  THE DOCTOR FEELING relieved to be away from the hospital parked in front of her rooming house which has served her purpose, but now she was anxious to purchase a home. She looked at herself in the mirror and added a touch of lip balm, totally oblivious to the car parked a short distance behind her. If she had been more aware she would have seen the car with Len sitting and watching her as she walked up the steps and entered the house.

  “So, this is where you live?”

  He pulled ahead and drove past her car singing, “I’ll be seeing you in all the old familiar places.” Pleased with himself, now that he would definitely be seeing her at locations away from the hospital.

  As she stepped inside Stephanie was met by the owner of the house apparently anxious to talk with someone and after several exchanges she went up the stairs to her room to be greeted at the door by her little yipping friend, who jumped into her arms squirming and whimpering as he kissed her face. She laughed as she attempted to control his excitement.

  “Okay Hobo, I’m going to take you for a quick walk.”

  Pulling on a pair of shorts, over a one piece swim suit, she picked up the dog and walked down the stairs still not in total control.

  “I’ll see you later, Mrs. Carter,” she yelled. Hearing no response she assumed she had gone out back.

  She lowered the top on the T-Bird and headed out for their evening adventure. Hobo sat up in the passenger side seat, staring out of the front window.

  “See anything interesting, boy?”

  Hobo, hearing her speak, turned, looked at her and then back to his watch out the front window pose. She laughed as she turned her attention to the trip up the coast. Leaning her head back against the head rest, she felt the wind rushing through her hair.

  “This is heaven, Hobo, we are in paradise.”

  It seemed the trip was even shorter than she remembered and in no time at all she was turning off onto the two lane heading down to the

  “No car, he’s not here.”

  Hobo immediately started jumping and whining. “Easy boy, let me park and you have the beach all to yourself.”

  Hobo, too excited to wait, jumped over the side just as she was about to stop. He rolled in a heap, then jumped up and at a full run headed for the water. Grabbing her towel and a book Stephanie followed at a much more controlled pace. She was just as anxious as he was, but for different reasons.


  ANNE DECIDED IT was time to take control of the situation.

  “Look Terry, this thing you say we’re experiencing, whatever it is, is fine, but it is a thing. Let’s let it take us wherever it takes us at a nice pace and enjoy the ride. I deal with a lot of men in my line of work and it requires me to spend time night and day with them. I cannot and most important I will not worry about hurting someone’s feeling if I stay out late working on a case with my partner. You say he is attracted to me, I say, ‘So what?’, but I have not seen evidence of that.”

  She watched his face closely, his eyes squinted, lips slightly twitched, and then a small grin appeared.

  “That’s fine with me,” he said, but she had noted the deep anger in his eyes just before he was able to suppress it.

  He signaled Johnny to bring over another round of drinks.

  “This will be it for me, Terry. I have to work tomorrow.” She watched his face turn into a controlled smile.

  “I can understand that and I would never stand in the way of an officer and her duties. Let’s enjoy this drink and the time left in our evening together.”

  They clicked glasses and he learned over to kiss her. Anne was surprised by the action and withdrew, but to show conciliation felt obliged to partake in this unwanted show of affection. It was a strained effort on both parties and each accepted it for what it was.

  When she stood to leave Terry insisted on walking Anne to her car, but surprisingly he did not try to kiss her. As she closed the door, he waved and returned to the front door. Watching him reenter the bar, she felt confused.

  “Did I just get shut out by a guy I hardly know because he was jealous of my partner? Am I nuts? I don’t need this in my life right now.”

  Arriving home somewhat angry and even more confused, she parked and entered the apartment. Her mood left her felling a bit rejected, but after a long, hot shower she lay on the bed relaxed and began flipping channels on the TV.

  “No news tonight, I need a Hallmark original love story to fall asleep to.”

  A loud knock on the door startled her. Don’t answer it she thought. Then, a second round of knocks even louder created a new feeling of curiosity.

  Picking up her pistol and moving to the door she asked, “Who is it?”

  “It’s me, Terry. I need to see you, Anne.”

  Removing the chain lock and then the dead bolt, she opened the door and asked what was so important.

  “I needed to apologize immediately or I would spend the entire night tossing and turning. I was way out of line, Anne. I had no right to be upset with you. I guess I’m a little too struck by you and pushed the envelope a little too far. That’s the reason I had to get this off my chest before heading home. So, having said it, I’ll say good-night and I hope to see you tomorrow.”

  Closing the door, Anne was relieved by his apology, but remained uneasy with his earlier display of possessive behavior with a tinge of anger. She was unsure if she wanted to let this relationship go any further than it had gone.


  SITTING ON HER blanket looking out over the horizon, Stephanie was at complete peace for the first time in over a year maybe forever she thought. Breaking from her reverie she looked over and spotted Hobo running along the shore attacking the waves. Checking her watch she estimated the sun was about one hour from setting and assumed he was not coming when the sound of an approaching car disrupted her thoughts.

  She felt a sudden rush of anxiety. How should I act? Should I act like I don’t remember him when he approaches? I’ll just act natural, was the final approach she settled on. A car door closing caused her heart to beat a little faster.

  Continuing to stare out over the water trying to act unconcerned she was unaware of the eyes staring at her back as she sat and waited for his arrival. He did not appear and when a door slammed she turned to see a car backing up and pulling out of the parking area onto the road. She could only catch a partial view of the car due to the lower level of the beach.

  Strange, she thought as she remembered that this was the second time that had happened. The whole scenario gave her a sense of unease. Was it him and he resented the fact that I was here. Turning her attention back to the setting sun, she thought, as beautiful as it is as it settles on the horizon I would rather be sharing it with someone.

  “Hobo, come here boy and park yourself next to me and let’s watch the end of the day.”

  The sun looked like a large red and orange ball sinking into the sea. As they sat there and the beginning darkness descended around them, her contentment turned to the realization of possible dangers the nighttime hid.

  Come on girl, get yourself home. Think of the evil that has been going on in this community. Women are constantly being warned to be watchful and aware at all times. Picking up the blanket, she walked up the hill to her car with her dog leading the way. A small Mercedes pulled in next to her parked car. It was him.

  He gave a wave just before opening the door and stepping out.

  “How was the sunset?”

  “It was wonderful!”

  “I was tied up with some personal problems and could not get here in time. I’m surprised to see you still here. It can be dangerous for ladies to be out after dark.”

  “I remembered that and we packed up and were just leaving. Will you be here tomorrow?”

  “That’s my plan, but lately my life has been turned upside down.”

  “Well, if you’re here, I’ll look forward to seeing you, William. See, I remembered.”

  He laughed and complimented her on her social graces. Then he turned and headed for the lower level. Her desire was to follow, but her good sense said no, so she started her car keeping his image in her mind as she drove home.


  WHY HAVE YOU been so nervous, he wondered? Twice now you have pulled in and observed her and changed your mind. Start by making friends with her and you will be fine. Just talk and be yourself and she will learn to trust you like all the others. You really like this one I know, but listen, just relax and be patient. If this lady is not meant to be the next, so be it. You have others in mind and there is always the vast number of unknowns walking around. Lately they seem to be fulfilling, offering you a special reward of satisfaction. He looked at his image in the mirror smiled said, “Let’s hunt an unknown tonight.”

  Yes, he thought, but I need to get home and prepare. I know she’s out there and I’m going to love finding her. He realized he was allowing the urge to take control. Slow down, you’re getting too excited and if you continue to allow it to override your judgment you’ll make a mistake.

  On the drive home he passed several young women walking alone and smiled as he passed by them.

  “Where are you going pretty lady and where can I find you later?”


  ENTERING THE HOUSE, Stephanie’s land lady called out asking her to step inside and look at a special news cast on the television.

  “It is just awful what happened to the senator’s wife.”

  “I am not aware of the story, Mrs. Carter what happened?”

  “She was found murdered by that guy going around this area killing women. Look at him, he is so handsome.”

  Staring at the TV, she realized it was William. He was a senator who had just recently lost his wife to a murderer and there you were pouting because he failed to show up for a couple of nights. He is going to need someone to talk to and I intend to be that person, she thought.

  “I’m off to my room, Mrs. Carter.
I’ll probably see you in the morning.”

  She continued to stare at the TV only partially acknowledging her goodnight. Realizing she wasn’t listening, Stephanie picked up Hobo and silently went up the stairs to her room. A shower was what she needed before the late newscast.

  Later, while lying on the bed petting Hobo, Stephanie used the remote until she found a station covering the story. A close up picture of William and his wife was being shown as they announced the wife’s funeral time and location. She made up her mind that she would attend.


  REMOVING THE FRAMED picture from the wall and laying it on the table directly below he reached in the safe-like recess and retrieved the special items and placed them on the picture. He stared at the stack of clothing then selected a favorite blouse and holding it to his face he breathed in its rich aroma. He became lost in the memory of the closeness he had felt for her. It had been wonderful and fulfilling. He refolded the blouse and placed it back on the pile, but left his hand in contact for a brief moment to allow him to regain his strength and balance. Being very careful not to disrupt the neatness of the stack he placed the clothing back into the wall space. He smiled knowing the stack would be growing after tonight. The picture was re-hung and straightened.

  He walked out to the garage knowing he was prepared and now in complete control. He drove into the city and picked a likely place for his selection on the outside of the main commercial area and parked in the darkest space in the rear parking area of a dimly lit bar. Almost immediately a young couple came out of the door arm in arm and walked to a car parked nearby. They kissed before entering the car and he watched them drive slowly out of the lot. He sat watching and waiting. It was important to be careful, even beyond careful and then check and recheck before every move.


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