Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins

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Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins Page 28

by Allen Gates

  “They are not at his home, so we have to try and figure where he would take her.”

  “I am going to check her place,” Leo said.

  Anne suddenly asked, “Where is Len? He carried Stephanie out of here.”

  It was as if they had completely forgotten him.

  Lon and Anne walked to their car with two mysteries to solve. Where is Lenny and where do we start to search for the doctor.

  Anne scanned the parking lot and found nothing. She started to get in the passenger side when a noise caught her attention.

  “Listen Lon, hear that faint banging?”

  They walked toward it and discovered it was coming from the trunk of the third car over. Lon checked the door, it was open. He pushed the trunk latch and walked to the rear and helped Anne pull Len out of the trunk.

  “He has her, Johnny has her.”

  “We know Len. They’re looking for them all around the city and outside the limits.”

  Len explained how he ended up in the trunk.

  “He is armed, detectives.” He held the gun on me and forced me into the trunk.”

  “I think I know where he’s taking her. Remember he followed her there.”

  They knew the spot he was referring to and started running to their car.


  HER HANDS, STILL bound, they walked down the slope to the beach area. He stopped her abruptly, and asked her if she was hearing voices. She shook her head no. When he could no longer hear them he continued on holding her by the arm.

  “This is where I watched you many times. I have pictures of you sitting in this very spot.”

  He spread the blanket on the sand, then helped her down gently and sat down facing her. He waited hoping the urge would not overtake him too quickly. Then the voices began again, all women jumbled together. Where are they? He covered his ears, but they were still there.

  Stephanie recognized he was hallucinating and feeding his obvious confusion said, “Yes, Johnny, I did hear them that time.” Her confirmation of the voices seemed to calm him.


  LON GAMBLED ON Len’s suggestion that Johnny would take the doctor to the spot on the coast where he had watched her.

  “We had better be right Lon. This could be our one chance, to save her. or we will have wasted valuable time.”

  “It’s our best shot, and probably our only shot, partner. Let’s hope my gut is right one more time.”

  Leo Trent called from the doctor’s house and related that he had not taken her there. When he heard where they were heading said he would meet them there.


  JOHNNY STOOD UP and removed the tape from her hands and asked her to disrobe. He felt a tremor of the need starting to form inside. She hesitated and the bad guy inside of him pulled a gun from the case and pointed it directly at her face.

  “Now I want you to do as I say! I want you to begin taking off your clothes or I will remove them for you. I have been very patient with my wimpy other self, waiting for this night, and now my patience has run out.”

  His voice had somehow deepened, but Stephanie reminded herself to remain calm. Take your time and find ways to stall hoping someone is looking for us when we do not appear.

  She took off her shoes and then began to fumble with the buttons on her blouse appearing, for his benefit, to be nervous. As she loosed the final button and slowly removed it she recognized that the look on his face had matched his angered voice and she knew she was now in immediate danger. She watched him place the gun back in the case, then stand and walk to where she was sitting, and look down at her. He pulled her to her feet and spun her toward the water and placed his hand over her mouth and nose and the other on her breast. He moaned loudly as if in a state of bliss.

  As she struggled for breath, for some reason, his hand left her mouth and he shouted over her shoulder in the direction of the ocean, “Why are you here?”

  Stephanie knew he was again hallucinating seeing there was nobody there.

  “Who is she Johnny?”

  “You see her too?”

  She knew the obvious answer and said, “Yes.”

  He looked again and the figure was gone.

  Stephanie decided to play out the role of who he seemed to be seeing.

  “Please don’t hurt me. Why are you doing this to me?”

  He sank to his knees on the blanket with obvious fear and pain on his face.

  Stephanie, watching, recognized his actions as one searching for relief from something or someone.

  He became very angry when he saw that she was still dressed. He removed the gun; still on his knees he pointed it at her. She responded by removing the skirt. He was pleased shaking his head yes.

  “More, he said.”

  Lon saw the shadowy outline of the car as they approached and quickly turned off his headlights realizing they had guessed right. He pulled in very slowly away from the crest of the incline to avoid the inside light giving them away as they exited.

  They found no one in the car, moved to the edge of the hill, and peered down to the beach area. Two shadowy figures were visible. Only one was standing and it appeared to be the doctor.

  The sound of a car approaching caused a brief panic for Lon so, he ran up to the road to keep anyone from pulling in and warning the man below. It was Leo Trent approaching. Lon waved him down and he pulled over along the shoulder of the road. Lon explained the situation to him as they walked back to where Anne was waiting.

  The plan on how to handle the situation was quickly discussed between the three of them and when Anne suggested that she be the one to walk down to talk to Johnny they agreed. It took some hard convincing for Lon, but he finally gave in.

  The plan was for Leo to go around through the woods to the right and Lon would follow the dark tree line on the left. Anne was to wait until they were close to the beach area before she would start her approach. That way they would come at him from three sides.

  Anne walked slowly down the path and was close enough to hear their voices. She heard Johnny in a pleading, yet angry, voice say, “Now the pants and hurry.”

  Anne was holding her revolver ready and was praying she would not have to use it.

  Johnny was burning up inside from the long repressed desire for this woman in front of him and he needed to put out the flame that was consuming him. The evil one was in complete control now.

  Stephanie was surprised when he shouted at her “No, go away.”

  She did not understand that in his mind he was seeing three female figures standing in front of him. Number two and five were standing on each side of her. They stood with their arms extended to him and were begging him to hold them.

  “We’re cold without our clothes. Please hold us.”

  Anne continued to move silently her gun trained directly on him and she sensed by his actions he was about to panic. He raised the gun and instinctively she yelled, “No, Johnny!”

  She calmly continued toward him and asked, “Johnny, are you okay?”

  “Is it really you Anne?”

  She could see his relief in knowing it was her walking toward him, but suddenly he became unnerved and cowered.

  “Johnny it’s me Anne. I’m here to help you.”

  He was frozen in fear as he was not seeing Anne but number six. As Anne drew nearer he wiped his eyes with the back of his gun hand as if trying to erase the vision before him.

  Anne watched him stumble back trying to escape from something. It was as if he was looking at her, but was seeing someone or something else. He righted himself and wrapped one arm around the Doctor’s neck crying loudly, “Leave me alone!”

  The strong urge left for a moment allowing him to restore his vision of his surroundings and he saw that it was Anne in front of him, but then he began waving his gun wildly when he saw a shadowy figure walking toward him off to his left and then the sound of someone moving to his right. He raised his hand and placed it over the Doctor’s mouth and nose.

sp; “No Johnny, do not hurt her.” He lowered his hand to her neck.

  Anne recognized the beginning of panic, so she stopped and stood still continuing to talk calmly to him calling him by name so as not to press him into any further action and hopefully save his life. Lon and Leo were just a short distance now yet close enough to the scene that Lon could see the fear and panic. He knew whatever the man was visualizing in his mind was terrorizing him. He continually opened and closed his eyes trying to blot something out of his vision. He kept his weapon down at his side allowing Anne time to try and plead him down and prevent him from making the mistake of pointing his gun at one or the other of the them.

  Stephanie realizing Johnny was not paying attention to her took the opportunity to fall from his arm to the blanket and roll away. He made a grab for her, but turned back toward Anne. Stephanie watched Lon and Leo slowly moving toward them now pointing their guns at the man. She worried as Anne was very near now with her gun raised while she continuing to plead with him.

  “Johnny, please listen to Anne,” Stephanie suddenly felt compelled to yell at him.

  Hearing her voice behind him he spun around too quickly almost falling. He managed to gain his balance and started swinging the gun around wildly. He looked toward Leo and saw number three; he turned to his right and saw number one with her arms outstretched to him. He heard behind him a woman calling his name over-and-over.

  “Johnny, help me! Johnny, please help me!”

  He looked back toward the voice and saw Sherry standing in the water calling out to him to join her. His fears were becoming uncontrollable as he let out an ungodly scream and turned back to Anne to ask her for help. But, it wasn’t her anymore; it was number five standing where Anne had been. He loved number five, why was she was here trying to hurt him?

  He raised his gun as if to fire and three shots rang out. He stumbled slowly forward and sank to his knees and while smiling up at Anne, fell face down on the blanket.

  Anne ran to him and took the gun out of his hand. Kneeling beside him, she rolled him over on to his back. As he looked up at her, he reached for her hand. She let him hold it as he said, “Anne my friend, I want to thank you for bringing this to an end.”

  He tried to raise his hand to touch her cheek, but it fell limply to the ground and he was gone. She continued to hold his hand for a moment watching the torment disappear from his face. Laying his arms across his chest she rose and moved over to assist Stephanie.

  Anne held on to her as they walked up the hill. Lon and Leo followed them to the parking area and listened to Anne comforting Stephanie. Leo walked over, took her arm, and helped her into the passenger seat of his car while Lon made the call to headquarters to send a wagon out to remove the body. Then he walked over to speak to the Doctor.

  “Listen Stephanie, go home and relax tonight, but we’ll need you to arrange a time tomorrow to finalize the necessary reports. He closed her door and watched them drive away. He turned, walked over, and leaned against the car smiling at Anne.

  “Well, partner, it wasn’t pretty, but we did it. Maybe we should celebrate with a drink somewhere.”

  “Great idea Lon; I know the perfect place. How about Sutcliff, Nevada?”

  He seemed lost for words, even confused.

  “Oh come on, lighten up Lonny boy, I’m just being a bit ignominious.”

  She watched his confused face turn into a smile as he realized what she was doing with her new word.

  “Okay smart ass. I’ll let you tell me what ignominious means over our first drink. Then I’ll tell you how little you contributed in solving this case and to punish you, I’ll let you pick up the tab.”

  She laughed as she walked over and wrapped her arms around him.

  About the Author

  ALLEN GATES spent many years as a teacher and coach in the Michigan Education System after graduating from Central Mi. University.

  He left the field of education to pursue several career opportunities including Executive Director Michigan Special Olympics, Regional Director International Special Olympics, corporate sales trainer, auctioneering, small business owner and owner/trainer of a stable of thoroughbred race horses.

  Allen is the author of the highly regarded mystery novel Tarpon Street House published by Outskirts Press.

  He lives in Venice, Florida with his wife Pamela.

  Other Allen Gates Novels

  Island Paradise Escape. … Seeking relief from their fast paced life style in New York City a professional couple relocate to what they hope is an island paradise. Upon arrival on the island they became confident they had made the right choice. Disregarding concerns of the husband on the rumors surrounding the house the wife insisted on purchasing the house on Tarpon Street.

  Tarpon Street House published by Outskirts Press (February 11, 2016)




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