The Billionaire's Virgin Pursuit (The Forbidden Series Book 1)

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The Billionaire's Virgin Pursuit (The Forbidden Series Book 1) Page 8

by Dee Stone

  At the hostess station I gave my name, but when Paul gave his we were immediately seated. Well, I guess that could give any guy a big head.

  After we ordered our specialty beers we sat in an uneasy silence and studied the menus. I was awfully hungry and decided on the huge porterhouse steak breakfast with three eggs, over easy. And a black coffee.

  Paul heard what I had ordered and decided on the same thing. Still silence reigned. I didn’t know how to discuss things with Paul. We had been friends since we were kids, but after ten years apart and being in different countries, it was safe to say things were strained.

  Well, here goes nothing. “Paul, we need to talk this out. Mary and me? We need each other. There is a connection we don’t understand. We both feel it.”

  Paul had been staring at my face, so I knew he heard the sincerity in my voice and saw it plastered on my face as I leaned forward.

  He sat back in his chair, sipping his dark beer. Our coffees were delivered, and I took a sip of that. Hm, smooth, yet strong. I need to find out what company makes this, as I closed my eyes and savored the taste.

  Paul harrumphed as he leaned forward in his seat. “Markus, my daughter is young. She doesn’t know what she wants yet.”

  Good, he’s being reasonable. I can deal with that. “Paul, I can understand your reservations, but she is an adult.” He opened his mouth to respond, but I held up my hand, “I know now that she’s only twenty. She lied and told me she was twenty-one. As of yesterday. Twenty is still an adult. She’s old enough to make her own decisions.” I was interrupted as our breakfasts were delivered.

  An uncomfortable silence ensued as we attacked the food until all that remained was crumbs and bones.

  We sat back, replete, sipping on our second frosty mug of superior beer, which even Paul had complements for, saying he would be ordering some for his house.

  Finally, he pushed back the plates and silverware with a scowl and leaned on his crossed arms. “Markus, there is no way I can condone what is happening between the two of you. You must realize this can’t last. If you must continue with this reckless behavior I will call a meeting of the Board of Directors and have you ousted.” He had a satisfied smile on his face, as if he had me over a barrel.

  He obviously didn’t know me very well, and it made me laugh. I shook my head as great guffaws of laughter escaped me. The sound had people in the restaurant looking to see what was so funny. If only they knew.

  Paul’s scowl returned, after having his blown off. “Paul, I don’t need your company. Or our company. I have made millions on what I have thought up and worked for. Do you think I was stupid enough to place all of my work in the company? I have done even more than you can possibly imagine.” Mimicking his previous motion, I moved the plates and silverware. Placing my hands on the edge of the table, I leaned in his direction, lowering my voice. “I have made millions more in Europe with my apps and software that you haven’t even seen. So, go ahead and oust me. I can take care of Mary. She’ll never have to work again if she doesn’t want to. Or she can continue whatever studies she wants. It’s up to her now. It’s you who will regret it, not me.” I lowered my voice to a whisper at the last two words, but I knew Paul heard me.

  He stood up so fast and violently his chair fell over backward. “You haven’t heard the last of this,” he shouted, shaking his clenched fist at me. All I did was lean back in my chair until it creaked, laughing the whole time.

  Paul stomped off, muttering curses at me as he walked out the door.

  I handed my black card to the waiter as he righted the chair, staring at me nervously. I ignored him as I mentally began putting my plans in motion.

  The next morning, I strode down the hallway of the company feeling a sense of Déjà vu. This was where I had reconnected with Mary, and I hoped to continue our relationship. I knew I wanted more but wasn’t sure if she did yet. But, right now? I needed to concentrate on beating Paul. For ten years I had lived in Italy, so I didn’t know any of the board members. I hadn’t had time to connect with any of them.

  The doors to the board room were wide open, so I entered with purpose. One thing I had learned in Italy was to never show fear or they would gut you, leaving your entrails for the vultures that circled overhead.

  Standing just inside the doorways I surveyed the room and its occupants. There wasn’t anyone I recognized but, they leaned into each other whispering like school children.

  The other end of the long maple table that must have cost a fortune was open so I took that seat, expecting Paul to take the other. I didn’t care who usually sat here I was here now and would take control of my part of the business.

  Not having had time to talk to my brother, Dillon, yet I wasn’t sure if he would be here. Cursing myself for not connecting with him and concentrating so on Mary I knew it might cost me, but this company wasn’t where all my assets were. I had been busy while I was in Europe with another multi-million-dollar company, but this one had my name on it. I was surprised Paul hadn’t discovered it. I hadn’t tried to hide it after all. Giovanni Holdings was the name and I was proud of it.

  Some of the other board members began arriving as well as the little pregnant assistant, Molly, who gave me a slight sideways glance and nod before scurrying off, a hand to her belly, to get coffee.

  Keeping one eye out for her return so I could help her even if she did look a lot better, I wasn’t going to let her take care of all the men and women of the board by herself. I knew how some wealthy people were, selfish. My humble upbringing simply kept me grounded.

  I wasn’t sure how many there were but from the way people were trailing in, there were at least twenty here.

  That was when Dillon, trailed in. He stopped just inside the room, like I had, glancing about, a bored expression on his face, until he saw me sitting in my chair at the rear of the long table.

  His eyes widened at the sight of me and I grinned at his delight. Then his face fell as he realized I had been here and not called.

  Dillon started in my direction, ready to call me out, when I shook my head at him, jerking my jaw at the empty chair at the head of the table.

  He frowned, turning his head to stare at the empty chair before nodding reluctantly and taking his own chair by my side without a word. His arms crossed over his chest and legs stretched out with ankles crossed, his head buried into his chest as he waited for Paul to arrive.

  “Hey, Markus. It’s good to see you again buddy.” A familiar voice raised in welcome. I turned quickly to see Doug having entered the room to make a beeline for me, his hand outstretched.

  Standing, my hand reached for his to pull him in for a back-pounding hug.

  This was only the third person glad to see me and one of those was my brother.

  Doug sat on the other side of me showing his support while everyone else sat toward the front of the table waiting for “King Paul.”

  I snorted out a laugh at that thought but it fit. Being born rich like he had been, he felt he was entitled.

  Just then, Paul swaggered in, his stride long, confident, with Mary beside him, his lackeys following behind.

  When Mary followed through the door her large, expressive eyes swept through the room until they settled on me and her eyes widened, and her plush lips opened slightly.

  She glanced quickly to her father, also her boss, before hurrying over to me to ask quietly, “What are you doing here?”

  Mary peeped at her father under her lashes pretending she wasn’t looking as her brows wrinkled in a cute frown, “I was ordered here, Bella Mia. This is an attempt to eject me out of my company. It won’t work.”

  “Your company? I thought it was mainly Dad’s company.” She reached a small hand to mine but stopped quickly and retreated before we could touch. My hand curled into a fist at the rejection. I knew it was only her fear of losing both her family and her job.

  “Bella. Who do you think comes up with all the ideas for the apps and innovations to the compu
ters?” I asked, gently.

  “Well, Dad’s IT guys. He has a whole team of them.” Her pride in her father was admirable, but unnecessary. She needed to learn the truth, unfortunately I would have to teach her this as well.

  I cleared my throat stalling as I gathered my thoughts together first. “Bella, I think up the ideas and send them to the IT guys to implement them. If your father is successful, it doesn’t matter to me. I have other companies besides this one.” I noticed Paul scrutinizing the room to find where she had gone. When he saw her standing next to me he scowled. I smiled. Couldn’t help it.

  I stretched my legs out in front of me, my eyes square on his in challenge. He wasn’t going to get away with this without a fight. Mary was an adult and could do what she wanted outside of work hours.

  She opened her mouth again to protest when a roar of disapproval interrupted her. The whole room turned as one in the direction of the yell to find Paul staring at the center of the table with unintelligible words except for one. “Molly!”

  She must have been right outside the door trying to make her way in with a packed tray of danishes and small sandwiches.

  Jumping up, I gave Paul a narrow-eyed glare of disgust at his being such an asshole as I raced over to grab the tray from Molly. She gave me a small smile of gratitude as she stretched her back, her head leaning way back, then scurried off again.

  Setting the tray of food on the center of the table I grabbed a couple of napkins, a small plate and piled it with tiny sandwiches and sweets for the people at my end of the table.

  After I set the plate down I saw Molly struggling with a couple of coffee canisters and trying to balance a container of bottled water as well.

  “Molly.” I admonished her. “Let me help you. What else do you need, and I’ll get it for you. You need to slow down, young lady.”

  She gave a sideways glance at Paul, the look of disapproval on his face made her blanch with fear.

  Molly quickly shook her head in short jerks as she tried to heave her container carrying many small plastic bottles of water onto the table.

  As she was trying to do this, Mary had come over to help her as well, but before either of us could she cried out and dropped the bottles, which rolled about the room, slowly, between people’s legs, and everywhere on the floor.

  Molly dropped to her knees bent over, a hand to her side. I yelled, “9-1-1. Call 9-1-1!

  Molly, there’s a couch over here. I’m going to pick you up and lay you down. All right?” I dropped to my knees beside her, my hand on her bent back.

  By this time Mary had seen what was happening and rushed over to fall to her hands and knees beside the other young woman stroking her hand up and down along her back.

  “I’m fine. I’m fine.” Molly gasped out, her face twisted and panting in pain.

  Picking her up in my arms I carried her over to a plush sofa in the corner, piling pillows under her head and shoulders.

  Panicking now, Mary ran out of the room, I stared not believing she would abandon Molly like this.

  “What can I do to help?” Doug interjected, and I glanced at him, relief plastered on my face I was sure, by the slap to my shoulder I got in return.

  “Molly, what should we do?” I questioned, unsure of what to do next.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never been pregnant before. This my first.” I could see she was beginning to become scared as a wince became evident on her face.

  Mary ran back in with a small plastic cup holding ice cubes and a few small towels draped over her arm. She grabbed a couple water bottles off the table barely giving the milling board members glance, as she stepped back over to Molly and poured half a bottle of cold water on a towel and laid it on her forehead.

  Molly sighed in relief after a moment to settle more comfortably on the sofa, a hand protectively laid on her belly. “Are you feeling a little better?” Mary asked, hopeful.

  Nodding slightly, she spared a scared peek to Paul and blanching again at his furious countenance. “Don’t worry about him.” I cautioned.

  “Only think about your little family and I’ll take care of the rest. If worse comes to worse when you’re ready you can come to work at Giovanni Holdings. I can see you’re a hard worker. If you still want to continue working after the baby is born that is.” I laid a hand gently on the back of hers, squeezing my fingers over hers.

  “I’m not married.” She whispered in quiet confidence. “He left as soon as he discovered I was pregnant. I haven’t seen or heard from him since.”

  The thought of a man doing that to his child and the mother of his child brought out such an anger in me, my hand started shaking. I hadn’t known I was doing that until Doug said, “Hey man. Calm down, okay? You’re scaring the girls with that awfully dangerous face you’re making.”

  Closing my eyes, I tried to do some breathing exercises, but being where I was in a public venue, and one of the people causing my anger in front of me it was hard to concentrate. All I could see was Paul’s furious face. Whether it was focused on Molly or Mary I didn’t care. Both would have my protection now.

  “Don’t you worry, Molly. I would never hurt you and I promise we will find what you need to care for your baby while being on your own.” I patted her hand lightly while watching Mary wring out a small towel and pour more bottled water on it.

  “Where is that ambulance?” I asked, surprised it hadn’t shown up yet.

  “I’m feeling a lot better, Markus. There’s no need to cause any trouble for you.” She glanced nervously at the mostly men gathered in small groups of two or three staring at us in irritation, shaking their heads at me. Fuckers.

  Just then paramedics rushed in, hauling a gurney filled with any necessary equipment they might need.

  Stepping away from Molly so they could do their job, I watched as I grabbed Mary’s hand in mine. As I glanced down to her sweet face she stared, and worry told its own story on her face, as she watched the men work on Molly. Her heart as well as a monitor on the baby’s. Blink, blink, blink appeared fast and strong. At least to me.

  As I looked at Mary I saw hope in her face. As well as some jealousy. Did she want a baby, too? I could do that.

  My arm wrapped itself around her trim waist as I tried to imagine Mary pregnant. Rounded.

  Shivering as if it was cold for an instant, I closed my eyes and then had the image of her bent over with me fucking her gently from behind. Instant rock-hard cock.

  Her body leaned against mine as we waited to find out the results of the paramedics’ findings.

  Opening my eyes again, I found the most perfect face staring into mine, filled with love for me. It made my heart swell until I felt like the most important man in her life and ten feet tall.

  “We need to take her in and make sure the baby is okay, but it’s heart is strong and regular. They should be all right.” One of the paramedics said as they strapped Molly onto the gurney.

  “We’ll come by later, Mol.” Mary said as she bent over to kiss the other girl on the cheek. Mary must be friends with her father’s secretary to be so affectionate with her.

  Molly nodded almost absentmindedly as she laid her head back down with a sigh, closing her eyes in relief.

  The gurney was raised with a light blanket placed over her, they wheeled her out.

  I lowered my eyes back to Mary, and we stared at each other, I think for strength with what was to come.

  With our hands clasped together again we turned to the people in the room, especially Mary’s father, Paul.

  In front of us, with a huge grin on his face, Doug looked right at us, and began clapping. No one else did so, they looked to Paul for direction. What wimps.

  Paul stood off to the side by where he sat at the table, a deep frown on his face, his hands on his hips, feet planted wide apart to show dominance.

  That was not going to work. No fucking way he was more in control than me.

  “Paul? Problem?” I decided to take the bull by the horns, to
help him dig a portion of his own grave.

  “I’m going to have to fire her. She’s going to need time off anyway as that pregnancy progresses. She’s not pulling her weight anyway.” It appeared he was trying to make excuses for his decision. As I stared him down I noticed for the first time, how his hand was shaking. That gave me a lot of thought.

  “You fire her, I’ll hire her back.” Waiting for his reaction, I leaned my shoulder against the wall to see what his reaction would be. It wasn’t long in coming.

  Paul blew up, “What? You can’t make those kinds of decisions. This is my company…”

  I interrupted him, “No Paul. You have it wrong. This is our company.”

  Paul slammed his fist on the table, hard enough to make the glasses jump. That must have hurt. But in his anger, he showed no reaction.

  “You aren’t here. You’ve been in Europe being the playboy while I’ve been here making something of this company.” He had a self-satisfied smirk while his brown eyes darkened with anger.

  Standing, I stalked over to the table, leaning on my fists I challenged him. “No, you have it wrong, Paul. I’m the one that is making a name for this company. I’m the one that’s bringing other companies in to buy our products. I’m the one that thinks up the new designs to give to the IT guys. Kick me out. Go for it. This company will fall within a year or less. I’ll take every one of the companies I brought here back to my own.” I growled, as I watched Paul’s hands tremble more.

  “You can’t threaten me Markus. I built this company from the ground up. Your paltry apps and other shit are nothing. Nothing!” He emphasized with another fist slam to the abused table top.

  “Fine, Paul. You’ll have my resignation from this company in the morning. I’m not going to fight you because I don’t want Mary hurt by this scenario.” I turned to the love of my life, touching my hands to hers, waiting to see what she would do next.

  Mary glanced from me to Paul, indecision etched like a drawing on her face. I moves one foot at a time until I was facing her, “You don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for, Bella. If you still want to work for your father that’s fine with me.” I bent down, kissing her sweet cheek, my lips lingering on her soft skin.


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