As Tears Go By

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As Tears Go By Page 37

by Lydia Michaels

  The kitchen was phenomenal. Child safety locks in all the right places and matching kitchen chairs. The bathrooms were enormous and already equipped with similar objects and water toys they had at their old house.

  Becca was grateful to see Braydon had also incorporated parts of the house that catered specifically to him. It was after all his home. He’d designed a sleek and beautiful office as well as a man cave in the basement, which he said was for him and his brother’s to drink, curse, and play cards without repercussions. It was clear he’d thought of everything.

  “Go through that door,” he said, gesturing to a nondescript entrance.

  The room was painted completely white and Hunter’s formulas were all there, scribbled on the walls. “How did you do this?”

  “Sheilagh did this part. I emailed her pictures of Hunter’s formulas and she copied them exactly. Everything’s dry erase. He can even write on the floors.”

  Was it possible for someone’s heart to burst from too much joy? Too many wonderful emotions were bombarding her at the same time.

  “I want to show you one more room, then I’ll show you ours.”

  They returned downstairs and Braydon faced two pocket doors, grinning over his shoulder. “You’ll love this.” As he parted the doors she followed him into the room, her footsteps echoing.

  No. It was simply too much.

  A grand piano sat open in the center of the room. Cathedral ceilings reached to the highest point of the house. She stepped close and ran her palm over the pristine, white instrument. It was a piano suitable for the greatest musicians. “Where did you get this?”

  “It was my sister’s. There’s some history to that piano. First, it was my Aunt Colleen’s. She gave it to Kate when she was seven. We used it for Luke and Tristan’s wedding, and now the family’s passing it on to Hunter. It’ll be nice to hear it played again.”

  Her face crumpled under the weight of so much gratitude. “Your family…I’ve never known such generosity. They all helped you with this?”

  “That’s what family does. My dad built the cabinets. Luke and Tristan did all the tile work. Mallory and Ashlynn filled the kitchen with groceries. Kelly supplied plenty of liquor and there’s something else he gave us upstairs. Finn did all the moldings and Sammy was a godsend when it came to my unending questions.”

  “They’re remarkable.” How had she ever considered this to be the wrong choice?

  Braydon showed her his home office and Hunter’s bedroom. Once they visited every room, he took her upstairs to what seemed to be the final surprise, their bedroom.

  His hand perched on the nickel knob and he faced her. “I’m so happy you’re finally here.”

  Happy didn’t begin to catalogue what she was feeling. “Me too.”

  The door opened and she gasped. A four-poster bed, adorned with gossamer white linen was the centerfold of the monochromatic room. Plush carpet, in the softest shade of ivory cushioned her steps as she moved forward, enchanted.

  It was the room she’d described to him, her sophisticated space done all in white, complete with a snow colored fainting couch. She never wanted to leave.

  “What do you think?”

  “I think it’s impossible for any man to pay that much attention to detail. Braydon, it’s…I don’t even have words to describe it. How did you do this? You took an image from my mind and made it real.”

  “Look over here. Remember I told you that Kelly gave us something else?” He turned her shoulders and she gasped at the portrait on the wall.

  “Where did he get that?”

  “He drew it. Isn’t it amazing?”

  “Yes, but when?”

  Braydon shrugged. “After Thanksgiving. It’s from the night at the bar, right after we said I love you for the first time.”

  It was an incredible drawing. The shading was so precise it could easily be mistaken for a black and white photograph. In the image, Braydon’s forehead pressed to hers as they smiled into one another’s eyes. “He drew that? It’s breathtaking.”

  “Come sit with me. I wanna tell you a story.”

  She needed to sit. This was possibly the most overwhelming day of her life, and that was saying a lot. Settling beside him on the beautiful bed, she took a deep breath.

  “When my parents were younger, my dad carved their initials into a tree. After they eloped, he cut down that tree. It’s now a part of the big house. If you’re ever in their bedroom, you can see their initials, right where he carved them over forty years ago.”

  Her chest softened at the romantic tale. “That’s so sweet.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Come with me.”

  “Where are we going?”


  Downstairs he helped her on with her coat. They went through the farm door in the kitchen to the backyard. The ground was covered with an untouched blanket of snow. In the center stood a baby elm.

  “I planted you a new tree.”

  “Braydon.” Emotion overwhelmed her.

  “I carved something in it.”

  The snow crunched under their feet as he took her hand and walked her to the tree. There in the center, stood their initials. Her fingers brushed over the letters. “This is the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “How about this?” He walked her around the tree and on the other side of the trunk was the words Marry me.

  Yup. Hands down the most unbelievably romantic man to ever walk the face of the earth. Her lips pressed tight as she nodded through tears of happiness. Forcing her voice past the constriction in her throat, she whispered, “Yes.”

  His eyes creased as he kissed her. Whispering close to her lips, he asked, “You’ll marry me? Really?”

  She nodded, unable to get another word past the lump in her throat.

  “That’s a yes?” he asked again.

  Sniffling, she bobbed her head and gave a soggy chuckle. “That’s a yes.”

  He kissed her and she wept with joy, laughing at the puddle of emotion she’d become, her lips curved into an unbreakable smile. When he pulled away, he shouted, “She said yes!”

  Becca jumped as a roar of applause and screams came from behind. Jumping she spotted what had to be nearly one hundred smiling people. Were they all McCulloughs? Her jaw dropped as they crowded in, shocking the crap out of her, and offering congratulations and hugs.

  “Get out of my way, people! He’s my bloody son!” Maureen bustled to the front of the mob and grinned, her green eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “There’s my prince.” Holding out her arms, Braydon went in for what looked like the greatest hug in the world. “Don’t just stand there, Becca. Get your arse over here and hug me!”

  She trudged through the snow until Maureen’s arms gobbled her up. She kissed Becca’s head and whispered, “I’m so happy for you two. All my babies have finally found the loves of their lives. I’ll take you off my list now.”

  “Your list?”

  Maureen waved her question away and squeezed.

  Becca feared seeing the family again would be awkward after what she’d put Braydon through, but it seemed the McCulloughs were an endless well of understanding, taking great measures to welcome the good and forgive the bad.

  Braydon’s expression was elated. “Thanks, mum.”

  “Congratulations, son,” Braydon’s father said, a soft grin on his face.

  Bray hugged his father and Becca heard Frank tenderly say, “I knew you could do it,” just before he kissed his son’s head.

  The following minutes were spent twirling from one set of arms to the next. There were so many of them. When she recognized two high-pitched screams she turned and screamed as well. Nikki and Carla came barreling at her, not stopping until they knocked her right into the snow. “You’re getting married!”

  “I can’t believe it!” Nikki said.

  “I can,” Carla argued. “I knew you two were meant to be. Touched my cold romantic heart, not easily penetrated.”

shadow crossed over them. “Well, well, what do we have here? Nothing like three women rolling around in the snow.”

  Becca smiled at Kelly. “Hi Kelly. Hi Ashlynn.”

  Carla’s attention jerked to Kelly’s wife. “Ashlynn?”

  Ashlynn smiled, her short, pixie like hair catching the sun and giving her an angelic appearance despite her flannel coat and hefty snow boots. “You must be Carla. Kelly’s mentioned you.”

  Her friend’s eyes went wide. “He did?”

  Ashlynn nodded. “I thought it would be nice to introduce you to Kelly’s cousin, Ryan. He’s very handsome and happens to be single.”

  Becca’s lips pursed into a tight smile. It was clear Ashlynn had a good sense of humor and a forgiving heart. It was also clear that Kelly had no secrets from his wife.

  Carla shoved herself off the ground. “I like single. Is he a McCullough?”

  “He’s a Cloony,” Kelly said. “But he’s a hot blooded one, full of O’Leahy spirit from my mum’s side of the family.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” Carla asked, grinning and brushing the snow off her clothes. She looped her arm through Ashlynn’s as though they were old friends.

  The horde moved into the house where Kelly cracked open some of the liquor he’d supplied. Everyone raved about the house and as the whiskey bottles emptied the laughter followed. Mallory and Ashlynn—once she’d successfully distracted Carla—offered plenty of warnings about McCullough weddings. “The aunts will make you insane, but the men make up for it, because they all wear kilts,” Mallory warned with a wink.

  The aunts, Colleen and Rosemarie, overheard their names and sidled into the conversation. “You’ll not have to lift a finger, dearie. Like true clansmen, the groom and his kin come dressed in tartan with nothin’ but a breeze and their bagpipe under their kilts. You’ll be needed to save your strength for the honeymoon,” Rosemarie teased.

  “That’s the truth!” Colleen laughed.

  At some point, when the liquor had gone to everyone’s head, it began to set in that she was actually getting married again. Becca sensed this time would be different. This time, she was madly in love with the groom and he happened to be one of the most honorable men she’d ever met.

  Three things were for sure. One, the new Becca would have no regrets. Two, Becca McCullough sounded much better than Becca Stevens, especially when the word McCullough represented love and family, something she’d gone too long without. And three, she was definitely having smurf sex tonight.

  A glass clanked, drawing everyone’s attention. Luke stood, holding his beverage high and wearing a great smile on his face. “Eyes up here, maniacs.”

  When he had everyone’s attention, he winked at her. “First, I’d like to congratulate Bray and Becca for finally getting their shit together.” He tipped his glass toward his brother. “Bray, you built an incredible home. It’s almost as beautiful as your future wife. I hope these walls hold many happy memories for you and our new family, Becca and Hunter.”

  Everyone cheered, and Luke remained standing. “I’m not finished. Since it’s almost impossible to get all of us together at once, I figured I’d seize the opportunity and borrow a little of my brother’s thunder. You don’t mind, do you, Bray?”

  Braydon raised his glass in good spirits. “Have at it.” It was apparent how much he adored each of his siblings.

  Luke nodded and returned his attention to his enormous family. “As most of you have already heard, Tristan and I were turned down for adoption.” Everyone booed. “But when God shuts a door he opens another. Pennsylvania finally passed the vote and next week I’ll be making an honest man out of him.”

  The room erupted in applause. Braydon beamed at Becca. There was so much joy within the house she felt as though her home was being christened.

  “One more thing,” Luke announced. “I’m sure it’s no surprise that Sheilagh is plastered and it’s not even dark yet.”

  “Whoooooo,” Sheilagh cheered with a delayed, “Hoo!”

  Alec hugged her close and signaled Luke to continue with a nod. Luke’s smile turned contemplative. He actually looked on the verge of tears, which quickly silenced the room. When he spoke again, the room was still.

  “We’ve all had an incredible past few years. I consider us beyond lucky, because through all of it, the good, the bad, and the ugly, we remained a family. Sammy, Mallory, Ashlynn, Alec, Becca…Tristan, you complete our family. It took me a long time to understand how deep the love of family goes, but I’ve looked and decided it’s unending.”

  “Here! Here!” someone shouted.

  “The last few weeks were trying for many of us. Everyone here has fought some sort of battle, and in those moments, when all seems lost, we somehow find each other and new solutions present themselves. That’s what family is all about.”

  He turned to his sister. “Devil, will you come up here?”

  Sheilagh stumbled to her feet, her face a radiant rosy pink. She smiled and skipped over to Luke who wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gave an affectionate squeeze. “Are you enjoying yourself, Devil?”

  “When do I not enjoy myself, Luke?”

  “Should you tell them or should I?”

  “I think Tristan should do the honors.”

  Everyone looked to Tristan, who wiped under his eyes before standing and joining the others. “Family,” he greeted in a thick Texan draw. “Alec, you wanna get up here?”

  Becca leaned over and whispered to Braydon. “What’s going on?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Alec joined the others and together they faced the room anxiously waiting to find out what this was about.

  “Well,” Tristan began. “As it turns out, we had two goals today. One, to wrangle Becca into saying yes to Braydon, and, two, getting She-Devil nice and drunk. You see, after next week she won’t be able to drink for some time.”

  Becca frowned. What were they talking about?

  “After much discussion and careful consideration,” Alec took over. “My wife has consented to be a surrogate. We know it’s not the traditional way of doing things, but that’s how things seem to work in this family. Next week Sheilagh and Tristan will be seeing a specialist and if everything goes accordingly, this time next year we may be welcoming another McCullough to the clan.”

  Becca gasped and everyone started talking at once. Sheilagh stepped forward.

  “Quiet!” she shouted, demanding everyone’s attention once more. “The embryo will be part of me and part of Tristan, but the child will be all of ours. He or she will have a hyphenated name and, of course…” Her teeth flashed with a grin of pure elation. “We’re moving to the mountain!”

  Everyone jumped to their feet and cheered. Ashlynn, Sammy, and Mallory raced to Sheilagh and squealed as they swallowed her in a group hug. Becca’s heart pinched at such a show of love.

  Braydon took her hand and squeezed. She slowly appraised the people filling the room. Frank smiled into Maureen’s eyes as he wiped away her tears and she laughed with unveiled joy.

  Tristan brushed a hand lovingly down Luke’s face and smiled. They turned to Sheilagh and hugged her, then Alec. The two couple’s approached them.

  Luke smiled. “Bray, we know you spent a fortune on this house to get it perfect, which, of course, you nailed.”

  “He is the golden son,” Sheilagh teased and Braydon blushed.

  “Well,” Luke continued, “we have an offer for you.”

  His brows perked up. “I’m listening.”

  Alec grinned. “Sheilagh and I would like you to build us a house—”

  “Right next to ours,” Tristan added.

  “With an adjoining nursery,” Luke explained. “Sort of an en suite set up. We know it’s different, but we all agree you’re the guy to make it flow and think of all the details we might overlook.”

  Becca thought it was a brilliant idea. Braydon’s smile widened. “I’m honored. I’d love to build something like that for yo
u guys. But what about Alec’s job in Princeton?”

  Alec kissed Sheilagh’s cheek. “I’ll still be a professor at the college, but I’ll be running the online philosophy courses now, only traveling to New Jersey on an as needed basis.”

  They seemed to have everything planned. Braydon affectionately whacked his brother on the shoulder and pulled him and Sheilagh into a hug. “I’m really happy for you guys.”

  Luke met Becca’s gaze and said, “We’re happy for you too.”

  She nodded, overwhelmed by the family’s welcome. As they continued to discuss future plans for the next house Braydon would be building on the mountain, her attention snagged on Finn. He approached Mallory, arms weighed down with laughing children, pure worship in his eyes. Pressing a kiss to his wife’s lips, Finn laughed and pulled his family into a group hug as the little ones squirmed and giggled.

  Tallulah chased baby Liam as he ran for shelter between Sammy’s legs, interrupting Colin as he attempted to kiss his wife. They laughed and scooped up the children, tousling their hair lovingly.

  Kate’s kids dashed around the house as Anthony smiled at his preoccupied wife and slowly walked to her, surprising her with a slow kiss. She melted in his arms and the evident affection they shared took Becca’s breath away.

  Kelly passed Nate to Sheilagh who blew raspberries into the baby’s tummy. He then snatched his wife’s hand, a mischievous gleam in his blue eyes, and raced out of the crowded room with Ashlynn skipping behind him.

  In the corner Italian Mary spoke softly to Braydon’s grandmother as she helped her into a chair. The gentle assistance spoke of timeless friendship and priceless tenderness.

  The aunts cackled and teased the uncles as the cousins congratulated the soon to be parents. There wasn’t a single face in the room without a smile.

  This was family. This was love. This was McCullough Mountain.

  “You okay?” Braydon whispered, stealing her attention from the unforgettable display unfolding around her.

  She nodded, her eyes weepy with more joy than she’d ever experienced. “I love this.”

  “I love you. Only one thing’s missing.”


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