The Jewel of His Heart

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The Jewel of His Heart Page 26

by Maggie Brendan

  “And I’ll be taking you up on that! Thanks, Juliana.”

  Marion seemed quieter than normal. Juliana would try to visit her soon. She owed her a lot and hoped they would always be friends. She focused her attention back to Helen and her instructions.

  “Things are shaping up nicely,” Helen declared to everyone, looking around the fellowship hall. “I have a string quartet that will be using this end of the room and will be playing as our guests arrive.” Her comment brought a rousing response from the ladies.

  “It looks like you’ve thought of everything,” Miss Margaret said.

  “If you’d like, I’ll stand next to the door and play the role of greeter,” Natalie offered.

  “Perfect. Louise, you take the clipboard and keep track of what we sell. Marion, you can serve the punch. Cynthia, you handle the snacks. The rest of us will play hostess.”

  Juliana touched Helen on the sleeve, pulling her away. “I want to be the first to purchase a piece of art,” she said in a hushed tone.

  Helen eyes widened, and she cleared her throat. “Dear, we simply must start at the suggested price.”

  “I understand, Helen. But I have the reward money from the bank, and I want to use some of it for that.” Juliana’s smile faded, and she looked away, exhaling slowly as she remembered how the money came about.

  “Honey, I think that’s a fine idea. I didn’t mean to imply you couldn’t own one. Which one are you interested in? I’ll tag it sold. That should start things moving in the right direction when people see that one is purchased before we even start.”

  “I want the sketch of the sheepherder and his dog.”

  “Excellent choice! Russell is gaining ground as a popular Western artist. But something tells me by the look on your face that you know the subject.” Helen stared at her.

  Juliana hesitated. “Oh, all right. I do. His name is Josh McBride, and we’re courting.” It felt good to say it out loud.

  Helen’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “Ah ha, I knew there had to be a reason. I’ll tag the picture, and you go mingle with our guests,” she said, and scurried off.

  The quartet arrived right on time, and lovely violin music filled the fellowship hall while guests perused the artwork. They dined on the delicate sandwiches and punch served from a beautiful etched glass bowl with matching cups. Marion had borrowed the dishes from the hotel, and along with the silver trays of food, they transformed the lowly room to a more formal one.

  To be sure, Helen had a vast array of friends, some with lots of money, Josh thought. He’d worn the suit he’d quickly ordered right after the fire, but it was a tad snug on his thick chest and arms. The string tie at his neck was tight too, making him uncomfortable. He’d needed it fast to wear to church, but soon he’d have to find a tailor to make one that fit him right. He wasn’t crazy about dressing up anyway. He was more comfortable in his jeans, chambray shirt, and a great pair of boots.

  He strained to see over the heads of everyone in the room to locate Juliana. He walked among the people with a nod of his head to several. He said hello to Albert and Sally, then stood talking with them when he spotted Juliana. She was standing with Cynthia and Jane, who sat in her wheelchair alongside Mark. Juliana’s head was slightly tilted, and when her laughter floated across the room, he felt a ping in his heart. Josh studied the outline of her shape in what appeared to be a new blue dress, which showed off every curve when she bent down to speak to Jane. She looked lovely and fresh as a flower. His hand holding the cup of punch shook, and he felt for the small box in his suit pocket, giving it a pat.

  “I have my eye on that winter landscape,” Albert said. “What do you think, Sally?”

  Sally took Albert’s arm. “Let’s go have a closer look. Will you excuse us, Josh?”

  “Yes, of course.” Josh moved toward Juliana just as he saw Wes approach the group. He was surprised to see him here. He didn’t appear to have a lot of money, or if he did, he spent it on his fine belt and boots. Josh figured Wes thought of this as just another way to meet ladies. He’d better go see what Wes was up to, but as he moved toward the cowboy, Miss Margaret used her cane as a hook to catch his arm. “Young man, come here a moment.”

  “Nice show going on here,” Wes said. His tall, lanky form leaned in close to Juliana. “I don’t know the first thing about art, but I know when I see a picture I like. What about you folks?” he said, addressing the small group.

  Mark was the first to respond. “Art is subjective. Its beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” He smiled down at Jane, who smiled back at him.

  Wes had a quizzical look on his face. “Sub . . . what?”

  “Mark means that everyone has a different way of looking at art. What one might like or see in a picture, others would disagree about,” Juliana said. Mark cleared his throat, apparently stifling a laugh.

  “Okay, I get it now.” Wes grinned and stood staring at the art on the wall, his hip slumped to one side and his arms crossed.

  Juliana noticed that today he’d actually pressed his shirt and slicked his unruly hair down. He hadn’t checked his Stetson at the door but twirled it in his long, thin fingers. So he could try to be civilized when it suited him.

  Cynthia turned to Mark and asked, “Shall we get some refreshments? I think Jane is thirsty.”

  “Sure thing,” Mark said. “How about you, Juliana? Even a hostess needs refreshment.”

  “I’ll be along in a moment. I’d like a word with Wes.” Juliana decided she was going to be bold.

  “Miss Juliana, are you still coming over next week?” Jane asked.

  Juliana touched her hand. “You bet I will. How about I bring a board game?”

  Jane’s face lit up. “Oh, I’d really like that.”

  Mark pushed the wheelchair with Cynthia leading the way over to the table. Suddenly Juliana was alone with Wes, and she chewed her lip.

  For the first time she noticed he had hazel eyes, a nice chiseled jawline, and a face bordering on thin. Why he ingratiated himself with their group, she hadn’t a clue, but she would be civil, God help her. Wes had helped her pull the carriage out of the mud on the way to the funeral. She tried to remember what Natalie said, that he really wasn’t all that bad. She’d have to see, but she was curious what he knew about her father. Something she’d read last night in Matthew came to mind—if she didn’t forgive others, then her Father in heaven wouldn’t forgive her. This was something Miss Margaret had repeated to Juliana more than once since her father had died. It wasn’t easy to do, but Juliana was trying hard.

  Wes had whirled around and now looked surprised. “You want to talk to me? Well, ain’t it just my lucky day! I never thought you would be saying that to me.”

  Juliana sucked in a deep breath. “It’s nothing personal, Wes, so don’t get your hopes up. I wanted to ask you how you knew my father.”

  Wes leaned back on his boot heels, his grin suddenly gone. His gaze traveled over her with an admiring look. “I met Davin one day at Big Spring Creek. He was panning for gold, and I was on my way to Lewistown. He invited me to have a bite to eat, and we struck up an unusual friendship of sorts.”

  Juliana sighed. “What was he like?”

  “I know what you’re thinkin’.” Wes shook his head. “But he seemed to be a decent, hardworking man as far as I could tell, who just took the wrong bend in the road of life. I think he was desperate to strike it rich, and then when he got back here, he found out his wife, uh, sorry—your mother—had died. He told me about the bank deal without really meaning to. It surprised me that he didn’t spend the money but hid it. If it were me, I think I’d be hard-pressed not to have kept running with my saddlebags full, then find me a woman and have a heck of a time for sure.”

  “I’m sure you would, Wes. Thanks for telling me. I—”

  Wes touched her arm, staying her. “Now see here, Juliana. I may not know art, but I sure know a good-looking woman standing before me. How about I get us some punch?”

bsp; She stiffened, trying to pull away. “I beg your pardon, please let go of my arm.”

  Suddenly Josh was standing next to her. He shoved Wes’s shoulder hard, pushing him away from Juliana, and Wes tried to steady himself against the punch bowl table. Marion was unable to stop the bowl from shaking sideways, and the punch sloshed all over the damask white tablecloth. Cynthia grabbed a napkin to quickly try to soak up the mess, but it was too late. Half the sandwiches were now soaked with pink punch.

  “Didn’t our last talk teach you one blasted thing, Wes?” Josh gritted his teeth.

  Wes straightened, glaring at Josh. “You don’t own her, Josh! And I don’t see no ring on her finger either.”

  “Maybe so, but that does not give you the right to touch Juliana in any way, especially when she tells you to let go. Why don’t you get that?”

  Juliana came between them, her hands up. “Please, keep your voices down or you’ll cause a scene, and our guests will leave,” she snapped. Josh’s lips formed a hard line, and Wes looked mortified. Marion and Cynthia were watching the whole scenario.

  Both men took a step back. Josh’s face was full of thunder. Wes looked at Juliana, his Adam’s apple bobbing, and said, “I’ve acted like a fool. I’m sorry. I wouldn’t hurt you for nothin’ in the world.” With that Wes slammed on his hat and swaggered past them to get outside as quickly as he could.

  Juliana turned to Josh, her hands on her hips. “I need to remind you that I’m able to take care of myself. I was the one who wanted to talk to Wes alone about my father.”

  He balked. “I’m sorry. I was trying to protect you. It looked to me like he overstepped his bounds again.”

  “What do you mean, again?” Juliana’s bottom lip twitched. “Why don’t you give it some thought first before you react next time?” she said tersely. As soon as the words fell from her lips, she was sorry for the way she’d spoken them.

  His jaw dropped. “I’ll just get out of your way then,” he said hoarsely.

  Juliana knew she’d hurt Josh by the deflated look on his face. Her lips parted to speak, but the words caught in her throat. She watched him disappear through the crowded room.

  Miss Margaret stood next to her and touched her on the shoulder. “Juliana, let’s go someplace we can talk.”

  Fighting back tears, Juliana nodded, and they walked out the back door of the church to the grounds outside, not too far from the cemetery. Juliana would not let herself look in that direction because she knew she would crumble. They walked in silence in the warmth of the afternoon among the cottonwood trees sporting their brand-new green leaves.

  Miss Margaret stopped at a park bench. Juliana stared out at the serene countryside but could still hear distant chatter and laughter from the fellowship hall. She turned to Miss Margaret. “I’m afraid I’ve pushed Josh away one too many times.”

  Miss Margaret scooted closer to her on the bench, and Juliana smelled the delicate rose water mixed in with her mentholated cream that was ever present. Miss Margaret took Juliana’s hand and looked into her eyes over the top of her spectacles. “Listen to me. Josh was just protecting you, though a little too strongly. He adores you, and he doesn’t trust Wes. Wes has a lot to learn when it comes to manners and trying to get a lady to recognize he’s alive. If he’d only observe Josh, he could get the hang of it.” She paused, raising one gray brow. “At least, I think he could if he wanted to.”

  “You think so, Miss Margaret?” Juliana sniffed.

  “I do. I think you’re still angry with your father, but one day you’ll be able to let it all go. I know you don’t want to depend on a man, and you don’t have to, but man was meant to have a partner. That’s God’s design. Don’t be angry with Josh. You must go find him. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger or give the devil an opportunity,” Miss Margaret said, patting Juliana’s hand. “You love him, don’t you?”

  Juliana drew in a deep breath and exhaled. “More than anything.”

  Miss Margaret stood up and tapped her cane against Juliana’s foot. “Then what are you waiting for?”

  Juliana rose and gave Miss Margaret a peck on the cheek. “Bless you, sweet lady.” Then she tore up the pathway to find Josh.


  Josh stalked out the church’s front door, his chest tight and his thoughts turning his anger into hurt. He had absolutely no interest in looking for art to buy now. He’d just make a donation to the new school, and he intended to make it in memory of the miners killed in the explosion. But that would have to wait. He just wanted to get away from everyone as fast as he could.

  Now he chided himself for bringing the buckboard in hopes of whisking Juliana away. If he’d ridden his horse, Pete, he could’ve just hopped on him in a hurry and taken off. Now he felt silly at the plans he’d carried around in his mind all week. He didn’t even say a word when Andy tried to stop him as he left. He waved him aside, leaving Andy staring after him with a frown.

  Maybe Juliana was too young to understand how serious he was. Could be she didn’t love him. His heart flipped over in his chest when he thought that might be the true reason for the way she’d spoken to him. Well, he’d never know, because he was going to be scarce from now on.

  When he reached his wagon, Josh ripped off his new suit jacket, flung it onto the seat, and loosened his tie. He’d take the long way home to cool off.

  Home. Where was that anyway? He didn’t know anymore. He and Andy had found another suitable section of his property that had been spared from the worst of the fire to construct another house. But now he wasn’t so sure he wanted to build the plans he’d spent every night drawing. He glanced at the rolled-up drawings on the seat. He had intended on showing them to Juliana today. Maybe all he needed was a cabin just big enough for him to live in.

  He wasn’t going back to Colorado with his tail between his legs. He’d found what he desired without looking—the Yogo sapphires— which would help him declare his independence from his father and establish his own path to success. But that was before he’d found Juliana, his Jewel, and decided to trade it all for a life with her, taking his chances at sheepherding.

  Josh untied the horse’s reins and stepped up into the wagon’s seat. He turned around in his seat, glancing over his shoulder and hoping he’d see Juliana. Wishful thinking. He swallowed a huge lump in his throat.

  With a “giddyap” and a snap on the reins, he left the church in the bright afternoon sun that dappled the lane with moving shadows.

  Juliana stumbled on her way up the hill to the church’s front yard. She fell hard on her hands, ripping the hem of her new blue dress, but that didn’t stop her. Heavens above! She’d walked to church today, so she didn’t have Choco. She caught a glimpse of Josh’s back at the end of the lane as he disappeared around the bend through thick cottonwood trees. She looked about wildly. Wes was saying good-bye to the reverend and mounting his beautiful chestnut mare to head out of the churchyard.

  Swallowing her pride, she ran up to him. “Wes, please wait a minute. I want to apologize.”

  Wes pulled his horse up sharply, an odd look on his face. “What’s that you said? I must need the wax cleaned outta my ears,” he said, chuckling.

  Juliana’s chest was heaving from the run up the hill. “You heard me. Don’t make me say it again. I see now that you weren’t grabbing me to harm me.” It was true and she knew it, and she just chalked it up to his egotistical ways.

  He looked as if he didn’t know what to say, so Juliana said, “How about we call a truce?”

  Wes paused, rubbing his chin. “All right. All I wanted to do was have cup of punch with a pretty lady for a change, that’s all. I know Josh is sweet on you. That’s apparent, but I thought I’d give him a run for his money anyway.”

  “Then you should know that I care about him too. There are other pretty ladies here who you could have refreshments with,” she said. She blew a strand of hair from her eyes, still breathing hard.

  “They won’t have a thing to
do with me. I always seem to say just the wrong thing.”

  “Yes, Wes, you do, but you can change that if you really want to. And because of the way you talked to Josh, I’m afraid I wasn’t nice to him either, and he took off, hurt.”

  Wes snickered. “Whatever you said to him was not my fault! But I’m sorry if I messed up your afternoon. Honest.”

  “I am too.” Juliana stared wistfully down the lane as though Josh would materialize.

  “Then go after him.”

  “It’s too late. He’s long gone. Besides, I walked to church today.” Her voice cracked.

  “One thing I know for sure, it’s never too late,” he said, sliding down off his horse.

  Juliana, misunderstanding his intentions, took a step back. She was surprised when he held out his horse’s reins to her. She stood staring back at him.

  “You know how to ride?”

  “Of course.”

  “You’d better. Dakota here is lightning fast, and a slight touch is what he responds to. Go after Josh. You can catch up with him if you hurry, but you’ll need Dakota to do that.” Wes shifted on his boots heels and watched her, a sheepish smile crossing his lips.

  “But this is your horse.” She wasn’t sure why he was doing this.

  “Yes, and the best piece of horseflesh around here. Anybody will tell you that. I don’t let just anyone ride my horses, especially women. The horses are my pride and joy, but I’m willing to make an exception.” Lifting her hand, Wes slapped the reins into her palm. “Well, are you just gonna stand there? Time’s a-wasting! Come on, I’ll give you a boost up.” He practically lifted her up to the saddle, and she grabbed hold of the pommel, admiring the hand-tooled saddle. Hmm, there’s more to Wes than meets the eye, she thought.

  “Just bring him back here in awhile. I don’t want to have to hitch a ride back home.” Then he gave Dakota a slap on the rump, and the horse took off.

  Juliana giggled. Miss Margaret would be horrified to see her in her new Sunday dress astride a horse that didn’t even belong to her. But then, Miss Margaret had told her to go after Josh . . .


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