Roman (Season Three: The Ninth Inning #7)

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Roman (Season Three: The Ninth Inning #7) Page 7

by Lindsay Paige

  “You’re the boss. Just tell me where you want me and what to do.”

  “Let’s start with the boxes that Hector flung on the counter and if anything is broken his ass is paying for it and I’m not paying him back for it. This is all brand new.” I laugh and begin taking out plates and glasses Hector and Zoey gave me to help get me started. “You know I never asked if you like to cook? Or do you know how to cook?”

  “Do I like to cook? No. Do I know how? Yeah. I’ve been trying to eat healthier when I’m away from the team’s kitchen, but it’s not easy when I couldn’t care less about cooking. What about you?” He pulls out my pots and pans and wait for me to direct him.

  “I love to cook more than anything. My mom, even though you wouldn’t know it, is the world’s best cook. She taught me and some of my fondest memories are of us two in the kitchen. Generally, I blocked out the conversations about how I need to marry a good boy with a stable job, I remember the laughs and the food. Lots of good food. You have any kitchen memories?” I wipe down the cabinets before stacking my glassware inside.

  “Not really. Mom thought we crowded the kitchen if we were in there while she was cooking, so we’d be anywhere but the kitchen.” He lines my counter appliances on the counter.

  “So, what were family holidays like? Was it just the four of you? Hector and I have a massively large extended family and it made holidays chaotic and fun.” I love our holidays. The loudness, the laughter, and all the food brings a smile to my face to this day.

  “Our extended family is pretty much in another state, so it was just the four of us. The guys would be watching TV, Mom cooked, and that was pretty much it. It wasn’t bad; it was normal, I guess.” He stares at my utensils.

  “If you don’t mind me asking what did your parents do? Mine are in real estate and do well in it. Although I think they’re still upset that Hector and I found different paths.” I don’t want to pry into his life, but I do want to know more and well aware it takes time to learn. Small steps. Small steps are good.

  “They’re teachers; Mom teaches kindergarten and Dad was civics in high school, so he could coach, too.”

  “I never would have thought that.” Picturing hot teenage Roman Dailey pumping weights is sexy, but now I can see the even hotter version in front of me picking up a vase and trying to figure it out. “How cool is to have your parents teaching you? Then again, I bet you and your brother weren’t able to get into trouble a lot, huh?”

  “Nope. I do remember that we were both kind of teacher’s pets in Mom’s class. We got to help a lot, but Dad liked to ignore us.”

  “Sounds like a great childhood. Your brother and you must have had some great memories. Of course, mine were Hector always hiding me from his guy friends, telling everyone they couldn’t date me, and above all, you don’t mix business with pleasure.” I fake Hector’s stern voice.

  Roman pauses and stares at me “He’s said that?”

  I sit down the dishtowels I’m holding and step up closer to him. This is about to turn serious. “Hector is the most easygoing, lovable, helpful person in the entire world and only has one rule: I’m not allowed to date any teammate. See why we’re hiding all of this?”

  “But you know we’re going to have to let him know that you’re a rebel at some point, right?” He grins a bit to me.

  “Um…that depends, Roman.” Suddenly, I feel nervous standing this close to him discussing telling Hector. “Is this just a fun fling, or is this different for us? I’m not about to ruin the one family member I actually love over a fling. You can be mad if you want, but it’s the truth.”

  “Do you think I’d want to tell my teammate about a fling with his sister?”

  My heart skips a beat. “Then you have to man up and say the words to me, Roman. And I need to woman up and say them to you.” I clear my throat taking my own advice. “I like you a lot more than I thought I would, and I catch myself all the time thinking about you and wanting to be with you. All the time.”

  The grin slowly grows on his face. “Oh, do you now?”

  “Stop being cocky.” I slap his shoulder, giggling.

  “All right, fine. I like you a lot, too. Come on, Carissa. You have to know that. Otherwise, I wouldn’t risk screwing up a friendship with my teammate.”

  “I know it. I felt it too, but it’s nice to hear, Roman,” I admit to him. “You don’t have to say it every moment, but when I was with Dane, and no I’m not comparing, I’m just stating, he never respected me. I know now that he didn’t, and I see how much I suffered, and I don’t want to go through it again.”

  “Hey, you don’t have to worry about that. If I’m with you, I’m fully committed to you, and I’ll take care of you.”

  The tears build behind my eyes. “Thank you; it means a lot to hear you say it. You know what we have to do now, right?”

  “Have sex?” He chuckles.

  “Come up with a plan to tell Hector.” I know we have to figure out something. “You know as well as I do he will find out since so many people know now. Oh, and Abby warned me not to let Tanner find out. Is he a motor mouth or something?”

  “He has no filter, and yeah, he can’t keep a secret. What are you thinking?”

  “I have no freaking idea.” I sigh. It’s the truth. I don’t even know how to start a conversation with Hector about this.

  “So helpful. How about we break it down? When, or how soon, do we want to tell him?”

  “We could be in a different country? Different time zones are always better to tell people news like this.” It’s immature to tell him this way, but I’m half-serious about it, too.

  “I figure it won’t be too bad as long as you soften him up with the baby sister card and being happy; he wants what’s best for you.”

  “For that, I’ll see if Zoey can butter him up with sex first, and then the next morning I can bat my baby browns at him. Through Skype.” I laugh.

  “So, you’ll tell him? Or am I sitting next to you through Skype?”

  This is too much. I rub my temple. “How about this? How about we just have fun, without the drama, for a little bit longer and tell Hector when we’re ready to? Or are you ready now?”

  “I’m good with waiting.”

  My body floods with relief. Waiting is a good thing. “I want everyone to know. I do. But I don’t want to rush either, right?”

  “I agree. Plus, sneaking around is fun, isn’t it?”

  “Oh, yes. That is the fun part.”

  “I thought it was sex.” I slowly run my hands down his chest to the top of his jeans.

  “You’re going to be the death of me.”

  I squeal as Roman picks me up over his shoulder and carries me down the hallway to my bedroom.

  This morning was perfect, waking up in Roman’s arms, fixing him breakfast, watching him drink coffee leaning against my counters. I love every moment.

  Even work goes smoothly. The kids are as happy as I am and more attentive. I’m able to get through more and even work on some additional flash cards for the kids having trouble with fractions.

  After work, I drive over to Zoey’s and check up on her. Since she came back from New York, she’s a totally different person. Typically, she’s a bit reserved, but selling several paintings, having Hector surprise her in NYC, her personality is much bubblier.

  “Zoey,” I yell walking through the door.

  “Kitchen.” I hear her muffled voice.

  I stroll through the house until I reach the kitchen. Zoey is at the table eating. “I wanted to stop by and let you know I’m going to drive myself to the game.”

  “How come?”

  “Well, I live on the other side of town now, and it’s out of your way.” I sit in the chair next to her, snatching a chip from her plate.


  “Not really.”

  “How’s Roman?” She eyes me, taking another bite of her food,

  “Is Hector here?” I whisper.

rs taking a nap before the game. And you’re avoiding the question.”

  “It’s fine. It’s good.”

  “Planning on telling your brother any time soon?”

  “Yes, when the time is right.” I grab another chip. “I need to run home and change. I’ll meet you at the game.” I kiss her cheek then rush out the door before more questions come up or I run into Hector.

  The drive to my apartment is not congested and I make it in almost record time. Even though there are still boxes everywhere I’m able to change into my Angels gear as my phone dings.

  Roman: Off to the stadium. See you tonight.

  Me: Can’t wait.

  I feel all giddy again thinking of our night last night. His touches, kisses, licks, and even a nibble or two sends shivers through me, and I can’t wait to do it again.

  My phone rings, and thinking it’s Roman, I answer. “Hello.” I answer shyly.


  My stomach falls as Dane’s voice fills my ear. “What…why are you calling me?” My mouth dries.

  “Look, I’m fucking tired of paying this storage bill. It’s a bunch of over priced crap your parents and brother spoiled you with.” He screams over the phone. “Now, either you bring your ass down here, talk to me, and get your shit, or I’m going to sell every piece of it and pocket all the money.”

  I can’t speak. His words are pounding in my head. When we’ve fought before, he always used to call me names. Fat. Bitch. Lazy. Spoiled. Brat. The list goes on and on. He always apologized, but looking back, he’s just a mean bastard, and I should let Hector and Roman both kick his ass.

  “Are you listening to me?”

  “Yes. I hear you. I don’t care what you do. You should probably sell it all since you have so many babies coming. That’s a lot of child support payments.” The courage is building. He can’t hurt me; having Roman in my life proves it. But, I remember how I loved him at one time. I think I did anyway.

  “I don’t know what you heard, but it’s not true. If you’d let me explain to you what you saw that day then you could come home.”

  I gasp. “Come home? Are you kidding me? I’m extremely happy where I am. I have a job, a place, and a life. And you’re in none of it. So, goodbye.”

  “You think you can just hang up and it’s all forgotten,” he growls.

  “Yes. I do.” I end the call before falling back on my bed.

  This is something I don’t want to deal with today.

  The first inning is almost over when I make it to my seat. “Traffic’s a nightmare,” I say, sitting down between Zoey and Abigail.

  “Well, you do know the Angels are the most popular baseball team in the league,” Abigail jokes.

  “And a certain number seven is now the leader of RBIs,” Zoey adds.

  “I wonder what he’s been putting in his Wheaties.” Sofia, who’s sitting next to Zoey, joins in.

  I shake my head at their banter.

  “Most be a lot of protein.” Abigail tries not to laugh, but fails.

  “Maybe it’s all the stretching.” Zoey snorts, and soon we all lose it, including me.

  “Okay. Okay. I get it. You all know. Let’s just leave it here in the stands and not let Hector find out until I tell him.”

  “Better do it before Tanner finds out,” Sofia reiterates what Abigail and Roman told me.

  “I’ll…it’s…give…” Forming a sentence is impossible right now as a million thoughts run through my head.

  “You’ll be fine.” Zoey rubs my back. “Hector will be happy, too.”

  I nod with a small smile. Thankfully, the Angels are up to bat, and I do my best to get through the rest of this game and go home to sleep in Roman’s arms.


  “MAN, I NEED to get laid,” Tanner complains as he looks around the bar and restaurant. “It’s been two ridiculously long days.” The group of us laugh. “What?” he says, seemingly confused. “That’s like a month for me.”

  “I’m surprised you haven’t caught something yet,” Blake tells him.

  Tanner ignores him. “What I need is a regular fuck, but I haven’t found anyone who isn’t a five-stage clinger yet.” His eyes are constantly scanning the crowd as he tries to pick a girl who’ll do it for him tonight. Tanner’s head tilts as if he’s considering something. “You guys are taken,” he starts, looking at those in a relationship. “How many times a week do y’all really have sex?”

  We’re all men here, but I seriously doubt any of our sex drives can compare to Tanner’s. That’s all the kid talks about, and we’ve heard enough crazy stories that you can’t help believing him. Some are too outrageous to be lies. Not to mention, we’ve seen some of his antics with our own eyes.

  “Don’t look at me,” Jordan says when Tanner starts making eye contact with each of them. “I have a newborn at home. My answer won’t help you.”

  Blake laughs. “Sucks to be you because we’re—” but Sofia elbows him to shut him up, her cheeks red. She doesn’t always come to team dinners with us, but sometimes she does. Bet she’s regretting that right about now.

  “What about you, Felix?” Tanner asks.

  He flicks a tentative glance at Sofia, but decides to answer anyway. “Three to four times a week, could be more once we come back from a road trip.”

  Tanner frowns like that is unacceptable.

  Hector decides to join in and grins as he says, “Every chance we get.”

  “Hey,” Tanner perks up in his seat. “Your sister is single, right? Maybe—”

  “No,” Hector vehemently cuts him off. “Get my sister out of your filthy head. No way in hell, even if she did like you, no. You don’t mix personal with work. I’d really hate to have to beat the shit out of you over something that might happen between y’all.” He shakes his head. “Just no.” His firm and already furious tone silences the table.

  It flies right by Tanner as a few at the table make subtle glances toward me while Tanner looks at Sofia. “What about your sister?”

  Sofia laughs. “I don’t think you could handle Harmony, kid. What about her?” She points toward a tall, leggy blonde at the bar.

  He eyes her for a minute before throwing Sofia a smile and waving goodbye to us. Carissa wasn’t kidding in the least when she said Hector would be totally opposed. Maybe part of his reaction is that it was Tanner asking, but who am I kidding? Hector has seen me hook up with chicks while on the road, too. Not nearly as many as Tanner, but that doesn’t really matter. At this point, I wonder if we can just keep us a secret forever.

  My phone vibrates and lights up from where it’s sitting next to my plate. I quickly grab it before anyone can see Carissa’s name and photo. I swipe my finger to answer, “Hey.”

  “Hey. Are you busy?” Her tone is subdued, and I instantly know something’s happened to upset her.

  “No, not at all. Give me a just one second, okay?” I excuse myself from the table and walk out into the hallway where it’s quiet. “What’s wrong?”

  “What makes you think something’s wrong?”

  I chuckle. “Because I can tell.”

  She’s quiet for only a moment. “He called me today.”

  “Again?” Assuming she’s talking about Dane, he called her the other day too.

  “Yeah,” she sighs. “I’m trying not to let him get to me, but I don’t know why he doesn’t just sell my stuff if it’s annoying him so much. I’ve even told him to sell it, and then he starts talking crazy about me coming back.”

  It pisses me off that he not only cheated on her with multiple people she worked with, but now he can’t just let her go? He has to be one of those guys who doesn’t want what he has until it’s not his any longer. I only have one piece of advice for her. “Don’t answer his calls anymore, Carissa. Send him straight to voicemail and then delete those. Ignore him and the message will eventually get through his delusional mind.” Then, I add, “Worse comes to worst, I’ll fly down there and kick his ass for you.”

p; Just like I hoped, she laughs. “Now you’re starting to sound like my brother.”

  “That’s what he said when you told him?”

  A brief pause. “I haven’t told him.”

  “Maybe it’s a good thing.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “He blew up a little at Tanner because he’s trying to find a regular fuck and asked if you were single.”

  “Scared of him now?” she teases, making me laugh.

  “I’m a man, baby; I’m not scared of anything or anyone.”

  Carissa snorts. “Yeah, I bet.”

  Tanner walks out with the girl Sofia pointed out and another one.

  “Damn,” I mutter.


  “Tanner’s about to have a threesome.”

  There’s silence on the other end of the line, and then I hear her tease, “Are you with him or something? How would you know that? Should I go?”

  I laugh. “He just walked past me with two chicks; that’s how I know. Hey, let me pay my bill, and I’ll call you back when I get to my room, okay?”

  She agrees and we hang up. I walk back to the table where it seems Hector just told a joke. There’s a bill waiting in my seat and I pull my wallet out to slip my card inside, taking a seat until the waitress can come back by.

  “You seein’ someone, Roman?” Hector asks.

  “No, why?” I quickly answer.

  “You left to talk to someone on the phone,” Felix points out. Is that what they’ve been doing? Talking about me?

  “It was my mom,” I lie, handing my bill to the waitress as she goes around collecting them. Thankfully, no more is asked about it. Once I’ve paid, I leave them all behind to go up and call Carissa. Well, everyone but Spencer, since he’s rooming with me. I need to get all the talking done tonight since I probably won’t have time to talk to her tomorrow. Not to mention, I need to make sure she’s thinking about me and not the asshole ex.

  The hardest games aren’t the hottest games. For me, it’s the ones that are delayed a bit due to rain. The wait messes with my head. That isn’t an issue today, though. Once the game gets underway, we’re doing great right off the bat, no pun intended. Tanner’s first swing lands him a home run. I hit a double, Spence hits a single, and Colby hits a triple to send us both home.


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