Roman (Season Three: The Ninth Inning #7)

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Roman (Season Three: The Ninth Inning #7) Page 11

by Lindsay Paige

  “And when he’s traded?” He crosses his arms, staring me down.

  “Then I’ll go where he goes. Zoey would do the same for you, without question. I’m well aware of how being a baseball girlfriend works. You were traded all over the place the first five years of your career.”

  “Roman is like Spencer and Tanner—”

  “Stop.” I cut him off. “There’s nothing you can say that will change my mind. But, let me remind you of how you were the first few years after you started baseball. Don’t act like I don’t know the stories about you. Then you found Zoey, and it all changed for you. Yes, we’re several years younger than you, but I love him. Truly, deeply love him and nothing you can say will change this, Hector. Now, either you’re going to accept us or not, but I’m his and he’s mine.”

  Hector sits back down and stares at his clasped hands for a moment. I make the decision to sit and open the bag of doughnuts.

  “The other morning when you asked if I’d seen him with anyone the past two months, I hadn’t. I really didn’t think much about it, but you know he went to a strip club, right?”

  I giggle. “I’m not worried about him at a strip club. So many females get hung up on that, and it’s dumb. He came home to me that night, and I knew he was there. I heard Blake and Felix talking about it when you guys moved me in. I trust him and a lot more than I ever did with Dane.”

  “But he hasn’t said he loves you,” he reminds me.

  “How long did it take Zoey? She had to have a breakdown on the highway before she realized her true feelings for you.”

  Hector’s eyes got wide, and he snaps his fingers. “Come with me.” He jerks on my arm and heads me out to his car, forcing me inside.

  “Where—” I can’t finish my sentence as he slams on the gas and peels out of the driveway. “Hector!” I yell, but he’s not listening.

  He drives a few blocks away and we end up in front of Colby and Ariella’s house. “Come on,” he says and races up to the door.

  Colby answers in his sweats and t-shirt and doesn’t look happy. I think Hector might have woken him up. “Do you know what time it is?”

  “We need to speak to Ariella.” Hector pushes into the house, and I wait until Colby rolls his eyes and nods for me to follow.

  “I miss the easy-laid-back-nickname-creator Hector,” Colby grumbles.

  “Me too,” I say as I reach the living room where Ariella is sitting with a big dog next to her.

  “We need your help,” Hector sounds flustered.

  “Hector, if you’re coming over here to tell me you’re going to kill Roman, I will have to take you downtown.” Ariella’s eyes are wide with seriousness.

  My brother shakes his head. “I’m mad not murderous. This is about Carissa and her ex-boyfriend.”

  “What about?” She looks at me.

  Hector waves me over, and I take a seat on their couch and tell her everything about Dane. I start at the beginning to paint a better picture of how he really is. I finish telling her about the last phone call.

  “Has he contacted you since then?” she asks.

  I pull out my phone and show her the latest batch of text message. “I’ve not told Roman yet because he really will kill him.”

  Ariella smiles and glances at Colby. “That’s how boyfriends are. But, seriously, I know this sounds harsh, but until he really comes at you, there’s not a lot to do. However, with these texts, you may have grounds for a restraining order. Come down this afternoon and I can take you to my sister, and she can get the paperwork started. This way, if he does come at you, there’s documentation.”

  Suddenly, this all became very real, and I begin to sob. How did I get into this mess? I thought he would leave me alone. I told him to sell my stuff. He could just take the money and run. Hector holds me tightly against his chest. I repeat how sorry I am. I feel as if I’m bothering everyone with my problems, and even though I know deep down I’m not, it still feels that way to me.

  When I pull myself together, Colby hands me a few tissues. I thank them both for their time and apologize for the intrusion. Of course, they tell me it isn’t a big deal and I follow Hector back out to his car. On the drive back to his house, he’s overly quiet, and I know he’s still mad about everything.

  When he parks the car in the garage, he shuts off the car, but doesn’t make a move to get out. “I think I’m more upset you didn’t tell me about you and Roman.”

  This time I remain quiet.

  “You’re my baby sister, and you used to tell me anything and everything; I don’t want us to lose our relationship.”

  “Hector,” I scoff. “Are you kidding me? You are, and forever will be, my big brother. There’s no one or anything that will change that. You know, in all honesty, I felt I lost you a bit when you and Zoey got serious. We use to talk almost every day and then it slowed down to once a week or every other week. But, at the end of the day, you’re stuck with me big brother.” I take his hand in mine. “Please be happy for me.”

  He looks over at me and sighs. “If Roman breaks your heart, I can’t be responsible for my actions.”

  “He won’t. I promise. He’ll protect me too, if Dane comes around. I know it.” I reassure him, hugging him.

  I sit a plate of short stack pancakes in front of Roman as he reads through my texts from Dane. When I came home from Hector’s, Roman was still here, and I told him everything that happened, and did it without crying too much.

  “I’ll see if I can get out of practice early and go with you this afternoon.” Roman sits my phone down.

  “No, I can go on my own. I promise I’ll be fine.” I put a plate of more pancakes for me next to him and I sit on the stool next to his.

  “I won’t lie; I’m worried.” His green eyes say it all for me.

  “I know. But, I’m going to work, go over to Ariella’s, and then I’ll go back to work. When I finish, I’ll come to the game and you can have me all to yourself when you win. But, only if you win.” I bump his shoulder, trying to ease the tension on his face. I’m causing him gray hair and wrinkles right before my very eyes. “It’ll be fine.”

  He nods, but I can see it doesn’t satisfy his nerves. “I have to go, but text me or call me so I know you’re okay, please.” He lightly kisses my lips.

  “I promise.” I kiss him back and watch him walk out of my apartment.

  I hate to say it’s nice he’s worrying about me, but it is. Hector is usually the only one who does, but with Roman it’s…different. A good different. Yes, I’m an adult, and according to most of society, I shouldn’t rely on a man, but I like having someone I can lean on, and I love Roman.

  I want to tell him so badly, but not now. I will when the time is right.

  I clean up from breakfast and get ready for my long day.

  Surprisingly, my day goes by quite fast. I text Roman every time I leave or go somewhere. I feel like a clinging girlfriend, but I know he wants me to. When I ask him how things are with Hector, he says it is better, and it brings a smile to my face.

  Being in the police station has been a bit nerve racking, but Ariella is professional and kind. Even her sister, Alizeh, is just the same way. They don’t make me uncomfortable at all. The paperwork is quick and I think they pulled some string to get it done so quickly. Then again, I know nothing about the legal system, but I can’t imagine it being that fast.

  I walk into the stadium with the rest of the Angels’ fans and make my way to my seat down by the dugout. Sofia, Abigail, Heidi, and Zoey are there already in their seats. When I reach them, there is a round of hugs and greetings.

  “Hey, I meant to tell you I’m sorry you and Hector fought about all of this,” I whisper in Zoey’s ear.

  “It wasn’t that bad. He just felt sad to be left out, but we’re fine now.” She smiles and I feel better knowing they’re okay. It kills me they fought because of me. “By the way, I told the girls about Dane. The more eyes on you the better.”

  I sigh as
Sofia says, “All you have to do is tell Blake, and he’ll take care of it.”

  I smile. “Well, I’m pretty sure the whole Angels team will protect me.”

  “They will.” They all answer at the same time.

  The crowd begins to cheer as the guys run out to the field. My eyes find seven and smile at his fine ass in those baseball pants. I can’t wait for him to see I’m wearing his jersey. I purchased it the other day, but didn’t tell him. Now, since everyone knows about us, I can wear his number with pride.

  “So, how are things with you and Roman?” Heidi asks.

  “Great, actually. He’s really worried about this Dane situation, though.”

  “Do you think he’ll come up here?” Abigail questions.

  I shrug. “I don’t know. I never would have thought this would be happening to me. I mean, I can’t figure out why he’s contacting me, anyway. I’ve been here for months and heard nothing. Now, he’s texting me every single day and calling all the time.”

  “Men are strange,” Zoey adds and we turn our attention to the warm-ups.

  “Someone really has to ban Tanner from having Red Bull.” Abigail laughs and we all see Tanner bouncing around Felix and Blake.

  “I swear I honestly can’t wait to see who snags that boy up,” Sofia says, making us all laugh.

  “Well, we all have fifty dollars on a cougar.” Heidi jokes about the conversation at my party.

  Abigail leans over closer to us and we all follow her lead putting our heads together. “Felix told me Tanner and Spencer are kinky bastards.”

  “Spencer?” I gasp. “I don’t see him like that.”

  “He is,” Sofia jumps in. “I can hear some of the stories from my office.”

  “Well,” I join in the gossip. “When I was talking to Roman a couple of weeks ago, he saw Tanner leave with two girls.”

  “That’s not new for him.” Heidi waves her hands. “When Jordan and I were separated, Tanner brought someone to Jordan’s house and Jordan told me Tanner isn’t quiet at all.”

  “I’m never going to look at him the same again.” I laugh, shaking my head.

  “Trust me, it’s much worse.” Sofia sighs, looking up to the sky, and we all laugh harder.


  All five of us quickly turn to see Roman, Hector, Jordan, Felix, and Blake all standing at the top of the stairs staring at us. This only makes us laugh harder. As Felix and Abigail do their good luck charm routine, I stare at Roman, who winks at me and heads down. Even, Hector waves to me, and I feel much better that he is slowly accepting my new relationship.

  The game has to be one of the best in my books. Not only does Roman get a home run, he adds a triple to his stats as well. Tanner ends up stealing two bases, bumping him up the list of best base stealer. Even Hector and Blake do well, not to mention Felix strikes more players than not. It is a great game, and my throat is a little sore from all the cheering.

  The girls and I wait for our guys in the parking lot since it’s such a beautiful night. We’re still laughing and chatting about many topics as the guys make their way out to us. Roman comes right to me and hugs me tightly, kissing my lips hard. It’s perfect ending to the day.

  “By the way, nice jersey.” He grins.

  “I am partial to it.” I wink.

  “Who’s all going out to eat?” Blake asks.

  “Not me,” Colby quickly answers. “Ariella is home waiting on me.” He says his goodbyes and heads to his car.

  “I need to get back home, too.” Trent smiles and follows Colby.

  “Everyone else in?” Blake looks around, and we all nod in agreement.

  “I’ll ride with you.” Roman guides me to my car. “I rode with Spencer so I could leave with you.”

  “Okay.” I smile as he opens driver’s side door for me.

  As I follow the line of Angels’ vehicles, Roman and I talk about the game and my day. He seems a bit more relaxed now that I have the restraining order. Before I know it, we’re at a Mexican restaurant, parking next to Hector.

  As Roman and I are walking hand-in-hand toward the door, Hector stops us, with Zoey right next to him.

  “Listen, I’m not sorry I got upset, because you both lied to me; however, my main concern will always be the well-being of the women in my life.” He looks sternly at Roman. “But, if you both are happy, then I am too. But, if you hurt her, we’re not teammates anymore.”

  “Hector, I promise you; you have my word,” Roman states firmly, and even though Hector is a couple inches taller than Roman, he looks him straight in the eyes.

  “All right, let’s eat then.” He grips Zoey’s hand and we all walk in.

  The restaurant gives us the back room, and we all sit at a long table. We order a lot of drinks and a lot of food; conversation is flowing through everyone. The only time we’re somewhat quiet is when we’re eating. Once the food is gone, we order more drinks. The only one not drinking is Zoey. When I ask her, she says she doesn’t feel like it tonight, and that her stomach had been upset lately. I think she works too hard and needs to rest more.

  “Hey, Tanner.” Abigail smirks at him, and I see she has something up her sleeve. “Us girls we’re talking about you during warm-ups,” she coos.

  “Ladies.” He sits tall and sticks out his chest. “There’s plenty of me to go around if your men aren’t satisfying you.” He brightly smiles, right before Blake pops him in the back of the head. “Ouch.” He rubs the spot.

  Of course, we’re all laughing.

  “No, we heard a rumor about you, and we’re wondering how true it is.” Abigail sips her beer.

  “Rumor?” Tanner seems confused now. “What it is?”

  “That you are kinky man in bed,” I join in, finishing what Abigail started.

  “Oh.” His smirk appears. “Ladies, you should never knock it until you’ve tried it.” He chuckles.

  “So, it is true?” Heidi gasps, but has a smile on her face.

  “Well, I’m not opposed a good spanking, or maybe handcuffs, or being tied up.” He shrugs as if it’s no big deal.

  “Really?” Zoey’s mouth drops.

  “Now, I don’t go too nuts like some people, but, sure I like it.” He eyes Abigail for a beat. “Does this mean I have to give your men some pointers? I’d be glad to do a hands on demonstration.”

  “No.” All us girls say at once, making the guys laugh.

  “So, you’ve had like threesomes and stuff?” I ask, suddenly curious on his sex life.

  “Sure. But four girls at one time is my limit.” He shakes his head. “It’s very tiring if there are more.”

  “More?” We all are in shock.

  “You’re lying.” Hector calls him out.

  “I never lie about sex,” Tanner states seriously.

  “Well, Kid, I didn’t think you could shock me, but you just did.” Felix shakes his head.

  Tanner beams with pride at his words.

  “I hear Spencer is the same way.” I smirk at him.

  “What? Where did you hear that?” Roman asks in shock.

  “From me.” Abigail speaks up.

  “I’m not as bad as Tanner.” Spencer quickly defends himself. “But, a little kink is good for the sexual soul,” he jokes.

  “Spencer, you’d be perfect for my sister.” Sofia giggles.

  “Hey, what about me?” Tanner looks accosted.

  “No, she’ll kill you,” Sofia plainly states.

  The conversation turns back to baseball, and soon, we’re all ready to leave. I do try to pay for my dinner, but Roman cuts me a mean glare, and I relent.

  The drive back to the apartment is quiet and peaceful. I love my life now. This is the happiest I’ve ever been, and I can’t imagine how much better it could get. Yes, Dane weighs in the back of my mind, but with Roman, everything is perfect.

  “You staying with me tonight?” I ask when reach the elevator.

  “I was planning on it.” He smiles. “But, I have to grab some cloth
es first.”

  “I washed everything you left at my place,” I say.


  I look up at his baffled gaze. “I washed your clothes. Did I do something wrong?”

  “No. No. I just never had another girl do that before.” I’m not sure if he’s in shock or upset.

  “Oh, well, I just saw them on my chair, and I thought since I was doing mine…” I trail off because I’m not sure what else to say.

  “Hey,” he grips my chin gently and makes me look up at him again. “Thank you. It’s a nice gesture, and I appreciate it.” He kisses me lightly.

  We get off on my floor and head into my apartment. We seem to move seamlessly around each other as we get ready for bed. He stands at the bathroom counter brushing his teeth, and I can’t help staring at his magnificent body. His back tattoo seems to gleam in the lighting, and I trace the dragon’s massive, beautiful wings.

  When Roman finishes, he turns and gathers me up in his arms, leaning against the counter. “I have request for tonight.”

  “Really? What?”

  “I realized something when I saw you in my jersey tonight.” He leans close to my lips. “I’ve never had sex with a woman wearing my jersey.”

  I step back. “Seriously? I figured you had.”

  He slowly shakes his head.

  “Well, that’s one request I can fulfill.” Since I’m in my bra and underwear still, I simply go back into the bedroom and slip on the jersey.

  Roman is right behind and whispers, “Do you trust me?”

  I turn, and I’m a little nervous at his question. “Roman, I’m not into things like Tanner and Spencer.” Maybe Roman wants to spank me or tie me up, but I’m not into it.

  “What? No. No. No.” He shakes his head hard. “Tanner and Spencer are in their own league. I’m asking for a different…position.”

  “Oh.” The nervousness washes away, and my body clenches in anticipation. “Okay.”

  “If you don’t like it or don’t want to just tell me to stop, and you know I will.”

  I nod. “I know.”

  Roman leads me over to the bed and starts kissing me. Each time his lips touch my skin, it’s like the first time and sets me on fire.



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