Meet Me in Barcelona

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Meet Me in Barcelona Page 13

by Mary Carter

  “SAY IT.”

  “The end?”

  “Yes, Grace. The end.”

  “The boy cries wolf again, and this time there really is a wolf, but nobody comes running.”

  “Exactly, Grace. Exactly.”

  “Exactly, what?”

  “Maybe your dad is right. Maybe I am the girl who cried wolf. But if that’s true, then this is the end. Because, I’m telling you, this time—there really is a wolf.”


  Twenty minutes after Grace left for her breakfast with Carrie Ann, Jake was still lying in bed. If he wanted to get to the market, he was going to have to get his ass in gear. He’d get all of her favorite foods, some candles, and a nice bouquet of flowers. And this time, he wouldn’t forget the ring. Boy, he’d almost blown it. Had actually gotten down on one knee in the middle of the street, only to discover he had left the ring back in the apartment. At least he had the flyer for the concert in his pocket, although that had turned into a fiasco.

  But he was actually glad the proposal hadn’t worked out; he wanted to at least try to set up the camera and film it for Jody and Jim. Not to mention posterity. He and Grace could watch it when they were eighty. The biggest problem was, he no longer had the element of surprise. Now Grace suspected something, and her birthday was too obvious of a day—plus he hated when people tried to usurp one celebration by piling another one on top of it. Tell the truth, Jake. You’re all nerves. He wasn’t sure when exactly he was going to pop the question, but he should at least gather supplies while Grace was out.

  Engaged. To be married. It was exhilarating. And terrifying. He hated seeing her so upset over her past. He’d really pushed her to tell him everything too, and he felt bad about that. He wanted to help her through it, whatever it was, but he certainly didn’t need her to explain herself or her past to him. He loved Grace unconditionally. And he knew her. She was a good person. So whatever she’d done, whatever peer pressure had made her do, she had been just a kid. And it seemed like she’d been punishing herself enough. In the past singing was what had always made her thrive. He couldn’t bear the thought of her losing that. He was glad Marsh Everett wasn’t here. Jake wasn’t a violent man at all—had never even been in a real fight, nothing beyond schoolyard shoving. But if that man were here, Jake would be tempted to throw a punch. Heck, he might even enjoy it.

  What he couldn’t quite figure out was what exactly he thought of Carrie Ann. There was actually something quite mesmerizing about her, and it was obvious she and Grace had a strong connection. At times Carrie Ann seemed like someone who would fight to the death over Grace. It was beyond bizarre to witness another person this protective of his girl, especially considering he hadn’t even known she existed a few days ago. She was beautiful too, strong, yet somehow had that damsel-in-distress thing going on. But he’d take a genuine girl like Grace any day.

  He sprung up and pulled his jeans on. Normally he showered first thing, but this morning he was anxious to get out of the house. Grace had said she wouldn’t be long, and given her ambivalence toward her childhood friend, he might not even have enough time to beat her back to the apartment. He threw on a T-shirt, grabbed his wallet and keys, and headed out the door. He stopped, feeling like he was forgetting something. He stood frozen on the stairs, debating whether or not to go back inside.

  Finally, laughing at his inertia, he moved on, taking the stairs two at a time. He was tempted to shout his good news to all of Spain. He didn’t know exactly when, but he was going to propose sometime on this trip. He would know the perfect moment when he saw it. He gave a wave to the doorman, who just stared back, and soon was out on La Rambla. A small crowd was gathered on the side of his apartment building, all huddled together and pointing up at the roof. Jake followed their gazes and then stopped in his tracks. A man in a black bird costume was on the ledge of the building one floor above Jake and Grace’s flat. My God. This was the creature Grace had seen on the street. One of La Rambla’s eccentric performers. And this one was a ledge-walker. Jake wished he had his camera, but of course in his hurry he’d left it on the counter. Did he have time to go back for it? He started back, then stopped. No. He had to get everything ready for the proposal. The performer probably did this every day; he would get a picture another time. There are all kinds of crazy people in the world, Jake thought to himself as he headed for the market. All kinds of crazy.

  Rafael paced while he made the call. “He wasn’t in the apartment,” he blurted out when the irritated voice on the other end of the phone picked up.

  “Are you alone?”


  “So Carrie Ann has no idea?”

  “I tell her nothing.”


  “He was not in the apartment.” Rafael wasn’t going to admit that he’d totally blown it. He had thought it would be fun to wear the costume; instead it had attracted a crowd. It would have been impossible not to entertain them a little; that’s who he was.

  “I know. You said that.”

  “What do you want me to do now?”

  “Nothing. Just have Carrie Ann call me.” Like magic, the door opened, and she walked in. “She’s here now,” Rafael said.

  “I thought you said you were alone!”

  “She just walked into the door. Just, just now,” Rafael said.

  “What now?” Carrie Ann said. Rafael held out the phone. “He wants to talk to you.”

  Carrie Ann took the phone into her bedroom and shut the door. She threw herself on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “Listen to me, Stan. You can’t keep calling me every five seconds.”

  “I didn’t. Rafael called me.”


  “Just to tell me you weren’t back yet.”

  “I told you. He’s psycho!”

  “How did it go with Grace?”

  “Well, I certainly have her attention. I think this might actually work.”

  “What exactly did you say?”

  “Oh, just that you were a psycho and I was afraid for my life and that you might be after her as well.”

  “Is she scared?”

  “On guard.”


  “You know, I had no idea you were going to get so into this.”

  “You’re not the only one who wants to clear out the cobwebs, Carrie Ann.”

  “Fair enough. So when will you be here? When will you abduct me?”

  “You’ll know me when you see me.”

  “I still think we should dump Rafael.”

  “We can’t. He’s giving us and them a place to stay.”

  “You have money. Find us another place to stay.”

  “Don’t push it.” He hung up. Carrie Ann couldn’t believe it. It was as if he’d forgotten this was her adventure. What cobwebs did he want to clear out? Was he still obsessed with Grace? Sure sounded like it. She went back into the living room to face Rafael. He was wearing his ridiculous bird costume.

  “Well?” Rafael said.

  “Well, what?”

  “What is next on the plan?”

  “Just relax. We wait for him to arrive.”

  “Sí. We wait.”

  “And no more breaking into their apartment and moving things around.”


  “Don’t go into their place again!”

  “It’s my place too.”

  “Not while they’re staying there. You’re going to leave something behind and screw everything up.”

  “Like what?” Rafael said.

  “Like one of your stupid little feathers.”

  “I do not like you speaking to me like that.” Rafael flapped his wings. “These feathers are strong. Go ahead. Pull one.”

  Carrie Ann shook her head. “I’ll pass.”

  Rafael strode over to the window and stood like a king surveying his territory. He swore in Spanish. “There he is. He’s carrying groceries. He went to the market.” Each statement was said as if he had just unr
aveled the mysteries of the universe.

  Carrie Ann joined him at the window, and they both watched until Jake disappeared under the arch. “Why do you care where he goes?” Carrie Ann headed for the door.

  “Where are you going?” Rafael said.

  “None of your business.”

  “Maybe you should just disappear now,” Rafael said.

  Carrie Ann pointed at Rafael. “You work for me,” she said. “And I’ll disappear when I want to disappear.”

  Once out of Rafael’s literal eagle eye, she hurried down the steps, hoping to catch Jake before he went into the apartment. Luckily, he was just coming up as she was going down. She stopped and waited.

  “Hey,” she called.

  “Hey.” Jake stopped. Carrie Ann was fascinated with the way he watched her. As if vetting her for Grace. “How was your breakfast?” he asked.

  “Honestly, Jake, I screwed up.”

  “How so?”

  “I was wrong not to include you. I’m really sorry.”

  “Nah. I wanted to go out to the market anyway.”

  “Listen. I know you don’t know me, and you don’t owe me anything, but—I’d really like another chance to hang out. Just the three of us.”

  “Why don’t you talk to Grace about that?”

  “I really don’t want to get into the gory details, but I don’t think she’d say yes if I asked. She’s upset that I excluded you.”

  “I think we worked through that.”

  Carrie Ann shrugged. “I just thought it would be nice if I extended the invitation to you first this time. I’d like you and Grace to go to the Sagrada Família with me. Have you been there yet?”


  “Great. It’s a must-see.”

  “When are you going?”

  “Tomorrow morning. We can go early and beat the crowd.”

  “I’ll mention it to Grace.”

  “Okay. If you decide to go I’ll be waiting in the lobby at ten.” Carrie Ann hurried across the lobby and out the door before Jake could say another word.

  Carrie Ann wandered around the town square near the apartment building. Was she doing the right thing? Or was she going too far? Once again she had a really bad feeling about involving Rafael. And Stan was acting kind of weird too. She should call him and tell him not to come. Would he freak out? This was her game. Her magic trick. She’d been practicing all her life.

  By the time she was thirteen years old, Carrie Ann could impress most everyone with her tricks. First, she was simply drawn to the titles. Magician. Illusionist. Conjurer. Mentalist. Escape Artist. She also liked the names of certain tricks: Assistant’s Revenge. Burning Alive. Crusher. Devil’s Torture Chamber. Dismemberment. Guillotine. Impalement. Table of Death. The Mismade Girl. She particularly liked a definition she ran across:

  Magicians are capable of doing seemingly impossible or supernatural feats using natural means.

  And so she had set her mind to doing just that. First, and foremost, she had taken the Magician’s Oath:

  “As a magician I promise never to reveal the secret of any illusion to a non-magician, unless that one swears to uphold the Magician’s Oath in turn. I promise never to perform any illusion for any non-magician without first practicing the effect until I can perform it well enough to maintain the illusion of magic.”

  “The illusion of magic.” She liked that. She counted on it most days. Within a few months she could whip a quarter out of an unsuspecting adult’s ear. If she was in the company of kids only, she would more often than not pretend to pull the quarter out of their behinds. Already at her full height of five feet, seven inches and with long blond locks, she looked more the part of the magician’s assistant. No matter how hard anyone begged, Carrie Ann would never give away her secrets. If there was one thing a tossed-around foster child knew how to do, it was keep secrets.

  She could do The Four Robbers card trick, turn a multicolored scarf into solid black, pull a quarter from whichever orifice she chose, and she was well on her way to pulling a stuffed rabbit out of a hat. She frequently fantasized about sawing a very good-looking man in half. “Someday,” Carrie Ann used to say, flashing her teeth, “I’m going to make someone disappear.”


  The Basílica de la Sagrada Família is a church for the people, funded by the people. Antoni Gaudí accepted the commission and in 1883 began his remarkable construction with the crypt. Next he started on the apse, and then the cloister. It was to be an enormous church with a Latin-cross ground plan and soaring towers. He wanted the architecture to speak of spirituality from a sculptural perspective. He housed nativity scenes in specific corners so that people would step back and stare in sheer wonder. In 1914, Gaudí abandoned all other works and dedicated the last years of his life to the Sagrada Família. He even lived his last few months in his workshop in the church, surrounded by plans, and sketches, and photographs.

  One of his main plans for the building, carried out after his death, was the Passion façade. It is made up of symmetrical parts: the great portico and the bell towers, rising sternly into the heavens.

  In the ensuing years the Sagrada Família was subjected to various acts of destruction in addition to the crypt’s burning down, and new architects taking over where others left off, but despite the challenges, people worked to preserve the dreams Antoni Gaudí had for the Sagrada Família. With its soaring spirals, and concave and convex shapes, and statues, and Glory façade with magnificent stained glass windows that truly make you stop and drop your jaw, the Sagrada Família felt instantly comforting to Grace, and she needed comfort, for tagging along with them, at Jake’s invitation, was Carrie Ann.

  Grace walked ahead, trying to calm down and lose herself in the sheer size and beauty of the architectural masterpiece. It almost made her want to pray. Spirals rising into the sky. Stained glass twenty feet high. Enormous. Incomplete. Just like life. Their footsteps echoed through the cavernous chapel. They climbed to the very tip of the cathedral towers, where through the gaps in the stone windows the city of Barcelona unfurled below them.

  “Makes our problems seem so small, doesn’t it, Grace?” Carrie Ann said.

  “Actually I was thinking it makes my goals seem small,” Grace said. Her problems, since Carrie Ann had arrived, were bigger than ever. This time there really is a wolf. Who says that to someone? And really, what had Grace ever done to Stan except have a very normal creeped-out reaction around him? She had even tried to be nice to him at Lionel’s funeral. That had been excruciating for her. The last person she had wanted to look at and offer condolences to was Stan Gale. So if he had it out for Grace, then Carrie Ann was to blame. Now Grace was supposed to stand in a high tower with her and not fantasize about throwing her off of it?

  “It’s a gorgeous view,” Jake said.

  “It’s important to change your perspective now and again,” Carrie Ann said. “Look at life from a new angle.”

  There she went again, trying to absolve herself of the sins of the past. I forgive you, she had said at breakfast. Grace had almost choked on that one. Forgive her? Forgive her?

  “Look this way,” Jake said. He held up his camera. “Carrie Ann—say hi to Jody and Jim—”

  “No,” Grace shouted. Her voice echoed through the tower. Her mother and father could not find out about Carrie Ann. Grace lunged for the camera. She tripped and fell into Jake, slamming her hands into the camera. It flew through one of the open gaps and hovered in the air for the briefest of seconds before plummeting to the ground. Jake let out a yell. Grace cried out too, then slapped her hand over her mouth.

  “Hello, Jody, hello, Jim,” Carrie Ann called over the edge with a laugh.

  Grace whirled on her. “That was worth thousands of dollars.”

  “Don’t look at me, darling. You’re the one who tackled him.”

  Grace turned to Jake. His face was red. He too was staring over the edge. “Jake, I am so, so sorry.”

  “Why? Why did you d
o that?”

  “I just—I didn’t want you to record us—”

  “Why didn’t you just say stop?”

  “I wasn’t thinking.” It was a lie. She had been thinking. About Carrie Ann. God, this just wasn’t going to work out.

  “I could have just erased it.” He was really upset.

  “Sylvester and the Magic Pebble,” Carrie Ann said.

  “Not the time,” Grace said.

  “What?” Jake said.

  “Another one of Grace’s favorite childhood books. Sylvester is a donkey who finds a magic pebble. He sees a lion and is so frightened he wishes he were a rock. Later, he’s like—why didn’t I wish the lion would disappear? Or that I was safe in my home, or a million other things. Instead, he was stuck being a rock.”

  “Thanks for that lovely rendition,” Grace said. Carrie Ann took a bow.

  Jake glanced at Grace, who mouthed, “I’m sorry.” He put his hands on top of his head. “I didn’t get it insured,” he said. “It was the whole reason for this trip—”

  “How’s that?” Carrie Ann said.

  “Never mind,” Grace said. “I’ll pay for it, Jake. I’ll buy you a brand-new one.”

  “You don’t have that kind of money. I barely had that kind of money.” In the small outlook, Jake began to pace.

  “I have credit cards.”

  “It will max them out, Grace.”

  “I have money,” Carrie Ann said. “Lots of it.” Grace and Jake just looked at her. “At least my soon-to-be ex-husband does.” She dug through her purse and held up a credit card. “Might as well max this out before he gets to me.” Grace glanced at Jake. When she had filled him in on her meeting with Carrie Ann, she had left out the bit about Carrie Ann’s being married to Stan. And that supposedly he had it out for Grace because Carrie Ann had lied and told him Grace was the one who had spread rumors about his father. Rumors that had led Lionel Gale to hang himself from the highest rafter of his barn. Grace had sworn she was going to tell Jake everything. She had agreed that there shouldn’t be any more secrets. And here was her past, ready to explode like a shaken soda can. No wonder he hadn’t asked her to marry him. She was a mess.


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