The Society of Orion Book Six: The Moroccan Affair: Colton Banyon Mystery

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The Society of Orion Book Six: The Moroccan Affair: Colton Banyon Mystery Page 3

by Gerald J Kubicki

  Fasi’s plan was to trick Banyon and his team into coming into the open sand-filled desert of the West Sahara and ambush them there. He was sure that Banyon would bring all the Orion weapons he possessed with him. Fasi would then be able to obtain the weapons and become the all-powerful ruler of The Society of Orion. The other four chapters would soon crumble when he used over seventy Orion weapons on them. Once he had all the weapons, he would use them to spread Islam across the world by force. He would rule the world. He was quite confident that he could accomplish his goal because he had a game changing Orion weapon.

  Chapter Eight

  “The first thing we need to do is get someone inside Fasi’s camp,” Banyon stated. “We know that he is looking for twenty mercenaries to go with him into the desert.”

  “Why is he leaving his secure home?” Loni quickly asked.

  “His father buried twenty more Orion weapons in an old fort in the middle of nowhere. He intends to collect them to defend his home from us,” Banyon replied. “They are all duplicates of weapons he already has in his vault.”

  “Do we know what weapons he is holding?” Maya quickly shouted out with concern. “We need to understand his capabilities.”

  “We’ll deal with that in a minute,” Banyon replied with a wave of his hand. “But Fasi is searching for mercenaries right now. Do we have any volunteers?”

  Eric looked at Steve and shrugged his shoulders in his usual casual manner. “Since Steve and I are the only men capable of going, I guess we just volunteered. He’d never accept any of the women and he knows you, Colt.”

  “Anyone disagree?” Banyon asked. When no one answered he plowed ahead.

  “Timmy has already set up resumes and can block other mercenaries from applying on the internet. I’ll call him right now and get things rolling,” Banyon said as he whipped out his phone.

  As he walked away to talk to Timmy, a debate suddenly broke out around the table.

  “We should arm Steve and Eric with some Orion weapons for protection,” Pramilla offered.

  “Colt is dead set against using any of the weapons,” Loni replied. “Otherwise we become the same people that we are hunting.”

  “But we will be using the weapons for good,” Maya argued.

  “That’s what they all say too.” Loni replied.

  Chapter Nine

  Ahmed Fasi had just finished talking with the King of Morocco. During his conversation he had reminded the King that Fasi had information which could bring down the Monarchy and probably get the royal family beheaded in true Islam tradition. He told him that the Quran left little interpretation of Islamic law. The King reluctantly caved in and agreed to supply thirty of his best troops to march into the desert with Fasi and protect him. He had little choice.

  Fasi was currently speaking to the editor from one of the leading newspapers in Morocco, the online newspaper L’Opinion.

  “Just publish the script I sent you today,” Fasi said as an order.

  “But there are no sources and no documentation,” the editor replied with concern. “I can’t put this out on the wire.”

  “If you don’t publish the script in the next five minutes, I will destroy your paper and you will be looking for a new job by tomorrow,” Fasi threatened. The editor knew that Ahmed Fasi had powerful friends who could sweep in and shut his paper down any time he wanted. His paper was Christian backed. He was afraid of the power that Fasi wielded in Morocco and reluctantly agreed to have the article on his website within a few minutes.

  “Good,” Fasi said in a sinister voice. “And so you will remain open — for now.”

  As soon as he hung up the phone, Ahmed Fasi began the last task for his plan. He opened his computer and started to print out the resumes from all the mercenaries that had applied for his mission. There were only twenty-three, including the ones from Eric and Steve.

  Chapter Ten

  Banyon rushed up to the front of the room. “Timmy said that he has been able to get Fasi to agree to take six mercenaries from the fake resumes Timmy submitted. That means we can send four more men. Should we?”

  “Well, let’s think,” Heather replied. “We can send Kenny Cole, Tom, Dick and Harry. They all have black ops training and experience.”

  “But they are not members of the team,” Mandy protested.

  “Neither were you until recently, but you were still involved in several operations,” Loni argued.

  “You’re right, I’m sorry,” Mandy replied.

  “It’ll cost money,” Heather warned.

  “Damn the money,” Banyon shouted and slapped the table. “We can save many lives and stop Ahmed Fasi.”

  “You have a point,” Heather admitted sheepishly.

  “Okay, Steve, you and Eric go see Timmy. He has all the details. Pick the other four men and get to Morocco as fast as possible.”

  “While you were gone,” Eric started. “We decided to take two Orion weapons.”

  “You know that I’m morally against using the Orion…”, but he was cut off by Previne.

  “You have always said that this team is a democracy Colt. Every member has a say so in our plans. We took a vote while you were talking to Timmy and you lost eight to one. We are using the Orion weapons during this case. End of discussion.” Banyon took a quick look at Loni who just shrugged.

  He said nothing for a few seconds. “Alright, what weapons are we using then?” Banyon asked with concern.

  “Steve will be wearing the Speak weapon. That will allow him to understand what everyone is saying around him, no matter what language,” Maya told Banyon.

  “Okay,” Banyon replied. “That seems logical.”

  “And Eric will be wearing the Talk weapon,” Maya continued. “He will be able to talk to any of us in our heads at any time. That way we can communicate and coordinate our plan.”

  “It seems that you have solved our communication problem then,” Banyon admitted to save face.

  “Is there any chance of the Vril batteries wearing out?” Pramilla then asked. “They haven’t been used for who knows how long.”

  Mandy had the answer. “When Carol was questioning the image of Loni in the cave, she asked that same question. Colt, you and Maya were out of the room.”

  “Well, what’s the answer?” Pramilla huffed.

  “The image said that the Vril lasts for over fifty thousand earth years in the devices,” Mandy explained.

  “I think they’ll have enough juice then,” Eric noted. “Do we have a plan?”

  “Your job will be to neutralize the other fourteen mercenaries and take them out of the battle,” Banyon explained. “Think you can do that?”

  Eric looked at Steve and laughed. “Oh, yeah, we can handle them.”

  Chapter Eleven

  When Steve and Eric left the room, the team began to discuss the rest of Banyon’s plan.

  “What are we going to do about the Moroccan troops?” Pramilla quickly asked since her husband would be in the middle of the small army.

  “Well, that really will be up to you,” Banyon baited her with a smile.

  “You know something I don’t know, don’t you?” Pramilla responded, also with a smile. “I know that look. Let’s hear it.”

  “Ahmed Fasi has influence over the King of Morocco because he is blackmailing him into sending the troops into the desert. We just have to convince the King to pull his men back at the right time, that’s all,” Banyon explained. “Then the troops will not be a factor in the fight.”

  “What’s Fasi using as a threat to make the King comply?” Pramilla asked as she quickly understood where Banyon was going with his thought.

  “The King has an estranged son that is a playboy and also gay,” Banyon told her. “As you know, that is a big no-no for Muslims. He could lose his throne and even his head if it got out in the media. Fasi found out about it many years ago and has been using it against the King ever since. That is why he is so protected in Morocco.”

�Does Fasi have any proof?” Pramilla continued.

  “Not anymore,” Banyon responded with flair. “He had pictures of the King’s son on the French Riviera with his Italian lover, but Timmy was able to find them on his computer and transfer them to me.”

  “So my job will be to pay the King of Morocco a diplomatic visit as an Ambassador from India and convince him that his secret is safe. Is that correct?”

  “We’ll want his men pulled back just before we attack so Fasi won’t have time to reorganize,” Banyon agreed while nodding his head.

  “But I shouldn’t go there alone,” Pramilla, the career diplomat from India, said. “The King might not accept a private meeting with a single woman. He is Muslim you know.”

  “Who should go with you?” Banyon asked. “There aren’t any men left on the team.”

  “What about Chase Sanborn, the lawyer from Las Vegas?” Pramilla asked. “He would be acceptable to the King.”

  “Good idea,” Banyon responded. He is still in the building and not scheduled to return to Las Vegas for a couple of days. But also bring Heather with you. She could be an assistant.”

  “Why,” Pramilla quickly asked.

  “So she can Freud-a-size the King when you are done. Make the King believe that it is his idea to pull back his troops. I don’t want him to think that we would ever use the photos to blackmail him. That could be dangerous.”

  “That makes sense to me,” Heather threw out. “Should I Freud-a-size Chase too and make him forget the visit?”

  Banyon thought about her statement for a few seconds then he responded. “No, not yet at least. We can only make him forget once so let’s wait on that.”

  “What about the rest of us?” Previne inquired. “What part will we play?”

  “Previne, you and Mandy will make all the arrangements for the trip for the team and stand by in Casablanca.”

  “Why?” Previne questioned. “We want to be part of the action, Colt.”

  “You will be,” Banyon responded. “If my plan goes well we will need to break into Fasi’s house to collect any weapons that he has left there,” Banyon explained. “The five of you are the team to collect what we need from his house.”

  “Hey, that’s my job,” Loni whined. “I usually get to break in and steal things.”

  “I need you with me for the attack,” Banyon told his little partner. “We will be a couple of hundred miles away.”

  “I feel better now,” Loni replied with a smile as she realized that Colt needed her.

  “What about me?” Maya now asked. “So far I don’t have an assignment.”

  “You need to be by my side when we attack,” Banyon informed her. “I’ll need your expertise on the Orion weapons. We are going to bring them all for this fight.”

  “So there’ll just be the three of you to fight Fasi and fifty men?” Previne exclaimed.

  “We will be more than enough,” Loni gushed happily.

  Chapter Twelve

  Meanwhile, almost half a world away, Ahmed Fasi was having a private meeting with one of his bodyguards.

  “I’m sorry about the loss of your brother Mohammed. He was murdered by the stupid police pigs in Ecuador you know,” Fasi said sympathetically. His hawk-like predator features were more prominent in the shadows of the evening light. The young man could not see the lack of empathy in his eyes.

  “He was a committed Muslim and is now enjoying his time with seventy-two virgins,” Hakim replied with little sadness. “He died while fighting the infidels. It is an honor.”

  “And are you as committed as he was, Hakim?” Fasi inquired with interest.

  “Of course, my leader,” the young man replied.

  “Good, then I’m making you my second in command,” the Arab responded.

  “I will do whatever you want me to do,” the now proud youth exclaimed and threw out his chest. “You only need to issue the command. I will not fail,” he added with the fanatic zeal in his eyes that Fasi wanted to see.

  “And what if that included killing other Muslims?” Ahmed Fasi asked.

  “If it is for the good of Islam, I will do it,” the near rabid youth exclaimed.

  “Good, very good,” the puppet-master Fasi proclaimed. “In two days we will spring a trap on some unsuspecting nonbelievers in the disputed territories. They will all be killed, but there will also be thirty Moroccan troops and about twenty mercenaries with us in the desert who will have to be eliminated as well once we spring the ambush. There can be no survivors from our encounter. Do you understand?”

  “I will need to bring four of the security detail to kill them all,” the fired up youth responded.

  “That is acceptable,” Fasi responded. “But while you are gone, leave someone in charge of the security here.”

  “The man who monitors the camera and sensors is the best choice,” Hakim responded. “He’s name is Youssef.”

  “We’ll leave five of the mercenaries here to help him, otherwise we will be short of security men,” Fasi explained.

  “My men need no help,” Hakim protested.

  “Maybe,” Fasi replied. “But I’d rather not take any chances.”

  “As you wish,” Hakim agreed and backed down.

  “But first, you’ll need to welcome the mercenaries like they are brothers. They will start arriving here in a few hours. Treat them like followers, but kill them once we finish off the infidels.”

  As Hakim left the room, Ahmed Fasi shook his head. I’m sorry, but I’ll have to kill you and your four friends as well once we return home. It is hard to find followers so committed. Nevertheless, no one can know about all the Orion weapons but me.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Back in the conference room at Dewey & Beatem, Colton Banyon was reviewing the notes he had made of his plan to take down Ahmed Fasi. When he looked up he was surprised to find that all six women at the table had their cellphones out and were staring at them intently.

  “No texting during a meeting,” he yelled out. “You look like a couple having dinner at a restaurant nowadays.” It was meant to be funny, but it was a sad fact that he had often observed recently.

  “We’re not texting,” Loni responded loudly. “Timmy has sent all of us an article about Ahmed Fasi. You just didn’t hear your cellphone beep.”

  “What does it say?” Banyon quickly asked to cover the fact that he hadn’t heard the beep.

  “The online newspaper L’Opinion in Morocco has just filed a story. It appears that the well-known philanthropist Ahmed Fasi will be leading an expedition of four people out into the disputed territories of the Western Saharan desert to seek an old lost artifact. It says that they will leave tomorrow. It describes the artifact as an ancient statue from the days when Carthage ruled the land. There is a picture attached. It looks authentic to me,” Loni added.

  “It is authentic and also in a museum in Tunis in Tunisia,” Previne said sarcastically. “I have seen it myself a couple of years ago.”

  “So why is the article being published?” Mandy quickly asked in confusion.

  “That’s simple,” Banyon responded. “He is attempting to notify us that he will be in the open desert. He wants us to attack him there. It’s a trap.”

  “That explains why he is bringing fifty men with him,” Heather acknowledged. “The article says there will only be four other men with him.”

  “He intends to ambush the ambushers. That’s us, and eliminate everyone while grabbing the Orion weapons,” Maya completed the thought.

  “Only he doesn’t know that we are on to him and most of his men will be compromised by the time that we get there,” Loni laughed. “What an idiot.”

  “Don’t underestimate Ahmed Fasi,” Banyon warned seriously. “He most likely has something up his sleeve. After all, I’m sure he believes we’ll bring all the Orion weapons to defeat him and he wants the weapons.”

  “So he must feel that he has an edge,” Previne exclaimed. “I wonder what it could possibly be

  “Maybe it has something to do with the weapons he controls,” Maya suddenly uttered. She immediately put on her glasses and began thumbing through the Orion codex to look for answers.

  A now concerned Colton Banyon added, “I’d better get the list of weapons Fasi has from Wolf. Wolf mentioned that there was a problem when I talked to him earlier, but I was too busy to ask him what it was.”


  Banyon moved to the small desk in the back of the conference room to talk to Wolf. He took a pad of paper and a pen to take notes. The rest of the group continued to speculate about Fasi’s plan.

  After ten minutes Banyon was back with grave concern in his brown eyes. The list was actually pictures of each device. He dropped it in front of Maya who was concentrating on the codex and he spoke to the rest of the people.

  “Wolf told me that Fasi intends to murder all the mercenaries, the Moroccan troops, and all of us while in the desert. He doesn’t want anyone left who might know something about the Orion weapons. He is bringing five Muslim religious fanatics from his security guards who will do the killing.”

  “We’d better make sure to let Eric know when he checks in,” Pramilla said nervously. “I wouldn’t want that idiot fanatic to hurt my husband.”

  “That goes for boyfriends too,” Heather quickly said.

  “Tell us about the weapons, Colt,” Previne asked.

  “Like many of the weapons they are round or oval or some other geometric shape with a symbol etched in the middle to identify the device,” he told the group.

  “The Sumi are very efficient,” Heather committed.

  “Wolf believes there is at least one of the weapons that could cause us trouble,” Banyon added. “He doesn’t know which one, but he heard Fasi describe one of the items as being ‘a game changer’.”

  “No wonder he set the trap for us,” Loni said with gritted teeth. “He actually thinks that he can win.”


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