Stealing Fire (Bad Boys Of The Underworld Book 5)

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Stealing Fire (Bad Boys Of The Underworld Book 5) Page 11

by Mallory Crowe

  His hands kneaded the globes, more than big enough to fill his hands. His thumbs lightly grazed the nipples, and a shudder wracked her body.

  “Please,” she breathed. She wanted to throw him against the ground and rip off his pants. She wanted him inside her, showing her exactly all the things she shouldn’t want but couldn’t stop thinking about.

  He leaned forward, catching a rosy peak between his teeth, bringing her just to the edge of pain. One hand fisted in his hair; the other gripped his neck.

  She rubbed against him harder and he moved his hands to her waist, showing her exactly how to ride him.

  She threw her head back at the overwhelming sensations shooting through her, the dual attack too much to take. Her eyes drifted shut as the world spun around her.

  When she opened them again, they were no longer surrounded by rocks and darkness. She was straddling Lucian in the middle of a king-sized bed, bright light shining in the windows of some towering apartment building.

  Ella frowned and tried to get a better idea of where she was, but Lucian covered her mouth with his just as he moved his hips in a particularly distracting manner.

  She moaned against him as he flipped her on her back, leaning his weight against her core. He bent his head to her. This time, the kiss was slow and sensual—a systematic attack on her senses as his hips continued to move against exactly the right spot.

  The kiss deepened, and he pushed his tongue into her mouth. Suddenly it was too much and her lust completely consumed her. She needed him. On top of her. Inside her. Kissing her. She needed everything he could give.

  She pulled him closer, kissing him with everything she had. One hand struggled to push down her panties and pajamas.

  Lucian pulled away, and for a heartbeat, she thought he was going to stop. Instead, he hooked his fingers in the waistband of her pants and panties, pulling them from her legs in one swift motion.

  A blush crept up her neck as she lay naked in front of him. Not that she wanted to stop. She might kill him if he stopped touching her.

  She held a hand out, beckoning him back to her. His hands moved to the buttons of his pants, making quick work of them. A second later, they joined hers on the floor as his full length was bared.

  Her breath caught in her throat and her eyes widened at the sight.

  He must’ve mistaken her reaction as second thoughts. “Are you sure about this?”

  Ella laughed at the question. As if she could look at Lucian in all his naked glory and possibly decide she didn’t want him.

  The man was an Adonis. He was the man who inspired sculptures and paintings and freakin’ pyramids. He was the man who took her and the man who saved her and was letting her go because he wanted her to be safe.

  He was hers, at least for right now. She reached out again, this time intertwining her fingers with his as she pulled him back down. His big body covered hers as she widened her legs for him.

  He kept his hold on her one hand; the other gently stroked her face as he bent in for a kiss. She closed her eyes and moaned at the sensation. He chose that moment to push into her.

  At the invasion, she immediately tensed, wrapping her free arm around his muscular shoulders. He deepened the kiss as he slid all the way home.

  Ella woke up to an empty bed. She sat up and frowned, looking around the darkened room. Had she really slept all day?

  Well, not all day. Lucian had been insatiable. Not that she’d been much better...

  After they both collapsed, breathless, onto the sheets, he’d given her time to recover, just lying with her and talking. She told him about her life growing up with a mad scientist. Moving around as Dad would pick a new specialty. The strange animals that would run around the various houses, be it mice or bats.

  She told him about the romance novels she loved to read. The detailed historicals and the epic fantasies. She told him all the popular movies she hated and all the obscure movies she loved. All the while, he held her. Either stroking the curve of her waist or intertwining his fingers with hers.

  He’d told her about the vampires he called friends and the werewolf king who hated him even though the queen considered him a friend. He told her how he first met Cade during the American Revolution and about all the women Cade had seduced over the centuries.

  A long silence filled the room after he stopped talking about Cade, the both of them lost in their own memories of him.

  Lucian broke the spell when he carried her into the shower, taking the time to soap and lather every inch of her. Hair, neck, breasts, feet: nothing was ignored. When he finally reached the exquisitely sensitive inner lips of her core, she was already unraveling at the seams. Then his mouth and tongue pushed her over the edge. Not even the cold shower tiles could pull her from the climax. Stars burst behind her eyes, and when they finally receded, Lucian was in front of her, hands lifting her hips and putting her into position for him to slide home in one powerful thrust.

  They both screamed then. All she could do was hold on tight as he ruthlessly pounded into her. She gently bit his shoulder as her nails dug into his back. Lucian growled at the slight pain and held her even tighter.

  He threw his head back and came just as the water started to chill.

  Afterwards, they ran back to the warmth provided by the covers, reveling in each other’s body heat and talking about their respective lives.

  He made love to her once more. Slowly and gently, laying soft kisses along her breasts and throat as he thrust in and out. The pleasure stretched on so long she didn’t even know whether she could survive it. When Lucian finally let her come, and she had no doubt he was in complete control, it was so intense, she’d fallen into an exhausted sleep immediately after.

  And now he was gone.

  Ella sat up, holding the sheet in front of her bare breasts, looking around the room for any sign of Lucian. Was he in his myotis form and hiding? He should know by now she wouldn’t go running. She wasn’t exactly up for a round of screw the monster, but they could still hang out.

  Hang out? Was that what they were doing? She shook her head at her own silly thoughts.

  Ella stood and walked around the contemporary decorated bedroom. Lucian’s apartment was simple and neat: white walls, black rugs, gray comforter, and brown hardwood floors. Not a single feminine touch in sight.

  At least she knew he didn’t have a wife stashed away here. Not that it would matter. She was leaving.

  They hadn’t mentioned it once. All their conversations had been as though they were a true couple, sharing their pasts and planning to have a future together.

  On the chair next to his closet were her neatly folded and recently washed pajamas. When had he retrieved them? She knew for a fact her shirt had been abandoned on that cave floor. She must have been really out of it, not that teleporting made a lot of noise. She slipped the T-shirt and loose pants on.

  She wandered into the living room just as there was a knock at the door. “Lucian?” She shook her head at the question. Why would Lucian knock at his own apartment?

  She tiptoed over to the door, not wanting to let anyone in the hall hear her, though, knowing the supernatural races like she did now, it was probably impossible to mask her sound.

  When she peered into the peephole, her heart summersaulted when she saw who was on the other side of the thick wood. She ripped the door open and jumped into Dad’s arms.

  “Ella!” he shouted, hugging her close.

  Tears trickled down her cheeks as she smelled the familiar scent of Dad’s cologne and his unshaven, graying beard tickled her cheek. She’d been so worried she’d never experience one of Dad’s bear hugs ever again.

  “How did you find me?” she squeaked, barely able to speak with how tightly he was squeezing her.

  “We need to leave.” He let her go and pulled her toward the elevator. When the doors closed, he breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her again. “A man came to the house. He dropped off a dog, of all things, and said I could
find you here. I thought he was setting me up, but I had to try. He must’ve been an angel.”

  Angel? “Was he tall, handsome, and black?”

  Dad frowned. “He was an African-American of above average height.”

  She snorted. Dean. Dad’s angel was one of the monsters he feared so much. He took her reaction as a sign of disgust. “It’s okay now. We are going home and those beasts will never touch you again.”

  The doors opened and Ella walked barefoot onto the bustling streets of New York City. “I can’t go home. They’ll find me.”

  Three Years Later

  Ella ducked down just before the big fist smashed through the air where her head had just been. With her palm flat, she aimed for her attacker’s ribs, grinning at the pained grunt she got in response.

  “God, Elly! Are you out for blood or something?”

  “Sorry, Charlie.” She stood and caught her breath.

  He bent forward, resting his hands on his knees. “You keep up like that and I’m going to have to start taking lessons from you.”

  She couldn’t help the self-satisfied grin at his praise. “I’m not quite a Navy SEAL level of kick ass yet.”

  He straightened and made his way over to their water bottles. “I don’t know about that. You’ve put in a lot of hours here. Maybe more than some of the SEALs I was partnered with.”

  She took a sip from her own bottle. “A girl’s gotta be prepared.”

  “For what? The zombie apocalypse?”

  More like vampire invasion. “It’s a crazy world out there. The news was saying there was a skinhead attack last week in Marietta.”

  Charlie didn’t look fazed. “If there are skinheads in Atlanta, I wouldn’t worry about it. We’re far enough away and small enough that they probably wouldn’t even look twice at the highway exit.”

  Ella nodded, hoping he was right. The entire reason she’d moved to the small town of Pikesville, Georgia was because it was far away from Maine and tiny enough to avoid the notice of vampires and myotis.

  The country had been dealing with the growing violence from the newest gang only known as “skinheads.” It was the name the news had bestowed them, but not one had ever been caught or interrogated in the year since they had popped up on the national radar.

  All the talking heads were flabbergasted that an entire gang could elude capture for this long. Ella wasn’t. She knew exactly how they were doing it. They were vampires.

  And, judging from the body count, not the good kind. Which meant Lucian and his men were losing the war and she had no idea whether either party was out looking for her.

  “You still there?” asked Charlie.

  She snapped her head back to him, not realizing he was just inches away from her. “Yeah, sorry. I really shouldn’t watch the news. It messes me up.”

  “It’s good to be informed. Just remember, if those skinheads ever do attack you, you’re better prepared than just about anyone they’ve ever fucked with.”

  She smiled up at him. “You always know just what to say to cheer me up.”

  His mouth twitched up and the air suddenly seemed to grow thicker. “I try,” he said softly.

  Was it her imagination, or was he inching even closer?

  Ella tried not to let her panic show as she casually backed away. “It’s good to know I have you as backup.”

  He must’ve taken the hint, because he didn’t follow her. “You know it.”

  She turned to gather all her things in her gym bag. How long would it be before Charlie made a pass at her? He’d been her personal trainer for over two years, ever since just after she moved to Pikeville. He was the owner of the local gym and, when he saw how inept she was at using free weights, had offered her some training sessions.

  He wasn’t cheap, but the training was so worth it. With his help, she could squat more than her own bodyweight and was, according to him, a very dangerous woman. Of course, after spending so much time with the most eligible bachelor in town, it seemed everyone expected them to start dating.

  Not that Charlie wasn’t a great catch. He was definitely handsome. He had the type of chiseled jaw and ripped body that all Hollywood movie stars aspired to. His nose had been broken a time or two, and a few scars marred his perfect physique, but he was a head turner. On top of that, he was a successful business owner and had no problem listening to her complain about the politics of working for the government for two hours while they threw punches at each other.

  Working in the library wasn’t too high up the political ladder, but the bureaucracy she had to deal with to get anything done was ridiculous. Sometimes her three training sessions a week were the only thing that kept her sane.

  She pulled a light hoodie over her sweaty tank top. Her long hair was a mess, but it was back in a ponytail, and she wasn’t even going to try to fix it. She turned back to Charlie and he quickly looked away. Please don’t tell me he was checking out my butt.

  To be fair, yoga pants and regular squats did amazing things to a woman’s derrière. Still, she was aiming to keep Charlie firmly in the friend-zone.

  She hadn’t even considered dating since Lucian. How could she? Everything with Lucian was so intense and hot and messed up. What man could compare to that?

  She wasn’t waiting for him. That’s what she told herself every day. He’d kidnapped her. Made her submit to medical experiments and played tricks with her mind. What happened between them was a one-time deal. Not that she blamed him for the sex. That had been her.

  She’d felt so empowered by their narrow escape and his promise to free her. He was the most physically attractive man she’d ever met, and she wanted to get to know all of him. Their one day of mad lovemaking was the most powerful she’d ever felt in her life.

  Dad was convinced she hadn't been in her right mind, accusing the myotis of sexual assault and brainwashing, but Ella knew she wasn’t brainwashed. She’d read every single book she could get her hands on about Patty Hearst. This wasn’t Stockholm syndrome. This was just two people thrown into a strange situation.

  No matter his methods, Lucian cared about her in his own way. It was why he let her go.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t always see things in a logical manner. As long as the vampires were still a problem, he would let her be. But the second the threat was neutralized, he’d come for her.

  And she could never let that happen.

  “Are you thinking about him again?” asked Charlie.

  Ella frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You know exactly who I’m talking about. I know you still think about him. It’s pretty obvious.”

  Darn it. She thought she was better at hiding her emotions by now. A kickass ninja in training shouldn’t be so easy to read!

  “Just tell me one thing,” he said.

  “What?” Please don’t let it be something I have to lie about.

  “Is he the reason you wanted to learn self-defense so bad?”

  Ella took a deep breath as she considered the answer. “My ex was, um, he, well—” She took another breath. “He was dangerous. Not to me necessarily, but his entire lifestyle was violent and scary and whenever I was with him, I felt so out of control.

  “I just never want to feel that way again.”

  Charlie nodded. “I understand that.” She highly doubted he did, but didn’t say it out loud. “If you ever want me to have his ass kicked, you just give me a name. I know people.”

  Ella snorted. Charlie did know people. Dangerous people she’d never want to come across in a dark alley. That being said, Lucian played in a completely different league.

  “Thanks for the offer. I’ll let you know if I’m ever in the mood to issue a hit,” she said with a sardonic grin. “In the meantime, it’s late and I need to pick up dinner.”

  Charlie walked her out of the fitness studio, past the cardio equipment and to the door, politely holding it open as she stepped out into the Southern November air. “It’s not
too busy here. We can walk to the sub shop together.”

  Way too close to a date. “I really have to get home and I have my car with me. I’ll see you Wednesday?”

  He nodded with a smile, showing no sign of rejection. “See you then. Tell Clara and Reno I said hi.”

  “Will do.” She walked to her car as quickly as possible without running. She sat down and banged her head against the steering wheel.

  Why was he pushing this now? They had such a good thing and she’d been so careful not to give any signs of interest!

  Well, she had straddled him a few times, but they were training! Physical contact didn’t count as flirting when you were learning how to kill someone!

  Shaking her head, she turned the key in the ignition.

  Five minutes later, she walked into the sub shop between the gym and her house and cursed at the long line. It was already dark out and she hadn’t even gotten dinner. Sometimes she felt selfish for all the time she spent at the gym, but she would remind herself it was for the best.

  The world was filled with super-fast and super-strong monsters. She might never be at their level, but she had to be in tip-top shape if she wanted to have a chance in hell of staying alive.

  Chances were she would never even see, or recognize, another vampire, myotis, werewolf, or anything else Lucian had mentioned. That didn’t mean she couldn’t be prepared.

  As though fate was reading her mind, the door swung open as a new customer walked in. Ella glanced over her shoulder and whipped her head back to face the counter. Her breaths sped up as her heart beat harder in her chest.

  Calm down! He can hear your heartbeat! The man filled up the entire doorway, which said a lot considering he didn’t have any hair to make him appear taller.

  Just a bald head and intricate tattoos.

  His footsteps got closer as he walked farther into the shop. Her body vibrated with the urge to turn around. Having her back to something so dangerous went against everything she’d learned in the past two years of self-defense, but she pushed down her nerves.


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