Possess Me: A Billionaire Romance (Intensity Book 1)

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Possess Me: A Billionaire Romance (Intensity Book 1) Page 18

by TN King

  They hadn’t been Morgan though. Good looking, charming, and so exquisitely crafted beneath his fitted suits. He brought out all sorts of things in her, and she wanted to be able to blame him for that as well. She wasn’t going to come around to thinking that this was her fault though. She may have made mistakes, but they weren’t the one that he had made this morning, and that was what she needed to remember.

  “Ellie, I care about you. I’m here now because I realized that there’s something missing from my life. That something is you, and I don’t want to be away from you.” He persuaded, staring at her with all the sincerity in the world bleeding across his features.

  She shook her head though. As much as she wanted to believe him, to accept what he said as true and honest, she knew that it could still be just an infatuation for him. He just wanted more of the explosive sex they had the night before. She had been impulsive, sure. So maybe he wasn’t completely to blame for the other night. Seducing her or not, it had been her choice. He had made the decision to pull what he had this morning though… But he was apologizing. She turned back to him, instantly being met by his smoldering grey gaze.

  Goddamn those eyes!

  Her heartbeat escalated, pounding within her breast hard enough to feel like it was bruising the inside of her ribs. She didn’t want to speak, she didn’t want to breathe even. Her heart hurt and she didn’t even know how to comprehend or make sense of any of it, looking at him and her tears building up along the water line of her eyes. “You hurt me,” she blurted out, her voice small and lifeless- each word whispered out in tiny, breathless gusts. She hadn’t wanted to admit it, but there was no getting around it, words pushed out of her throat and into the air even as unwillingly as it had been.

  The sharpness to his features softened, the molten grey of his eyes melting even further as he gazed at her. “I know,” he said softly, his features pulling into a slight grimace. He shifted again, shoulders rolling. “I will kick myself in the ass forever for having caused you even a second of hurt,” he promised her, sincerity leaking from his every word. “But I’m here now. That has to count for something.” He pushed, his body leaning forward towards her imploringly.

  It did count for something, she knew, she just wasn’t sure what it counted for in the long run. “I just don’t know,” she muttered, this time not jerking her hand back from him and instead just sitting. “What happens now?” she finally asked, her voice no more than a soft whisper. Where did they go from here? Was there even anywhere for them to go in the first place? Should they even try that?

  Morgan brought her hand up to his lips and placed a soft, lingering kiss to her skin. “You forgive me.” He said simply, holding her gaze with his own and brushing his lips one last time softly over her knuckles.

  She drew in a breath and the feel of his warm lips on her skin again, her belly alighting instantly with that same fire it seemed that only he could inspire. He definitely had a way with words, or maybe that was just her weakness… that voice… that smile, and those eyes. Nevermind that body he hid under those suits. He was her weakness, simply put and now… she was doomed. She almost regretted him showing up here, promising her with all of his apologies. She knew now, she could end up even worse off later…when he did finally get enough of her and decide to walk away for good.

  She was too invested, too interested in him. Either way, she knew she couldn’t pretend to hold a grudge forever. Especially, when she had already all but forgiven him. It had been too easy to win her over, she knew, but he had done it simply with his gaze and sincerity. She stared at him, weighing it in her mind- all of those warring factions clashing against one another. After another few moments, she nodded, slowly accepting it. “Okay.” She forgave him. Totally and completely.

  Morgan leaned closer, hooking her chair with his ankle and pulling it to him, dragging her and the chair both to him until he could instead grab her. His hands were hot and heavy, curling around her forearms and pulling her off of the chair entirely and into his lap, both arms coming up to wrap around her and pull her all the closer. Ellie put an arm around him and a hand on his chest, fingers digging into the fabric beneath them. He didn’t pause, raising her chin up gently, and claiming her mouth in a searing kiss.

  The kiss was deep and tender, lips brushing over hers hotly and sealing his words to her. A physical conformation of all of the promises he had already given her. His tongue was even more gentle, yet demanding, deepening the kiss. It was suddenly a storming, a branding, as if he wanted to own her mouth and sought to do so right then and there. Her back arched into the kiss, a shiver breaking down her spine at the feelings that his touch awoke in her. Her lips opened back under his, tongue tracing the edge of his, her breath driven entirely from her. Her whole body seemed to shake, Morgan finally pulling his mouth from hers and leaning back.

  When he finally pulled the rest of the way back, it was with a large smile. The kind that heated her down to her very toes. Then he took a look around the empty diner, eyebrows lifting by the time that his gaze swung back to her. “So…” he began slowly, his voice warm and low. “Are we the only ones here?”

  Ellie giggled, just barely containing that snort as she dug a ring of keys out of her pocket- dangling them in front of Morgan and jangling them up and down suggestively. “I have to lock up tonight,” she informed him with a grin. Something she had been dreading, but was now extremely grateful for. She would have to remember to thank Joanna for her meddling ways when she got the chance.

  Morgan’s smile shifted, eyebrows lifting again as he glanced down at his wristwatch. “It’s ten ‘til,” he said instead, looking back up to her mischievously. “Joanna wouldn’t mind if we locked up a little early, would she?”

  Ellie laughed again and shook her head. Not if she explained why, no. She would probably encourage her to do just that, but Ellie didn’t bother explaining any of that, just shrugging again. “We just won’t tell her,” she said with a laugh, her hands scrunching into the front of his shirt.

  Ellie had to work the breakfast shift in the morning at the diner, something that she had conveniently forgotten while in Morgan’s embrace. She really should have thought about it, at least after they left the diner finally, but she hadn’t. Morgan hadn’t even dropped her back off at her apartment until nearly 3 a.m. that morning. They’d strolled through the parks talking, discussing anything and everything that came to their minds and then some. They’d even walked around looking in shop windows and talking about what there was within them. That was it. Talking and walking, and on the one hand Ellie was glad that he hadn’t tried seducing her. Yet on the other hand, she was disappointed by it. She still wanted him something fierce, and she damn well knew that he wanted her too… but they had been forging another part of their relationship that had been earlier ignored.

  Sometime after the shops, they both decided they were starving as well, the both of them walking to the nearest waffle house for an early, early breakfast that they had also talked around. But now it was 6 a.m. and she was rushing to get to work on time. Last night had been lovely, just as lovely as their first night together, just in a completely different way.

  And she found, she really did like Morgan. More than just a little bit, she knew that she was developing very real feeling for him, and not just the kinds that revolved around sex. Although, those feelings certainly helped strengthen her desire for him. Was that wrong? She didn’t think so. Sex was important, she felt sure of that. Except that this time, she had determined she would not just jump right back into bed with him. Not until she felt positive this time that he hadn’t been talking out of his ass at the diner just to get her to do so.

  They were all a ton of thoughts for her to process while showering and rushing through her routine before work. Thoughts that wouldn’t stop plaguing her, even while getting dressed and drying her hair. She just needed to focus, she hadn’t slept, she was exhausted and clearly, she was thinking in circles. She’d agreed to forgive him and
to give him another chance. Which meant letting go of the past and moving forward. The chance of him leaving would be prominent no matter who he was or where he came from. It was part of relationships. You’d never gain anything at all if you didn’t try.

  She was still tussling her hair, tightening her ponytail atop her head when she exited the bathroom, only for her whole body to jerk- hands falling instinctively from in front of her and a loud, short scream bursting out of her lips. “What the hell?” she finally yelled when she had regained enough of herself to do so, her pounding heart jumping up through the column of her throat.

  Morgan stood with his hips resting against her kitchen countertop, a freshly brewed cup of coffee in one hand- and a loud chuckle out of his mouth as he turned to greet her. “You should really update your security system here,” he informed her blithely, shaking his head as if it was something she could easily control or not control herself. “I had no problem just… letting myself in.”

  Ellie’s eyes closed, her head shaking as she fought to regain control of her pounding heartbeat. “How did you even figure out which apartment was mine?” she asked incredulously. She knew he’d seen her home, knew that his driver had brought her home even, but through none of that would he have been able to just find out her apartment number. It wasn’t like she needed to give it to him on either occasion in order for her to make it back home.

  Morgan laughed again, clearly amused even as he shook his head. He crossed one arm over the other and shrugged, keeping her in suspense for as long as he could before finally owning up to it. “That was easy darling,” he told her in a faux serious voice. “I just looked up your Facebook page. You know there are some things you really shouldn’t put online, sweetness,” he told her, looking at her from under lowered brows. “Like your address,” he informed her, one eyebrow lifting suggestively. “I’m thankful you did though, another impulsive decision you made that has benefited me- even if it was one made long ago that you’ve since forgotten, I assume.” He smirked, taking a sip from his mug and leaning back further into the counter where he stood.

  “Well…” she started defensively, only to sigh and close her eyes as she let it go. He had a point. Again. No matter how much she didn’t like it. “What are you doing here?” she finally asked, all the defense leached from her voice and just confusion left in its place. “I have to be at work to open in a little while,” she confessed, trying not to confuse himself or her in the process of waiting.

  “Yes,” he said, suddenly serious as he sat his cup down on the counter and turned again to approach Ellie. “That’s why I’m here,” he confessed, approaching her and both of his palms warming either side of her face.

  “What?” she questioned dazedly, her head fogging from his proximity alone.

  His lips descended upon hers, a soft and warm greeting before leading her gently over to her second-hand couch to sit. Presumably to talk, but it was unclear as to what, or why it had to do with her job. She was intrigued enough to follow him though, taking the seat next to him as he offered and looking to him somewhat impatiently.

  His lips twitched, his hand lifting to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear gently. “I wasn’t kidding about what I said last night concerning you being what was missing in my life,” he confessed, looking to her as if to ensure that every word was absorbed. “I am crazy about you. Unbelievably so.”

  She could feel her face flush, the blush heating her cheekbones warmly. “I’m crazy about you, too,” she admitted, her smile breaking through.

  “That’s good,” he said with another smile, nodding. “It wouldn’t be very good for me if you weren’t.” He hesitated again, and then readjusted, his hand dipping into one pocket. “I had a plan B before going to see you last night, just in case my apology wasn’t enough,” he admitted somewhat sheepishly. “Here.” He pulled a set of keys out from his pocket and handed them to her, his grin breaking across his entire face.

  “What’s this?” she asked in confusion, staring at the keys now in her hand as if expecting them to up and do something.

  “It’s your new car,” he announced, obviously pleased.

  Ellie’s eyes widened, she wanted to join him in the same level of excitement—but he couldn’t be serious? “That’s nice, but not necessary. I can’t afford the upkeep on a new car,” she said shaking her head and handing the keys back to Morgan. Who just gave away new cars as apologies? Once again, their income gap was staring her in the face.

  Morgan pushed them back into her hands, closing her fingers around them decisively. “The car’s paid for and already licensed and insured. All you have to do is put gas in it, okay? And if you need money for that, I’ll cover that too.” He spoke so assuredly, as if it were really all that easy.

  “But, I don’t understand. What do I need a car for?” she questioned. And what made him think that he should just go out and by one for her? Judging by the set of keys it was no second-rate used junker that she would have bought herself if she could ever save up enough money.

  Morgan took her one hand in the both of his, looking deep into her eyes as if trying to convince her of something. She just was still at a loss for what. She’d already accepted his apology, they were already moving on with one another. So what did she need the car for?

  “Ellie,” he said seriously, his thumb brushing over her knuckles soothingly. “You work so hard and I see that,” he explained, his voice urging her to listen. “Anyone with eyes could see that sweetness. But I am in the position to help you obtain them, so please let me.”

  She swallowed hard. Put one way it sounded like a charity case, another and it sounded like she was some kind of kept woman… and she didn’t know which way to take it. She just knew she was tired of arguing, tired of fighting tooth and nail for every little things, and if he was offering out of the kindness of his heart as he had with the diner… wasn’t it up to her to accept it? “Okay,” she agreed slowly.

  “You know, Hunt Industries offers college scholarships to hardworking individuals like you. I want you to accept my offer to fund your college education with the condition that, after you graduate, you come work for me for four years. How does that sound?”

  Ellie’s jaw dropped. She needed to look at this in the right light. Impulsive remember? “I’m unsure about all of this, Morgan. I have to get to work. Can we discuss this later?”

  Morgan chuckled. “No, you don’t, Ellie,” he said. “I’ve already spoken to Joanna. Since you will be attending college full time, you won’t have time to work and keep up with your studies, so, I’ve arranged for you to take a temporary leave of absence from the diner.” He informed her, looking like the cat that ate the canary.

  Her heartbeat pounded, but this time it wasn’t from excitement or lust… it was from irritation, her eyes narrowing and her body shooting up from where she had been sitting beside him. “Morgan!” she yelled. “I have bills to pay! Things to see to! You can’t just up and decide things like that and leave me unemployed!” Indignation soared, her eyes narrowing at him

  He stood up from the couch as well, stopping just in front of her and holding his hands out as if to calm her. “Shhh. Calm down.” His hands going to either side of her arms. “Do you really think I would do that to you?” he asked, incredulity lacing his tone.

  “Do you expect me to just rely on you for everything?” She asked, her voice rising in both pitch and volume. That sounded all kinds of wonderful and amazing- and it also sounded horrifying. Like it was too good to be true. Like he himself sounded too good to be true.

  “Look, you’re not relying on me for anything, okay?” He assured her, shaking his head as if that alone was supposed to convince her. “You will still be working hard. I’ll make sure of that, and I’m only helping you attain your full potential—in everything,” he said and gave her a mischievous smile, trying to deflect from the conversation at hand. Indecent man.

  Ellie picked up on his innuendo too, her blush arcing down her neck hea
tedly, which she ignored. Painfully, but she ignored it. She couldn’t just give in just because he got her all flustered, that was how she’d ended up all dumb in the first place last time. “Morgan,” she tried a different tactic, attempting to reason with him instead. “Where the hell am I supposed to keep a car at in this dump? It’ll be stripped and sold for parts overnight,” she explained, waving her hands about emotionally.

  “So that brings me to part two of Plan B,” Morgan stated, lifting a forefinger to stay her next bout of argument. His hand dropped back into his pocket, pulling out yet another small set of keys to hand to her. “Here’s the keys to your new apartment… just off of campus,” he continued, as if it were no more of a gift than a bouquet of flowers he was handing off to her.

  “Uhh.” She couldn’t breathe again, staring at him for too long of a beat, her whole heart lurching within her chest. Another set of keys. Her stomach twisted, a war of emotions fighting within her. What were these supposed to be? A bribe? Keys to her heart? To her soul? Suddenly, she felt the oddest mixture feelings. Terror and joy? This was insane! It didn’t even make sense. She just couldn’t wrap her head around it. “Just off what campus?” she asked brokenly- the only sentence she could work up past that sudden, violent obstruction in the back of her throat.

  “Oh, yes,” Morgan said excitedly, his grin stretching even wider. “I got you in at the University of Pennsylvania,” he explained, looking overly pleased with himself. “I looked up your old high school grades and ACT scores. You’re actually pretty smart, you know, not that I was surprised to find that out. You’ve just been dealt a shitty hand, I don’t know why you didn’t decide to go to college after graduating high school…” he trailed off, looking slightly confused himself.


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