Roping Ryan (The West Series Book 6)

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Roping Ryan (The West Series Book 6) Page 13

by Jill Sanders

  By the time he finally got to talk to Nikki, they were all back at Saddleback Ranch, and he’d changed out of his tux and into something more comfortable. Nikki still wore the cream-colored dress that clung to her sexy curves.

  He’d been looking forward to talking to her, but she’d been busy helping the women set everything up.

  Seeing his opportunity, he grabbed her hand and started pulling her towards the side of the house.

  “Ryan.” She tried to tug free and laughed. “There’s still so much for me to do.”

  “It can wait.” He stopped around the corner of the house and pulled her close to kiss her. “I want a moment.”

  She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. “I suppose I can give you a moment.” She leaned up and kissed him again.

  He took a few steps back and put her shoulders up against the house. She felt so good in his arms.

  “I was doing some thinking.” He pulled back as he ran his hands over her sides.

  “Hmmm?” She leaned her forehead against his.

  “About our future.” He pulled back far enough to look her in the eyes.

  “And?” She smiled and rubbed her hands over his hair.

  “About kids.”

  “Kids?” She frowned and he could see she wasn’t following him.

  “I know this isn’t the right place.” He looked around and frowned. “It’s probably the wrong time.” He stepped away and ran his hands through his hair. What was wrong with him. This wasn’t romantic, but he knew he wanted to get it all out in the open. Turning, he looked at her again. She was smiling and leaning against the house.

  “Ryan West, are you trying to propose to me?”

  He nodded his head and felt like cussing.

  “Well, then.” She motioned for him to continue.

  He sighed. “You aren’t going to let me live this one down, are you?”

  She shook her head and chuckled.

  At least he could do one thing right. Getting down on one knee, he reached out for her hand.

  “Nikki Dawson, you’re the only woman who I want to be with. The one I love more than life itself. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” she said simply, and then she pulled him up and kissed him again.

  They heard clapping and when they pulled apart, his entire family stood at the corner of the house, smiling at them.

  “Can’t we get any privacy around here?” he asked as he shook his brother’s hand and everyone else walked over and started hugging them.

  “Not at Saddleback. If you want privacy, get your own ranch.” Haley smiled and hugged Nikki.

  “I might just have to do that.” Ryan said, pulling Nikki into his arms again and kissing her right there in front of their family.

  Loving Lauren - Preview


  Hot wind whirled around Lauren’s skirt, causing it to fly up. She laughed as she twirled around. Stopping for a second to catch her breath, she looked over at her sisters, Alex and Haley. Alex’s bright blonde head was pointed downward as she sat in the dirt, happily making a mud pie. Haley’s dark curly hair lay in the grass as she watched the clouds rush by.

  Lauren looked up at the sky and noticed that the clouds were going by very quickly. Frowning a little, she decided that dancing some more while keeping her eyes glued to the sky might be fun. She twirled while watching everything rush by her, almost causing her to tumble over and fall.

  Dancing in the fields was one of her greatest joys. Even though she had to babysit her younger sisters today, she didn’t mind. For the most part, her sisters could entertain themselves. Lauren still had to carry Haley sometimes when her short legs got tired. She supposed that being four was tiring, though she couldn’t remember ever being four. She thought she must have slept through her life until she turned five, when her first memories happened. Haley was always asleep, or lying down, like now. But Lauren was eight and she had enough energy to shake the roof off the barn, or so her Daddy always said.

  The breeze moved the tall grass around them, making the field look as if it were dancing with her. She stopped to bow to her make-believe dance partner, a move she’d seen late one night when she had sneaked to the edge of the stairs. Her parents had been watching an old black-and-white movie, and she could make out the screen if she tilted her head just right. The woman in the long white dress had bowed slowly while smiling at a tall gentlemen in a black suit and tie. They’d looked so wonderful. From that moment on, Lauren had wanted to dance. Every chance she had, she’d moved around like she’d watched the couple do, wishing her dress was longer so it would flow like the lady’s had.

  Taking a break, she looked off towards the house. The large three-story stone place sat like a beacon in the yellow fields. Its bright white pillars gleamed in the sunlight, at least when the clouds weren’t shadowing the land. It was the only home she’d ever known. Her dad’s dad had built the place a long, long time ago. Probably a zillion years ago. The outside looked new, and her dad did everything he could to keep the inside looking new, too. But Lauren knew some of the floorboards creaked when you walked on them. And the water only stayed hot long enough for her and her sisters to share a bath at night. But worst of all, she had blue carpet in her bedroom. Lauren hated blue. She’d begged her dad for new carpet, yellow preferably. Her dad told her it was blue because it used to be his room, and that it would have to stay blue until they could afford new carpet. Her room was perfect, except for the blue carpet. It was like a big wart on her room. Not that she’d ever gotten warts. Jenny Stevens had a wart once on her finger and she had to wear a My Little Pony Band-Aid over it. But during recess, Jenny had pulled the Band-Aid off and shown Lauren her wart. It was gross, all wet and puffy. So Lauren thought of her blue carpet as a wart on the face of her bedroom.

  Looking at the house, she knew her mama was back in the kitchen making a feast for the church potluck tomorrow. Everyone was going to be there, even Dale Bennett. She didn’t like Dale; he always pulled her hair and pushed her into the dirt, even when she was wearing her new church dress.

  Her mama was the best cook in the county. Or so her daddy always said.

  Hearing a loud noise, she looked off towards the dark clouds that were forming over the hills. Her daddy was somewhere up in the hills, gathering the cows. She didn’t know why they had to move the cows around all the time. It was still a mystery to her why they couldn’t just stay here in the fields. There was plenty of tall grass to eat right here, close to the house. Another loud sound came from the hills. At first, Lauren thought it was a gunshot. She’d heard a lot of those growing up on the huge ranch, but then she turned her head a little and heard her mother screaming for them.

  “Girls! Run, come quick!” Her mother stood in the front door, her apron flowing in the wind as her hands motioned for them to come to her.

  “Come on. Mama wants us to run,” Lauren told her sisters.

  Alex stood and dusted off her hands and started skipping towards the house. Haley on the other hand didn’t move.

  “Come on, Haley, Mama wants us to run home.” Another loud noise came from behind her and when she looked, the sky had turned black. Fear shot through her like a bolt of lightning. Without saying a word, Lauren grabbed up her baby sister and started running. Since her legs were longer than Alexis’, she made it to her skipping sister and screamed for her to run faster. Halfway to the house, Lauren had to set Haley down. Her little sister had gained a few pounds and was too heavy for her to carry the entire way. Their mother wasn’t in the doorway when they got there; instead, she was standing in the hallway.

  “Quick, we have to get to the shelter.” Her mother picked up Haley and started running towards the back door.

  “Mama, Bear!” Haley screamed. “I want Bear!”

  Their old deaf dog was lying by the fireplace, where he always stayed, taking a nap.

  “Fine.” Their mother set Haley down next to her and looked Lauren in the eyes. Lauren could hear the wind rushin
g through the house. The sound was so loud that Haley covered her ears and started to cry. “Lauren, I want you to make sure you get your sisters into the shelter, like I taught you. Can you do that?”

  Lauren remembered the drills Mama and Papa had put her through. Nodding her head, she grabbed her sisters’ hands. “Yes, Mama.”

  “Good. Now run,” her mother yelled over the noise, then she took off down the hallway to grab the dog as Lauren turned and started running, dragging her sisters behind her. When they got to the kitchen, Alex stopped. She pulled her hand out of Lauren’s and started grabbing cookies that their mother had been baking.

  “No, Alex, we have to go now.” Lauren dropped Haley’s hand and grabbed Alex by the shoulders, causing her to drop all the cookies.

  “No, I’m gonna tell Mama.” Alex started crying. Here in the back of the house the noise was even louder. She could see grass and leaves fly by the windows when she looked out.

  “We have to get to the shelter, or Mama is going tell Daddy.” That stopped her sister from picking up the dropped cookies. Lauren grabbed her hand and turned back to get Haley, but Haley was gone. Just then their mother came into the kitchen carrying the old dog.

  “Where’s Haley?” she screamed, as she held the old dog in her arms.

  “I don’t know. She was just here. Then Alex—”

  “Here, we don’t have time for stories now. Take Bear and Alex and get to the shelter. Run girls, run!” Her mother pushed Bear into her arms. The dog looked small in her mother’s arms, but in hers, he was heavy. She had to shift his fat body to make sure she didn’t drop him. Alex ran to the back door and opened it. Hearing her mother’s urgent tone, she must have understood that something bad was happening.

  The girls rushed across the backyard through the high wind and the heavy rain that was falling. When they reached the storm shelter, Lauren had to set Bear down to open the big door. Alex grabbed Bear’s collar, making sure he didn’t run away as Lauren pushed the door open. Then Alex pulled Bear down the stairs as Lauren looked back towards the house. She could see a light go on in her sister’s bedroom, and then her mother’s shadow crossed the window. Her mother bent down, and when she stood back up, Lauren could see that Haley was in her arms. She felt relieved until she looked up.

  “Run, Mama!” Lauren screamed. The dark clouds circled above the house, and Lauren’s little body froze to the spot outside the shelter. It seemed like hours later when her mother finally appeared at the back door holding Haley. Her sister’s head was buried in her mother’s apron.

  “Get inside!” her mother screamed halfway across the backyard.

  Lauren’s feet became unglued and she rushed to the bottom of the stairs. Turning, she waited for her mother to reach the shelter door. She watched as her mother’s dress flew sideways in the high winds. Haley was holding onto her apron tightly.

  Then everything slowed down in Lauren’s mind. Her mother, a few steps from the doorway, looked up quickly, then turned her head and looked right at her. Lifting Haley high, she threw her into the open doorway. Haley fell down the stairs, and her little body hit Lauren’s with enough force that it knocked them down. Haley’s body shook as she cried, still clutching a piece of their mother’s apron, which had been ripped from her shoulders. Lauren quickly got up and stood on the floor of the shelter, looking up into the doorway. She watched in terror as the ferocious winds ripped her mother from the doorway and swept her into the darkness.

  Chapter One

  Ten years later…

  Lauren looked down at the grave as a tear slipped down her nose. It was a week before her nineteenth birthday, and she watched as her father’s closest friends lowered his casket into the ground. She heard her sisters crying beside her and blindly reached over and took both of their hands. It had been two days since she’d found her father lying on his bedroom floor. She’d done everything she’d known to try and save him, but she’d been too late. She’d do anything to go back and somehow get to the house earlier that sunny day.

  Closing her eyes, she could remember her father’s face, his kindness, the way he moved and smelled, and the way he talked. Everything about the man had told his daughters that he loved them, that he’d do anything for them. They’d lost their mother ten years ago; their father had picked up the pieces and raised three girls on his own. They had all missed their mother, but thanks to their father, they had grown up knowing that they were loved. They had never gone to bed hungry, dirty, or without a bedtime story.

  If the food had been a little burnt or a little odd tasting, the girls never complained. Even when Alex’s costume for the school play had turned out looking more like a green leaf than a tree, she hadn’t complained. When Lauren had finally hit the age to legally drive, she’d taken it upon herself to drive her sisters to and from school and any after-school functions they’d been involved in, even if it meant forgoing her own social life.

  The guilt had always played in the back of her mind. If I had just watched Haley better. If I had just kept holding her hand, Mama would be here today.

  The school had offered the girls counseling, but Lauren had just told the older woman who had been assigned to counsel her what she’d wanted to hear. Not once did she hint that it was her fault that their mother was gone. Not once did she confide in anyone that she was to blame.

  When her father was in the ground, she closed her eyes and lifted her face to the sky. The spring Texas air felt wonderful. She knew that in a little over a month, the breeze would be hot enough to steam the tears that were falling down her face. The cool wind would stop and be replaced by stillness and heat. But for now, she enjoyed the smell of the grass growing, the flowers blooming, and the sight of the cherry trees that were planted around the small cemetery. Her father had always loved the spring. He’d been looking forward to helping her plant a new flower garden near the back of the house.

  Now who was she going to plant flowers with? She opened her eyes and looked at Alexis. Her blonde hair was tied up in a simple bun at the base of her neck. Her black skirt and gray shirt were in complete contrast to her sister’s normal attire. Even though Alex had just turned sixteen, her wild side had been on the loose for the last two years. So much so that it had started eating up a lot of Lauren’s and their father’s time.

  “Your sister is going to be the death of me. Mark my words, Lauren. Someday you’re going to walk in and she’ll be standing over my cold body, complaining about the fact that she can’t have a pair of hundred-dollar jeans.”

  In fact, Alex hadn’t been home that day. She’d stayed the night at a friend’s house that entire weekend.

  Lauren looked over at Haley. She was too young to remember their mother. And even though they’d never talked about it, she knew her sister was a little jealous of the fact that Lauren and Alex could both remember her.

  As the minister, a longtime family friend, was saying his closing, Lauren looked down at her father’s final resting place. What was she going to do now? How were they going to live without him?

  Her shoulders sank a little as she walked forward and tossed a white rose into the hole, onto her father’s casket. When she turned and stepped away, she looked off to the distance. West of here was Saddleback Ranch, their home for her entire life. It had been handed down for three generations now.

  Straightening her shoulders and looking off to the distance, she knew in her heart that she’d do anything—anything—to keep it. To keep her and her sisters together. On their land. Like her father and mother would have wanted her to do.

  After shaking the hands of and hugging almost everyone in the three-thousand-person-strong community, she stood outside her truck talking briefly with Grant Holton Sr., her father’s lawyer and one of his best friends. Mr. Holton was tall and very broad chested. She’d heard once that he and her father had played football together.

  She looked over as Dr. Graham and his son, Chase, walked up to them. Dr. Graham had been the ranch’s veterinarian. Every a
nimal on her land was healthy thanks to the older man who walked forward and shook her hand with a firm grip. Chase had been a year ahead of her in school. They’d grown up together and had even gone to a couple dances together in high school and had shared a few stolen kisses behind the bleachers. But then he’d graduated and she’d seen less and less of him.

  Chase was tall like his father. It looked like he’d tried to grease back his bushy mass of black hair for the ceremony. She’d always loved pushing her hands into his thick hair. His dark brown eyes stared at her with sincere concern and grief, much like his father’s did now.

  “Lauren.” Dr. Graham shook her hand, then Mr. Holton’s.

  Mr. Holton nodded and turned towards her. “I know this isn’t the time to think about your future or the ranch’s future, but maybe we can meet tomorrow. Just the three of us. There are a few details I need to go over with you.”

  At that moment, realization hit her—she was the head of the house. She was now in charge of a thousand-acre ranch. In charge of her sisters. In charge of the cattle, the horses, everything. She must have paled a little because Chase stepped forward and took her elbow. “Are you okay?” he whispered.

  She wanted to shove his arm away and scream, “No! I’m not okay, you idiot. Everything is ruined! I have no family left.” But instead, she nodded and swayed a little, causing him to move his other arm around her waist. “Dad,” Chase said, looking towards his father.

  “Quite right, we apologize.” The older man cleared his throat, looking towards his friend.

  “No.” Lauren blinked. If she wanted to keep the three of them on her family’s land, she would just have to step up a little more. Remember, she told herself, keep your sisters together and do whatever it takes to stay on your family’s land. “If you want, I’m heading back to the house now. We can meet in say”—she looked at her watch as Chase dropped his arm—“an hour?”


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