Bad Boys of BDSM Omnibus No. 1

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Bad Boys of BDSM Omnibus No. 1 Page 2

by Anita Lawless, Leigh Foxlee, C. J. Sneere

  I laugh at his bad pick up line. “Of course you can.” So much for sleep. If Andre’s coming home with me, we won’t be catching any zzz’s for a few hours.


  Chapter 3

  I barely shut the door before Andre grabs me and kisses me. His tongue glides in my mouth, twining with mine. His teeth tug at my lower lip as I sigh into his kiss. We stumble toward the couch, still kissing and tearing off clothes as we go. By the time we fall back onto its cushions, we’re both naked. Cool air skims over my wet sex, making it tingle even more.

  I push him down on the cushions and kneel between his legs. While watching his face, I grip his cock and slowly pump my hand up and down, up and down. His eyes narrow from lust and he smiles. My lips press into his scrotum and I lave this thin skin with my tongue. He moans and his balls tighten as his penis grows harder. My tongue trails to his perineum and I tease this tiny flap of skin until he groans and thrusts into my coiled hand. I suck it deep into my mouth, which drives him mad with desire.

  Then I lick the length of his shaft before I lap pre-cum from his hole. His eyes flutter closed and his head falls back on his shoulders until it rests on top of a couch cushion. I taste beneath his glans with my hand still gripping the base of his cock.

  He begs for my mouth and I wrap my lips around the head of his penis, lowering my head until his glans brushes the back of my throat. I suck him hard and swallow, eliciting a long growl of pleasure from him. Then I pump my lips up and down fast, and he tells me my mouth is heaven. While I blow him, I squeeze and fondle his sac with one hand.

  “I want to taste you,” he says in a ragged voice. “My turn.” He wraps his big hands around my arms and yanks me up onto the couch. Then he kneels in front of me.

  He positions himself between my legs and lowers his mouth to my inner thighs. White teeth nip their way up my tender flesh. A pink tongue flits out and traces around my sex, but he denies my clit these same wet, warm strokes. I moan and try to push my throbbing pussy closer to his face. He simply chuckles and restrains my hips, licking and biting his way down my other inner thigh then kissing behind my knees.

  Finally his tongue presses into that sweet spot, and he grinds the wet muscle into this swelling nub, making me arch my back and groan. My pussy grows wetter and I beg him to slide a finger inside of me.

  He suckles my clit, making it pulse with explosive delight as one finger thrusts in and out of me. My eyes flutter shut as I soar closer to the edge of an intense climax.

  But the sound of my squeaky apartment door opening, followed by footsteps, interrupts my almost orgasm and makes my skin prickle with fear. Who the hell is in my place, and how dare they wreck my getting off.

  “Andre,” I whisper, as his tongue flicks over my clit again. “There’s someone in here.”

  He raises his head, looking dreamy-eyed. “Huh?”

  “Someone’s in the apartment with us.” The tiny hairs on the back of my neck raise up.

  “What a fucking time for an intruder,” he growls. “Are you sure?” He stays between my legs as we both look toward the shadowed hallway.

  A figure flits across the slice of light spilling in from my bedroom window.

  My heart pounds against my ribs as I look back at Andre. “Yeah, kinda.”

  He motions for me to stay where I am and gets up, grabbing his pants off the floor as he does. I whisper I’m not letting him go alone, but neither of us get a chance to investigate before the intruder appears in the entrance of the hallway.

  “Hey, sorry I messed up your … thing.” Noah’s voice is low and ragged. He sounds angry and hurt, and guilt twinges through me.

  “How did you get in?” I ask, grabbing my tank top from the floor and pulling it on. “And what’re you doing here?”

  “I still have a key. You know, from when you and I lived together.” His voice is laced with bitterness, and more guilt twinges through me, even though I’ve technically done nothing wrong.

  “What do you want?” Andre moves closer to him, until I grab his wrist and hold him back. A pleading look from me helps to stop him.

  “I left some stuff here. In the bedroom. I’ll only be a minute.”

  Andre lunges forward again. “You can come back tomorrow and get it. We’re busy right now.”

  Noah steps into the low light of my living area. His hazel eyes seem to flame yellow with anger. “Yeah I can see that. I’ll only be a minute.”

  He turns away and Andre stomps after him. “ I said you can come back tomorrow.” He grabs Noah’s shoulder and yanks him around.

  Noah raises a fist just as I reach them. I press my hands to their chests and he lowers it, glaring at me as he does so.

  “Please, don’t do this.” I glance between them. To Noah, I say, “You don’t want to break your best friend’s face.” To Andre, “And you don’t want to break your fingers. If you can’t play Night Glamour next weekend, not only will Regina and Rita kill you, I’ll kill you.”

  Noah touches my arm and frowns. “Night Glamour? You’re playing that place?”

  Beaming, I look at him. “Yeah, Regina booked us a gig for next weekend. Isn’t that great?”

  He doesn’t appear impressed. “It’s not a good venue for you. I think you should turn it down.”

  Almost in unison, Andre and I say, “Are you kidding?”

  Noah huffs an angry breath. “I know people who know people inside Night Glamour. Stuff goes on inside that club … You have no idea.”

  “We’ll take our chances,” Andre snaps, crossing his arms over his defined pecs and giving Noah a glare that says he wants him gone ten seconds ago.

  “Is that where your friends are?” I say to Noah, narrowing my eyes at him.

  “Those people are no friends of mine.” He turns from us and walks back down the murky hallway. “I’ll be by tomorrow for my stuff. And good luck with the Night Glamour gig, but I won’t come with you.”

  I stalk after him, grabbing his t-shirt to stop him. “You just got back and you’re bailing on us again?”

  He gives a low growl deep in his throat and scowls down at me. “It’s way more complicated than that, sweetie.”

  “Then tell us!” I shout, standing on my tiptoes to get in his face.

  He simply shrugs me off and turns away, muttering as he heads for the door. “Hope you and your man have a great time.”


  Friday night we arrive at the club and Regina shows us to a back entrance. As we walk from the van we’ve rented for tonight, I peer inside Night Glamour’s floor to ceiling windows. They remind me of watchful eyes tracking my every step. I see cube-shaped levels that pulse with blue light near a raised stage, a spiral staircase that looks to be made from wrought iron, and royal purple couches on one end. Round, black tables with silver chairs dot an area just off the dance floor.

  While our small road crew is setting up and the others choose a dressing room, I peek out at the crowd from the side of the stage. Attendance is thin right now, but there’s an hour to go before we start, and more people are pouring through the entrance. I decide to head backstage with the others, find a dressing room, and warm up my voice.

  There are only two dressing rooms, so I share Andre’s. He wraps his arms around my waist as I go over the song selection for tonight.

  “We should finish what we started last night.” His lips feather over my neck.

  “We already did.” I slap his hand and move away, plunking down into a folding chair. “Two times last night. Be good. I need to practice and you need to tune your guitar.”

  He frowns. “This isn’t because of Noah, is it?”

  My head snaps up. “Huh?”

  “You never turn down a before-show quickie.”

  I roll my eyes. “Sweetie, get a hold on your male insecurity, okay? This is about the show. Playing in Night Glamour is a big deal.”

  Andre moves closer and kneels next to my chair. “You two were high school sweethearts. He’s back. Hell yeah I
’m insecure.”

  Sighing, I put down my lyrics and stroke his cheek. “Let it go. You’ve got nothing to worry about, hon.” Then I dip my head to give him a deep kiss that I hope reassures him, because we don’t have time for this.

  It seems to work, and Andre picks up his guitar and starts plucking and tuning. Good, I think, as I go back to my songs. I’m glad my current boyfriend can’t read minds. If he could, he’d see my bluff. Noah’s return has stirred up more than I want Andre to know, and I’d be lying to myself if I didn’t admit I’m torn over who I want to be with. But I’ve got more on my mind than my love troubles. Right now I need my voice in prime condition so we can pull off a stellar concert.

  I tune up my bass after I rehearse some songs. Now that Andre has taken over lead, I play bass as well as sing. Andre used to play this for us before Noah disappeared, so I assumed both jobs in his absence. While I’m a decent multi-tasker, I didn’t want to screw up the more complex riffs, or my voice, when trying to balance playing and singing lead. Okay, so I’ve got to lick this underachiever streak in me. So what. Bass is easier to balance with singing.

  Rita comes in with Regina. “Ten minutes! Let’s get our asses out there and get in position.”

  We follow her out to the dimly lit stage and get ready. The crowd sounds like it has grown considerably from behind the closed black curtains. I start my internal mantra—keep calm—and get ready to rock the house. A switch inside my head flicks and I am confident and ready to go.

  The curtains part, revealing those pulsing cube levels and a crowd that is wedged tight into the club. They spill over the dance floor and line the bar. Colored lights strobe across this sea of faces as we begin our first song. Werewolves gyrate with vampires. A Frankenstein’s monster lumbers to the bar. There are giant trolls, mummies, and just about every monster that ever graced the late night creature features I used to watch with Mom. This place is rockin’! It’s like instant Halloween, and my mood soars as I rip into song number two.

  Just before we finish our first set, my focus is drawn to a man sitting near the left edge of the dance floor. Our eyes meet and his intense, icy blue gaze makes me uncomfortable. He’s older than most of the crowd in here. Hell, he could be my dad, easily, and I guess he’s about forty-five. A grey braid trails down the back of his khaki army coat and a grizzled beard lines his strong jaw.

  Backstage, as Rita and I fix our makeup before our second set, I ask her, “Did you see that guy sitting near the stage? Grey hair, army coat.”

  She gives a thoughtful frown. “Was he the one talking to that tall brunette that kept staring at us?”

  “I just saw him.” I shrug. “Big dude. He was giving me the creeps. Kept staring at me.”

  Rita shakes her foundation at me. “Yeah! That’s the one. The girl kept staring too. She was pointing at the stage, and I was like WTF?”

  I hate it when she speaks in acronyms.

  We discuss the guy and the girl as we head back toward the stage, but another surprise stops us. Noah is standing beside the stage entrance.

  Walking up to him, I say, “I thought you were skipping this gig?”

  He looks angry, frantic. Sweat beads his brow and his wide chest rises and falls deeply from heavy breaths. “We have to get out of here, now. Where’s Andre?”

  “He’s right behind—” Rita’s words become a scream as the lights go out.

  Just before they do, Regina steps into view and gapes at us. “Noah! How did you—?” A shriek and a growl cut off her question as darkness surrounds us.

  Something heavy and hairy slams into my shoulder, making pain slice through muscle. Stars explode behind my eyelids as my head hits the floor hard. Just before I lose consciousness, I hear the howl of a wolf.


  Chapter 4

  Mud coats my lips when I wake up, and I spit the wet, gritty earth out while pushing myself off the ground. I sit up and find myself at the bottom of a deep pit. The sun is just rising, chasing a full moon from the sky. Shivering, I try not to think how much this reminds me of a mass grave.

  My eyes twitch as I peer around, terrified I’ll find more bodies down here with me. What the hell happened last night? And where the hell am I? The scent of moldy soil nearly chokes me when I stand up.

  After a few steps toward the center, I stop. My pulse pounds so hard it fills my head and ears with a whining ring. I forget to breathe for a second.

  Yellow eyes turn to hazel as they watch me from the shadows.

  “I want out of here, now,” I demand of my captor, moving closer to the glowing orbs.

  “Stay back,” he growls, and I recognize the voice.

  “Noah? What the hell is going on here?” Another step toward the shadows.

  “Stay back!” He shuffles farther into the darkness.

  “Screw you!” Now I’m more angry than afraid. “This mystery man bullshit needs to stop. And why am I in a freakin’ hole?”

  I move close enough to see him clearly, and his appearance freezes my feet in place. He’s covered in a thick coat of gleaming brown fur from his waist down. As the pelt recedes into his skin, he stands naked. But before the fur disappears, bones crack and his muscles bubble. His face contorts as a long muzzle turns back into a human mouth. He howls loudly, dropping to his knees in front of me once more as the transformation completes. His face plops into the mud and he lies there, back rising and falling as he breathes heavily.

  “Holy shit. You’re a werewolf!”

  He sits up and looks at me, clumps of wet earth dripping from his face. “Yeah, I noticed that.”

  Noah gets to his feet and is in front of me in three quick strides. His big hand clamps around my wrists and he drags me toward the left side of the hole. There is a corner here I hadn’t noticed, and when we turn it, we face an arched tunnel with a pinpoint of light at its end.

  I stop him and yank my wrist from his fierce grip. “Stop dragging me. Before I go in there,” I point to the entrance, “you need to give me some information.”

  He runs a hand through his hair, gives me an exasperated glower. Too bad. Damned if I’ll let anyone go caveman on me. “The people I know in Night Glamour did this. We need to get out of here.”

  “Did they also turn you into a werewolf?”

  He steps into the tunnel and crosses his arms over his chest as he waits for me to follow. “Yes.”

  “I thought you said you knew people who knew people in Night Glamour?” Now I’m just screwing with him. But I’m not about to follow anyone blindly until I know some more facts.

  He grumbles in frustration and throws his arms up in the air. “You’re arguing semantics now?”

  “I’m not going anywhere until I know where I am.” Mimicking him, I cross my arms over my breasts and stand with legs wide apart and feet stubbornly set.

  Shaking his head and muttering curse words, he moves back into the hole. “You’re in Glamour, the world of monsters. And if you want to get back to our world, you need to follow me.”

  Hesitantly, I take his hand and let him guide me into the tunnel. “What’s this back to our world bullshit? This looks like Earth to me.”

  “We’re still on Earth, yeah, but we’re in another dimension of it. Like I said, the world of monsters. Glamour exists right beside us, only humans can’t see it. The monsters have their world cloaked.”

  Suddenly I feel like I’ve stepped into a bad fantasy novel. “I’m still gonna want more answers,” I tell him, swiping away a ridiculous large, glowing spider that drops in front of my face. “But I’ll wait until we’re above ground to get them.”

  “Good, ’cause we need to find Rita and the others before my pack does.”


  Chapter 5

  The ground slopes upward and we enter a cave before we walk out into a thick, green forest. The morning sun has chased all the grey from the sky and I squint against the light as my eyes adjust.

  “So your Glamour friends put me in that hole?” I say
as I walk through tall, leafy undergrowth slick with rain.

  “They aren’t my friends.” Noah scans the pine and fir trees before we move forward. “My pack ambushed your concert. They’re a little pissed I left without saying goodbye. They tried to separate us, but I fought off the wolf that grabbed you backstage and brought you here.”

  “That hole is your hideout?” I wrinkled my nose.

  “You could say that.”


  He raised an eyebrow. “It kept you safe, didn’t it?”

  “Next time I’d prefer not being buried alive, thanks.” I take his hand and familiar sparks tingle through my skin. I’ve missed his touch. “And now we’re stuck in another dimension. Pinch me cause I’d like to wake up.”

  “Once we find the others, you can.”

  I’m worried about Rita, Andre, and Regina. Have these werewolves made breakfast of them? I hope not. My mind scans over the monsters in the crowd last night and I wonder were they all the real deal? Then that mysterious guy from the table pops in my thoughts. But before I can ask Noah about him, a shriek rips through the trees.

  “It came from over there.” I point to the right and Noah and I run in that direction.

  What we find when we break through the trees amps up my fear and rage.

  The grey haired guy from the table is holding Rita captive. Her wrists are bound and he holds a length of rope attached to the knots that restrain her. She fights him and a brunette girl that accompanies him, but another female werewolf comes forward and strikes Rita, making her fall to the ground.

  “Shit!” I want to run and help her, but if they discover us, I’m afraid Rita’s punishment will be even worse.

  Noah is thinking along the same vein. He and I hide in a cluster of firs that grow close together and watch the procession.

  “We’ll track them,” he says. “Stay close until we can ambush them and get Rita back.”

  I nod. “That guy was in the club last night, watching us. Who is he?”

  Noah takes a moment to answer. “The king of the werewolves. And the one who turned me.” He reveals this information slowly.


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