Bad Boys of BDSM Omnibus No. 1

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Bad Boys of BDSM Omnibus No. 1 Page 6

by Anita Lawless, Leigh Foxlee, C. J. Sneere

  “Brigette’s always wanted to run the pack by herself,” Adam says. “I thought it was weird she’d go along with it. She definitely strong enough to be a lone alpha, but Pierre likes to cling to the old ways.”

  Before I get a chance to say, ‘Maybe she could help us out with getting Rita back,” Adam’s smartphone rings.

  “Hey, yeah. We’re on our way now.” He puts it back in his jacket pocket and looks at us. “That was Regina. She wants us to meet her at the tunnels. She’ll get us back into the lair.”

  “Can we trust her?” I’m still sore about the fact she kept Noah’s whereabouts from me.

  Adam smiles. “You never have to worry about Regina. The forest is fae territory. She only shows the tunnels to those she truly trusts. She’d never let you use them if you weren’t important to her.”

  As we drive to the tunnels, where Noah took me earlier to hide me and himself from the pack, I learn they are a world within Glamour few know about, outside fairy beings. Regina showed the tunnels to Adam and Noah when they were planning a way to get him out. After Brigette broke his binding spell, he used them to get back through the veil to the human world.

  “Andre and Pierre don’t know about the tunnels,” Noah tells me, as we walk down a hill that leads into one of these underground entrances. “So they won’t expect us this time.”

  Just inside the dark earth, Regina joins us, handing out high powered flashlights to each of us.

  “Brigette says they have Rita in solitary,” she tells us. “I’m going to create a portal to take us right to the floor. We’ll have the element of surprise on our side this time, but we need to get in and out of there fast.”

  “Brigette is still helping us?” Noah looks hopeful.

  Regina nods. “Setting you free was just the start. She’s through with Pierre’s games. She wants to turn him and Andre over to the Glamour leaders, and we’re going to help her do that.”

  Adam smiles. “Glad we’ve got her on our side. I knew she wouldn’t desert us.”

  It’s hard not to stare at Regina’s changed appearance, but I try not to be too obvious as we begin to travel down the tunnel that will lead us to an underground room where she’ll create the portal.

  As I move past her, she stops me. “I’m sorry I had to keep this all a secret from you. I never meant for things to get so crazy like this.”

  I wrap my arm around her shoulders and give her a quick hug before me walk on. “Don’t worry about it. Adam and Noah explained your reasons to me. I get it.”

  She returns the hug as we continue down the tunnel.

  After about fifteen minutes, weak light spills through an opening at the end of this earthen hallway. We enter a round, cave-like room where fire burns in ceramic bowls set on four pillars. This is our only light.

  Noah, Adam, and I stand on the outside of these white columns while Regina walks between them. She places herself in the center, holds out her hands, closes her eyes, and begins to chant.

  The air in front of her and between the first two pillars begins to flicker, like when a streaming video pixelates. The pressure inside the room changes, and it grows harder to breathe for a moment, as if our oxygen has thickened. Then the space between the pillars ripples and peels away, creating a ragged hole in reality. On the other side, another dark hallway emerges, but this one is made of concrete, and a few dim fluorescent lights line the ceiling.

  Regina beckons, and we follow her through. She closes the portal behind us. The air smells like dead fish and rotting vegetables and the temperature drops. Doors made of patchwork metal riveted together line the corridor ahead of us. In each one, there is a tiny window with bars.

  “She’s in the third one,” Regina whispers. “Adam, we’ll need your firepower to open it.”

  We’re at door number two when the hallway fills with growling werewolves.

  “Shit!” Noah shouts, before they attack us. “I thought you said Brigette was helping us?”

  “She didn’t set us up,” Adam says, before Regina can. “They must’ve been watching for us.”

  “I’m not convinced,” Noah snarls.

  But there is no more time for arguing. The pack descends on us. Time to put my new werewolf genes to the test. Since high emotions can bring on the change, I’m hoping my lycanthropy kicks in soon. I feel the transformation start as one slender, teenage werewolf barrels straight toward me.

  Claws sprout from my fingertips as my teeth and mouth extend. I sink these into the attacking werewolf’s shoulder and amaze myself with my strength as I throw him against a wall behind me. To my right, Regina fights off two wolves with thick vines that grow from her fingertips. She ties them up from head to toe and hurls them clear out of the hallway.

  Adam and Noah have run to the end of the hallway to try and keep more wolves from entering. But the crowd of our attackers is growing, so Regina and I sprint to help the guys hold them off. As we get closer, I notice a familiar face in the pack.

  Andre leaps on top of Adam and bares his long fangs. Adam rolls and throws him off then gets to his feet and goes in for a counter move. But Andre avoids his swiping claws. As he and Adam spar, another wolf comes in behind Adam. I shout for him to watch out, but it’s too late. Before we can reach him, the wolf slashes Adam’s back open. He goes down and Andre walks over top of him, intent on new prey: Noah.

  Three wolves spill over the battle at the end of the hall and intercept me and Regina as we make our way toward Noah. I kick one in the balls and slash another across the face, frantic to get to Noah before Andre can. From the corner of my eye, I catch a flash of grey fur, but I can’t yet look away from my present battle. When a tortured howl fills my ears, dread makes my stomach sink to my shoes.

  Regina and I battle our way free, but it’s too late. Andre and Pierre stand over a fallen Noah, and Andre raises a silver dagger high above his head. He plunges the blade between Noah’s shoulder blades then yanks it out, only to raise it once more.

  He doesn’t get a chance to strike again, though. I lunge at him, landing my shoulder in his midsection just as Adam stands and rejoins the fight. Regina holds off Pierre while Adam and I do battle with Andre.

  A spray of bullets stop us cold, and even Andre stills, but the cruel smile that spreads across his lips tells me we’ve got more trouble. I turn in time with Adam to see more werewolves standing with Pierre. They hold semi-automatic weapons pointed right at our heads.

  “Silver bullets,” Pierre says, looking smug. “Unless you want to die, I suggest you surrender.”

  With the odds stacked against us, we have no choice. Anger and fear burn in my gut as the werewolves and Andre roughly pull us to our feet. Regina is shoved toward us, and we’re lead to the very cell that was our goal. My werewolf side shrinks back within to lick its wounds, and I start to think of how we can get the hell out of here.

  Pierre and Andre shove us into the prison while the others stand guard.

  “Tell Rita I say hello,” Andre says, sneering at me before he slams the door shut and locks it.


  Chapter 11

  Noah has fallen near the wall to my right, lying with his back to us. His side rises and falls with ragged breaths, and I’m terrified the silver dagger has done lethal damage to him.

  Against the opposite wall, we find Rita, Torn over Noah’s condition, I go to her with Adam, while Regina goes to check on Noah for us.

  Rita’s chin rests against her chest. Her red hair is matted and dirty and her t-shirt is torn. Dirt cakes her jeans. When she looks up at us with bleary eyes, she barely recognizes me at first. Then a exhausted smile spreads across her face and she reaches out to gather me in a weak hug.

  “I thought you all were dead,” she says, her voice hitching as she begins to sob. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “How are you?” I ask, rubbing some dried mud from her cheek. “Have they fed you or anything?”

  She shakes her head. Her face pinches as she fights off te
ars. “Merry… Andre did something to me.”

  Fear squeezes my chest tight. I look at Adam then back to Rita. “What did he do, sweetie?”

  Slowly, she moves her hair away from her neck and shows me two bruised, purple bite marks. Adam curses and I want to punch a wall.

  “Did you give him consent?” Adam asks. “I’m betting you didn’t.”

  Rita wears a confused frown.

  “To become a vampire,” Adam explains. “Did you give consent to be turned?”

  Poor Rita looks horrified. A whimper escapes her, but she keeps it together. “No, I didn’t. He just sank his fangs into me and I started to feel weak. I passed out, and when I woke up I was here.”

  Adam shakes his head. “Sonofabitch.” Then his face clouds with compassion. “I’m sorry.”

  “I expected this, you know?” Rita’s voice is low and shaky. “Ever since he bit me, I’ve been so thirsty.” She turns shiny, desperate eyes on us. “I’ve been having dreams about blood, craving it.”

  Adam runs a hand down his face, then he reaches out and wraps a gentle hand around Rita’s shoulder. “I can feed you.” He pulls off his jacket. “Until we can get you some blood substitute. It’ll help you get your strength back.”

  “Merry, come here,” Regina calls to me. She bent over Noah, and when she turns to look at me I don’t like the raw fear in her eyes. “He needs your help.”

  I cross the room quickly and kneel beside her.

  “The dagger poisoned him,” Regina says, and a memory of Andre stabbing the silver weapon into Noah lances my brain. “You’re going to have to heal him, draw the poison out. Do you know how?”

  I nod. “Noah had to heal me earlier, in the forest. I heard Adam and him talking about the whole compatible DNA thing.”

  Noah is pale and his face is bathed in heavy sweat. His eyes remain closed as we talk above him, and his breath grows more shallow.

  “When he’s about to cum, pull him out of you and let him blow his load on the floor. The poison will be in his semen.”

  If it weren’t for the danger of our situation, I might giggle at how absurd Regina’s instructions sound. But this is no time for humor. I’ll laugh to myself later, when we’re all home and safe.

  “There is a chance he could attack you while you’re healing him. Be careful. Emotions get high when two monsters are curing each other. It can bring the wolf out.”

  “I know.” I touch his shoulder and gently roll him onto his back. “I nearly attacked Noah when he fixed me. He bound my hands so I couldn’t hurt him.”

  “Let me do that now,” Regina says, and vines shoot from her fingers. I sit Noah up and remove his t-shirt before I hold his wrists together so she can secure them. After I’m finished, she gets me to remove his jeans so she can also tie up his ankles, just in case. Then she stands and moves back from us. “I’ll give you some privacy.”

  Vines swirl out of her fingertips and rapidly weave themselves together. In moments, a dressing screen of greenery shields us from our cell mates.

  I bend and kiss his sweat-slick temple. “You saved me, now I’ll save you.”

  I pulls his boxers down to his bound ankles. Then I quickly undress myself. Skin on skin is best for healing, as I’ve learned earlier.

  I kneel beside Noah’s head and study his face. He’s barely conscious and it’s an effort to speak. So I shush him with a finger pressed to his lips. “Relax,” I say. “You need your strength.”

  I feather kisses from his temple across his forehead, licking the salty moisture from his skin as I go. My lips brush across his and I breathe energy into him, as he did for me. His chest heaves then his breathing grows more regular. He murmurs, “Thank you,” against my mouth before my tongue slips into his. Wet tips entwine as we taste each other and I give him more of what he needs.

  My hands slide down his corded neck, explore his shoulders, and then mold to his pecs. I concentrate on his heartbeat, which now thumps in a steady, stronger rhythm. I kiss and lick my way toward my hands, feeling his pulse keep time with mine as I do.

  My tongue swirls over his nipples and I tug them between my teeth until he lets out a groan and squirms beneath me. The wolf in me stirs, and fur tickles my face as his own beast within begins to emerge. I know I have to be careful, have to heal him without driving him so mad with desire that he breaks his manacles and attacks me. It’s a ticklish balance.

  I splay my palms over his tense sides and continue to explore him with my mouth, giving him more healing with each kiss, lick, or bite. He lets out a low growl, and when I look up, I find him staring down at me with yellow eyes.

  “Shhh.” I press a finger to his lips. “Let me please you.”

  Being a true alpha, I know Noah has a problem with this. He hates to take pleasure without giving it at the same time. I’ve been at his sexual mercy a lot, and he always wants me to come multiple times before he gets off. Right now, if he’s to live, we need to change things up. And he needs to keep his wolf in control.

  My teeth tug at the skin around his belly button while my hand curls around his stiff cock. More kisses are placed down his thighs before I lap at the soft skin covering his balls. I slip my fingers beneath his scrotum and stroke the tender skin there, making him jut his hips up and moan loudly.

  A silver trail gleams in the pre-cum that trickles from his opening. The poison is seeping out, and when I suck his cock I’ll have to be careful not to swallow it. As I cup his balls, squeezing and tugging at them the way I know he likes, I dip my head and take his penis into my mouth.

  I suck him to the root and hold him there until he lets out a growl mixed with a sigh. Then I pump my lips up and down his steely length, swirling my tongue over the taut skin as I do. His hips buck up again and again and he fucks my face in a slow, steady rhythm.

  I take a brief break to spit the poison out, then I lave my tongue beneath his glans and find that sweet spot that drives him wild. I suck this tiny piece of flesh between my lips and flit my tongue over it.

  “Fuuuck.” The curse is guttural and ragged and he thrashes in his bonds once more.

  A glance at his face shows his eyes are closed and his expression is one of pure ecstasy. His beard has grown fuller, thicker, as the werewolf in him seeks freedom. Once more, I take him deep into my mouth and suck his penis hard, then I let up on the pressure, milking him with my mouth until his face fucking grows faster, more carnal.

  “Ride me,” he begs, in a voice laced with his bestial side. “Please. I need to fuck you.” His eyes open and blaze with yellow flame.

  I position myself above his cock and tease him at first, rubbing the glans up and down my wet slit, grinding it into my clit, before I give him entrance. My pussy stretches then molds to his thick shaft. I sigh as he fills me, making me feel complete. As I begin to rock back and forth, I reach forward and squeeze his pecs. His plump head rubs my g-spot perfectly, making it tingle and fill with sublime pressure.

  “Let me know when you’re going to cum,” I tell him, remembering Regina’s warning about the silver poisoning him.

  He nods. “Play with yourself for me. I want you to get off first.”

  I chuckle, but I know how important my pleasure has always been to him. One hand moves from his chest and I press it to the swelling bead of flesh at the top of my labia. While I ride his cock faster, I stroke it until the pressure inside and outside of my sex amps up and leaves me dizzy.

  “I wish I could touch you,” he says.

  “I have to keep you bound.” Although I’m disappointed too. I want his hands all over me. “It’s safer that way.”

  “I know.” He bucks his hips up and drives his cock deeper into me while I play. “Later, when we get out of this, I’ll make up for it.”

  His promise thrills me. My other hand moves from his chest and I pull the hood of my clit back, giving myself better access to the bundle of nerves that now sing with pleasure. Release is so close. I’m lost in a fog of bliss. Finally the pressure
in my g-spot bursts. The tingling in my clit also reaches climax, and an intense orgasm rockets through me, making me cry out and bow forward until my head touches his chest. My limbs tremble from the force of this release, and my cunt walls constrict tightly around his cock.

  “I’m going to cum,” he says, and as my euphoria subsides, I climb off of him. I curl my hand around the base of his penis once more and pump him until pearly semen jets from his hole. It’s laced with gleaming silver, and he turns so this stream hits the wall and floor instead of his skin.

  He looks healthier now, more alive. Relief and release ring my heart with warmth.

  “How’re you feeling?”

  He grins. “A lot better.”

  I give him a quick kiss. “I’ll tell Regina we’re done.”

  “No.” He raises his head off the floor, wriggling in frustration against his manacles. “I’m not through with you yet.”

  I smile and raise an eyebrow at him. “You’re healed, and we don’t have a lot of time, Noah.”

  “Let me make you come. Just once more.” His yellow eyes flicker and his expression pleads. “Untie me.”

  “Is it safe?” I give him a wary glance. “What’re you going to do?”

  “Straddle my face. Let me lick you. I want to taste you and fuck you with my fingers.”

  A thrill runs up my spine and I do as he asks, reminding him we have to be fast.

  Now his hands are free, they roam up my spine as I kneel above his face. He cups my ass, digging in his claws and dragging my sex down to his lips. I sigh as his tongue flicks out over my sensitive clit. He moves it lower, exploring my labia and opening before moving back to my clitoris. I tilt my ass and spread my legs wider so his fingers can slip inside of me.

  He sucks my clit deep into his mouth and flits his tongue over the tingling bud. His fingers curl inside of me and pleasure instantly zips through my g-spot, which is still tender from the recent orgasm. I buck on top of him and dig my fingers into his hair, fisting my hands and tugging as bliss surges through me quickly.

  He changes it up, now lapping at my clit gently while his fingers thrust in and out of me. Once more, he explores my labia with the wet tip, giving my clitoris a chance to catch up with this assault of ecstasy. Then his tongue rapidly flits over it again, in time with his fingers fucking me, and the release shudders through me. My head falls back on my shoulders and a long moan escapes me as I come again. I ride his face until the euphoria subsides.


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