Bad Boys of BDSM Omnibus No. 1

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Bad Boys of BDSM Omnibus No. 1 Page 29

by Anita Lawless, Leigh Foxlee, C. J. Sneere

Throaty laughter emitted from his master. He rode Haden hard and fast. There was no mercy, and Haden didn’t want it. His balls ached ferociously. They drew up inside of him. He lost himself in this warm channel of ecstasy. His cock pulsed and spasmed and he knew he was close. Three more times, he screamed out Tag’s name. Tag fondled and plucked at Haden’s balls. The throbbing shot out of him in a hot, never ending stream of spunk.

  “Sonofabitch…Yessss. Oh, yessssss,” Haden cried out. His whole body twitched and shuddered as he came hard. He panted and fell back against his pillow. His heart was a booming drum in his ears.

  As he lay there, drifting back into himself and down from his orgasm daze, Tag untied his balls. They ached as the pressure released, and Haden moaned again. Tag applied a soothing gel to his scrotum and dick. It made Haden begin to harden once more.

  Tag removed Haden’s mask. His eyes fluttered open to find Tag gathering up the pump and taking it to the bathroom.

  “Where you going?” Haden nodded toward his stiffening cock, then his shackled hand.

  “Didn’t your mother ever teach you to clean your toys when you’re finished playing with them?”

  Haden wrinkled his nose. “Gross. Don’t talk about my mother when I just fucked you.”

  Tag raised an eyebrow. “Who fucked who?”

  Haden sighed in exasperation. “We’re even.” He jangled his chain. “Untie me.”

  The devil smile was back, curling Tag’s sexy lips. “Stay there a while. Can’t run away if I got you shackled.”

  He swaggered out of the bedroom and toward the bathroom door.

  “I won’t run away. Promise.” Haden hurled curses at his rippling, V shaped back as Tag disappeared. “Asshole.” How he loved and hated that man.


  Chapter 11

  The truce with the Nighthawks had been negotiated. Peace settled over Haden. No further run-ins with this rival gang in a month, and a call to his sister proved she too was safe.

  The Nighthawks agreed to a compromise. They’d leave Lucifer’s Chosen and Rebels & Rogues’ territory alone, so long as they got to deal on the border of Parker Ridge and Chilliwack, as well as Abbotsford. No drugs sold to kids was Old Man Bear’s stipulation. He’d guarantee they could pedal their junk without interference otherwise. The Nighthawks weren’t so happy to find out Haden was being protected by the two MCs, but apparently they’d decided he wasn’t worth the fight.

  Tag had told Haden he still had suspicions. No one in Rebels & Rogues were sitting easy just yet. The Nighthawks had proven in the past they couldn’t be trusted, but so far the days and nights had been quiet.

  The July heat made it impossible to sleep, though. Haden woke to damp sheets clinging to his skin. Tag’s side of the bed was empty. Throwing the sticky blanket off his naked form, Haden went to find the big biker. He figured Tag was outside having a spliff and trying to cool off.

  No Tag out front on the porch, and nowhere in the house. Haden frowned into the inky darkness, searching for a towering silhouette.

  Roaring and the crack of breaking branches burst from the forest behind the cabin. Haden’s pulse kicked up a notch. He strained to listen. Cautiously, he tiptoed barefooted around the side of Tag’s home.

  A sleek cougar sprinted through the trees, followed by a lumbering white bear. The animals were about twenty feet away from the cabin. Now Haden’s heartbeat became thunder in his ears. The same white bear he’d seen when the Nighthawks raid went wrong.

  The bear gained on the cougar, which seemed strange to Haden. Any cougar should be able to outrun a bear, shouldn’t it? Why didn’t the cat simply climb a tree? A white, massive streak of fur launched itself into the air and came down on the big cat’s back. The bear didn’t bite or claw. Instead it simply pinned the squirming cat beneath its wide paws.

  Fur rippled and bubbled. Skin showed through, and Haden could hardly breathe as he watched these two animals shift. Both remained partially in their wilder form, but there was no mistaking the man-beast who now straddled the human-cat.

  “I win,” Tag growled. “You submit to me, bitch.”

  Golden hair still covered the face of the man beneath him. “I let you catch me.”

  A chuckle rumbled out of Tag’s throat. “Whatever.”

  He rolled off the guy beneath him, and Haden recognized him as the VP of Rebels & Rogues. Sniper Jones. A short, stocky guy with long, blond hair. He usually wore a bandanna, but tonight both men were stark naked. And their cocks were rock hard.

  Haden felt something twitching in his own boxers as he watched the strange scene. His primal fear mixed with a surge of lust, and soon he had a raging boner.

  Tag wrapped thick rope around Sniper’s wrists then yanked him to his feet. “Let’s go play.”

  “Yes, sir,” Sniper said, bowing his head in a submissive pose.

  Now something new surged through Haden: jealousy. Tag had lied to him all along. He was some sort of freak of nature, and Haden wanted answers. To top it off, he was role playing with someone else behind his back.

  Not like they agreed to monogamy or anything. They weren’t together. Haden knew that. They were just fucking. Still, it pissed Haden off.

  “What the fuck is this shit?” he blurted as he stalked toward the two men.

  Tag’s eyes blazed an eerie yellow when they turned on Haden. “Get back in the house, kid, or I’ll chain you to the bedpost again.”

  Fear left him completely. Haden stomped right up to his lover and got in his face. “I deserve an answer.”

  Sniper spoke in a gentle voice. “Get outta here, Haden. Tag and I got business to take care of.”

  “Oh, I bet you do.” Haden’s gaze lingered on their impressive erections. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Tag’s face sagged. He pursed his lips, shook his head. “Tell you what? I’m a freak who needs to let my bear out sometimes?”

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “Kid, what we’re doing here tonight … It’s too intense for you. Shifters have these needs.”

  “And I wouldn’t understand?” Haden rolled his eyes. “What a fuckin’ cliché.”

  He stalked away from the two man-beasts, back toward the cabin. As he left, someone shuffled over the ground behind him. He knew Tag was following, but he didn’t care.

  “We’ll talk about this,” Tag said from behind him.

  Haden whirled on the big biker. “Don’t worry about it. You didn’t make me any promises. You’re just doing your duty protecting me.” He shrugged. “I get it.”

  Tag bared fangs and snarled. “It’s not like that.”

  “I don’t care.” Haden waved him off. “Go play with your cougar.”

  Inside, Haden pressed himself up against the door and regained control of his breathing. His mind and senses were reeling. He didn’t know what to think. He couldn’t think. Emotions and shock swirled through him, making his limbs tremble. Sweat broke out over his body, and it wasn’t just from the heat this time.

  Tag wasn’t human. At least, not fully. And neither was Sniper. How many more of these creatures existed? He’d walked into some kind of weird horror movie.

  Running came to mind, but where would he go? He could hitchhike home to Lisa’s, but only a coward would leave in the middle of the night. Instead, he’d wait and get the full story from Tag in the morning.

  A part of him was glad Tag hadn’t followed him inside the cabin, but another part was disappointed. That meant his lover was out there with Sniper, doing who knew what. Jealousy surged through him once more.

  “Fuck it.” Haden went and raided Tag’s stash of weed, rolled up a fat one, and smoked it in Tag’s room. He knew the big biker didn’t like the smell lingering in the house, so it provided measly revenge on Haden’s part. And it felt good.

  A few hours later, as gray fingers of dawn streaked the sky, Tag walked in the bedroom. He coughed, but made no comment about the thick curtain of smoke hanging in the air. Haden smoked his third fat jo
int and felt no pain. Still, anger fluttered in his belly when Tag joined him.

  Hooking his thumbs through the loops on his jeans, Tag stood at the end of the bed. “Look, I’m sorry, kid. I wasn’t cheating on you—”

  “It’s not even about that.” Haden rubbed his bloodshot eye. “Not like we’re married or anything. I hate that you lied to me.”

  Tag heaved a big sigh and moved around the bed to sit beside Haden. “What I was doing with Sniper… It would kill you, Haden. I won’t hurt you like that.”

  “Unless I ask you.”

  Tag shook his head and rubbed Haden shoulders. “Not even if you ask me.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell me? You could’ve trusted me.”

  Tag’s shoulders sagged. “I know.”

  “Then tell me now.”

  “Where to start.” Tag ran a hand through his short, dark hair.

  “You saved me that night. You were the white bear.”

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “How the fuck did you become …” Haden waved his hands in frustration. “Whatever the fuck you are?”

  “A shifter. That’s what I am.” Tag paused. His face wrinkled up as he obviously searched for words. “You ever hear of the spirit bear?”

  Haden nodded. “It’s a white black bear, right?”

  “Basically. Kermode bear. The indigenous people named it the spirit bear because they believed it had supernatural powers. Tsimshian call it moskgm’ol. Means white bear.”

  “That’s what you are?”

  “Yup. We’re a rare breed.” Sadness shadowed Tag’s face. “The Kitasoo Xaixais have a myth about us. They say Raven made one in ten black bears white. We remind them of a time when glaciers covered their world, and remind them they should be grateful for the lush, green world we have today. Most of us are found on Princess Royal Island. But me?” He shrugged. “I like to wander.”

  “How’d you become a shifter?”

  “You’re born one.” Tag sat beside Haden on the bed, took a long drag off the roach Haden handed him. “Can’t be changed. That’s all myth.”

  “Are there lots of shifters?”

  “Some in both MCs. JoAnn’s one.”

  “What is she?”

  “Eagle.” Tag pinched the cherry off the roach and handed it back to Haden to store in the roach can.

  Haden shook his head. His mouth hung open and he looked awestruck. “Do you change with the full moon? How does it work?”

  “Nah, nothing like that. Change usually happens when you hit puberty. Controlling it is kind of like controlling your breath when you meditate, or work out. You learn to change at will. Learn to suppress it when you need to.”

  “How come there are so many different types?”

  Tag scratched his chin, furrowed his brow. “You ever heard of totem animals?”


  “For most people, their totems animals are a symbol of their spiritual identity. For shifters, they’re a part of our physical and spiritual identity.”

  Tag went on to tell Haden how he’d been left on Old Man Bear’s doorstep as a baby. The biker took him in and raised him as his son.

  “He’s a shifter too?” Haden figured he knew the answer already.

  “Yup. He’s a black bear.”

  “Is he your real dad?”

  “Don’t know. Never met my mother. Never took a DNA test. But, far as I’m concerned, he and Tessa are my family.”

  This was some crazy stuff, but Haden remained calm as he processed it. He wondered if a part of himself already suspected. Tag’s strange eye changes were a hint.

  His anger now cooled, dulled by the weed and the truth. Still, he needed some time alone to sort this out in his head. After closing Tag’s weed stash can, he stood up and walked toward the bedroom door.

  “You not sleeping in here?” Tag leaned back on the mattress and gave him a concerned, weary look.

  “Sun’s almost up. I’m just gonna grab a quick nap before we head to JoAnn’s.” Haden headed toward the guest room. His thoughts were foggy from THC and strange revelations.


  Chapter 12

  The day was blister-hot. Haden wiped sweat from his forehead before he went to work picking dead, yellow leaves off another marijuana plant. Tag didn’t work the farm today, since he had a meeting with Rebels & Rogues concerning the Nighthawks. It was just Haden and Brodie out in this section of the fragrant fields.

  Brodie checked the soaker hoses that irrigated the plants. Taking a break, Haden knelt down beside him and splashed some of the cool, muddy water at Brodie.

  “Hey!” Brodie chuckled and wiped wet dirt from his face. “Felt good, though.”

  Haden held his hands over the hoses that spit tiny streams of water. In this stifling heat, it was nice to not have to wear his shoulder sling any more. “Yeah. I want to steal one of these and spray myself.” His gaze lingered on Brodie, then he snatched up the hose he checked and turned it on his co-worker.

  “Asshole.” Brodie laughed. Then he stood and puffed out his chest while the hose soaked his jeans shorts through. “Ahhh, feels too good to be mad at you. JoAnn’ll kill us if she catches us.”

  “Don’t worry.” Haden moved closer. “I’ll put it back. She’ll never know.”

  “Oh, she’ll know. Swear that woman has eagle eyes.”

  If you only knew, Haden thought.

  He reached out and traced a trail of water down Brodie’s chest, stopping at the waistband of his shorts. “Relax.”

  Brodie shivered. “Thought you were hooked up with someone?”

  “Our arrangement kinda changed.”

  Haden bent his head and licked water droplets off Brodie’s nipples. His co-worker let out a grunt then ran his fingers through Haden’s hair. Haden moved lower, sucking sweet, cool water off Brodie’s ribs, his flat stomach. Kneeling in front of him, he undid Brodie’s shorts and peeled the wet fabric away.

  Haden knew exactly what he was doing. He’d even stolen a condom from Tag’s stash before the big biker dropped him off for two days. He’d timed this seduction perfectly, too. Tag would be by to pick him up in about twenty minutes. If his plan worked, the big biker would find Haden and Brodie going at it hard in the field.

  If Tag could have other partners, so could he. But there was more to it than that. He wanted to piss the shifter off. Wanted to make him jealous.

  His warm fingers coiled around Brodie’s cool, water-slick cock. The shock made Brodie gasp, and his erection grew harder. Haden slowly slid his hand up and down, up and down.

  “Ahhhh, that feels good.” Brodie’s head fell back on his shoulders.

  Leaning forward, Haden pressed the tip of his tongue into Brodie’s balls. He swirled it over the thin, tight skin then he took the whole sac in his mouth and sucked. Brodie hissed air between his teeth. His stomach tensed under Haden’s other hand.

  Haden licked the tender spot behind Brodie’s scrotum. He traced his thumb beneath the thick ridge of his cock, making it twitch and grow stiffer still. His tongue went farther, exploring the seam between Brodie’s firm, luscious ass.

  “Damn.” Brodie gave a low chuckle. “You’re good at this.”

  “Wait until I put your dick in my mouth. I’ll blow your mind.”

  Haden made good on that promise. He wrapped his lips around the head of Brodie’s penis and sucked hard. Brodie moaned and buried his hands in Haden’s hair. His tongue flicked out and tasted where his thumb had previously explored, then he lapped pre-cum from the tiny hole.

  He tweaked and fondled Brodie’s balls while he slid his mouth down the length of his shaft. Brodie stood on tiptoe and cradled Haden’s head with his hands. He pushed at the back of his scalp, urging him to take his cock to the root. Haden did. He sucked it hard while exploring the firm, velvety skin with his eager tongue. Then he alternated between letting up on the pressure and delivering intense suction. His head bobbed faster, faster.

  “Jesus.” Brodie sighed the words.
“You weren’t kidding.”

  Haden hummed laughter around Brodie’s dick. His hand moved between his co-worker’s ass cheeks. He explored that tight, pink hole with one finger, inserting and curling it to find Brodie’s g-spot.

  “Ahhhh… fuck, yes.” Brodie’s body tensed then relaxed from the pleasure.

  Haden stroked him deep inside while he blew him. Sweat mixed with the water beading Brodie’s forehead, and it wasn’t just from the sun any more.

  He finger fucked his ass while he deep throated him. Holding his glans against his throat, Haden swallowed a few times to up Brodie’s pleasure. Brodie responded by fucking his face wildly.

  “Shit, damn, I’m gonna cum.” The bridge of his nose knotted from this mind blowing bliss.

  Haden matched his rhythm and kept sucking hard. He plunged his finger deeper and caressed that walnut of flesh that brought ecstasy. Brodie whimpered from the euphoria, and Haden loved having this effect on him.

  “Can’t hold back, man,” Brodie said through gritted teeth.

  It fueled Haden. He swirled his tongue over Brodie’s shaft again as he sucked hard. His free hand teased his co-workers balls. He deep throated him over and over, holding his cock there in that warm, wet channel.

  Salty semen poured down Haden’s throat and he drank it up. Brodie let out one long, loud moan and drove his penis deep between Haden’s lips. His co-worker shuddered as the orgasm poured out of him. Haden held him in his mouth until he drank every last drop of cum.

  Panting, Brodie pulled back and grinned lazily. “That was great, man. Thanks.” He swept a hand over Haden’s cheek.

  “I’m not done with you yet. Get down on your knees.” Haden stood and slid out of his shorts. “Time for me to fuck your sexy ass.”

  Brodie didn’t hesitate. He went down on all fours in the cool, smooth mud and spread his legs wide, inviting Haden in. Haden grabbed the condom from his pocket and ripped the wrapper open. The lubricated rubber slipped on quickly and he urged his plump cock into Brodie’s tight hole. Already, it was paradise.

  He worked him slowly at first, widening his ass with each thrust. Brodie relaxed and opened up for him. He begged, “Fuck me raw.” So Haden upped the pace, plunging in faster, deeper.


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