Bad Boys of BDSM Omnibus No. 1

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Bad Boys of BDSM Omnibus No. 1 Page 32

by Anita Lawless, Leigh Foxlee, C. J. Sneere


  Cold, black rage blinded Tag. He kicked his Harley into high gear and sped to the Rebels & Rogues clubhouse. Deep in his gut, he’d suspected the Nighthawks were playing the long game. Tonight, his hunch was confirmed.

  But how had they known Haden returned to Lisa’s? The answer turned Tag’s rage to icy wrath. Someone had ratted them out.

  He pulled into the clubhouse parking lot and killed the engine. Three long strides later, he walked through the front entrance.

  A somber mood hung inside the smoky bar. Bikers were clustered around the first few tables, and Old Man Bear towered above them as he spoke. Lucifer’s Chosen and another ally club, the Destroyers, had arrived to help. Tag was glad they’d be going in with strong numbers.

  “We got men out there looking,” Bear told him, as Tag strode up beside the president.

  “What about Colton?”

  “Joe brought him back,” Tessa said from behind the bar. “I just put him down in Sniper’s room.”

  “Sniper and the others followed the trail to Highway 20. They split up and their checking the back roads now.”

  Tag knew that once they hit pavement, the trail went cold. Their best hope was to find fresh motorcycle tracks on one of those back roads. Since Sniper and the boys got out there early, thanks to Ty’s call, they had a good chance of catching up with them.

  “How’d they find out Haden went home?” Tag already knew the answer, but he needed his suspicions confirmed.

  Old Man Bear’s face grew craggy with unease. “Someone inside must’ve told them. We got ourselves a rat.”

  “Any idea who?”

  “None. You?”

  Tag scratched his scruffy chin. One name came to mind: Brodie. The kid knew Haden was staying with him, and planned on going home for Colton’s birthday. Maybe jealousy was his motive. Maybe the Nighthawks promised him something. Either way, Tag would find out for sure, and if it was Brodie, nothing would help the kid once Tag got a hold of him.

  “One possibility comes to mind.” Tag gave Bear a brief summary about the young guy from JoAnn’s farm.

  Bear turned to the crowd of bikers. “Let’s head out. Meet up with the others.” He handed Tag a disposable cell. “Sniper’ll call as soon as he gets a lead.”


  The werecougar bought Haden for a ridiculous amount of money. As a Nighthawk led him to his buyer, Haden curled his bound fists and punched backward, slamming his captor right in the balls. When the Nighthawk doubled over in pain, he quickly brought up an elbow and smashed him in the face, hard. The guy fell forward, unconscious.

  Near the door, Lisa saw this. It distracted her guards, and the lynx who bought her. She kicked one of them behind the knees and used her elbow to smash another in the guts.

  Still up on the platform, Ty reefed on the plank holding him. Viciously, he struggled, until he yanked the board lose and came charging off the stage. He used the thick length of wood to knock an approaching shifter off his feet.

  The odds were against them, but Haden knew they couldn’t give up. He kicked at another fallen guard and used his bound fist as best he could against their attackers.

  Searing pain sliced through his ribs. Warm blood seeped through his t-shirt. He looked back to see the werecougar baring fangs at him. The beast had sliced Haden’s left side open.


  When Tag and the others arrived at the old farmhouse, gunshots rang out. Tag swallowed down fear and focused on action. He drew his pistol and ran for the enclosed porch. Sniper and Old Man Bear flanked him.

  Noise directed them to the basement quickly. More of their allies poured into the house behind them. They picked off a few Nighthawk guards as they bulled toward their destination.

  Tag descended the stairs two at a time. He and Old Man Bear put a shoulder to the first door at the bottom and bashed it in.

  Inside, Tag spotted Haden head butting a Nighthawk. Blood stained the left side of his white t-shirt. Lisa bit the face of a man-beast who tried to restrain her, and Ty used a board held between his back and bound hands to smash in the nose of another shifter.

  “Take these fuckers down!” Old Man Bear’s voice boomed above the brawl. “Don’t leave any standing.”

  Their allies opened fire. The enemy drew their guns and returned bullets. Tag knew this night would run red, and he welcomed it. Not one Nighthawk would be left breathing, if he could help it.

  More Rebels & Rogues, Lucifer’s Chosen, and Destroyers flowed into the basement. They had the Nighthawks outnumbered now. Bruno must’ve realized this, because he gathered his VP and Sergeant-at-Arms and fled up the stairs.

  Tag picked his way over bloodied bodies toward Haden. He laid a hand on the kid’s shoulder and the prospect gave him a weak smile.

  “Took you long enough to get here, old man.”

  “You okay, kid? Let’s take a look at that wound.”

  Tag lifted Haden’s shirt. Relief flooded him when he inspected the injury. It’d bled like hell, but wasn’t too deep. Haden would need stitches, but he’d live.

  “Let’s get those cuffs off you. Hold out your wrists.”

  Haden lifted his arms and held his wrists as far apart as he could. Tag cut the chain connecting the cuffs with a bullet. Until they could find the keys, it would have to do.

  He handed Haden his spare pistol. “Come on. Let’s get Lisa and Ty and get upstairs.”

  Haden headed toward his sister. She kicked a sleek black and grey coyote shifter in the balls. He doubled over for a moment, but then came up raging. His gun aimed at her forehead.

  Haden aimed at the side of the shifter’s head and pulled the trigger. Red mixed with grey as blood and brains spattered the wall. The man-beast crumpled at Lisa’s feet. She ran to Haden and gripped him in a tight hug.

  “Let’s go get Ty,” she said. “And get the fuck outta here.”

  Haden got her to hold out her arms and spread her wrists so he could shoot her cuffs apart. Lisa grabbed the fallen shifter’s gun and she and Haden ran to where Ty fought off a towering grizzly shifter. It took three shots to bring the massive creature down. After they freed Ty, they met up with Tag near the deserted stage.

  “Ty, you get Lisa outside and meet us back upstairs. I’m going after Bruno.”

  “Fuck that,” Lisa said. “I’m staying with you guys.”

  Tag frowned at her. “Lisa, this is no place for you.”


  “If she wants to stay, let her,” Haden said. “Lisa’s a fighter, and she’s stubborn. You won’t change her mind.”

  “All right, but stay close to Ty or Haden. These guys fight dirty, and they won’t think twice about taking you out.”

  Tag split from them and bounded up the stairs two at a time. One thing dominated his mind: finding Bruno Terrace and taking him out.

  Up ahead, he saw Old Man Bear and Sniper heading down a hall just off the living room. Tag followed them, ever watchful for Nighthawks or their allies.

  A cougar shifter vaulted out of an open doorway to Tag’s right. Before he could attack, Tag aimed and shot him through the chest. The man-beast fell, but aimed at Tag with a shaking hand. Tag didn’t give him time to pull the trigger. He placed another bullet in the shifter’s heart, and one in his throat to make damn sure he was dead.

  With his senses on high alert, Tag continued down the hall, looking for Old Man Bear or Sniper as he went. They had to be on Bruno’s trail, and when he found them he’d help take the Nighthawk president out.

  He heard wood splinter and a door crashed to the floor. Tag turned right where the hallway forked in both directions.

  Old Man Bear’s voice boomed out of an entrance three doors down. Tag couldn’t make out words, but the Rebels & Rogues president sounded pissed. He ran in that direction. Before he made it to his destination, gunshots rang out.

  Tag picked up speed. When he arrived at the room, the sight before him sliced through his heart. His eyes refused to believe what
they saw.

  “Fuck no. No fucking way.”

  JoAnn stood beside a desk with a Glock 20 aimed at him. Old Man Bear lie sprawled in front of it. A crimson puddle bloomed from his head. His unseeing eyes stared at the mahogany veneer.

  Tag’s face crumpled into an ugly mask of anger. “You ratted us out.”

  “I had no choice. Nighthawks promised to destroy my crops if I didn’t give them information. I got a kid in college and parents who aren’t getting any younger. Government pensions don’t give them enough to live on. They depend on me.”

  “You could’ve come to us. We would’ve helped you, protected you.” Tag lunged in the room and aimed at JoAnn. The two reached a stalemate.

  JoAnn scoffed. “Yeah, just like you protected Haden. The Nighthawks play the long game. We both know that, Tag. Eventually, they would’ve come for my farm. I couldn’t take that risk.”

  “Bullshit. How much did they give you, Jo?”

  “Enough cash to make sure my baby girl gets her degree.”

  Tag took a step forward.

  JoAnn aimed the gun higher, at his head. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Tag lunged for her and JoAnn squeezed the trigger. He veered left as the shot went wide, missing him by nearly a foot.

  JoAnn morphed into her eagle form, but in the small room she couldn’t get the lift she needed to fly. Flapping her massive wing span proved too difficult. She hopped up on the desk and then the back of the chair. Clumsily, she flapped her wings again in an attempt to flee out the open window.

  Tag took the opportunity to morph into his bear form. His clothes tore away from his rippling bulk as fur burst through flesh. He charged the desk and it splintered under his massive weight. His massive shoulder toppled the chair JoAnn perched upon. She let out a squawk and plummeted to the floor.

  With one angry swipe, Tag reduced her feathered breast to ribbons. The force of the blow sent her tumbling into the desk debris. A final cry left her beak before she went still.

  Tag shambled over to the corpse and snuffled it as she transformed into a human once more. He nuzzled Old Man Bear, then lifted his shaggy white head and bellowed. Tears and blood streaked his thick fur.

  “What the hell happened?” A stunned Ty stood in the doorway when Tag looked up.

  Slowly, he changed back to his human form. Now he squatted between his two fallen friends. People he’d called family.

  “JoAnn ratted us out. She told the Nighthawks Haden went home.”

  Ty ran a hand through his long hair. “Shit.”

  “Where are Haden and Lisa?”

  “They’re out by the bikes.”

  “How many Nighthawks are left? Bruno?”

  “We got ’em all. Bruno’s dead. A few ran off in the woods, but Mickey J and Big C are out there looking for them now.”

  “Good.” After one last painful look at Old Man Bear, Tag stood. “Let’s give this place one last sweep, make sure all our brothers cleared out, then we’ll burn this fucker to the ground. And get me some pants, will ya?”


  Chapter 16

  Haden and Lisa stood outside with the members of Rebels & Rogues, Lucifer’s Chosen, the Destroyers, and the other couple the bikers rescued. Some had already left the scene and headed back to the clubhouse. As more bikers poured out of the farmhouse, more departed. They knew who had won the fight, and Haden was thankful it was their side that emerged victorious.

  Fifteen minutes later, only he and Lisa remained, along with Sniper. Haden grew anxious as he waited for Tag to join them. He could tell Lisa worried about Ty too. She shifted from foot to foot and her gaze darted around, eager for a glimpse of the bikers.

  A loud boom filled the air and a ball of fire engulfed the house. It burned hot and fast, collapsing in on itself as the flames greedily consumed it.

  Fear crawled up Haden’s throat and threatened to choke him. He went to run toward the house, but Lisa held him back.

  “Look, Haden.” She pointed to the tree line at their left. “I think that’s them.”

  She and Haden ran toward two figures trudging through the darkness. Relief lifted Haden’s fear when he saw Tag’s face. Ty walked at his side.

  Lisa launched herself into Ty’s arms, raining kisses across his face as she hugged him. Haden wrapped Tag in a fierce embrace and whispered roughly, “Took you fucking long enough.”

  Tag didn’t laugh. He just regarded Haden with grim weariness, and Haden knew something very wrong happened inside.

  “Let’s get outta here,” Tag said. “We should stay at the clubhouse tonight. Ty, you take Lisa. Me and Haden will meet you there.”

  After everyone drove off, Tag and Haden remained. Tag sat on his Harley and gripped the handlebars. His bowed back shook. Haden wrapped his arms tightly around him and pressed his cheek against his cool leather jacket.

  “Tell me what happened in there. Get it out, so it doesn’t eat you up.”

  “Old Man Bear is dead. JoAnn, too. I killed her. She ratted us out. Told the Nighthawks you’d gone home.” His voice broke in a ragged sob. “My family’s dead.”

  Haden tugged at his broad shoulder. Tag turned to reveal a stony face streaked with tears.

  “You still got me.” Haden wiped the wetness from his face. “The MC. We’re your family.”

  Old Man Bear would want Tag to go on. Haden knew this. He wouldn’t want him to drown in this grief. It was like Tag told him: you dwell on this stuff, it will consume you. Now, Haden needed to be there for Tag, to help him grieve and let go.

  He leaned forward and licked the remains of salty despair from Tag’s face. Then he traced his tongue over the biker’s bottom lip. Tag kissed him hungrily in return, pulling him close. Tag poured all his misery into the kiss, the embrace. Haden could feel it to his toes.

  He snatched away Haden’s jacket and tossed it to the ground, then his wide palms pushed up his t-shirt and explored his chest. Haden’s fingers went to Tag’s belt buckle. He fumbled with the chunky metal a moment then unfastened it. After tearing the leather from the loops, he unzipped Tag’s jeans and slipped a hand down the front.

  Already Tag’s cock hardened. Haden took the velvet smooth shaft in his hand and stroked it until it twitched stiffer. His own penis strained against his tight jeans.

  A moan escaped him as their tongues slipped over each other. Tag rubbed Haden’s crotch and he bucked into his hand. His groin burned with delicious fire. He wrapped a hand around Tag’s waist and pulled him closer still. Fingers slid under the big biker’s t-shirt and roamed up his sculpted back.

  Sharp teeth bit into Haden’s neck and he hissed in pain. But he wanted more. More pain and pleasure. He squeezed Tag’s cock hard and the big biker growled before he sank his incisors into Haden’s shoulder.

  Blood from Haden’s wound got onto Tag’s hands, and soon their bodies were smeared scarlet. They panted against each other’s warm skin. Haden urged his lover to pour out all his agony. This ferocious making out was a release for their misery.

  Tag stood and flipped his leg over his motorcycle. He tore off his jeans then urged Haden to his feet so he could do the same. Then he pulled him back down onto the hog and yanked him into his arms.

  “Turn around,” Tag growled while he pumped Haden’s cock. “Give me your ass.”

  Haden flipped around on the Harley and jutted his butt into the air. With hands and tongue, Tag worshipped it. Rough palms and callused fingers squeezed and massaged his cheeks. A wet mouth closed around his balls and sucked. Then his tongue flit over that sensitive flap of skin just behind Haden’s balls. It drove him wild, made him moan and writhe atop the bike. The slippery muscle poked into his tight hole and he had to grip the fender to keep from falling off.

  Tag nearly made him cum with the rim job, but he stopped just in time. His plump glans now stroked Haden’s pulsing anus. “I’m gonna fuck this ass until you scream.”

  A loud sigh left Haden when Tag nudged his penis in. His inner wal
ls clasped the thick shaft and drew it farther in. Both of them were greedy for this pleasure. Haden could feel Tag’s need seeping into him.

  The motorcycle shook from the force of their fucking. Haden was worried it would topple, and he used the fender to steady himself again while he took all 8 inches of Tag’s cock. Deep inside his ass, that walnut-shaped gland that brought sublime bliss throbbed.

  Tag reached around and grabbed Haden’s dick. He milked it roughly, the calluses on his palms abrading this sensitive flesh. Haden’s head fell forward and he closed his eyes. Ecstasy exploded in his brain.

  His knuckles went white gripping the fender as Tag fucked him harder still. The force was primal. Pure emotional outpouring. His balls slapped against Haden’s ass. They swung with each thrust and swept across Haden’s scrotum. Euphoria burst deep inside Haden. He could hold it off no longer. His legs trembled and he screamed as cum jetted from his cock. It splattered the seat, fender, and back tire of the bike.

  Tag buried himself balls deep over and over until he also found release. With a grunt, he spilled his spunk deep in Haden’s ass. He curled his brawny upper body around him and held him close until their ragged breathing grew regular.

  Tag rose from the bike, pulled off his shirt, and started wiping the motorcycle down. “This war ain’t over, kid. Nighthawks will regroup. I want you by my side while we fight it.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Tag. I plan on earning that patch Old Man Bear promised me.”

  Unshed tears shone in the big biker’s eyes. “He’d be proud of you tonight, kid. He’d be proud of you.”



  A year and a half later

  After Old Man Bear’s death, Sniper became the president of Rebels & Rogues. Tag was appointed vice president. Though he’d never craved a leadership role, or second in command for that matter, he took the position in honor of Old Man Bear. He told Haden he knew the fallen president would’ve wanted it that way.

  Haden stood out on the porch when Tag came roaring up the gravel driveway. He went down to meet him as Tag cut the engine and parked the bike near the front of Lisa’s house. Haden still lived with his sister, but he’d started looking for his own place. Now that Ty had moved in with her, he wanted to give his sister and her new boyfriend some privacy. He’d looked at a couple places close to the Rebels & Rogues clubhouse. Since he’d earned his patch 8 months ago, he wanted an apartment halfway between the clubhouse and Tag’s place. It would be convenient for meetings and his overnight visits with the big biker.


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