Predator's Fire

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Predator's Fire Page 2

by Rosanna Leo

  He’d considered it, but for some reason, his jaguar had sniffed, turning its head. As a result, being so connected to the animal, he’d lost interest too.

  Besides, sometimes it just felt good to go for a long run down a desolate path. It distracted him from more destructive pursuits.

  As Killian pounded the boardwalk, he became conscious of another shifter somewhere behind him. Within seconds, footsteps echoed his own on the wooden slats. Recognizing the man’s scent, he stopped running and turned around to face his unexpected company.

  When Ryland came into view, Killian grinned and called out. “I thought you preferred boxing to running.”

  Ry ran the last few feet between them, closing the distance. His dark eyes seemed even darker. “I need you to come back to the lodge. Now.”

  He recognized that voice, the ‘I mean business’ voice. “Must be important. I thought you’d already holed up with Lia for the night.” Killian grinned. Everyone on the resort knew how much Ry and his mate Lia loved being alone together. And Ry recently confessed to him that they were trying to have a baby. So, like any shifter male worth his salt, the man worked extra hard to keep his woman in a state of orgasmic rapture.

  Knowing what he knew of his friend, he wouldn’t have considered it a chore. Ry was devoted to Lia and she to him.

  Killian hadn’t ever felt that way about a female, hadn’t experienced the cloying mate bond yet. Well, there was his friend Marci, a lynx shifter who used to work at the resort. They’d had a little fling a while back, but she was now happily mated and he was thrilled for her. They’d had fun together, but he didn’t feel the intense need for her that his shifter buddies felt for their wives. Quite frankly, he doubted he’d ever feel it, wasn’t even sure how it was supposed to feel.

  Ryland did not return the smile. The little vein at his temple throbbed. “Come on. You have a visitor. One who’s very insistent on seeing you.”

  He frowned, sensing the visitor was a woman. Didn’t sound like one of his hook ups. Besides, the ladies he dated from the resort knew better than to disturb the boss. “Who is it?”

  They jogged down the boardwalk together. “Does the name Nina Suzuki ring any bells?”

  “Can’t say it does. Is she a new participant in the program?” Killian stifled a sigh. Their days were already full. Surely there was no more room for additional participants right now. Since the resort had become so popular, they’d been inundated with mentoring requests, and he and Ry were the only mentors on duty. That meant a lot of early mornings, late nights and missed meals. If there was anything that pissed Killian off, it was missing his lunch. With the metabolism of a predator, he needed food, lots of it.

  However, his teens needed help even more. If this Nina was a shifter in distress, he’d help her. He considered it his duty after having received help himself so many years ago.

  Ry looked straight ahead as he ran. “Nina’s not a shifter. She’s human.”

  Killian stopped jogging for a second and stared at him. “Human? Are you sure?”

  His friend stopped and pinned his gaze on him. “I think I know a human from a shifter.”

  “But we haven’t had any humans on the island since Lia and Gioia found their way here.”

  Ryland’s mate Lia had literally stumbled onto Gemini Island some time ago, staying when she and Ry hit it off. Gioia, another human woman, ended up as the mate to Ry’s brother Soren. Both women had become shifters since mating with their men.

  “Well, Nina found us and she’s not happy.” Ryland looked around, as if checking to make sure no one listened. “Killian, she doesn’t know about shifters. She just thinks this is your average Northern Ontario resort, full of your average people.”

  “So why does she want me? I don’t really associate with humans much.”

  “She has a letter with your name on it…look, I don’t know much more than that right now. She won’t tell me anything else, but she’s made a few weird comments and I can’t help feeling on guard.” He ran his hand through his hair. “She did say one other thing.”


  “The letter that has your information came from a friend of hers who just died.”

  He wracked his brain, wondering if anyone he knew had passed away recently, but he couldn’t think of a soul. In general, shape shifters lived extremely long lives. It was unusual to hear of deaths in their community, unless those deaths were violent disputes over mates. “All right. Take me to this Nina. Let’s find out what she knows.”

  “Just be careful. She’s, um, fragile.”

  They jogged the remaining distance to the spacious lodge and entered, walking swiftly to Ryland’s office in the back of the reception area. Before Ry could open the door, Killian heard raised voices.

  “How much longer do I have to wait? I want to see Killian Moon. Now.”

  The feminine voice, strangely soft despite its insistence, echoed deep in his being, awakening his jaguar. The great cat roared to life, turned toward the office and inhaled deeply. Its eyes flashed in interest.


  Killian breathed in at the same time, catching the scent of cherry blossoms through the door. The sweet perfume, mixed with human outrage, proved a heady distraction, making him forget why he was there. Shaking his head, he tried to dismiss the odd sensation as Ryland opened the door.

  The door swung open and the first person he glimpsed was one of the clerks from reception, trying his hardest to placate the unexpected guest. “I’m sure Mr. Snow and Mr. Moon will be right back.”

  And then his gaze landed on the petite human. Tapered Asian eyes, so dark and mysterious, but rimmed with circles of exhaustion. Smooth, cinnamon skin hinted at a mixed background. Wearing no makeup, she appeared younger than she must be, but her presence and keen eyes pegged her at around thirty years old. She had a riot of curly, black hair and feminine curves that ought to come with a warning. He could see it now. Beware: this woman’s body will cause insanity in men. Even as she gesticulated at the clerk, her boobs jiggled in such a way his throat went dry.

  He pictured her in a corset, her breasts spilling over delicate lace edging, and almost forgot his name.

  This Nina Suzuki was damn hot and his jaguar seemed to agree. The animal licked its lips, its golden gaze assessing and appreciating every detail, from her rounded hips to her come-hither rack.

  Yes, the creature uttered on a frenzied breath.

  Uh, no. We’re not here for that, he admonished. Even still, he couldn’t help allowing his own gaze to dwell on the way her delicate hands gestured, wondering how those hands would feel while stroking his cock.

  Jesus, Killian. Get it together, he reminded himself, swallowing to extinguish the sudden heat traveling throughout his body. Had someone turned up the temperature in Ryland’s office? Surely the Gobi Desert was less arid.

  Just then, she turned, as if noticing them for the first time. She looked right at him, and her jaw dropped. In that moment, she stopped moving and he noticed how her dark pupils dilated in eyes that were already too mysterious for his peace of mind. The woman gawked for a second, shook her head, and walked up to him.

  “You,” she whispered, her voice hardened by accusation. “Are you Killian Moon?”

  He cleared his throat. “I am.”

  Before any of them could bat an eye, she launched herself at him in a flurry of flailing arms and legs, beating on his chest. “What were you to her? Why didn’t she tell me about you?”

  “Whoa, whoa, lady!” He reached for her wrists and brought her arms down as gently as possible. Ryland and the clerk stood behind her, ready to restrain her if necessary. However, despite her frantic movements, Killian had no trouble stopping her from trying to flatten him. One of the advantages of being a shifter. The smallest shifter could overpower the largest human. Besides, she was more than a whole head shorter. Not a fair fight, in any respect. “Calm down and we can talk. Okay?”

>   Those onyx pupils dilated further. “Don’t tell me to calm down. I will calm down when I’m good and ready.”

  He aimed an accusing glance at Ryland. “What did you say about fragile?” Lowering his head so he didn’t tower over her so much, he looked her right in the eye. She gazed back at him, swallowing hard, stifling tears that filled her eyes but didn’t spill over. She made little noises, soft hums, as she tried to control herself. The sound, clearly not mean to be seductive, had the opposite effect on him and he felt his groin twitch. Fuck, it didn’t just twitch. His goddamn cock ballooned.

  Taste her, his jaguar begged, saliva dripping from its lips. She’s so close.

  Oh yeah. That would go over really well right now. Giving his inner animal a swat, he mentally leashed it and dismissed it. Sulking, the jag plodded off into a dark corner, slurping all over its paws.

  Still holding her wrists, he rubbed his thumb over her hand. Shit, she’s soft. “Now, are you going to stop with the Tasmanian Devil routine and tell me why you came looking for me?”

  Her face crumpled and the first tear finally escaped, winding a salty path over her pleasantly-round cheek. The sight of that tear did strange things to him. Suddenly, Killian felt like fighting, felt like pummeling the person who’d made her cry. In its corner, his jaguar raged against its leash, obviously in agreement. Oh, man. I need to get it together big time. How long had it been since he’d fucked someone? Clearly, too long.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll stop hitting you now.”

  He couldn’t resist grinning a little. “Well, that’s a step in the right direction.” With reluctance, he released her wrists, wishing he could recapture them and pin her to a bed. Or a wall. Or the floor.

  Damn. None of those images helped his case of Gobi Desert throat.

  She took a seat in one of Ryland’s chairs, and Ry dismissed the clerk. Then he and Killian sat down as well. Breathing deeply to clear his head, he managed to fill his nasal passages with her perfume instead. As her scent imprinted itself on his memory, he swallowed. Damn, his mouth wouldn’t stop watering and yet felt puckered at the same time. She crossed her legs, and he noted the way her tight jeans outlined her calf muscle. Panting, he strained to focus his thoughts on something other than her ridiculous curves.

  “Killian,” Ryland said, his voice low and knowing. “Are you okay?”

  As his friend roused him from his sexual stupor, he dragged his gaze from Nina’s calf. Jesus, they hadn’t even been introduced properly and he was thinking of her on a first-name basis. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  With a warning look at him, Ryland then turned his gaze to their visitor. “Miss Suzuki, maybe you could tell Killian why you’re here.”

  She angled her entire body toward him, which only set off another fireworks display in his boxer briefs. He leaned over and covered his crotch with his arms, trying to appear casual as she spoke. It didn’t help as it put his eyes in line with her cleavage. Dismayed, he stared at the floor.

  “Do you know Janine Michaels?”

  “Janine. Yes.” He looked up from the hardwood and smiled. “Although I haven’t spoken with her in a couple of years.”

  “She’s dead.”

  He stared and then ran a hand over his mouth. “I’m so sorry. How did you know her?”

  “She was my best friend. I found her hanging in her bedroom a few days ago.” Nina stared at him, her eyes dry now. “She killed herself and I don’t know why.”

  “Jesus.” Killian looked at the limp hands in his lap. Shifters didn’t kill themselves. It was almost unheard of. Being part animal, they were driven by the fight or flight instinct. Programed to survive and battle their enemies, they never gave up the ghost. For Janine to kill herself, she had to be despondent. He looked at Ryland, who was as pale as he felt.

  “Why do you think your friend killed herself, Miss Suzuki?” Ryland asked.

  “Call me Nina.” She offered Ryland a slight twitch to her lips, a sad smile. “And I have no idea. She was happy, even in love. I don’t get it. I thought we told each other everything, but she clearly kept some secrets.” She turned to Killian. “In her note, she told me to find you. She said you’d help me. Why? What were you to her? She’s never uttered your name.”

  Clearly, Janine hadn’t shared the truth of her nature. Most shifters didn’t. So how much should he reveal to this woman who’d never realized their existence? How could he break it to her that her closest friend had known him through shifter channels, channels which shouldn’t exist in her world? “Janine and I had some mutual friends. We socialized a few years back. We were, uh, members of the same club.”

  “What club? She didn’t belong to any clubs.”

  He chose his words. “It’s sort of like PETA. You know, an animal protection organization.”

  Ryland rolled his eyes but kept silent.

  Nina squinted. “I don’t understand. Why would she reach out to you in her suicide note? It sounds as if you weren’t even close.” Her pretty eyes narrowed further. “Did you sleep with her?”

  “No,” he was quick to reply, wanting for some weird reason to put the idea to rest. “Honestly, we were just friends. We lost contact the last couple of years and I have no idea why she’d name me in her note. Do you have it?”

  She crossed her other leg, effectively turning her body away from him in a show of distrust.

  He leaned in, wanting her to trust him. Needing it, for some God-forsaken reason. “Please. If I read the note, maybe I can help.”

  She looked at him for what seemed an eternity, her gaze even and appraising. And then, with dainty movements that made his heart leap, she reached into her knapsack and retrieved a hand-written letter. With a sigh, she handed it to him.

  When he took it from her, he brushed his fingers against hers and noted her slight gasp. His jaguar noticed, too, and let loose a low growl of hunger from its corner. Blinking it away, he read the note, ignoring the new hammering in his skull.

  As soon as he read a few of Janine’s words, the rest of them fell away.

  The Alpha Brethren are coming.

  No. It couldn’t be. By all that was holy. He’d hoped the day would never come.

  And yet she’d killed herself.

  As nausea made his stomach lurch, he looked up at Ryland, knowing his friend would be impacted as well. Everyone would. Everyone they knew and loved on Gemini Island would be at risk. And now, so might Nina.

  Okay, he was getting ahead of himself. One step at a time, Killian. Don’t overreact. This might be a whole lot of nothing. The Alpha Brethren had been promising to unleash their particular hell for years, but they hadn’t. Instead, the cult of shifters had remained hidden away in their hole, doing nothing but making empty threats. No, he couldn’t get carried away.

  But Janine had seen fit to take her own life. Why? If the Alpha Brethren had gotten wind of her, there could be only one reason.

  Nina said Janine had fallen in love. The man had to be human. Perhaps she’d made plans to tell him about shifters, had planned to mate with him. That would have earned her the ire of the Brethren.

  “Did you show the note to anyone else?”

  “No, but the cops asked me a lot of questions. I didn’t have too many answers.” When she sniffled, he grabbed the box of tissues on Ry’s desk and handed it to her. She took one and smiled at him, wiping her nose. “After some investigation, the police found out Janine had made some mistakes lately at her job. She worked as a bank teller. The manager had recently discovered a few discrepancies on her shifts. She always told me bank employees had to be really careful. Certain errors could be cause for firing. Janine knew her stuff. She was the most cautious person I know. If she’d been making mistakes, she had to be stressed but she never told me.”

  “Did she get into trouble at work?” asked Ryland.

  “Her boss spoke with her, but she didn’t exactly get written up. It makes no sense. Janine was a straight arrow, hon
orable to the core. It would have upset her to fall apart on the job but she wasn’t the sort to kill herself over a work error.” She shook her head. “No, the more I think about it, the more I realize something was very wrong. She’d been avoiding my calls. The day I found her, I’d left her a message saying I was coming over. I wanted to know if she was angry at me.” She turned to him. “She sent me to you. Why? What do you know?”

  He shook his head, avoiding her gaze.

  “Please. You have to tell me. What’s this business with the Alpha Brethren?”

  “I can’t…”

  “No,” she stated, her voice shaky but her tone resolute. “There’s a reason she named you in her letter. Who are these Alpha Brethren? And who are they coming for?”

  Killian stared at her, his gut churning, his heart sinking into the maelstrom. “You don’t need to be concerned. They’re coming for me and for my brothers.”

  Chapter 2

  NINA stared at Killian Moon, not understanding his words nor Janine’s cryptic note. And certainly not understanding the way her body responded to him. There was something about this man, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. A certain quality in his deep voice recalled the low growl of a carnivore. The casual confidence in his movements gave him the air of a beast that knows it’s top of the food chain.

  Animal magnetism.

  It was the only way she could describe her strange attraction to him. She shouldn’t be attracted to anyone right now, and felt traitorous every time her nipples pebbled under his gaze. How many times had she crossed her arms over her chest to hide it during their conversation, only to feel as if he saw right through her anyway? Enough to know something was catastrophically wrong with her.

  When he’d first walked through the office door, she’d wanted to hate him on sight. She’d painted a picture in her head of Killian Moon, one of an unfeeling ogre, but had been confronted with a Greek god. Wavy, blond hair crowned a tall frame. Golden-green eyes flashed in a wary face. Oh, and the muscles. Even though he was clothed, she could tell he had muscles in all the right places and some unexpected ones. He was long and hard, his face’s contours somehow boyish and manly all at once. Wearing an Adidas shirt, thin shorts and Nike running shoes, he resembled a modern Apollo out for a run. When he’d restrained her, he’d loomed over her, easily dwarfing her five and a half feet. His lambent gaze washed over her, inspiring a year’s worth of ominous flutters in her belly. To make things worse, he’d smelled so good. Warm and comforting, like home, but with the dangerous allure of a bad boy.


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