Hunter II

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Hunter II Page 10

by Heath Stallcup

  I should have known better.

  They came right at sunrise. They either didn’t plan well, or, knowing I was a vampire they’d hoped to catch me still in my jammies. Instead, I sat at the bar, my longcoat on and loaded. Although I had begun to relax, I wasn’t stupid. My weapons were at the ready at all times and since being supercharged by Grigori’s blood, I hadn’t needed to sleep. Or eat. Or much of anything, really. It was like I was charged up and ready to go at a moment’s notice.

  I actually hoped that the effects would wear off. I rather enjoyed sleeping. Sometimes. It allowed my mind a chance to shut down and go dormant. I didn’t like it running constantly. It was…tedious.

  They appeared in my living room and I immediately gripped the sword. “You should really knock before entering somebody’s home.”

  The two men appeared very similar. If they had been human I would have suspected twins. Brothers at least. The closest to me turned and gave me a deadpan stare. “Your rules do not apply to us.” He stepped closer and tilted his head at me. Much like Orel used to do. And it bugged me even more when these assholes did it.

  “My rules are for everyone in my house.” I stood and kicked the stool away, the blade sliding farther from the scabbard. “You announce yourself before entering my domicile.”

  His head cocked slightly more to the side and he gave a curt nod. “Very well.” He stepped back and spread his arms. “We have arrived.”

  I sighed and gripped the sword tighter. “You’re supposed to announce yourself before you enter.”

  He looked around the room and shook his head. “It is too late for that. Simply know that we have arrived.”

  I shrugged. “Good enough, I suppose. Now get the fuck out.”

  He looked to his partner and the two shared some unspoken communication. The second one stepped closer and eyed me suspiciously. “We have come for our brother, Grigori.”

  “He’s obviously not here. So leave.” I stepped closer and flipped open the edge of my coat. Neither angel bothered to notice what was within, either that or they were too stupid to care.

  “He was here. But now he is not. And he is not with us.” The closest one stepped forward. “Where is he?”

  “He’s dead.” I waited for them to attack but neither did.

  “That is unfortunate.” The closest one turned to his partner again and the two nodded at the same time. “We require his body.”

  I paused and looked at both angels. Were they serious? “I tell you that he’s dead and you don’t ask how he died? You just want his body?”


  I loosened my grip on the sword and gave them a weary look. “You’re not here to kill me?”

  I actually caught a look of surprise. “Why would we do such a thing?”

  I felt the anticipation that was built up in me slip. I studied the two and gripped the sword tighter. “Because I killed him.”

  “That is not our concern. Our only concern is to remove him from this plane and return him home.”

  I didn’t let go of the sword. “So, you don’t care that I killed him?”

  The two looked at each other again and the closest shook his head. “That is not our concern.”

  I stepped back and nodded to them. “Fine. I buried him in the woods.” I pointed in the general direction. “That way. His grave is marked by a two foot wooden cross stuck in the ground.”

  I never saw the second angel move. His hand squeezed my shoulder and I almost let out a yip when I noticed him behind me. I mean, it would have been a very manly and courageous yip, but a yip nonetheless.

  “Imagine the location of this place as clearly as you can.”

  I didn’t really concentrate or anything. I saw it in my mind as soon as he said that and before I could blink, the three of us were standing at Grigori’s grave.

  That time I did let out a bit of a yip and fell to the ground. I scrambled away from the pair. “How the hell did you do that?”

  They both looked at me as though I were crazy. “That is how we travel.”

  “By thinking about where you want to be?” I pulled myself to my feet and slapped the dirt and pine needles from my pants.


  One of the angels plunged his hand into the soil like it was pudding and gripped Grigori by the ankle. He dragged him effortlessly from the earth and laid him out next to the makeshift grave. The second angel turned to me and gave me a curt nod. “You have our thanks.”

  Before I could speak, the three of them poofed on me and I was left standing alone in the woods with just my dick in my hand.

  I glanced up at the stars and raised my voice. “If you really wanted to thank me, you could have returned me home.”

  Chapter 11

  THE NEXT DAY was pretty much dead. I didn’t sleep the night before and I still felt no fatigue. I hadn’t eaten, but I had no desire to. I still felt this slight expectation that someone…or something would crash through my door at any moment and challenge me. It never happened, but the anxiety never left. I don’t want to call it hypersensitivity or a constant adrenaline rush, but it was something similar. An “awareness” of the expectation of an event that I couldn’t put my finger on.

  The following day I knew I had to get out of the house. I walked through the entire city, my hand hovering near the hilt of the sword the entire time. My eyes darted to every possible vantage where one might launch a surprise attack but there was nothing. It wasn’t until I got home that anything of note happened. That something of note was a lot more than I had been expecting.

  I walked through the door and my ears and nose went into overdrive. I hoped to find some evidence that I was still under angelic surveillance but I detected nothing. I was almost disappointed as I shut the door and made my way to the fridge. I opened it and stared at the bags of blood that threatened to go out of date. They were not just unappealing; the thought of drinking that crap almost turned my stomach.

  I shut the door and turned only to be blinded by the most brilliant flash of light. It was almost a physical force that knocked me back into the counter and I stood blinking my eyes trying to shake the spots that had veiled my vision.

  Slowly my world came back into focus and I stared across the breakfast bar into the living room and almost yelled out when a huge form rose from the floor. It took me a moment to realize…it was Thor. How he had found me, I have no idea, but here he stood, the Thor, in my home.

  I suddenly wished that I had picked up a bit or maybe even baked a cake. I honestly had no idea whether to shit my pants or run. Instead I squeaked out a little fart before stumbling out of the kitchen.

  He turned slowly and stared at me, the look in his eye less than cordial.

  “You shall be allowed to live.”

  I think I actually shook a little when he spoke. I did my best to stand tall, but compared to Thor…I was nothing. And I knew it.

  I swallowed hard and nodded slightly. “I take it Loki recovered.”

  Thor tossed something at me and I caught it out of reflex. It was one of the bullets I’d had made from the crossbow bolt.

  “Barely.” He stepped closer and seemed to study me. “Tell me, how does a draugar such as yourself make weapons that can kill a god?”

  I felt my mouth go dry and I held the bullet out to him. “They were given to me. By this…by an angel.”

  His face sneered and he slapped the bullet from my offering hand. “You are their puppet.”

  “I was.” I suddenly felt less frightened. I wish I could tell you why. My favored god of gods was standing in my living room, giving me a “go-to-hell” stare and my fear simply vanished. Made no sense to me either. “With Loki as your brother, you must know what that is like.”

  Why in the bloodiest of fucks did I just say that? To THOR of all people? Er,..of all gods?

  His face twisted into a snarl. “My family is none of your concern, tainted one.”

  “And yet you fault me for being tricked by an age
less creature? Sounds a bit hypocritical to me.”

  Mental note. Have a sit down meeting with my mouth and inform it firmly that the brain is SUPPOSED to be in charge.

  He sidestepped and I caught the motion of his arm coming toward me in a backhand swing. I ducked and brought my own arm up to block, inadvertently activating the shield in the cuff. The concussive force of the blow pile drove me into the floor and the shock wave sent furniture flying in all directions. I barely caught a glimpse of Mjolnir in his hand before he drew it back for a more deadly blow.

  I shut my eyes and simultaneously wished for a quick and painless death and to not be there at all. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until moments later when I could still breathe. I opened my eyes and the wind was knocked from my sails.

  I was lying on the ground beside Grigori’s grave. The earth was still dark from being disturbed and the makeshift cross was askew in the ground. I rolled to my side and glanced around the area.

  The sun was shining. There was a slight breeze in the air. Tree leaves rustled and bugs flitted about. If this was heaven, they really needed to remodel.

  I came to my feet and stood alone in the forest. The cuff shield was deactivated and my weapons were in place. I suppose, if this were heaven, they would allow their heavenly weapons inside. I’m just not sure they would allow me inside.

  I made a slow circle, looking around for any clue as to what the actual fuck just happened. Why would he send me here? Did he want more privacy to remove my entrails? Surely he didn’t care if a neighbor heard my screams.

  Another brilliant flash of light to my left snapped my head around and I watched as Thor materialized between two mighty pines. Both trees creaked and groaned as an unseen force pushed them aside to make room for the God of Thunder.

  I reached into my coat and drew the sword, feeling it vibrate as it left the scabbard. A quick snap of my wrist brought the shield back into play and I took a defensive stance. In my mind, I knew I stood no chance against him, but I wouldn’t be taken out begging for my life. No matter how shitty it might be at times.

  Thor rose from his kneeling position and at his full height I felt puny and inept. I doubled down on my stance and waited for him to strike again.

  “You can run, draugar, but you cannot hide.”

  Okay, that caught me off guard.

  “Why did you bring me here?” I yelled as hard as I could. I don't know about him, but my ears were ringing just a bit after his entrance.

  He gave me a puzzled look and shook his head. “I did not bring you. You ran here.”

  “The fuck I did.” I gripped the hilt tighter and brought the shield up to guard my upper body. I suddenly wished it were larger so I wouldn’t run the risk of losing limbs that I was attached to.

  “You ran, draugar. It will be to no avail. It simply reveals your cowardice.” He squared his shoulders and swung his great hammer effortlessly.

  Okay. Something is a little ‘not right’ here. I rose slightly, lessening my defensive posture. “I didn’t run. You had to bring me here. I’m fast, but I’m no Loki.”

  He continued to swing the hammer. “You ran. Admit it, coward!”

  “Fuck you.” Again, I really need to let my mouth know who was boss. “I don’t run.” I advanced toward him and brought the shield back up.

  He smiled at me much like I might smile at a toddler who threatened to kick my ass with a stick. It was his own mistake if he didn’t consider me a viable threat. Hell, I nearly killed his brother.

  I swung the sword at him, coming up far too short to do any damage. His longer arms proved formidable as he swung the hammer upward, knocking me back into the trees and deactivating the shield again. I’d like to say that I rolled in the dead pine needles and came to my feet ready to fight, but that isn’t what happened. I slammed hard into the trunk of a tree and got my bell rung. Again.

  I sat upon the ground, my teeth hurting and my head swimming. I shook my head and tried to clear it. I caught a glimpse of him marching towards me and I rolled away; the tree behind me exploded as his hammer made contact and I was showered with wood splinters even as I scrambled to my feet.

  I stood on shaky legs and did my best to appear confident. I smiled at him and flicked my wrist again, activating the shield. “You’ll have to do better than that.”

  I think my taunt actually angered him. He leapt toward me and he moved much faster than I would have given somebody his size credit for. I don’t know what caused me to do it, but I dropped to my back and used my feet and legs to catch him in flight and pushed him up and farther away from me. I then did a kick flip and turned to see where he was.

  He had landed in a small stand of pines, mowing them down like daisies as he rolled away from me. He wasn’t happy when he returned and I could see his eyes flashing blue. Ever have an “oh shit” moment and know that there was little to nothing you could do to prevent what was about to happen? Well, I did.

  He thrust his hammer high into the air and I felt an electric charge that caused the hair on my arms to stand on end. I instinctively raised the shield over my head and ducked just as the bolt of lightning struck.

  The shield protected me, but the arcs of electricity that danced over its surface rained down around me, scorching the vegetation in a near perfect circle where I stood.

  When the fireworks were over, I rose slowly and lowered the shield. I could tell by the look on his face that he didn’t expect me to survive the attack, much less come through it unscathed.

  I spun the sword in my hand and gave him a tight lipped smile. “My turn.”

  It was like somebody else had control of my actions. I didn’t want to launch myself at him. I didn’t want to be anywhere near him. But here I was, striking out at Thor as though he were an errant vampire that needed to be retired. I swung the sword in a powerful arc and he deflected the blow with his hammer. I’d thrust and he’d slip the strike, although just barely. I felt the blade vibrate a time or two as his leather armor was sliced, but I never could draw blood.

  I continued to attack and he continued to block and parry. I can’t tell you how long the battle took, but the echoes of the golden sword striking his immortal hammer echoed throughout the hills.

  We danced the dance of battle for what seemed far too long, and yet I could feel with each blow my strength renew and increase. Rather than becoming fatigued, I was somehow gathering new energy and focus. I finally landed a lucky blow and sliced the end of his beard just below his chin.

  It was only then that he backed off and held his hand up. “HOLD!”

  I don’t know why I stopped. Maybe because when a god calls a timeout, you just do it.

  He stroked at his whiskers and gave me a dirty look. I could only shrug and give him a weak smile. “You moved. I was aiming for your neck.”

  Again, the mouth runneth over.

  “You are not just draugar.” He stood and stared at me. “You have become something…else.”

  Thank the gods I was able to keep my mouth in check this time! I literally bit my tongue to keep from uttering more witty but scathing remarks. I gave him a curt nod. “If you say so.”

  He sniffed the air again and gave me another foul stare. “You are different.” He spat upon the ground and hooked his hammer to his belt. “Go. Now. Run away again before I change my mind.”

  “I didn’t run away!” I flicked the shield off and stepped toward him. “You brought me here!”

  I couldn’t read the look he gave me but I know it wasn’t anything nice. “You came here yourself. I only followed.”

  I shook my head. That wasn’t possible. “No. I…I can’t–"

  He walked past me and up to the top of the hill. “You brought yourself here, draugar.”

  “I’m just a vampire. I can’t–"

  He spun so fast that for a split moment I thought he was about to attack again. “You are what you eat.”

  Before I could speak again, there was another brilliant flash of l
ight and he was gone.

  To say that I was left dumbfounded would be an understatement.

  I TESTED THE working theory. I closed my eyes and imagined my living room. When I opened them, guess where I stood? If you said my living room, you’d be partially correct. I was standing in what was left of the living room. I closed my eyes again and imagined the room as it used to be. Undestroyed.

  It didn’t work, which was disappointing. I was still standing amidst the rubble of what once was my living room.

  I sighed heavily and collapsed onto the couch.

  So. I could travel at the speed of thought. Yay me.

  Okay, don’t misunderstand. Yes, it really was cool. I didn’t need my truck anymore, unless I just wanted to drive somewhere or pick up some lumber. But what else may have changed since I ate Grigori? I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know.

  Now that I’m familiar with the term, I can say that I fell into a depression. Things had changed, and not necessarily for the better.

  I sat there amidst the wreckage and took inventory of the past several days. I had taken on a contract thinking I would get my soul back. Nope. That fine print has a way of biting you in the ass. I almost killed a god, even though nobody knew who he was any more. Apparently he’d pulled a party prank and pissed off the wrong people. In my zeal to complete the task, I alienate and earn the scorn of one of the only gods I ever cared about. I’m sure his father wasn't too happy with one of his own right about now, either. Then, to top it all off, I discover that by eating Grigori, I inherited some of his abilities. The moving around was cool enough, but I also had no appetite and hadn’t slept. I was anxious, and now depressed. I had no clue what other things might have changed because of that gluttonous meal, but I had a feeling I’d be finding out.

  I guess I should have suspected something like this. I mean, I ate the Nephilim and voila! I could stroll around in broad daylight. I eat a full blown angel and BAM! I can travel at the speed of thought.


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