Dear Santa, I Can Explain!

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Dear Santa, I Can Explain! Page 1

by Kayt Miller


  Kayt Miller


  This is a stand-alone story with an HEA. Due to coarse language and sexual content, this book is intended for readers 18+ and for those who want to read something a little naughty.

  Dear Santa,

  I can explain! I thought I was kissing Archie from accounting in the supply closet at the office Christmas party. How was I supposed to know it wasn’t him? It was super dark in there.

  Now I have no idea who I kissed. But, I’d like to know. It was the best kiss of my entire life. So, now all I want for Christmas is another kiss from my mystery man. Because, if I’m going to be on the ‘naughty’ list I might as well deserve it.




  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used facetiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 by Kayt Miller

  Cover image standard license from Adobe

  Cover Copyright © 2017 Kayt Miller

  All rights reserved.

  In accordance with the U.S. Copyright act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the author is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the author @ [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.


  To my mom for being my biggest cheerleader, even when my team is losing.

  Table of Contents

  Cover Page




  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50


  Epilogue: Part Deux

  Other Books by Kayt

  Chapter 1


  “Whose idea was it to have this holiday shindig on the Saturday after Thanksgiving?” asks my co-worker and best friend, Cammy.

  “Mr. Parker’s. Evidently, his December is ‘booked solid’ so this was the only time in November that worked.”

  “Oh, well, at least it isn’t before Thanksgiving. I’m a firm believer that we need to celebrate one holiday thoroughly before moving on to the next one.”

  I groan, “Agreed. I hate it when retail stores put out Christmas stuff in October.”

  “Me too! That makes me cray-cray.” Nodding her head toward Mr. Parker, she asks, “What do you think he got everyone this year?”

  “No clue. Katya took care of the gifts.”

  “Ugh, she probably got us all crackers and stinky cheese.”

  “Or pink slips,” I add looking at Cammy with an arched brow.

  “She doesn’t wield that much power, Lex. She’s only his administrative assistant.”

  “Executive assistant. And don’t you forget it,” I say rolling my eyes.

  “Hey! I work in the public relations department, so I know the hierarchy of Parker and Associates, and she’s listed as his administrative assistant, not executive assistant. If she calls herself anything else, she’s a lying sack of dog turds.”

  “Well, Katya is many things, but my guess? She’s probably not dog pooh.”

  “She’s a bitch,” mutters Cammy. “She had you running ragged getting this office Christmas party going. Did you sleep at all this week?”

  “A little. I had to get here early and stay late every day this week.”

  “But, was she here early or late?” asks my irritated friend.

  “Nope. She’d just text me lists of things to do.” Texts I’d promptly ignore. I created the party the way I wanted. Her ideas were terrible.

  “You were supposed to co-organize the party. How did you become her assistant?”

  “No clue.” Well, I know when it happened. “It happened immediately after Mr. Parker announced that the two of us were going to plan and organize the party, ‘as a team’.” I add with air quotes. “Without a beat, she started bossing me around.”

  “Why’d you let her?” asks Cammy with a look of pity on her face.

  “Because, Cam. I’m only the receptionist. I’ve been here eight months. She’s got seniority.”

  “She’s only been here a little over a year. She’s got nothing.”

  I shrug. “It is what it is.”

  Sighing, Cammy pats my back, “Well, you did a great job on this party. You should start your own party planning business.”

  I look around the space and smile. I’ve transformed the conference room and the large open space in the middle of the office called The Pit. It usually houses rows and rows of drafting tables but tonight it’s a Christmas, er, I mean Holiday Wonderland. “It is pretty cool, isn’t it?”

  “It is. And you can’t tell me Katya Manson had anything to do with this,” she says lifting her palm up to the ceiling that’s covered in glittering lights, glowing amongst silver, blue, and white tinsel. “Nope. This was all me.”

  “And the food? That woman doesn’t eat so I know you chose that too. It’s yummy goodness.”

  “She wanted to go all healthy and vegan.”

  Cammy snorts into her martini. “And this drink, Lex. It’s stellar.”

  “Thanks,” I smile as I sip my drink. “I read up on martini recipes then came up with one just for the party. I call it the Christmas Morning Martini.”

  “It’s perfect. Is that cinnamon I taste?” she says sipping again.

  “Maybe,” I wink. “I’ll never tell.” I’m about to confess the secret ingredient to her when our conversation is interrupted by the tinkling sound of silver against crystal.

  “Time for his speech,” whispers Cammy. “He does this every year. Luckily, he’s a man of very few words.”

  By he, Cammy means Gabriel Parker, architect to the rich and famous and owner of Parker and Associates. Yeah, that Parker and Associates. I take in a lung full of air and watch as Mr. Parker steps gingerly on top of one of the tables that I’ve decorated in the same Vintage Winter Wonderland theme, careful not to trample my hand-made paper decorations.

  “Who’d he bring with him this year?” Cammy whispers in my ear.

  I shrug. “I think I saw him with a tall blonde earlie
r, but I can’t be sure.”

  “Hopefully it’s not his ex, Devin,” Cammy shivers, “She’s the worst. Her name should have been Devil, not Devin.”

  I shrug again. I’ve heard, in the past, he’s brought dates to this party. He’s brought dates to the office too, after hours when he’s on his way to an event. He’s never with the same woman twice, but they always sort of look the same. Tall, gorgeous, thin, and when Gabriel’s not within earshot, they’re all bitchy too.

  Nope. Not a one of them has ever been nice to me even though I smile and tell them how much I love their blouse or their hair or whatever. Nothing has worked to melt that icy exterior of Gabriel’s women. They just look down at me––literally and figuratively. No matter. He can date whomever he wants. If he marries one of them, then I’ll feel sorry for him.

  Not that he deserves to marry someone awful. Gabriel Parker is one of those men who can walk into a room, and everyone stops talking. Why? Because he’s g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s. What can a girl say about Gabriel Parker except, dayum? The man is sex on a stick. Easily six foot three inches tall, he’s slim but muscular with broad shoulders and arms? “Oh, I’d love to lick his arms.”

  “Huh?” asks a stunned Cammy.

  Oops, I can’t believe I said that aloud. “Oh, nothing. Just hungry.” What am I talking about? I don’t want to lick my boss. Seriously. I don't. Let’s get back on track here. Let’s see… he’s got dark hair and deep green eyes that twinkle when he talks.

  I’d love to tell you that he’s super nice and amiable, but the truth is, he’s sort of arrogant. He barely says a word to me when he walks past my desk. Since I sit at the front of his office greeting people and answering phones, you’d think he’d say something now and then. Instead, he strides past me in his fancy suits and expensive shoes swiping all of the Root Beer Barrel candies out of my candy dish as he passes. Nope. Mr. Parker barely gives me a nod.

  The funny thing is, I always make sure I’ve got those candies in the bowl on my desk for him. And let me tell you, they aren’t easy to find––those root beer candies. They’re sort of from the olden days, and only certain stores carry them and those stores only carry them occasionally. There have been times I’ve spent an entire Saturday in search of them. I don’t know why I bother. It’s not that I fear his wrath or anything, it’s just that I sort of like that he takes the time to stop at my desk to grab them. It gives me a chance to see what he’s wearing and how he’s styled his hair, which needs a cut, by the way.

  The other reason I keep candy on my desk is because of my office crush, Archie Bowman. The man has a sweet tooth that’s simply adorable. His favorites are Chocolate Smooches. I always have plenty on hand so he’ll stop by and eat a couple. He’s so shy; he barely talks to me. He nods as he pops the chocolates in his mouth and nods again when he leaves.

  It’s okay. I’ll take what I can get. It’s not like I’m the kind of girl in which men like Archie Bowman are attracted. I’m what you’d call full-figured. Sure, some call it fat or chubby, but I hate those names. I’ll accept voluptuous, curvy, or Rubenesque. That last one is my favorite. It sounds so romantic and well, positive. Why does curvy have to be a bad thing? It doesn’t, but I have to remind myself every day that I’m ‘attractive, smart, loyal, and hardworking'. It’s my morning mantra. I have it with my coffee before I head to work.

  As I look around the room, I smile. Here is a perfect example of my hard work and dedication to Parker and Associates. Hard work that’s about to be rewarded. Mr. Parker is many things––things I just mentioned including young, hot, sexy, opinionated, bossy, tall, and single. He’s also very appreciative––always making it a point to show how much he values everyone’s efforts. It’s why he has this party every year. He spends thousands on alcohol, food, and gifts for all of us. Besides what he’s got for us tonight, gift bags lined up like silver and gold soldiers on the conference room table, he also gave each of us a gift card to Watertower Place mall. See? Generous.

  When he clears his throat, I scoot forward a little to get a better look. I’m only about five feet two inches but I’m wearing my sparkly holiday heels tonight, so I can see over a few heads. Speaking into the microphone I rented he says, “I’d like to thank you all for coming tonight. We’ve had another great year at Parker and Associates having created some truly spectacular projects both residential and commercial. Our success has everything to do with all of you here tonight.”

  A few people clap, and Mr. Parker joins right in. “That’s right, give yourself a round of applause.”

  We all clap. People turn to each other nodding and smiling accepting the credit that should rest solely on Mr. Parker’s shoulders. The only reason we get the big, important architectural projects in the first place is because Gabriel Parker is a superstar. ‘An Architectural Phenom,’ as Architecture Today magazine called him recently.

  Once the clapping stops, he continues his speech; “I’d also like to thank Katya for her amazing work making this year's Christmas party the best yet and for picking out your gifts tonight.”

  I blink a few times and then a few more. “Katya gets the credit?” hisses my friend. “Are you just going to let her get away with that, Lex?”

  I shrug. “I’m not going to make a big deal about it. I’m just glad everyone likes it.” Okay, that’s a bald-faced lie. I’m hurt beyond words. I feel like I could cry over just that little slight.

  “Bullshit,” snaps Cammy. “That bitch doesn’t deserve any of the credit.”

  “Oh well. It is what it is,” I attempt to sound light-hearted. “Please don’t say anything to him. Let’s just have fun tonight. I need to let off some steam.” I look up again and see Katya on top of my table next to Gabriel. Her five-inch stilettos pierce one of the three-dimensional snowflakes that took me several hours to make.

  Katya takes the microphone that will be used for Karaoke later and says, “Okay, everyone, your gifts are on the conference room table. Your names are written on each bag. Guys, you get gold bags, ladies, you’re silver. Grab your bag and come back to your spot. Do. Not. Open. Them, ” she commands. Ugh, she’s so bossy.

  We all get in line to make our way into the conference room. When I find my bag, I clutch the handle and walk back to my spot.

  “Okay, you can all open your bags now,” Katya says smugly.

  She stands above everyone from her perch on top of the table as we pull out our gifts. “A sweater?” squeaks Cammy.

  I watch Cammy pull out a sweater in a deep plum color. “It’s pretty. And cashmere,” adds Cammy with a small smile.

  When she holds it up, I see the Parker and Associates logo embroidered on the upper left side. I peer around the room and watch others pull their sweaters from the gift bags. The guys’ sweaters are a crew neck style in grays, dark blues, and black. When I scan the women’s sweaters, they’re all V-necks in deep jewel tones.

  I pull the handles open and peer into my bag. “No way,” I mutter. I start to shut the bag when Katya, Satan’s Spawn, speaks again. “Mr. Parker would like all of you to wear your sweaters tonight. We’ve got a photographer here to take candid shots during the party, but he also wants a group pic for the website. So, put them on.”

  I open my bag again and peek inside. “What’s going on?” asks Cammy as she peeks over my shoulder. “What the fuck?”

  I reach in and slowly pull out the bubble gum pink sweater in my bag. I set the gift bag on the desk behind me and hold up the sweater. “It’s a size small.”


  “Yep. She got me a bubblegum pink sweater in size small.”

  “But you’re…”

  “An extra, extra-large. Yeah, I know.” And so does Katya.

  “That fucking bitch,” grumbles Cammy. “I’d give you mine but…”

  “Yours is a small too. Because you are a size small.”

  “Maybe you can just ask Mr. Parker if you could go without.”

  I take a deep breath. I look up to the front of the r
oom to see Mr. Parker pulling on his deep green sweater. It’s the perfect color for him. It’ll match his eyes. “No. He wants us all in the sweaters so I’ll see if I can squeeze myself into this one.” God, this is so embarrassing. I look over and see Katya looking right at me. She’s smirking. She did this on purpose.

  “She did that on purpose,” Cammy says nodding in Katya’s direction.

  “Yep. She sure did.” I don’t know why but Katya hates me. I’ve done nothing to warrant those feelings. I work hard; I’m on time, mostly. I smile all day long, and I always have candy on my desk for everyone. It makes no sense. Turning to Cammy, I say, “Welp! Might as well get this over with.” I make my way toward the women’s restroom to face the music. I’m going to be the talk of the party. And not in a good way.

  Chapter 2


  In the bathroom, I make my way to one of the two stalls. Several women are already changing out of their tops donning the new sweater. “Ooh, this is soft,” moans one co-worker.

  “It is. Katya has great taste,” says another one in awe.

  Clicking the lock into place, I hang the bright pink monstrosity on the hook on the door. I sigh pulling off my forest green holiday sweater dotted with little embroidered snowflakes. I love green. It’s my favorite color, and it doesn’t hurt that it also looks good with my strawberry blonde hair. I’ve paired the sweater with my tight black pencil skirt. I like the sexy silhouette of the skirt, but I don’t have the mid-section to carry off one without a long sweater, like this green one.

  I pull the pink sweater off the hook and replace it with mine. I open the bottom of the sweater and slip it over my head. “So far so good,” I grumble. I push my right arm into the sleeve first then my left. Pulling it down over my face to my neck I keep tugging until it’s over the girls. It’s a struggle, but I get it down until the bottom of the sweater touches the waistband of my skirt.


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