Dear Santa, I Can Explain!

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Dear Santa, I Can Explain! Page 6

by Kayt Miller

  “Yes, you’d better go. He can be quite demanding, can’t he?” Chuckling, she gives me a gentle hug as we part ways.

  Chapter 12


  Where the hell did she go? She left with Pamela McGovern and never came back. That was at least thirty minutes ago. I stand up on my toes to see above the crowd. It can’t be hard to spot her. She sticks out like a sore thumb. I scan the room once, twice, and on the third sweep, I spot her in an alcove talking to my sister. Waving over my head like an idiot, she finally sees me. I watch as the two women hug then Lexie walks my way. “Finally.”

  “Finally what?” asks the jackass in front of me.

  Great. “Chip.”

  “How are you this fine evening?” he asks like he’s debonair. Trust me. He’s not.

  “Good.” I try to keep my conversations with Chip to a minimum. “The show looks good.”

  “It does. It does. She’s sold over half of the pieces already.”

  “Good.” I’m not surprised. My baby sister is very talented despite that asshole standing in front of me. Chip and I stand in silence. I’ve got very little to say to my sister’s husband mostly because he’s a leach and a philanderer. Unfortunately, my little sister can’t see it. Or, maybe she can but refuses to deal with it.

  When I feel a hand on my arm, I look down and see Lexie next to me. “There you are.”

  “Here I am,” she says smiling up at me.

  “Lexie, this is…”

  “Chip,” she says crisply. “I know. We’ve met.”

  “Yes, indeed.” Chip nods. “Well, I’d best be off to see to things,” he says quickly. Too quickly.

  I watch him skitter away like the cockroach he is. “That was strange.”

  “That guy is creepy.”

  “That guy?” I point in the direction he fled.

  “Yeah, Chip.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  I watch her reach into the top of her dress and pull out a crumpled business card. “I’ll be darned, Charles Brooks.” She blinks at the card then looks up at me, “He propositioned me.”

  Shit. Great. Fuck. “That’s Victoria’s husband.”

  “Nuh, uh!” she exclaims.

  Letting out a gust of air I slide my hand around her back and pull her to me. I lean down so that I’m whispering in her ear, “Please don’t say anything to Victoria.”

  “Oh, I won’t. I wouldn’t.” She blinks up at me. “But, she doesn’t deserve to be treated like that.”

  I’ve pulled her in to me so we can continue our private discussion. “I know. I’ve tried talking to her about him, but she’s been…”


  I chuckle softly, “Hoodwinked is a great word for it. Victoria is sweet and loyal and a little gullible.” I should know. She’s put up with my bullshit her entire life.

  With my arm still around her, I walk us to the edge of the room, away from the crowd. I wrap my other arm around her, enveloping her. It feels amazing. Her soft body against mine just like it did in that closet. Her arms that were stiff and down at her sides have slowly wrapped around my waist. I look up and see a photographer snapping photos nearby. I use it to my advantage. “Don’t look now, but there’s a photographer nearby. Let’s put on a good show.”

  When her full lips become round with surprise, I lean down and capture them with mine. The kiss starts off slowly. I nibble on her plump bottom lip and then suck it into my mouth. When I hear Lexie emit a tiny squeak, I bring my hand up and tangle it into her silky tresses. Kissing her cheek until my mouth is next to her ear, I murmur, “Open for me, little one.”

  A gasp is all I hear, and it’s the opening I need. I take her mouth again in a much hungrier kiss. My tongue sweeps into her mouth meeting hers. Our tongues twist and tangle in her mouth. I feel myself harden with each passing second. Pressing myself into her, I know she can feel what she does to me. Removing my mouth from hers, I say huskily, “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Okay,” she whispers. “If you don’t think Victoria will mind.”

  “She won’t.”

  I lead her out by the hand passing friends and acquaintances. I nod and smile but don’t stop. I reach into my pocket and call Eric, my driver. “We’re ready. Pick us up in the alley next to the building.”

  Exiting the building, I wrap my arm around Lexie to keep the brisk air from chilling her. I should have let her wear her damn coat. Luckily, Eric is already waiting for is. I pull the door open and step into the car first pulling her along with me. When she stumbles a little she falls back onto my lap, exactly where I wanted her. Feeling her soft bottom on top of me is intense. Jesus, I’m about ready to burst. I reach over and hit the button for the privacy partition to engage and wrap my hands around her waist adjusting her in my lap. “Now. Where were we?”

  “Oh, uh, I thought that was for the camera.”

  “It was. But, it was hot. I want more.” She blinks at me, confused. “Don’t you?”

  “I, uh, I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?”

  Shaking her head, she attempts to slide off my lap.

  “But, in the closet, you told me, and I quote, ‘you’d wanted to kiss me for a long time’.”

  “K-k-kiss you? In the cl-cl-closet? I didn’t kiss you in the closet. That was A-Archie.”

  “N-N-No it wasn’t.” Okay, pretending to stutter was probably a dick move. Yep. She’s now moving onto the seat next to me sliding away from me as fast as she can. “I’m sorry. I’m…you’ve got me very turned on.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

  Fuck. “I don’t want you to be sorry. I want you to be grateful.”

  She turns her head slowly, a scowl on her face. “I should be grateful? For what? Kissing you?” She scoffs. “I thought it was for the photographer. I work for you, remember?”

  No. No way. She was into it. How do I know? I know this thanks to her little noises; like her squeaks and moans. Yeah, she was very into it. “No. For… Oh, hell. I didn’t mean to say it like that.” God, I sound like a tool.

  She slides back over to me and leans close to my face. Her hand slides up my thigh slowly; I feel my dick grow hard again just from her touch. She looks down at my tented dress pants. She knows. With her lips an inch from mine she whispers, “I think you’re the one that should be grateful. I don’t let just anyone kiss me.”

  I move forward, but she pulls back. She slides back over to her side of the car, and I want to pull my damn hair out. I don’t remember the last time I’ve wanted someone this badly or had anyone tease me like this. Most of my dates slide onto my lap without an invitation. Oh, but not Lexie. Nope. She’s playing hard to get, and I’m just hard.

  When we pull up to her apartment building, I step out of my side of the limo. By the time I reach her side, she’s already stepping inside her building. “Well, that ended badly.”

  Slipping back into the car, I notice her coat and an opening. Knocking on the partition, Eric lowers the screen. “She forgot her coat. I’m taking it up to her. I don’t know how long I’ll be.” I hope it’s all night. “If it’s longer than a few minutes, I’ll text you.”

  “Very good sir.”

  Wish me luck. I want to say it aloud, but I keep it to myself. Stepping out of the car again, I jog to her front door. Before I press the bell for her apartment, I try the door. Fuck, it opens. I check the locks and see that it’s been damaged by something. Someone forced the lock open and no one bothered to fix it. Note to self. Find out who owns the building and kick their ass.

  Chapter 13


  As soon as I step inside my building, I move as fast as I can up the four flights of stairs to my floor. I don’t know why I feel the need to run. I think it’s because I’m not sure I got a clean getaway from Mr. Gabriel Parker. I was so close to just launching myself at him. I mean, the man is like a sex magnet.

  Sure, I was irritated with him for being insensitive and a little
callus. Certainly, I was shocked and alarmed that I’d kissed him instead of Archie in the storage closet. How could I have gotten the two men confused? Yeah, it was dark. Sure, I’d had a little bit to drink by then but could the two men be any different? Let’s compare.

  Gabriel is very tall, while Archie is sort of tall. Gabriel has a body created by the Gods, while Archie is sort of tall. Gabriel wears a scent that’s earthy and musky, while Archie wears Old Spice cologne (sorry dad). Gabriel has full, soft lips that know exactly what to do with a woman’s mouth. And, well, Archie has thin lips that I’m not sure how they kiss because instead of meeting him that night, I met my boss. Ugh, so cliché. Poor Archie, he was probably in one of the other closets waiting for me. No wonder he ignored me for the rest of the night. He probably assumed I stood him up.

  As soon as I get to my door, I quickly unlock the door and step inside. My sweet little-feathered buddy chirps the minute he hears me. “I’m home, Cy. Did you miss me?” I kick off my heels and moan at the relief. I make my way to Cyclops. “Hello, little bird. How was your night?”

  As I wait for a response, I hear a knock at my door. “Oh, no, Cy! Who could that be?” It could be my neighbor, Gladys. I told her about my hot date tonight. She probably wants the deets. Walking down the short hallway to my door, I step over my shoes. “Who is it?” I always ask before I open the door. Safety first.

  “It’s me.”

  “Gabriel? What, uh, why are you here?”

  “You left your coat in the car.”

  “Oh.” Crap! I need that. I unclick the deadbolt and slide off the chain lock and open the door slowly. I reach my hand out to take the coat when I feel his big, warm hand envelop mine. He tugs me gently until I’m in front of him looking up into his beautiful green eyes.

  “I was also hoping for a goodnight kiss.”

  “We already kissed; for the cameras, remember?”

  “I remember.”

  “There aren’t any cameras so…”

  “So, let this be a kiss goodnight after our first official date.”

  “I don’t…”

  I don’t get to finish the sentence because Gabriel’s mouth is on mine in a hot second. His kiss is searing me, but I’m shivering. It makes no sense. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull myself up until my breasts are against his chest.

  Gabriel’s big, warm hand slides down my back starting at my shoulder and ends on my rump. When his palm squeezes a handful of my bottom, I pull away. “That’s, uh, I think that’s enough for tonight, Mr. Parker.”

  “Jesus, Lex. I’ve got my hand on your ass. I think you need to call me Gabriel.”

  “Fine. Gabriel. I think you should go.”

  “I will. But, I need to say something to you.”

  I nod. This ought to be interesting.

  “My driver will pick you up in the morning.”

  “No. I…”

  “Lexie. I insist.”

  “I don’t need a driver. I can get to work on my own.”

  Gabriel places a hand on each of my shoulders and looks down at me. Yeah, it feels a little condescending. “Now, Lexie, how’s that going to look?”

  “Look? To whom? Do you always give your lady-friends rides to work in your fancy cars?”

  “No.” he blinks at me. “But, this is different.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, you work for me. People will see you walking to work and taking the “L”. That will reflect poorly on me. What would people think? Besides, it’s proof.”


  “That you’re real and not just a story, I’ve made up to get Christine off my back.”

  “But, I am just a story.”

  He looks down at me. “Lexie? From where I’m standing, you’re very, very real.”

  I roll my eyes because this whole thing is unbelievable.

  “What time do you leave for work?”

  “Eight o’clock.” I don’t start work until nine, but I leave early since it takes me so long to get from the bus to the “L.”

  “Well, you won’t need to leave that early with the driver, so I’ll tell him to be here by eight fifteen. He’ll wait for you until you’re ready to leave.”

  “Fine. I’ll be ready.”

  He leans down and kisses my lips softly. “Goodnight little, Lexie.”

  Little Lexie? “Good night Mr. uh, Gabriel.”

  Before he starts his descent he turns, “Oh, there are several more events this week and next. Cammy will update you. Be sure you’ve got the appropriate clothing. If not, call Victoria. She’ll…”

  “I’ve got lots of clothing, Gabriel.”

  “You sure? You spent less than four thousand. What’d you get? A dress or two and a pair of shoes?”

  I snort. “Where do you shop? Geesh. I got a bunch of new things.” Or new to me. “No worries. I’m covered. Victoria made sure I had what I needed.”

  “Very well. Goodnight.”


  Chapter 14


  When I slide into the back of the limo, I look up at Eric who smirks. “No luck, sir?”

  “Fuck off, Eric,” I say in jest. “No. No luck. She’ll be a tough nut to crack.”

  “Worth it, I imagine,” Eric says pulling away from the curb.

  “I suspect you’re right about that old friend.” Eric and I went to college together. He quit when he found out his girlfriend was pregnant. We’ve remained good friends. When he needed a job, I asked him if he’d like to be my driver. The rest is history, I suppose.

  At my city home, a condo in a building I designed on South Michigan Avenue, I make myself a turkey sandwich on whole wheat and pour myself a glass of milk. Sitting in front of my drafting table I’ve set up in my open concept combination kitchen, dining, family, living room, I stare out the floor to ceiling windows that look out onto Lake Michigan. “Ah, this is the life.”

  And it is––a very good life. It’s just a lonely life. I should have invited Lexie back here for a nightcap but that’s not my style. I never bring women back to my sanctuary. They would start to get ideas about moving their things in, rearranging furniture, and redecorating. Not that this place needs redecorating. I designed the interior myself so, of course, it’s amazing.

  This condo is my home away from my main home in Glencoe, a suburb about an hour north of Chicago. This apartment is over four thousand square feet and sits up high––the sixty-ninth floor. I’ve got three bedrooms plus a den, four and a half baths and a lovely balcony that spans the entire length of the unit and overlooks Lake Michigan and a portion of Michigan Avenue. In a word, it’s perfect.

  “I wonder what Lexie would think of this place?” I look around and for the first time, I realize that I’ve no Christmas decorations. Why don’t have I have any Christmas decoration? “Because I’m the only one who’d see them. So why bother?” Lexie bothers, though. Even if hers are a little sad, at least she tries.

  Slumping my shoulders, my thoughts return to my homes. My guess is she’d prefer my estate in Glencoe. It’s old, vintage, built in the 1940s. When I renovated, I made sure to retain as much of the 20s charm and décor as possible. Of course, I updated all of the mechanicals, gutted and redesigned the baths, and kitchen, but I chose materials and styles that mimicked that era. Yes, Lexie would like that home. I can just imagine her wearing a gown from that era as she descended the long staircase.

  I shake my head, “What the hell am I thinking? Lexie is an employee. She’s just following orders.” That notion puts a sour taste in my mouth. I set my half-eaten sandwich down on my plate. Damn it. Is she doing this because she feels like she has to or does she kiss me back because she wants to? I want the answer to that question, but I’m honestly afraid to ask.

  Picking up my phone, I press my first contact. “Hello?” she answers on the second ring. “What’s wrong?”

  “Why would you think something’s wrong, Victoria? Congratulations on your show, by the way. It
looked wonderful. Chip said you’d sold several pieces.”

  “Thank you, big brother. I did. I sold all but two pieces.”

  “Wow, that’s wonderful. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Awe, thanks, bro. Now, cut to the chase, tell me what’s wrong.”

  Chuckling, “Nothing. I promise. I just had a question for you about Lexie.”

  “Yes. I like her. A lot! She’s real and genuine. Keep her. Don’t screw it up.” She pauses, “Was that your question?”

  “No. But, thanks for your unsolicited advice.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “No, my question relates to her clothing. You spent very little money, but she assures me she’s got the clothing she needs to get through this busy holiday season. I find that difficult to believe.”

  “She’s got what she needs. She’s a frugal shopper. I practically had to beg her to buy things.”

  “Hmm, interesting.”

  “I know. Your previous Eliza Doolittle’s didn’t hesitate to spend, spend, spend.”

  “I’m well aware.”

  “She’s special. Don’t screw this up.”

  “You know it’s all pretend.”

  “Is it?”

  I pause for a second. “I, uh, yes.” It is pretend, but there’s a part of me who wishes it weren’t.

  “It doesn’t have to be, Gabe. Just remember she’s not one of your bimbos, pardon my French. You’re going to have to treat her with kid gloves.”

  “Well, nice to know what you think of me, V.”

  “I love you like a brother.”

  I chuckle. “I am your brother.”

  “Oh, right,” she giggles. “Just be careful with her.”

  “Will do, boss.”

  “Ha! You’re the bossy one. I love you. I only want the best for you.” She sighs, “You coming for Christmas Eve this year?”

  Here we go again. I can’t stand spending any time with Chip. She knows it––she just doesn’t know why. I think she assumes it has something to do with the fact that Chip’s an architect too and we’re competitive. But, that’s not it. Besides, Chip’s a terrible architect. The only thing he’s good at is stealing other people’s design ideas and morphing them into something hideous. “I’m not sure. I’ll wait and see what Lexie wants to do.”


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