Dragon Proposing (Torch Lake Shifters Book 2)

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Dragon Proposing (Torch Lake Shifters Book 2) Page 16

by Sloane Meyers

  “Last chance to run,” Leif teased, as Joe cleared his throat to begin the ceremony.

  Jake gave him a sideways glance, and rolled his eyes. Leif, Russ, and Clint had been surprised when Jake told them on Saturday morning that he’d be getting married the very next day. But despite their shock, they’d been nothing but supportive.

  “When you know, you know,” Russ had said, slapping Jake on the back. “And we all think Rachel’s a great girl. Although, I must say, I never would have thought that you’d beat me down the aisle.”

  Jake looked over at Russ now, and Russ gave him a big smile and a thumbs up. Russ was engaged to Mandy, but they hadn’t actually walked down the aisle yet. They were doing things the normal way—taking time to plan a traditional wedding. Jake was happy for them, but he was also happy to do things this way: quick, simple and sweet.

  And how sweet it was, when Rachel looked at him with the early morning sun shining in her hair, and said, “I do.”

  Jake repeated the same words back to her. “I do. With all my heart, I do.”

  Love had never given up on him, even when he’d given up on it.

  * * * Two Months Later * * *

  Rachel cheered louder than everyone as Jake Palmer finished saying the swearing-in oath to become the new People’s Governor of Torch Lake. Jake had won the election by a landslide, as expected, and Rachel had never been prouder of him than now, as he stood in front of the town he loved and promised to protect them and bring positive change to their lives. Rachel knew Jake would make a kickass People’s Governor, and she was proud to be his wife.

  She was also proud of the contract she had signed two mornings ago that finalized the plans for her new music shop. It would take the better part of a year to build things up the way she wanted them, but that was alright. Rachel could wait. There would be plenty to do in the meantime. Life had suddenly become quite full for her, but she couldn’t be happier. She reached up and fingered the large emerald on her necklace. This emerald was real, and had belonged to her mother. Every time Rachel wore it, she felt closer to her mother, and knew she was being watched over.

  Rachel’s full fortune and all of her family heirlooms had been returned to her about a month ago, once all of the paperwork was completed. Rachel would never again have to worry about it being taken away from her. And although the journey to get here had been filled with anxiety, Rachel had no regrets and would not have changed a thing. After all, she might not have found Jake if it hadn’t been for the threat of the marriage requirement laws, all of which were now abolished, of course. Rachel had even decided to keep her old car once the repairs were complete. That car had been instrumental in her and Jake spending more time together, and she couldn’t bear to give it up now.

  A few hours later, when the official festivities and press conferences were over, Rachel and Jake joined their friends at the Winking Wizard to celebrate Jake’s new job—and Leif’s as well. Now that Jake was People’s Governor, his former job as head dragon trainer was vacant. Leif had stepped up and taken the job, which was a good thing since Mandy had recruited two new dragon shifters to move to town within the last two months. There was work to be done to convince the new dragons to stay in Torch Lake and help in the ongoing fight against dark magic.

  But today was not a time to worry about dark magic threats. It was a time for celebrating, and Jake was eager to get the party started.

  “Alright, the usual for everyone?” Jake asked. “Dragon’s Breath Lagers for the guys and Charmed Star Ales for the ladies?”

  Everyone started nodding their assent, but Rachel spoke up, a sly smile crossing her face. “Actually, I think I’ll stick with orange juice today.”

  Jake turned to give her a strange look. “Juice? But you love your Charmed Star Ales.”

  “I do, but they’re not such a good idea for me right now. In fact, I’d say I probably won’t be drinking any for about the next eight months.”

  As soon as she said that, Mandy and Julia caught on to what was happening and started shrieking with delight. The men were all still looking at her with confused expressions on their faces, though. Rachel grinned at Jake and patted her belly. “Drinking’s not good for the baby,” she said.

  Jake finally understood. His jaw dropped and he took a step toward Rachel. “Are you serious?”

  Rachel nodded. “Looks like that tree house is going to get some use sooner rather than later, after all. You’re gonna be a daddy.”

  Jake might have been a tough dragon, but he couldn’t stop the tears that sprang to his eyes in that moment. “Oh my god,” he said. And then he pulled Rachel into his arms, holding her tightly and kissing the top of her head. “Just when I thought I couldn’t get any happier. That’s why you weren’t so upset that the store was going to take nearly a year to complete.”

  Rachel laughed. “Yup. Looks like I’ll have plenty to keep me busy in the meantime.”

  Jake nuzzled her head. “Here I was, thinking I’d never find love. And now I have you and a baby on the way. How did I get so lucky?”

  “It was good fortune,” Rachel said with a wink. “And not the money kind.”

  All around her, their friends were crowding in to hug her. Whoops of excitement and words of congratulation surrounded Rachel, and she thought that, happy as she was to have recovered her family fortune, she was richer now than she’d ever been in her life—in a way that had nothing to do with material treasures.

  Life had dealt her some tough blows, but she’d stood strong, and she’d been rewarded with a greater love than she’d ever dared to hope for. There was no greater wealth than that.

  Thank You For Reading!

  Book Three in the Torch Lake Shifters series, will be coming in early November 2017!

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  More Books by Sloane Meyers

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  About the Author

  There are shifters walking among us. Sloane Meyers is devoted to telling their stories.

  Sloane thinks we could all use a little escape in our lives. And what better way to shake up the ordinary than to transport yourself to the mysterious world of those who have an animal within them, roaring to be let out. Sloane brings you hot shifter males, and spunky, spirited heroines—with NO cliffhangers! Each book can be read as a standalone.

  When she’s not busy crafting shifter tales, Sloane enjoys a good glass of wine, preferably shared with good friends. She loves reading (duh!) and spending time in the great outdoors.

  Want more interaction? Visit Sloane on her website, www.sloanemeyers.com, and be sure to find her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/sloanemeyers.




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