Love Finds You in Sisters, Oregon

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Love Finds You in Sisters, Oregon Page 25

by Melody Carlson

  “South Sister finally conquers South Sister!” Cherry yelled loudly enough for God and the world to hear, as she struck the mountain-climber victory pose. A couple of startled hikers from California questioned her about her unusual statement, and when she explained her name and her sisters’ names, the guys were so impressed that they took her photo and one of them promised to post it on his Facebook site.

  Lewis and Hope waited again, allowing Monroe and Alex to be the next ones to the top. And, by their faces, it was plain to see that this was going to be an unforgettable moment, and they posed so that Cherry could take their photo, too. And finally, Hope and Lewis made their way to the peak, waiting for the others to head down before they exchanged a kiss. Lewis had promised to kiss her on all three mountaintops—maybe not all in one summer, but in due time—and Hope planned to make him keep his word.

  All in all, it was a great day. An extremely great day. And at the foot of the mountain, as the three tired but happy Bartolli sisters locked arms and posed for a photo with the much larger Three Sisters looming tall and majestic behind them, Hope wondered if their mother—and perhaps Nona, too—might be smiling down on them. And as they continued on to their cars, Hope remembered how grief and guilt had been her constant companions when returning to Sisters. But now they were replaced with joy and peace…and wrapped in love. Truly amazing!

  In the parking lot, they all went their separate ways. Faye took the two unexplainably energetic teen boys, who were now begging for pizza, with her. Without saying much to each other, as usual, Drew and Cherry packed their own worn-out kids and gear into the backseat. Hope was pretty sure those two wouldn’t be complaining about bedtime tonight.

  Then Lewis and Hope, along with Andy, got into his SUV. But instead of going straight home, Lewis went to a spot where they could enjoy the last rays of sunlight.

  “I hope you don’t mind if we don’t go straight home,” he said as he helped her out of the car. “But I packed us a little picnic dinner.” Then he produced a picnic basket and cooler and a nice thick quilt. Before long, they were comfortably situated in front of what Hope felt was the most beautiful scene on the planet. “You even thought to bring Andy’s food,” she commented as Andy slept peacefully in her lap. “You really think of everything, don’t you?”

  “I try.” He grinned as he pulled out a bottle of sparkling cider, as well as two glasses, which he set on the cooler.

  “Wow!” She was really impressed. “What are we celebrating?”

  “Well, for one thing, a successful mountain climb.” He was working on opening the cider.

  “Yes. And kind of a family reunion as well.”

  He nodded. “And we can celebrate the closing of your condo in Portland.” The cork popped out and went sailing.

  “That’s right. But how did you know that was going to happen today?”

  “Just lucky, I guess.” She studied his face as he took his time to fill the glasses. His expression seemed more serious than usual. But he smiled as he handed a sparkling glass to her.

  “Thank you.” She held it up as if to toast.

  “But there is one more thing I would like to celebrate. Only I will need your permission.”

  “My permission?”

  He nodded somberly. “I’m afraid I could be rushing things, but my only excuse is that I have absolutely no doubts.”

  “No doubts?” She felt her heart beating a little faster.

  And then he took her glass back, set both glasses on the cooler, and proceeded to get down on one knee. “Hope Bartolli,” he began, looking straight into her eyes, perhaps even into her soul, “I love you more than I ever thought possible. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  She sighed happily. “Yes, Lewis, I will.”

  Then he apologized for not having a ring yet. “But we can seal it with a kiss.” So they kissed and a few minutes later he handed her back her glass, and they both made toasts to their future, which seemed brighter and better than Hope had ever hoped for. And they drank their cider and ate the delectable dinner that he’d had catered by someone who knew how to do that sort of thing. And finally, while there was still enough light to see, they piled everything back in the SUV and he began driving back toward town.

  “So I guess we won’t be able to get married until next June,” Hope said a bit sadly.

  “Next June?” He glanced at her. “Is that what you want?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t complain about a June wedding,” she told him. “But for some reason I’d always dreamed of getting married in late September.”

  “Great, let’s plan for a late September wedding,” he said happily.

  “But that’s…let’s see…” She did some quick mental math. “That’s fifteen months away, Lewis.”

  “Oh, you mean September of next year.”

  “I know some people stay engaged for years,” she said, “but I don’t think I’m one of those.”

  “I’m with you there. So why wouldn’t you want to get married this September?” he asked hopefully.

  “I guess we could do that. But I figured I have to live in Nona’s house for a full year, and it’s a little bit small, but maybe it would be okay. Would you mind if—”

  He laughed. “Oh, I almost forgot.”


  “Your grandmother had one more clause in her will, Hope.”

  “She did?”

  “Yes. In the event that you should decide to marry—and I’ll be honest with you, Hope, your grandmother had predicted this.”

  “This?” Hope stared at him in disbelief. “You mean you and me?”

  He nodded and chuckled. “I thought she was nuts. But I tried to humor her. And she kept saying that we were perfect for each other.”

  “Nona was right.”

  “So she had this clause that if you should decide to marry before the year was up, and if I, as her trustee, deemed it a good and happy marriage, you would get her estate anyway. Because her whole purpose—the thing your grandmother wanted most—was to see you happy, Hope.”

  Hope threw back her head and laughed. “And somehow Nona knew…she knew that getting me to Sisters, connecting me with you…that somehow it would all make me happy.”

  “She was a wise woman.”

  “So, if the inheritance becomes mine when I get married, I’m free to do as I like with it, right?”


  “So I can share it with my sisters or give it to the Humane Society or whatever.”

  He nodded. “Whatever makes you happy, Hope.”

  “Being with you makes me the happiest of all,” she admitted as they were coming into town. “But being here in Sisters…being with my family…having a niece and two nephews…and having this funny little dog, too…well, Nona was right to bring me back to my roots.” She reached for Lewis’s hand. “Love found me in Sisters…and it’s good to be home.”

  Want a peek into local American life—past and present? The Love Finds You™ series published by Summerside Press features real towns and combines travel, romance, and faith in one irresistible package!

  The novels in the series—uniquely titled after American towns with unusual but intriguing names—inspire romance and fun. Each fictional story draws on the compelling history or the unique character of a real place. Stories center on romances kindled in small towns, old loves lost and found again on the high plains, and new loves discovered at exciting vacation getaways. Summerside Press plans to publish at least one novel set in each of the 50 states. Be sure to catch them all!


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  Love Finds You in North Pole, Alaska by Loree Lough

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  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven




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