Wicked Game

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Wicked Game Page 16

by Romy Lockhart

  She’s right, and it gives me the perfect out to leave and execute my plan.

  “You should take a nap. I’ll go out and get you something nice for dinner.”

  She kisses my chest, leaving a little pink mark on the grey fabric of my T-shirt. When she moves away, she nods. “I’m going to take a bath.”

  “Go lie down after. I’ll come to bed to lie with you when I get back.”

  She smiles, and it’s another weak one. That woman really did a number on her. Don’t worry, Diana. She’ll be gone soon.

  “I love you, Logan.”

  I grab her hand and squeeze it as she starts up the stairs. I let go when she gets further up them.

  It’s time to go. I grab my jacket and take Diana’s car keys from the sideboard by the door. First things first, I check the trunk. That chest she spoke about is in there. Big enough for a human body and with chains that intricately weave around it. I take a look at how they work, how they slacken and tighten by a pulley system that contains the lock. There’s a key right there. I check it out. Locking the chest tightens the chains and locks them in place. There are even spades in the trunk. Perfect.

  I close the trunk and get into the driver’s seat. Haleton’s two hours away. If I drive fast, maybe I can shave some time off that. Either way, by dinner time tonight that bitch is going to be in the ground.

  She won’t be able to hurt Diana ever again.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  Asher drives. He heads automatically for the driving seat and I pass him the keys once we’re inside.

  “Where’s this hotel?” He asks once he starts the engine.

  “I’ll direct you once we get out of the parking lot.” I probably should have driven considering I’m the one who knows where the hotel is.

  “So what are we going here to do, exactly? I’m a little bit fuzzy on the details.”

  “I destroyed one God with my light. I’m going to attempt to do the same again another two times.” Yeah, it sounds crazy to me too. I was emotionally drained after that last time. I have no idea how I’ll do it again even one more time.

  “And you need me for that because?” He glances at me.

  “I might not have enough juice for it.” I shrug. “I’m just trying to be careful, I guess.”

  “Eden, this sounds pretty damned dangerous.”

  “I can’t let this cult keep doing what they are, Asher. It goes against everything I am.”

  He sighs. “If it looks too dicey, we need to get the hell out of there.”

  “It’ll be fine.” I don’t know who I’m trying to kid. Him, or me.

  I direct him to the hotel and Cupid shows up outside. I wait for him to say something but he just shakes his head. One last look of disapproval and he’s gone.

  “We should get a room key.”

  Asher frowns at me, but I don’t explain myself until we’re in the elevator, alone.

  “It might open the door. It’s worth a try.”

  The tension hangs thick in the air between us as we wait for the elevator to reach its destination. When the doors open, I know I’m not ready for this. I start to panic on the inside. Asher grabs my hand and pulls me to him for a kiss that’s both quick and heated. That little flicker of light he sends into me with his touch renews my confidence. I can do this. It’s not hopeless. We’re going to destroy these Gods and break up this cult.

  We get to the door and I’m about to try the card when it opens. A muscular guy motions for us to enter. The suite looks similar to the one I was in with the God before, the one who was too much of an arrogant asshole to give me his name.

  The God in this room is tall and has a fake as shit game show host smile on his face. “Ah, the Goddess Eden and her soul-mate. We’ve been expecting you.”

  I glance at Lawson. He’s on his knees on the ground, blood dripping from his nose onto the carpet. His head is down. He doesn’t look up.

  “What did you do to him?” I’m distracted by how still he is, wondering if he’s okay. I should be gathering my power, getting ready to strike. I do it now, feeling Asher do the same beside me. The room glows a golden hue as I reach out to touch the God. He doesn’t flinch away. I refine my touch at the last moment and send compassion into his soul, rather than pure, unfiltered love.

  He gasps harshly and tries to push me backwards. I have no idea how I managed this, but I’m hurting him. It felt too quick and specific to be an instinct, but I don’t know what the hell else to call it. I close my eyes as the light brightens. I feel it when it’s done. The light comes back to me then. When I open my eyes I find the all powerful God weeping on the ground.

  Lawson moves swiftly and pulls something from the destroyed God’s pocket. He places the gun on the man’s head and pulls the trigger. I look away, gasping.

  “Shit,” Asher says, pulling me into him. “Was there any need for that?”

  “Yes, there was. That cocksucker deserved to die a hundred times over.” Lawson sounds pissed.

  I look at him. “Where’s the other?”

  Cupid appears, shaking his head. “The other is two floors up.”

  He has a queasy look to him and I suddenly realise where that killer instinct came from.

  “You helped me.” I can hardly believe it.

  “Don’t be stupid,” he mutters, folding his arms. “I’d be in serious shit for helping you to turn another dark forces one mortal.”

  Maybe Cupid’s not such an asshole after all.

  Lawson’s already leaving the room. The guy who let us in is nowhere to be seen. I’m guessing he took off when he saw his boss executed. Lawson still has the gun in his hand and blood on his face. He has other stuff on his shirt now too, I’m guessing from shooting his tormentor at close range. I try not to think about it as we leave to tackle the next one. If Cupid is this good at helping with the other one, we might just make it out of here intact.

  I hear him grumbling behind us as we get into the elevator. The next guy is sleeping. I can hardly believe it. Lawson shoots the guy who opens the door before he can stick his gun in our faces, and we walk in to find out final God in bed.

  He’s older than the others and for a moment I wonder if he’s dead. His chest rises and falls so slowly it’s hard to tell until you stare. I go straight over, hauling Asher with me.

  “No,” Lawson says, levelling the gun at us. “Step away from him. I have plans for this creeper.”

  “What are you talking about?” Whatever his plans are, I doubt they’re going to be pleasant.

  “Don’t point that thing at Eden,” Asher cuts in.

  Lawson lowers the gun. He goes to the side of the bed and picks up a katana. He raises his eyes to look at us. “Give me five minutes. If I’m not out of the room by then, you can come in here and do whatever the hell you want.”

  I’m not sure what to do, but seeing him with that blade in his hand makes me nervous. I might be immortal, but what happens if he cuts off a body part? Does it grow back?

  I back away and walk out of the room with Asher.

  “You sure about this?” he asks me quietly once we’re outside.

  I shake my head. I’m not, but what can I do? Lawson’s gone psycho, and I don’t completely blame him. “These guys tortured him when he was in the cult.”

  “Well, at least I don’t need to... not help this time,” Cupid says when he appears in front of us.

  “What’s he doing in there?” Do I really want to know?

  “He’s taking the God’s body apart. He’ll bury the pieces separately. It’s pretty barbaric, but I suppose so are the things he’s done and allowed others to do to the innocent.” Cupid’s explanation makes me shiver.

  “Fucking hell,” Asher whispers.

  Lawson exits the room with a bag and a sheet. “We should go.”

  “You should wipe your... everything.” Asher sounds aghast.

  One glance at Lawson and anyone would be. At least, anyone who isn’t a serial killer

  “Yeah, the hotel won’t let you out of here looking like that. Security would be all over you in seconds.” And that’s the last thing we want.

  “Okay, two minutes.” He dumps the bag and the sheet.

  A few minutes later his face is clean and he’s wearing a black T-shirt. “Good enough?”

  We nod. It’s time to get the hell out of here.

  Chapter Forty-Five


  I relax only after the last heap of dirt has been slung over the box I buried Catherine Milner inside. Sweat is dripping off me. My bones are aching and the thought of driving the final miles back to Diana’s house wear me out.

  I down a bottle of water before I start the journey. I did it, and I can’t believe how goddamned easy it was. I caught her in her hotel room. Sank the needle into her neck and she dropped to the ground. The woman may be immortal, but she isn’t immune to tranquilisers. I was hoping that would be the case, but it all honesty, it was a gamble. I’m lucky it paid off.

  I send Asher a message, letting him know it’s done. I didn’t need his help. He can’t ask me for anything now. Well, he can try, but he’ll get nothing out of me.

  Diana’s going to know I was up to something. I stop and get a bunch of boring ass vegetarian food on the way home anyway. I’ll cook her dinner before I take a shower. When she finds out what I’ve done, she’ll have to know it was for the best. That woman was never going to leave us be.

  Now we have a shot at a real life together, as a family.

  I go into the house and dump the bag of food in the kitchen.

  “Diana?” I call out her name as I walk to the bottom of the stairs. She isn’t down here so maybe she’s still sleeping. She was exhausted.

  I walk up the stairs and it’s not until I realize I can hear water dripping that I sense something is wrong. I run the rest of the way up there, seeing Diana isn’t in bed and feeling the cold grip of fear on my heart as I see the water coming out under the bathroom door. It’s closed. I turn the handle.

  All I see is red. The tap is still running and the water is a dark crimson. Her arms look paler than ever against the blood. Her eyes are open and staring up through the ceiling, no life left in them.

  I sink to my knees beside her. She can’t be dead. She just can’t.

  I know the moment I touch her cold skin that she’s gone. She would never have done this. She was happy. In love. Pregnant.

  This had to be her mother. She’d been acting a little strangely when she came home. Why hadn’t I realised? Why hadn’t I stayed?

  I try to tell myself it wouldn’t have made a difference, but I can’t be sure of that. She’d been given a command from a Goddess. There was nothing she could have done to stop that. If I’d stayed, what were the chances I’d have been able to save her? That I would have found her in time? I’ll never know. And I’ll never stop asking what I could have done differently. I’ll never stop torturing myself over this. She’s dead because of me. Because I loved her.

  Chapter Forty-Six


  I check Lawson over before we drop him off. He has a body to bury, in different places, before he can reunite with Skyler. She has several bodyguards now, so I’m not worried about leaving her until he can get to her. Lawson sighs before relenting to letting me in with my Goddess light. He’s been badly damaged, but he’s not a bad guy deep down. He’d intended on rescuing me right after the trade, but had been captured himself. So he hadn’t double-crossed me, not really.

  “You should tell people the full plan in future,” I warn him.

  He nods. “I promise. Can I go now?”

  I let him go. “Look after Sky for me.”

  “I will.” He leaves the car.

  We drive back to Sky’s place and I start to feel lightheaded. The crash from using my light is coming. It feels different this time, heavier.

  “Are you okay, Eden?” Asher asks.

  “I’m just really damned tired.” I yawn. I blink and that’s all it takes to send me into a deep sleep.


  I’m being hugged awake, I realise it and breathe out a sigh. I was so damned tired once we got away from those Gods. Slept in the car, then in Skyler’s, then once I got on the helicopter, I dozed off in my seat. I just couldn’t seem to get enough sleep. It was good to be able to leave Skyler in L.A. and know she was safe, but damn, everything that had happened really took a toll.

  “You okay?” Nick asks, as he helps me up. “Because I could carry you out to the car if you’re not.”

  “The car?” I’m confused. I get up and he wraps an arm around my waist.

  “We came back home a slightly different way than usual. Asher’s car is outside. He’s driving us home.”

  “How’s Eli?” I remember he got hurt and I start to panic. The Gods’ did send men to take Skyler. They weren’t successful, and they retreated quickly. Cupid explained the death of the Gods broke the commands they placed on their men. Eli got shot in the arm in the start of the scuffle.

  “He’s fine. He’s just drugged up to the eyeballs with pain meds right now. Bed rest for a few days and he’ll be fine.” Nick keeps me steady as we get out.

  Asher’s already on his way to the car with the bags. I wake up fully as soon as the fresh air hits me. I feel so much better, I don’t even fall asleep on the drive home.

  Chapter Forty-Seven


  Eden seems to be feeling much better once we get back to her house. I’m not sure why what she did drained her so badly while I wasn’t affected. I’m just glad she’s okay.

  She stretches as we get inside. Giving Eli a kiss on the cheek before Nick helps him upstairs. He was insistent about staying at Eden’s. That was one of the main things he kept muttering whenever he woke up. Those pain meds were really potent. He was so out of it.

  I wait for Nick to return to make my move. I pull Eden into my arms for a kiss. She lets out a little soft gasp as her body bumps against mine. I press my lips to hers and she welcomes the embrace. She’s wearing the denim skirt she left Rapture in, and it takes all of my restraint not to slip my hands under it. I know she’s wearing lacy panties. She’s always wearing lacy panties.

  I let her go, and offer her to Nick. He goes in for a kiss while my hands are on her hips. She knows where we’re going with this. The little squeal when my hands go under her skirt signals her elation. Her ass is tight against my hardening cock, though it’s still protected by the material of our clothes. I move my hands around to get inside her panties while Nick keeps her mouth occupied.

  She moans low in her throat and I notice Nicks hands are stroking at her breasts. He’s had a bottle of lube in his jeans since we left town. It fell out in the helicopter on the way out and I saw the outline of it when we got out into the house just now. I push one hand through the fine hairs of her cunt and start stroking that warm, wet part of her.

  She arches her back and Nick’s lips move away from her mouth to latch onto one of the hard points standing out through the thin material of her T-shirt. He wets the fabric as she groans and gives in to us both. “I can’t believe this is happening,” she whispers before I capture her mouth with mine.

  She comes so quickly while I stroke her and Nick sucks on her nipples.

  “Should we move this to the bedroom?”

  Nick moves his head to grin at me. “No, we should move it to the couch.”

  Eden looks from him to me, her face flushed and her eyes wide. “There’s more?”

  Nick strips out of his T-shirt and takes the lube from his pocket. “Oh, yeah, there’s much more.”

  I feel a little envious that my being in control means he’ll be entering her in that way I never have. But the twinge passes. There’ll be time for that later. We have an entire lifetime to experience everything there is to have between us. All of us.

  I move away from Eden to strip. She loses her clothes in seconds and latches her gaze on Nicks glistening cock as he glides lube all ov
er it. I bring her hand to mine and she drops to her knees to take it into her mouth. Nick drops down behind her and uses his hands on her cunt and her nipples.

  She gasps as she moves back to lick the slick tip of my cock. She looks so ravishing with her cheeks nicely flushed and the pink tip of her tongue flicking out as she makes pleasing moaning sounds.

  I see the moment she comes from Nick’s touching and it enflames my desire to breaking point. I need to be inside her now. “Get up. Nick’s going to lead you to the couch.”

  He does, and she moves on slightly unsteady feet. The lube is still in his hand. He puts some on one hand and rubs it around her anus. She bites down on her lip. Oh, she likes it. He thrusts his fingers inside, works more lube in and thrusts some more. I can’t stop myself from stroking my cock while I watch. She gasps lightly when he moves his fingers out and presses his erection into place. He slides into her slowly as her body tenses. Then he pulls her to him and lays gently back on the couch with her.

  “Now?” I have to ask. The position still seems awkward.

  “Put one leg up close to this one and keep the other on the ground.”

  I do as told. It is a little awkward, but I’m able to get into position to push my cock into Eden’s tight hole. She groans as she takes it in. Her legs are spread wide. I start to thrust and it feels incredible. I hold her waist and keep her sitting up, reverse cowgirl, as I thrust into her. It’s hard to get an angle to fuck her harder, but it feels so good I don’t care.

  She wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head on my shoulder as her breathing becomes heavy. “Oh, Asher.”

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  Asher and Nick really took me by surprise. The moment Asher’s hands went into my panties while Nick was kissing me, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. The incredible ecstasy continued when Nick put his dick into my ass and Asher thrust his into my soaking wet pussy.


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