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Rebirth Page 14

by Valerie Willis

  “No, really, my train of thought just,” A knock at the door cut her short and she immediately dried her hands on the nearby washcloth. “I’ve got it.”

  “Alright.” Finished with laying the silverware, he walked over to the sink opening up the white cabinet doors below. As instructed, he pulled out a cookie sheet placing the garlic bread on it. Maybe having dinner here will give me a chance to get to know them instead of being overloaded with his whole crazy immortals thing. I may end up liking him, who knows. A nice sane conversation with these people who’ve shoved their way into my life.

  “Hey Annie!” A familiar voice greeted her at the door. That voice sounds familiar. Who is at Annie’s door? Jacob? “And this is my friend Timothy.”

  “Nice to meet you!” Annie’s friendly voice responded, but Hotan was unable to make out Timothy’s voice. “Well, have a seat in the living room while I finish cooking. Hotan’s been here helping me already, shouldn’t take much longer.”

  Annie walked back into the kitchen, stirring the noodles before turning her full attention to the frying pan and meatballs. Hotan glanced at her for a moment as she rolled the last of the meatballs and added them into the frying pan. Looking into the living room, he noticed one man was sitting and the other was standing, both talking noisily. He recognized the man standing from the night in the laundry room.

  That has to be Jacob then. The man with the purple eyes.

  Jacob was laughing boastfully as he stood in front of his friend. All Hotan could see was the back of Jacob’s friend. Raising an eyebrow, he failed once more to hear the man’s voice.

  Is Jacob’s friend one of us? Or truly just another acquaintance?

  “So,” Turning his attention back to the task-at-hand, Hotan continued his conversation with Annie. “I’m glad you two hit it off. Hope it works out to the end. You’ve always been like a big sister and well, you deserve to be happy.”

  “I think it will. I appreciate the fact you see me like family.” She flipped the burner with the noodles off, carrying the pot over to the sink. “Can you hand me that noodle strainer hanging over there? I suppose I am as much of a big sister as any other. I did start off as your babysitter in the beginning.”

  Grabbing up the strainer, he handed it to her, watching her drain the noodles. “Have you ever met his friend before? He seems soft spoken.” At least they can’t hear my questions from here.

  “No.” She plopped the noodles back into the pot and returned it to the burner. “I think it’s more of a business associate kind of friend. Jake says it’s hard to escape work, perhaps he improvised for tonight”

  “Hmm,” Opening the oven, he placed the garlic bread in it, closing the oven door. “Guess we’ll see tonight depending where the conversation goes.”

  “Always observing people, why so cautious? Do you ever relax?” She sighed as she opened up a cabinet full of food and searched through it. “Now where on earth did I put that big jar of sauce?”

  “My life’s been hard, and it’s not getting easier. I used to have time to relax, but not anymore.” He popped open the jar of spaghetti sauce that he had blocked from her view on the counter behind him. “I don’t think I’ll ever get to rest nor sit back and enjoy life. Every time it seems to slow down and settle, something comes along and kicks up the dust in my face. I can’t count how many times it’s left a bad taste in my mouth.”

  “Oh really?” Grabbing the jar from him, she added it to the noodles and pulled the frying pan from the stove. “Maybe you’ve got things all wrong? I hope you’re wrong about that. I know I thought the same thing at one point, but things have gotten a lot easier since then. You just have to work a little harder to see the more positive side of what’s going on. Makes life a lot easier that way, you know. Take a deep breath and be positive.”

  “Hey, babe?” Jacob came into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around her and kissed her softly on the cheek. “Is it done yet? I am starving!”

  “Hold on, all I have to do is mix it all together and it’ll be ready to serve.” She smiled and kissed him on the lips before he released his wrap on her. “Patience is a virtue, now go behave yourself.”

  “So, how are you doing, Jacob?” Hotan lifted an eyebrow as he leaned against the counter. Jacob was wearing iron pressed slacks and a white button up shirt. Clearly, he came straight from work. “Been a while since I’ve seen you around, I guess.”

  “Good, and sorry about that, I am working on getting things changed up so I can get more time with you.” Jacob’s purple eyes glinted at Hotan, demanding a solid exchange. “How are you doing? Taking care of yourself? I hope you’re staying out of trouble. Better yet, I hope trouble is staying out your way.”

  “Fine, just fine.” Narrowing his eyes at Jacob, he took in a deep breath. “So what do you do for a living? I don’t think I’ve had a chance to find more out about you. Our last visit was so, short.”

  “Oh me?” Jacob’s coy smile crawled across his face as he ignored the condescending glare from Hotan, shrugging playfully. “I’m just a simple business man. I hate the fact they make me wear a suit all the time at headquarters, but, then again, I like special assignments. The fact that all rules go out the window at that point is a refreshing break from the normal. I was quite a rule breaker when I was younger too.”

  “Interesting,” Seeing it was time to take the bread out; he broke his stern look from Jacob. “Bread’s done.”

  “Yup,” Annie carried the pot of spaghetti over to the black rectangle table. “Time to eat!”

  “Yo! Timmy, food.” Jacob’s glance at him hadn’t broken nor had the grin on his face. Walking over to where Annie was filling the plates with food, he stretched his arms out. “Oh! It smells so good!”

  Hotan grunted to himself as he took up a towel to retrieve the pan from the oven. Pulling a large knife from the drawer, he sliced it before carrying it over to the table. Jacob pulled out a chair for Annie, gently pushing her in like a true gentlemen. Curiously, he took the seat across from her. Hotan sat next to him, hoping to avoid a stare down the whole time.

  Hotan’s stomach rumbled for the first time in a long time and found himself captivated by the plate of spaghetti in front of him. It then ached as the smell of the garlic bread joined the symphony of smells and overwhelmed him. Breaking his attention from the meal, he looked up at Timmy who was taking his seat across from him. The muscles tightened in his jaws at he stared on in disbelief.

  “You ok, Hotan?” Annie’s voice was soft and motherly. “You look pale all of the sudden, you coming down sick? You never get sick.”

  “No. I, I’m fine.” Hotan glowered across the table, his stomach no longer aching from hunger, but astonishment. “I’m fine, just, tired.”

  “Hi, I’m Timothy Bithloa.” Talib smiled gently at him as he brushed his hair from the front of his face. “Nice to meet you, Hotan.”

  “Hi.” Swallowing hard, he glared into Talib’s pale blue eyes who stared back with his overpowering aura.

  “Now let’s bow our heads for a short moment of thanks. Sorry, it was something my dad always did and well, now that he’s gone, I like to keep it going.” Annie broke the tension as her voice cut through everyone’s thoughts, slicing peace among them. “Lord, I want to thank you for your Love and comfort and thank you for this moment of gathering in which we may eat together in your honor. I pray that the food you have provided for us will nourish our bodies so that we shall remain in good health. Amen.”

  “Amen.” They mumbled reverently as they all raised their heads and began to eat.

  “Mmm,” Jacob slurped a few noodles into his mouth and grinned widely. “Man, can you cook. You’re amazing, Annie! If this keeps up, you’ll have me fat and round like a turkey.”

  “I was raised to take care of myself. My Dad became ill and well, I had to take care of him before he passed away.” Annie sighed as she twisted noodles around her spinning fork. “I don’t mind it though. Brings back good memories.”
/>   “There is nothing wrong with such an ability.” Tim smiled at her as he sipped his iced tea. “It is very becoming of you.”

  “Makes you a well-rounded girl.” Hotan managed a smile to her as he began to eat. His hunger was overriding his urge to scream at Talib. He could only stare at him in disdain as he ate.

  “That’s right. He’s got a point, Annie.” Jacob winked at her playfully as he took a gulp of his tea. “Wonderful.”

  “Oh you guys stop.” She finally smiled again, eating some of her spaghetti.

  “Never.” Hotan joked, but turned his attention to ‘Timothy Bithloa once more.

  “So, what do you do for a living, Mr. Bithloa?” Annie questioned politely, taking a bite from her garlic bread.

  “Oh, well I own a real estate company in the area.” Talib continued with his cordial smile.

  Oh really? Hotan thought loudly to himself. I just wish you could hear me. In fact, I hope you can hear me, Timothy. What a name! Like there isn’t anything weird about a guy in his late twenties with light gray hair. Sure, a name change will cover that unique identifier for sure…

  “Wow. So, do you own any property in this area yourself? Or do you just sell it?” Annie paused her eating a moment becoming very interested in him.

  “Yes I do. A very old piece in fact. It has been passed down in my family for generations so I do not have the heart to sell it.” Talib shot a quick look over at Hotan, his eyes wide. When did you learn this? It is a little early for you to transfer your thoughts.

  “Oh wow, where at?” She spun her fork again in her plate, wrapping it with saucy noodles as she continued the conversation. “What a wonderful thing to inherit!”

  “Isn’t it the old church by the local high school?” Jacob asked, joining the conversation. “That massive cathedral?”

  Well, I guess be careful what you wish for. Let’s just say Callan helped. Hotan took another large bite of his food as he sat in complete silence. Anyhow, why would it be too early? Wouldn’t it be a good thing that I finally figured out how to do something, anything, on my own? I doubted this whole having powers thing, but this shouts you’re not pulling my chain after all.

  “The Cathedral down on 24th street, it is by a local high school.” Talib ate his spaghetti with much delight, his smile never failing. Because it may cause you some problems and it only gives Geliah an easier way of entering your thoughts. What did Callan want from you? I assume he wanted something from you.

  “So it is by the school. Get many vandals?” Jacob took a big bite of food, chewing questioningly at Talib as the tension in the looks between him and Hotan grew.

  So, you’re the one who owns it, the old church. Go figure. Hotan paused, looking at him in surprise. Callan needs my help. To be honest, he needs me to help him escape. Apparently, where he’s at he can’t speak to me when someone else is there. I think he’s trapped and in trouble with Geliah. Anyhow, I doubt Geliah’s going to read my thoughts so easily.

  “Hey, isn’t that where you go all the time Hotan?” Annie looked at him, but he wasn’t giving her a response, still exchanging a strange look with Talib. “Hotan? Are you sure you’re ok?”

  “Huh?” Breaking his concentration, Hotan turned to look at her, his face slightly red from feeling embarrassed. “Yea, I go there all the time. I enjoy the history. Sorry if I was trespassing, but there were never any signs, and well, it being a church I didn’t really think it was an issue.”

  “We mainly get visitors which wards off vandals. I like to keep such a place open to the public, since it is quite a sight to see. It has been renovated completely.” Talib took a sip of his drink trying to hide the smirk aimed at Hotan. Thank you for that by the way.

  “I hate high school punks.” Jacob mumbled biting a chunk out of his garlic bread, leaning back in his chair as he chewed. Yea, watch out for Geliah. He’s a tricky bastard. Last we heard, Callan was on his side, but ole Geliah has been pulling some mean tricks over the last couple of years.

  “Oh wow! It’s been renovated?” Annie took a sip of her tea. “Why didn’t you tell me, Hotan? I would love to go see it now that it’s been redone! Oh how wonderful!”

  “Uh,” Looking at Jacob, Hotan could feel the ghostly complexion taking over his face. “I’ve been busy. Guess it slipped my mind. Um, anyway, I’m entering the Big Band competition.” You can hear me too?

  “Hey, that’s cool. I was hoping to hear that you and your band would take advantage of the competition. Let me know how I can help!” Jacob grinned at him. What’s wrong? Didn’t know someone else was listening in Hotan? That’s what Talib was trying warning you about, we can’t turn down the volume for you. We have no idea how long it will take us before we can help you. Until then you’re broadcasting your thoughts worldwide, buddy.

  “That’s right! You can enter this year since you’re 18.” Annie smiled, unaware of the alternate conversation circling the table. “How exciting!”

  “Well I wish you the best of luck.” Talib took a bite of his food. Jacob, stop taunting him. I think he now realizes the trouble. Best thing to do is try and master it to the best of your abilities. You can only communicate to other immortals, so it is limited on who you can contact. Perhaps Kyle can help you?

  “Thanks.” Sighing, Hotan stared down at his half-eaten plate, his appetite fading. “But I need to find a bassist. Chaz is letting me use the club for auditions on Saturday morning.” So now I have to master it, huh? Well, I assumed that it was only among us that it would work. Maybe I can practice it with Kyle.

  “That’s nice of him. Chaz is a good man.” Jacob took another bite of his spaghetti. Well, you guys are boring. I figured you’d start up some sex stories or something worth listening to. Speaking of which, how’s Saphellia doing T-man? Is she adjusting ok?

  “Cool. Wish I knew someone who could help you out.” She stood up and walked her plate into the kitchen.

  “It’s fine. I think I can handle this.” Hotan finished his plate. Saphellia? Who’s that? What else are you not telling me? How many of us are in the area? Why are we all gathering? Doesn’t this seem strange? Even alarming?

  “Man Annie! This spaghetti’s good!” Jacob filled his plate full again, grinning widely. Uh oh, seems like Big Bro hasn’t told the baby everything. How ironic, don’t you think that’s uncalled for T-man? I mean we really can’t afford to waste time. We can’t wait for him to figure everything out and remember things, and who knows how long that might take or if it’ll ever happen?

  “A bassist?” Talib swallowed hard and paused a moment. She is fine, and I have not told him much. Only what he needs to know for now. I do not want to overload him with our whole history just yet, small pieces here and there. I am fully aware we are running out of time to prepare him and I- never mind.

  “Yea,” Hotan leaned back in his chair and narrowed his eyes at Talib. Running out of time until what? What am I supposed to prepare for, Talib? I need to know more. I don’t think I’ll remember anything. Why leave it to chance and just spit it all out. The more I know the better the chances for me to figure this entire thing out.

  “So do you plan on making flyers and so forth for that?” Jacob stuffed his mouth full of food again. You didn’t at least tell him that? Damn Talib, and here I thought you were the one with the best judgment on these kinds of things. I think you’ve gotten rusty over time. We barely have a year to prep him!

  “Yep, got some of the school kids to spread the word.” Hotan took in a deep breath. A year for what? I would really like to know, especially since it involves mainly me. What do I need to prepare for?

  “That’s good.” Talib left his last bite on the plate and leaned back in his chair, feeling the weight of Jacob’s stare. I have said too much. It is much too soon to bring up the matter. Too much at once would do more harm than good for all our sakes. You will have to wait.

  “Are you guys ok?” Annie cleared her throat picking up Hotan and Talib’s plates. “You all keep acting weird,
and giving these really strange looks and so forth. Am I missing out on something? Do you two know each other?”

  “What on earth do you mean, babe? I’ve been eating mostly.” Jacob took another large mouthful of his spaghetti and chewed it in exults. Dammit, you two are going to get me in trouble with my girl here. If you do, you’ll both owe me. Let’s save this argument when we are alone. Come on.

  “Uh, sorry if I have been rude somehow…” Talib laughed nervously.

  “Excuse me.” Hotan stood up, looking over at Annie reluctantly. “I’ve had a long day and I’m not feeling so great. The meal was excellent and I’ve enjoyed eating with you all. Sorry to leave, it seems every time we get a chance to visit each other Jacob, it’s been cut short, so sorry.”

  “Uh, ok.” Annie followed him over to the door. “See you tomorrow and good luck with those auditions.”

  “Bye!” Jacob waved as he continued to chew his food with his cheeks puffed out.

  “Farewell.” Talib’s voice seemed parsimonious.

  Hotan walked out, feeling instant relief from the tension when her apartment door clicked shut. Regret poured over him as he thought of Talib.

  Jacob is looking better by the moment, besides his tendency of being nosy about everything. Never did find out who this Saphellia person was or what was happening in a year. Why did I decide to leave so suddenly? In fact, I had no intentions to leave, yet, he paused in front of his door a moment pondering. Why did I leave with questions unanswered?

  Opening his door, he slammed it behind him causing the room to fall into a dark shadow. Staring at the box on the table, he sat on his couch, recalling the conversation that Annie had not heard. Sighing, he leaned back into the soft worn-out couch, staring at his ceiling. There were too many thoughts flooding his to make them out. Closing his eyes, trying to slow down and focus, he needed to figure out when he had decided to leave in the first place.

  Talib, that was why. Talib’s the element of Judgment and he can make you pass judgments to perform certain tasks, such as decide to leave. Talib made me leave.


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