The American Soldier Collection 3: Amazing Grace (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The American Soldier Collection 3: Amazing Grace (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Why would a man want that anyway? Weren’t men always jealous lovers? Didn’t they want to keep their woman under wraps and solely committed to them? She had a lot of questions and concerns about it but as she read this particular love story, she couldn’t help but wonder if it really were possible to love and be loved by more than one man. She could never let her guard down like that. Feeling the pain of a broken heart would be too much to handle again. She was so connected to her sister, her father, her mother, and brothers, but in losing Clara, she lost part of herself, too. That fear, the depth of her sadness was too much. Soon after, Grace began to build up a wall around her heart. Sure she wasn’t a selfish, unfeeling bitch, but she kept her distance. She never fully gave all of herself to anyone and that was the only way she knew how to survive, how to wake up every day and continue to live without Clara in her life.

  Chapter 8

  Jim Warner was standing in Donald’s office as the investigators clarified information on the bombs.

  “It turns out that the package was delivered by courier. They were given cash in an envelope with instructions on the box. They didn’t think anything of it, because similar envelopes and packages had been sent in this way before. They assumed it was from the same individual,” Jim stated.

  “The same individual? So this could be the guy we’re looking for?” Donald asked.

  “Not really sure if it is a male or female. No signature was required.”

  “I still don’t get that, Jim. I mean, in most circumstances, the shipping companies, whether US Postal Service or a private delivery service, need to confirm the contents of the package and its sender,” Teddy Warner added.

  “I know. I think we should personally speak to some of the tellers down there. This is a serious situation and right now, the government has agents looking into a domestic terrorist attack as precaution. There’s nothing specific that proves the same individual that did this is also the killer,” Jim said.

  “Something else isn’t sitting right with me,” Donald said.

  “What’s that?” Teddy asked.

  “As I glanced at the return address label, I’m not certain, but it looked familiar.”

  “You saw the return address?” Teddy asked.

  “I saw a logo. I can’t be positive that it’s the same, but the thought has been bothering me for days.”

  “Why is that?” Jim asked.

  “Well, a few months back, I received an anonymous letter threatening my involvement in the affordable housing construction. I didn’t think much of it, because the board and other members received a bunch of negative responses from the public. You know, people who feared that their property values would go down and crime rate would go up, just because of the affordable housing. That’s why we got the approval for the land outside of town. The nearest properties are a couple of miles.”

  “Did you ever investigate who the people who threatened you and the board were?” Jim asked.

  “No. I didn’t really take it as threats and more of displeasure. Even with the new development being approved, we’ve gotten some unhappy responses,” Donald said.

  “Could you give us copies of those letters and anything else you may have from the last project?” Jim asked.

  “Why? Do you think this has something to do with the case?” Donald asked.

  “We leave no rock unturned, Donald. I think Sandman is going to want to know about this information, too.” Jim pulled out his cell phone.

  * * * *

  Grace was talking to her mom on the secure line. The men had made it clear that she was not to indicate where she was staying.

  “Are you sure that you’re okay?” her mom asked. “That man Sandman is so big and serious.”

  Grace chuckled.

  “He fits the image of bodyguard well, Mom. He’s great and the accommodations are very nice. I just want this over with sooner than later.”

  “Maybe the detectives will find out something about that poor young woman they found. She worked for the town you know and was just a few houses down from John and the boys. They are really upset.”

  “What? When did you find this out?” Grace asked.

  “This morning. Frank informed us and now the news is broadcasting the discovery. That poor girl’s parents must be so distraught. I asked John to find out if I can visit them and offer any assistance.”

  Grace had an uneasy feeling in her gut. She wondered why Sandman hadn’t told her. Was that what the call this morning was about? This was exactly why she didn’t trust people. He asked for her trust, yet he wasn’t keeping her up to date with the case at all.

  “Who was she, Mom? Do you have a name?”

  “Catherine Reyas. She was twenty-four years old. Had a great job in town and her father is Milton Reyas of Reyas Developing. They’re pretty well known in the community.”

  She spoke to her mom for a little while longer then said good-bye. She couldn’t help the uneasy feelings she had as she closed up the cell phone.

  She stared at it a moment. In that second she realized that there was no one to call and she wasn’t allowed anyway.

  “Are you finished with the phone?” Sandman asked as he entered the room. She stared at him and knew she looked angry. She was angry.

  “Here.” She tossed it to him and he caught it then gave her a look.

  “Is everything all right?” he asked and she stood up.

  “Why don’t you tell me.”

  “What’s wrong?” he asked as Big Jay and Duke walked into the room. Both were holding papers.

  “I understand that I’m under protection here and that my location cannot be jeopardized, but this is my life, my future that is at stake. I expect you to keep me abreast of the progress in this investigation,” she stated with her hands on her hips.

  He placed the phone back onto the clip on his hip. His narrow waist was in great contrast to his wide, muscular shoulders.

  She couldn’t help the skitter of goose bumps that traveled over her skin from absorbing the sight of his body.

  “There’s no update in the case.”

  “Really?” she snapped back and took a step forward.

  “Catherine Reyas?”

  His eyes widened then became dark and unemotional.

  “What is it that you want to know, Grace?”

  “I want to know everything that is happening in this investigation.”

  “No,” he replied.

  She widened her eyes in shock. “That’s not the answer I want.”

  “Tough. This is how it is. You are on a need-to-know basis because we are the investigators. When you need to know something or we feel it’s important for you to know about, then we’ll discuss it.”

  “Go to hell, Sandman.” She turned around prepared to walk away but instead abruptly turned back to find Sandman standing there with his arms crossed in front of his chest glaring at her. Duke and Big Jay looked none the better.

  “Grace, you’ve been through a lot in the last few days. You need some recouping time. All of this stuff is too much for one woman to handle. We want you to feel safe,” Big Jay said.

  “Feel safe? Too much to handle? How dare you try to control my life and the information I get privy to? You do not own me. I’m the one that held her pictures in my hand. I held a lock of her hair, not you,” she said, feeling herself lose her cool. She felt entirely frustrated.

  When Sandman touched her arm, she pulled it away. “Who do you think you are? What gives you the right to keep me out of this?”

  “We’re your protectors. I’ll decide what you need to know.” He reached up and touched her cheek, cupping it with the palm of his hand.

  He took a step closer to her and stared down into her eyes. “This is a complicated situation. My brothers and I are working with a lot of investigators to find the one responsible. We can’t and we won’t keep you updated about every bit of progress or failure we achieve. That is not your position or role in this. You’re supposed to feel sa
fe and protected not upset or hurt.”

  “Well I don’t feel safe. I’ll never feel safe whether he’s caught or not. It’s how my life is now.” She heard the defeated tone of her voice.

  Sandman pulled her into a hug against his chest.

  “It just feels that way, Grace. Those emotions will pass when this is all done.” She shook her head and began to push away from him.

  She looked up into his eyes. They held no emotion and were dark and skeptical.

  “You don’t know. You don’t understand.”

  He pulled her tighter, making her gasp in surprise. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his waist and absorbed the bulk and solidity of his body.

  “I know better than you think.”

  She didn’t have a clue what that comment meant but before she did something stupid like ask him or hug him, his phone rang.

  * * * *

  Grace had a terrible headache. Dinner was spent alone as the men were busy on the phone and computers. Something was happening, but they still didn’t let her in on it. She supposed that they had a point. She wasn’t law enforcement. Plus, whatever information they were discovering, they didn’t feel she could assist with. She was leaning her head back against the pillow on the couch when she heard the voice.

  “Maybe you should head up to bed. Get a good night’s rest. In the bathroom upstairs you’ll find aspirin in the medicine cabinet,” Sandman told her as she stared at him a moment. She hadn’t even heard him approach. It was probably due to his military training. Her belly muscles tightened. Instead of being annoyed she was aroused. She stood up from the couch.

  “Thanks for everything, Sandman. I appreciate your sacrifices. I’m sure it’s hard letting a stranger into your home.” She saw a change in his eyes but then quickly it vanished.

  “We’re not strangers anymore. Remember you’re in my personal protective custody program and I did act as your body armor twice.”

  She wondered if he was flirting or trying to make up for earlier. She wasn’t certain and figured the best thing to do was go to bed and hope that tomorrow was better.

  “Good night.”

  She turned and walked out of the room

  * * * *

  Sandman stayed up a little longer, wondering about Grace, her life and why the killer was so interested in her. He worked on his computer trying to still find a link or some clue he may have missed. His brothers were doing the same and trying to find the connection between the murdered women and the other murders that had been taking place in Houston. It seemed to him that those three victims were connected to the community and building corps for the affordable housing project. Right now it all seemed like coincidence. Nothing concrete linked these people.

  As Sandman went over the pictures of the other female victims he could see the same resemblances. All the victims had brown hair, were tall, very beautiful, like models. They all had very good professions or at least high-paying professions and were single.

  He looked over the crime scenes again, noting that the killer both strangled his victims and stabbed them with a very sharp, long tool of some kind.

  He restrained them by using rope or handcuffs. It seemed like he victimized them in one location then dumped their bodies somewhere else. He had a place he liked to perform his acts and Sandman felt it needed to be nearby. Perhaps he had more than one place considering he had killed in other states.

  “Going over the pictures again?” Big Jay asked as he sat down by the island in the kitchen.

  Sandman ran his fingers through his hair as Duke walked in next.

  “I can’t look at these anymore. You know what I see?” he asked as he turned the laptop toward Duke and Big Jay. They both looked at the collage of pictures. He watched Big Jay’s eyes widen then darken in anger.


  “Exactly. They look very similar to Grace. They’re professional, too, just like she is,” Sandman added.

  “Shit.” Big Jay stood up and paced the room. “She could be the main victim he’s after, Sandman. He’ll want to find her and have her.”

  “I still believe there is a connection to the affordable housing. That information Jim sent us from Donald has clues in it. Could this guy who harassed the builders and Donald be the same person who is killing these women?” Duke asked.

  “That’s what we need to find out. I asked Jim and Teddy to check out the members of the fundraising committee associated with Reyas Developing. Maybe that will give us some insight.”

  * * * *

  Grace lay sleeping, tossing and turning as the day’s events replayed in her mind. She was frantic and running for her life as the killer began chasing her.

  In her dreams she saw him, without a face, but he was mocking her, calling her names as he held her sister Clara by the throat.

  Grace was calling out her sister’s name as she watched the killer stab Clara multiple times. She watched, unable to move a muscle as the killer plunged the knife into Clara’s body. He turned to look at Grace. “You’re next.”

  Grace was screaming, kicking, and punching as the killer attacked her in her dreams. She couldn’t get away from him. He was too strong.

  * * * *

  From the other room Sandman could hear Grace’s screams and rushed into her room, gun drawn and ready.

  His brothers were on his heels as they infiltrated the bedroom, too.

  He was in soldier mode as he scanned the area, zeroed in on a half-dressed Grace tossing and turning on the bed. Big Jay and Duke checked the windows and the bathroom then joined Sandman by the bed. Sandman knew she was having a nightmare as Grace continued to toss and turn, kicking and fighting in her sleep while moaning. The blankets were all over the floor and Grace was wearing a tight V-neck T-shirt and short pink shorts that more closely resembled underwear.

  Sandman put down his gun and sat on the bed next to her. She was hysterically crying now, calling out her sister Clara’s name. His heart pounded in his chest and he felt the tightness. It shocked him to care like this and feel so much for a complete stranger. He looked at his brothers, the scowls on their faces as they stood at the edge of the bed watching.

  “Grace…Grace, wake up. It’s okay. It’s just a dream.” Sandman spoke to her softly. It took a few attempts, but then she finally opened her eyes. Startled, she sat up in bed, put her hands over her face, and continued to cry. Sandman pulled her into his arms.

  She was trembling and sobbing. She had been so strong all week. Even after the reminders of Clara’s murder on TV and the blast in Donald’s office, she had remained strong and composed. He had taken her away from her family, her home, and didn’t even tell her where she was going. He felt terrible for her as he held her tight and whispered softly against her ear and neck.

  * * * *

  Grace pulled away suddenly realizing she was wearing hardly any clothes and had lost it, emotionally, in front of Sandman.

  She tried to get up but he held her still.

  “It’s okay, Grace. You’ve been through a great ordeal. Don’t be afraid to let it out.”

  Grace held on to his forearms, as she stared at his bare muscular chest.

  He sat there so close to her wearing only boxer shorts, with his well-toned, muscular legs showing. He was masculine and rugged looking with a light shadow of a beard.

  He locked gazes with her and she shyly turned away, afraid of the arousal and the attraction she felt, only to notice the two large figures, standing at the bottom of the bed. She gasped at the sight. Big Jay and Duke were there as well. They wore only dark boxers and each held a gun in their hands.

  “Are you okay, darling?” Big Jay asked while his eyes roamed over her body. She felt her nipples pebble and her pussy clench from their stares. Closing her legs tighter as she knelt on the bed, she began to move to the side and get up. Sandman stopped her.

  “Don’t pull away,” he whispered then placed his hand over her waist to the other side of her hip. Slowly she lowered back down
to the bed as he pulled her closer to his side. He was leaning over her, her head flat on the pillow, her chest heaving up and down as he stared into her eyes. When he moved his hand to her cheek and caressed the wet tears away, she closed her eyes and felt her body quiver. She had obviously been crying very hard. Even her belly quivered.

  “Please, Sandman,” she whispered in a shaky voice, but she didn’t get a response. Not until she opened her eyes right before his lips touched hers.

  She absorbed the sensations that attacked her skin, her body, and her soul. His strong hands held her face between them as his tongue explored her mouth. She returned the kisses, turned on, set aflame to the aura of his sex appeal, big muscles and heavy body that now leaned over her smaller frame. She wanted to taste more of him, accept the attraction and desire burning through her bloodstream as she reached up to run fingers through his hair.

  He moved his lips off of hers and trailed kisses against the corner of her mouth, her jaw, and then her neck. When he maneuvered his hips between her thighs, she opened for him, instantly feeling the large, hard cock against her needy pussy.

  “You taste and feel incredible, Grace. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing,” he admitted, acknowledging to her that he was feeling just as out of control as she was. Then she felt the bed dip to her right.

  Large, thick fingers caressed the hair from her cheeks as she turned from Sandman’s fierce expression toward Duke. Her heart hammered inside of her chest. She knew he and Big Jay were there, too. God, how aroused and excited that made her feel. Was she so desperate for love and attention that she wanted all three men to fuck her?

  “Don’t be afraid, angel. We’ve been pussyfooting around this attraction all week. Since the moment you walked into the house I’ve wanted you,” Duke admitted then leaned forward to kiss her cheek before he took her mouth fully.

  Simultaneously Sandman caressed her left arm and moved it above her head while Duke explored her mouth. She moaned against his tongue as Sandman sat up and caressed her thighs then her belly, her ribs, until finally cupping her breasts.


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