The Rescue: A Valentine's Novella

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The Rescue: A Valentine's Novella Page 3

by Twyla Turner

  “Well, that’s unfortunate. Parents,” Val shook her head. “Though they usually mean well.”

  They both took a sip of their drinks as they made tentative eye contact.

  “Enough about me. What about you?” Bo leaned forward, shortening the distance between them. “You wondered why I’m still single. Well, why are you?”

  Val raised her shoulders and let them fall heavily.

  “I have no idea.” Val smirked and then leaned forward too. “But I do have a theory.”

  Bo slid a little closer on the couch.

  “What’s your theory?”

  “My mom cursed me.”

  “Cursed you? How?” Bo scrunched his brows.

  “Well, I was conceived on Valentine’s Day and that’s what she named me. Which is why I go by Val, because it’s just too embarrassing.” She paused to take a sip of wine.

  “So your real name is Valentine?”


  “I thought it was Valerie or something.”

  “Nope. And I stand by my claim that she was high when she named me.”

  They both chuckled at her joke.

  “So how does it curse you?”

  “Because she named me after the day devoted to love and that’s the one thing that seems to allude me. Did you know that I’ve never been with anyone on the actual day?” Val rolled her eyes. “Of course you didn’t know, you just met me. But yeah, whenever I date someone, they seem to end it before February 1st even gets here.”

  “What?! That’s crazy!” Bo shook his head in disbelief. “That can’t be true. How old are you?”

  “Ha! Wanna bet?” Val laughed humorlessly. “I’m thirty-three. So plenty of time for my theory to be proven right over and over again. How old are you?”


  “Oh, so you got divorced at thirty? What a way to bring in your dirty-thirty,” Val frowned.

  “It was great, actually. I felt like I was starting a whole new life for myself. The life I actually wanted. I just got a little too distracted with work to go out and get it. But maybe I was never supposed to. Maybe…” Bo let his thought trail off.

  Val had a feeling what he had been about to say.

  “Maybe, it…she was supposed to come to me.

  He confirmed her suspicions a moment later.

  “Ya know, Val. I’ve been thinkin’. Maybe your mama didn’t curse you. Maybe you’ve been thinking about it all wrong.” Bo looked down at his beer bottle and fiddled with the label again, unable to make eye contact as he continued. “Maybe…she blessed you. Gifting you with the ability to turn away men that were never right for you to begin with. So that when you meet the right one you’ll know. You never know, maybe the first man you spend Valentine’s Day with will be the man who stays.”

  Bo’s deep baritone voice trailed off as he dropped that bomb.

  Val knew that even though he didn’t say he was that man, it was what he was implying. She had no idea what to say in response.

  Do I pretend as if he never said it and change the subject? Or should I laugh it off and say maybe? Or should I just jump and tell him that yes, it could be him?

  The silence became deafening as she continued to internally argue with herself.

  Crap! I’ve taken too long. Now the perfect opportunity to respond has passed. Anything I say now is just gonna sound awkward.

  Bo loudly cleared his throat and stood up.

  “Well, I gotta get these dishes cleaned up. I never did clean up my mess from preparing the stew this afternoon.” Bo informed her before he turned to head to the kitchen.

  “Uh…Hey, let me help.” Val quickly stood up and followed him. “You’ve been so great, it’s the least I could do.”

  “Sure, I’d like that.” He paused his long strides to let her catch up with him.

  They walked into the spacious kitchen and Bo started filling the sink with dish soap and water.

  “How about I wash and you dry, since I don’t know where your dishes go?” Val suggested, smiling up at him.

  “Sounds good.”

  Bo stepped aside and Val replaced him at the sink. He grabbed a dry towel and threw it over his shoulder while he waited for her to pass him the first clean dish. And so began their silent team work. She’d wash, rinse, and pass to him. He’d dry, put away, and wait for the next.

  They worked really well together. Val felt completely comfortable and at ease. As if they’d been doing the same routine for years. And that tension in her tummy steadily built until it was almost unbearable, being in such close proximity to him.

  Bo would brush by her and she’d tremble. She’d take a deep breath and her nose would be filled with his clean masculine scent. His long, thick fingers would slide over hers as she passed him a dish and the touch would send a shockwave straight to her deprived nether regions. She could even feel his eyes taking her in, cataloging every movement and feature. She felt like she was tilted off axis. Unable to get her bearings.

  She passed him a large wooden spoon and her fingers held onto his a little too long. She wasn’t sure if she was trying to steady herself or if she just wanted to touch him longer. He just stood there quietly, probably knowing she craved his touch.

  He slowly pulled his hand away and dried the spoon. He put the utensil away in a stainless steel container next to the stove. When Bo walked back over, he stood directly behind her. Just close enough that she could feel his heat.

  Val’s pulse raced, awaiting his touch. She felt his hands rest on her shoulders. They slowly slid down her arms and into the dishwater. His large, work-roughened hands covered hers as she scrubbed at a pan. His face rested lightly against the side of hers and she felt his breath against her ear.

  Val gave up on the dishes altogether. Her hands gripped the edge of the sink and his followed to cover them once more. Bo nuzzled her neck and ear with his nose, sending shivers all over her body. A gentle kiss was placed against her neck. The feel of his warm lips and soft beard on her skin made Val gasp softly. He rubbed his lips up her neck to the shell of her ear.

  “Val,” was the only word to pass his lips.

  It was enough.

  The tension that had built within Val’s belly overflowed into her entire being. She quickly turned within the circle of his arms. She looked up at him and his stormy colored eyes fairly smoldered with five years’ worth of pent up desire.

  Bo didn’t say a word. He didn’t have to. The answer to his silent question was in the fire in her eyes, the flare of her nostrils as if she was in heat, and in the quiver of her parted lips that begged for his.

  His wet hands covered in white suds grasped her face and his mouth crushed down upon hers. It was not a soft, getting-to-know-you kiss. It was immediate heat. Hard and intense.

  Val’s hands gripped his t-shirt and she practically climbed up his body. Bo growled deep in his throat as his tongue stroked deeply into her mouth. He bent down further and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her onto the counter.

  Val instantly spread her legs so that he could fit within her warm nook. She’d wait until reality hit later to feel like a shameless hussy. For now, she wanted to live in the moment. And at this very moment Bo was rocking his heavy erection between the crease of her legs.

  “Ahh! Bo!” Val gasped, breaking away from his kiss as her pussy fluttered.

  Bo rested his forehead against hers as he continued to dry fuck her on the counter.

  “Say, yes. Please, say yes,” Bo groaned, his warm breath fanning against her lips.

  Val gripped his biceps as she panted wantonly.

  “Yes,” she whispered breathlessly.

  Bo ripped down her borrowed pants as Val raised up to help him. The pajamas fell to the floor and Val’s hands were at the waistband of Bo’s sweats. He helped her shove them down. Once the elastic cleared the tip of his cock, Val gasped.

  His erection bobbed up and down when it was freed from its confines. Val thought it was so beautiful that w
ithout a conscious thought, she reached out to touch him to make sure it was real. Incredibly thick and long, to match the man himself. The head was fat and the ridge defined beautifully.

  It had been a long time since Val had had sex, and even longer still since she’d been with someone so well-endowed. It almost brought a damn tear to her eye. She prayed he knew what to do with it. But before she could dwell on that, Bo had pulled her bottom to the edge of the counter. He gripped the base of his shaft and slapped the tip and underside of his cock against her sensitive clit and weeping opening.


  He plunged in to the root, hitting the top of her womb and stretching her beyond capacity.

  “Aaaaah!!!” Val screamed as her head fell back.

  Bo pulled out almost to the tip and pumped into her with short, shallow strokes before plunging back in. His large hands palmed her ass and hips, holding her steady. As his thrusts transitioned to deep and hard, Val’s eyes opened slightly and tears ran back down her temples. Through her wet, spiked lashes she could see him watching her with every stroke. He roll his hips just right, hitting a spot that sent tingles across her body. He watched her reaction and repeated the move a couple times, making her toes curl.

  It was obvious that he was attentive and wanted her to find pleasure as well. Val wanted to give back as much as she got. She clenched her internal muscles around him and Bo groaned deep in his throat. He began to pump harder into her and Val felt that tension within her build. She moved her hand between them, reaching for her slick clit. Her fingertips rubbed at her nub as Bo stroked her G-spot from within. Val felt her climax barrel towards the edge.

  “I’m gonna come,” she panted.

  Bo growled and crushed his mouth over her. His tongue stroked hers in time to her fingers on her clit. She came undone.

  Val cried into Bo’s mouth. Her walls fluttered and milked him. He pulled her tight into the circle of his arms as his hips stuttered, pouring his cum into her. His roar mingling with her scream.

  Bo stayed buried deep within her, his waning erection not enough to slip out from her warm, wet channel. One of those men who were large even when soft.

  A shower not a grower. Val smiled against his shoulder she had collapsed against him.

  She found herself kissing his shoulder through his shirt and turning her head to kiss his neck. Bo groaned and his hips jerked a bit in response.

  Val waited for the guilt to hit her. The guilt of screwing a man she’d just met only a few hours ago. But it wasn’t there. All she felt was an overwhelming sense of rightness. She felt sated and surprisingly cherished by this man she barely knew.

  The strange thing was that she felt like she really did know him. She hadn’t learned all of his life experiences yet, she hadn’t met his family, or anything like that. But Val knew he was warm, caring, and generous. He had a sense of humor, he cared about his family, even if they did drive him crazy, and he was obviously a hard worker. Bo was also a terrific lover. Attentive, intense, and giving.

  Val had dated men for months and hadn’t felt like she knew or understood them the way she did Bo within a few hours. It was like from the moment he’d rescued her, he’d laid all his cards on the table. He didn’t hide any of himself. He wanted her to know him.

  She wasn’t sure if that was just the type of person that he was. A farm boy with zero artifice. If he’d opened up because he saw something in her and wanted her to know him. Or a combination of the two.

  All she knew was that Bo’s openness quickly wore her down and made her want to open herself to him as well.

  Well, you definitely did that. You opened up nice and wide, nasty!

  Val laughed at herself against his neck.

  “What’s so funny?” His voice rumbled in his chest and vibrated against her.

  She loved his deep voice.

  “Just laughing at how crazy all this is. I’ve never done this before.”

  Bo pulled back a little to look down at her with a perplexed look.

  “Not sex, silly. I mean, I’ve never jumped into bed…or counter in this instance, with someone I just met. It’s not really my thing.” Val admitted.

  “Same here. Though it is kinda hard to jump into bed with someone you don’t know, when you know everyone within a fifteen mile radius of you.” Bo smiled before continuing. “But it feels right, doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah, it does. I don’t know why, but it does.”

  Bo leaned down and softly kissed Val’s lips. The kind of kiss that should’ve been their first kiss. Soft, gentle, and sweet.

  Val guessed that maybe they’d had so much pent up energy and sexual frustration that they had to get it all out first. Now they could take their time.

  The kiss deepened and as Val stroked her tongue against Bo’s, she felt him stiffen within her. Already, ready for round two.

  Bo wrapped his arms around Val and lifted her off of the counter. Both as naked as the day they were born from the waist down, he carried her through his house to his master bedroom.

  Chapter 4

  Bo laid Val down on his king size bed. He was still embedded deep within her warmth and he clenched his jaw as she fluttered around him. His arms rested on either side of her head and he stroked his thumbs across her cheeks as he gaze down at her.

  She was gorgeous to him. Even more so than Charlene. And that was saying lot, considering he had thought she was the most beautiful girl in Texas, if not the world for most of his life.

  Val’s large, chestnut colored eyes were so expressive and they were currently telling him that she wanted more. Her skin was warm honey and fairly glowed with the satisfaction of one incredible orgasm. Her lips were full, the bottom one a bit plumper than the top and she bit it to stop it from quivering.

  He leaned in the few inches to her lips and kissed her softly. He replaced her teeth as he nibbled on her bottom lip. Val moaned and rolled her hips, sending him deeper into her recesses.

  Bo sat up between her legs and pulled his shirt off. He was a husky man. Lou Ann used to tell him he needed to lose weight all the time. He worked hard out in the elements and needed hardy food to give him energy, and warmth in the colder months. A salad and a piece of fruit wasn’t going to be enough to sustain him as he baled hay, lifted the wood of heavy broken fences, chopped wood, or picked up a large calf that had gotten stuck in the mud. So if he hadn’t lost weight yet, it didn’t look like he would anytime soon.

  That still didn’t stop him from feeling uncomfortable every time he got undressed in front of his ex. He’d even gotten into the habit of keeping his shirt on and turning the lights off during sex. That is, when Lou Ann would let him touch her.

  But now, the look in Val’s eyes as she took in his defined pecs with a layer or two of fat covering them and his thick six-packless waist, made him feel wanted. Her small hands reached up to touch and run her fingers through the hair that laid smoothly against his chest and stomach. She bit her lip again as she stroked a finger over his nipple. He grunted and swelled inside of her.

  “I love how big you are. It makes me feel small and protected,” Val confessed.

  Her words washed over him reversing his self-consciousness over the years. Her eyes on him, her curious touch, and her words made him feel like a king. It had been years since he’d been with a woman who knew how to uplift her man. He didn’t realize how starved he’d been for it until that moment.

  Bo growled before he ripped off Val’s shirt. His eyes were finally able to devour her whole naked form. Her large breasts were butterscotch with milk chocolate tips. Her stomach was soft and her sides had plenty of meat to hold on to when he pounded into her or when he just wanted to cuddle.

  She was made for cuddling.

  He pumped into her as he lowered his mouth to her breasts. He had been waiting to taste them ever since her wet blouse had been plastered to her skin. Bo’s tongue circled one dark peak and it hardened as she gasped for air. He continued to tease her with easy strokes of his
cock and tiny flicks of his tongue.

  Val’s fingers found his wide back and her nails dug in, trying to spur him on to go harder. Bo had rushed the first time. Now, he had every intention of savoring her. Their lovemaking in the kitchen had been like a sample of wine. Now, he wanted the whole damn bottle.

  His ass flexed as he rocked into her. She was so warm and tight, and incredibly wet. Bo was ready to explode, but he held back wanting her to come again.

  Bo clasped the back of one thick thigh and brought it up to lie flush against her, taking him deeper than he’d been so far. Val choked on a sharp inhale.

  “Oh, fuck! Bo!”

  “Is that too deep? Does it hurt?” Bo panted.

  Val shook her head vigorously back and forth.

  “No…it feels so good!” She choked out.

  That was enough for Bo. He doubled his efforts, stroking into her like a piston. He watched her face as he plunged deep. Her pretty features were scrunched up and her mouth gaped open on silent screams as if every thrust stole her breath.

  Bo felt her walls flutter around him, signaling her approaching climax. He added a swivel to his hips as he pumped into her and that was enough.

  Val’s back lifted off of the mattress and a cry of pure pleasure ripped from her throat.

  “Look at me, Val. Look at me. I want to see all of you as you come,” Bo commanded.

  Her warm brown eyes opened and she shivered and panted as the orgasm rolled into another. Their eyes connected as he continued to stroke into her now drenched canal. He reached between them and strummed her clit as he picked up the pace. Val’s walls spasmed, her eyes widened, and she screamed as her pussy squirted his cock and stomach with a second explosive orgasm.

  Val’s response to him sent Bo over the edge. He could no longer hold back his release and he exploded with a roar. Jet after jet of his semen bathed her womb. It was almost painful. Bo had never come so hard before. That was how much she turned him on.


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