Dangerous Women

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Dangerous Women Page 60

by Unknown

  “All who dwell here will pay …” Louina’s voice was more insistent now. “But I hurt those I should not have cursed.”

  Cait flinched as she saw an image of Elizabeth as an old woman in a stark hand-built cabin. Her gray hair was pulled back into a bun as she lit a candle and placed it in the window while she whispered a Creek prayer.

  Oh, Great Father Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind-

  Whose breath gives life to all the world and with whom I have tried to walk beside throughout my days.

  Hear me. I need your strength and wisdom.

  Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the glorious sunset you have provided.

  Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice even when it’s nothing more than a faint whisper.

  Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people. And why you have taken things from me that have given me pain.

  Help me to remain calm and strong in the face of all that comes at me. Against my enemies and those out to do me harm.

  Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. In the joy of the stream. In the light of the moon and sun.

  Help me seek pure thoughts and act with the intention of helping others and never myself.

  Help me find compassion without empathy overwhelming me.

  I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy …


  Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes. So that when my life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.

  And most of all, Great-Grandfather, keep my sons safe and warm wherever they may be.

  Elizabeth leaned over and kissed the old photographs of two young men in cavalry uniforms that she had sitting in the window beside the candle she lit every night—just in case they finally found their way home. It was a ritual she’d practiced every single night for the last fifty-two years. Since the war had ended and her boys had failed to return home to tend their crops.

  She refused to believe them dead. Just as she refused to die and let her sister’s curse harm the town where they had both been born.

  Her heart aching, she pulled two brittle letters from her pocket, the last that her boys had written to her, and sat down at the table. Old age had taken her sight so that she could no longer read the words, not even with her spectacles. But it didn’t matter. She’d long ago committed their words to her heart.

  I dream only of returning home to marry Anabelle. Give her my best, Mother. Soon I will see you both again.


  He’d only been nineteen when he’d left her home with his older brother John, when they’d been conscripted to fight a war that had nothing to do with them. Eighteen months older, John had sworn that he would watch over Robert and return him home.

  “On my life, Ecke. I’ll bring him back whole and hale.”

  And I will watch for you every day, and every night I will light a candle to help guide you both to my door.

  Tears swam in her eyes, but they didn’t fall. She was stronger than that. Instead, she reached for the old hand-carved horn her father had given to her when she’d been a child. “Take this, Lizzie. Should anyone come to our door while your brothers and I are in the field, sound it loud to let us know and then hide with your mother and sisters until we can get to you.”

  So much had changed. To this day, she didn’t regret marrying her husband. She had loved her John more than anything. But he had left her far too soon. She’d laid him to rest on a cold February morning when Robert was barely seven. Since her brothers had been forced to leave along with her sister, Lou, she’d raised the boys on her own, along with her daughter, Mary.

  There is no death, only a change of worlds …

  Soon she would change. She could feel the Great Spirit with her more and more.

  Do not grieve for that which is past or for that which you cannot prevent.

  “I will see you again soon, my sons.” And she would be with her John …

  Cait flinched as she felt Louina’s pain.

  You must live your life from beginning to end. No one can do it for you. But be careful when you seek to destroy another. For it is your soul that will be consumed and you are the one who will cry. Never allow anger and hatred to poison you.

  “I am poison …”

  Those words echoed in Cait’s head as she followed Jamie in his quest to locate their friends.

  “Maybe they went to the hospital, after all.” That was her hope until they reached the tents they’d pitched earlier.

  Tents that were now shredded and lying strewn across the ground. Jamie ran ahead, then pulled up short. With a curse, he turned and caught her before she could get too close.

  “You don’t want to know.”


  His gaze haunted, he tightened his arms around her. “Trust me, Cait. You don’t want to see them. We have to call the authorities.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “Anne?”

  He shook his head. “It looks like an animal attack of some kind.”


  “I don’t know.”

  But her question wasn’t for Jamie. It was for Louina.

  Words spoken in anger have strong power and they cannot be undone. For those who are lucky, they can be forgiven in time. But for others …

  It is always our own words and deeds than condemn us. Never the ill intent or wishes of our enemies.

  Do not dabble with what you don’t understand. There are some doors that are blown from their hinges when they are opened. Doors that will never again be sealed.

  “Welcome to my hell.”

  They both jerked at the voice beside them.

  There in the darkness stood Louina. Her gray hair fanned out around her shoulders. Her old calico dress was faded against her white apron.

  “My sister protects you. For that you should give thanks. Now go and never come here again.”

  But it wasn’t that simple.

  “I will not leave and allow you to continue hurting others.”

  Louina laughed. “You can’t stop me.”

  For the first time in her life, Cait understood the part of her bloodline that had always been mysterious and undefined. She was the great-great-granddaughter of Elizabeth.

  It all came together in her mind at once. Her grandmother had told her the story of Elizabeth, who’d died when her cabin caught fire while she was sleeping. Something had knocked the candle that she lit for her sons from her window.

  “You killed her!” Cait accused.

  “She wanted to die. She was tired.”

  But that wasn’t true and she knew it. Yes, Elizabeth had been tired. She’d been almost a hundred and ten years old. Yet she’d been so determined to keep her sister’s curse at bay that she’d refused Death every time it tried to claim her.

  Until Louina had intervened.

  In that moment, Cait felt a connection to Elizabeth. One she embraced.

  Jamie released her. “What are you doing?”

  Cait looked down to see the glow that enveloped her. Warm and sweet, it smelled like sunshine. It was Elizabeth.

  “This ends, Louina. As you said, you are the poison that must be purged.”

  Shrieking, Louina ran at her.

  True to her warrior heritage, Cait stood her ground. She would not back down. Not in this.

  Louina’s spirit slammed into Cait with enough force to knock her down. She groaned as pain filled her. Still, she stood up again, and closed her eyes. “You will not defeat me. It is time for you to rest. You have not shown respect to those who dwell on this earth.”

  “They didn’t show it to me!”

  “And you allowed them to turn you away from the Great Spirit, who loves us all. To do things you knew weren’t right!”

  “They spat in my face!”

  “You returned their hatred
with more hatred.” Cait reached her hand out to Louina. “Like Elizabeth, you’re tired. Nothing is more draining than to keep the fires of hatred burning.”

  “Nothing is more draining.”

  “You will not fight me?”

  Cait shook her head. “I want to comfort you. It’s time to let go, Louina. Release the hatred.” And then she heard Elizabeth in her ear, telling her what to say. “Remember the words of Crazy Horse. Upon suffering beyond suffering, the Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled with broken promises, selfishness, and separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again. In that day, there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole Universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am that place within me, we shall be one.”

  Louina pulled back as she heard those words. “We are one,” she repeated.

  Elizabeth pulled away from Cait and held her hand out to Louina. “I have missed my sister.”

  “I have missed mine.”

  Jamie placed his hands on Cait’s shoulders. “Are you all right?”

  She wasn’t sure. “Did you see any of that?”

  “Yes, but I’m going to deny it if you ever ask me that in public.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she remembered Anne and Brandon. “Why did we come this weekend?”

  “We came for greed. You came to help a friend.”

  Suddenly, a low moan sounded.

  “Call for help!” Jamie said. He released her and ran back to their camp.

  She dialed 911, hoping it would pick up.

  “Anne’s still breathing.” Jamie pulled his jacket off to drape it over her.

  “What about Brandon?”

  He went to check while the phone rang.

  “It’s faint, but yeah … I think he’s alive too.”

  Cait prayed for a miracle that she hoped would be granted.


  Cait sat next to Anne’s bed while the nurse finished checking her vitals. She didn’t speak until after the woman had left them alone.

  “Sorry we didn’t have any readings to show you guys.”

  Anne shook her head. “Who cares? I’m just glad I’m alive. But …”

  “But what?”

  “Are you and Jamie ever going to tell us what really happened?”

  Cait reached up to touch the small gold ring that she’d found on her car seat when she’d gone out to the road to help direct the medics to where Brandon and Anne had been. Inside the band were the names John and Elizabeth. It was the only gold to be found in Louina.

  The treasure so many had sought had been used to fund a school and church over a century ago.

  Years after her sister had given her the gold to support herself and her children, Elizabeth had taken the last of it and had it melted into this ring.

  Smiling, Cait met Anne’s gaze. “Maybe one day.”

  “And what about the treasure?”

  “Anne, haven’t you learned yet that it’s not gold that is precious? It’s people. And you are the greatest treasure of my life. I’m glad I still have my best friend.”

  Anne took her hand and held it. “I’m grateful to be here and I’m truly grateful for you. But—”

  “There are no buts.”

  She nodded. “You’re right, Cait. I’d lost sight of what my grandfather used to say.”

  “And that was?”

  “‘When all the trees have been cut down and all the animals have been hunted to extinction, when all the waters are polluted and the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money.’”

  Jamie laughed, drawing their attention to the door where he stood with a balloon bouquet for Anne.

  “What’s so funny?” Cait asked.

  “I think we all came away from the weekend with a different lesson.”

  Cait arched her brow. “And that is?”

  “Anne just said hers. You learned that revenge is a path best left alone. Brandon learned to shut up and get help when he’s wounded.”

  “And you?” Anne asked.

  “I learned two things. One, the most dangerous place for a man to be is between two fighting women. And two, no matter the species, the deadliest gender is always the female. Men will fight until they die. Women will take it to the grave and then find a way back.”

  S. M. Stirling

  When all that’s left between you and the total collapse of civilization is the law, you need somebody tough enough to enforce it—no matter what the cost.

  Considered by many to be the natural heir to Harry Turtledove’s title of King of the Alternate History Novel, fast-rising science fiction star S. M. Stirling is the bestselling author of the Island in the Sea of Time series (Island in the Sea of Time, Against the Tide of Years, On the Oceans of Eternity), in which Nantucket comes unstuck in time and is cast back to the year 1250 B.C., and the Draka series (including Marching Through Georgia, Under the Yoke, The Stone Dogs, and Drakon, plus an anthology of Draka stories by other hands edited by Stirling, Drakas!), in which Tories fleeing the American Revolution set up a militant society in South Africa and eventually end up conquering most of the Earth. He’s also produced the Dies the Fire series (Dies the Fire, The Protector’s War, A Meeting at Corvallis), plus the five-volume Fifth Millennium series, and the seven-volume series The General (with David Drake), as well as stand-alone novels such as Conquistador and The Peshawar Lancers. Stirling has also written novels in collaboration with Raymond E. Feist, Jerry Pournelle, Holly Lisle, Shirley Meier, Karen Wehrstein, and Star Trek actor James Doohan, as well as contributed to the Babylon 5, T2, Brainship, War World, and the Man-Kzin Wars series. His short fiction has been collected in Ice, Iron and Gold. Stirling’s newest series include the Change series, consisting of The Sunrise Lands, The Scourge of God, The Sword of the Lady, The High King of Montival, and The Tears of the Sun, and the Lords of Creation series, consisting of The Sky People and In the Courts of the Crimson Kings. Most recently, he started a new series, Shadowspawn, which consists so far of A Taint in the Blood and The Council of Shadows. His most recent novel is a new volume in the Change series, Lord of Mountains. Born in France and raised in Europe, Africa, and Canada, he now lives with his family in Santa Fe, New Mexico.







  I am riding to pass sentence on an evildoer, Juniper Mackenzie thought. It’s part of being Chief, but I liked being a folk musician a lot better! The old tales were less stressful as songs than real life.

  “Water soon, Riona,” she said to her horse, and the mare twitched her ears backward.

  The smell of horse sweat from the dozen mounts of her party was strong, though she’d been used to that even before the Change; a horse-drawn Traveler wagon had been part of her persona, as well as fun. It was a hot day after a dry week, perfect harvest weather, which was more important than comfort. It didn’t usually rain in summertime here, but that didn’t mean it absolutely couldn’t happen.

  In the old world before the machines stopped, rain would have been a nuisance. Now, in the new world—where food came from within walking distance or didn’t come at all—it would be a disaster. So the heat and the sun that threatened her freckled redhead’s skin was a good thing, and the sweat and prickling be damned. At least there was less smoke in the air than there had been last summer, in the first Change Year.

  Her mouth thinned a little at the memory; it had been burning cities then, and forest fires raging through woods
where deadwood had accumulated through generations of humans trying to suppress the burn cycle. The pall had lain like smog all over the Willamette country, caught in the great valley between the Cascades and the Coast Range until the autumn rains washed it out.

  Always a little bitter on the lips, the taste of a world going down in flame and horror. Always reminding you of what was happening away from your refuge.

  With a practiced effort of will she started to force herself back into the moment, to the slow clop of hooves on the asphalt, the moving creak of leather between her thighs and the sleeping face of her son in the light carrying-cradle across the saddlebow before her. Strips of shadow from the roadside trees fell across her face, like a slow flicker as the horses walked.

  You had to learn to do that, or the memories would drive you mad. Many had gone mad with what they’d seen and done and endured after the machines stopped, in screaming fits or rocking and weeping or just an apathy that killed as certainly as knife or rope or Yersinia pestis in the lungs. Many of them people who might have lived, otherwise. Even now there was still very little to spare for those not functional enough to pull their weight, though the definition of sane had gotten much more elastic.

  What surplus there was had to go to the children; they’d rescued as many orphans as they could. When a youngster learned to laugh again, it gave you heart that the world would go on.

  So you’re not smelling fire all the time this year. Enjoy that. Think about the children growing up in a world you have to make worth it; your children, and all the others. Don’t think of the rest. Especially don’t think of what those mass graves in the refugee camps around Salem smelled like, where the Black Death hit. She hadn’t gotten very close, on that scouting trip. But close enough—


  Scents of dust, the subtly varied baked-green smells of grass and trees and crops, the slight musty sweetness of cut stems. The lands around Dun Carson were mostly harvested now, flat squares of dun stubble alternating with pasture, clumps of lushly green Douglas fir and Garry oak at intervals or along creeks running low and slow with summer.


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