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Magical Page 14

by Bria Berg

  “Sorry,” she muttered a bit breathlessly.

  He steadied her looking just as uncomfortable as she did. “So homeroom next huh?” he said awkwardly.

  “Yeah!” she said with too much enthusiasm. “Better get going, I don’t want to be late.”

  Chapter 28

  “Why do you even have to wear a dress if you are just going there to do your dance and then come back home?” Sam asked into the shut door of the bathroom where Tessa was getting ready.

  “It’s a dress code thing,” Tessa’s muffled voice replied. “I don’t know exactly when I’m supposed to dance. They have a whole show set up, and since there is no backstage, I need to look like everyone else. They won’t even let me in the doors if I’m not dressed up.”

  Sam sighed and looked over to Ethan. They were both going to the dance as well to keep an eye on Tessa, and seeing her dance again was just a plus. They each wore a simple button up vest, Sam’s was gray and Ethan’s black with a light blue button up shirt underneath and slacks. Milo had worn the same thing but threw a suit jacket on at the last minute before he left to meet Miss Kelly.

  Sam and Ethan waited a few more minutes before Tessa emerged from the bathroom and their eyes widened when they saw her. She looked stunning. Her dress was a shimmery, silver, color and sleeveless and fitted on top, but at the waist it flowed down into a turquoise gown all the way to the floor. Her hair fell down in waves, braided back along one side of her head. She also put makeup on, not a lot but more than the brothers had ever seen her wear.

  “Do I look okay?” she asked nervously, feeling incredibly self-conscious, fidgeting with the sides of her dress.

  “Yeah,” Sam breathed.

  “Amazing,” Ethan added.

  “Thanks,” she said in relief feeling herself blush. “You guys look nice too. I’ll just grab my dance bag and we can go. Hopefully my number will be the first one so we can get this over with.”

  The dance was beginning to get into full swing as the three of them entered the building. When Winston High had a dance, it didn’t slack in anything. It was being held at an elegant reception center called Somewhere in Time, and the parking lot was already full of stretch limousines. The smell of roses was almost overpowering inside; they were everywhere in every color, hanging from the ceiling in heart shaped wreathes and filling vases at least five feet tall that lined the floor. The circular stage was in the center of the large room raised only a few feet off of the ground, and Ms. Harper was on it. She had a microphone in her hand that squealed when she turned it on.

  “Attention Winston High!” she said calling the attention of the room. “Welcome to this year’s Sweetheart Dance! We have a great program planned for you tonight to enjoy while you mingle and dance. We’ve got acrobats, dancers, and even an electric stringed quartet! Please help yourselves to the hors d’oeuvres in the back, and let’s get this party started!”

  Everyone cheered loudly as music filled the room. Two acrobats made their way to the stage, and began a tumbling routine. Some people watched, while others danced. This made Tessa feel much better about performing; maybe nobody would even notice that it was her dancing. Ms. Harper was suddenly before Tessa with a stern look on her face.

  “There you are Tessa, didn’t you get the memo to arrive one hour early?”

  “No,” Tessa quickly shook her head. She hadn’t even looked at her phone today.

  Ms. Harper looked annoyed but simply stated, “After the acrobats, we have Brigette and Aaron doing a dance number, and then after two free songs, you will be up next. Do you have your music and lighting instructions?”

  Tessa nodded, holding out a disk wrapped in a piece of paper. Ms. Harper glanced at Sam and Ethan for the first time, and after giving them a quick nod bristled away. Tessa watched her go, until she glimpsed Hailey. “I’ll be right back,” she said moving towards her sister. Hailey unsurprisingly was clad in a skimpy, short, dress that went down low in both the back and the front.

  Hailey looked shocked to see Tessa at the dance as she went to meet her. “Tess, you look so pretty. I didn’t know you were coming.” She sounded a bit shameful as she tugged on her short dress.

  “I’m supposed to dance, remember?”

  “Right,” Hailey laughed. “Did you come with anyone?”

  “Just some friends,” Tessa shrugged. She could tell Hailey was getting more and more uncomfortable by the second. “Well, I just wanted to say hi, and be good okay?”

  Hailey smiled nervously. “Okay, you too.”

  Tessa stood there watching Hailey as she hurried back to Jake Spiers, who also gave Tessa an awkward grin and wave before he led her away. Tessa felt sad for her sister. She didn’t want her to end up like their mother, and at the rate Hailey was going, that was exactly what would happen. With a sigh, she turned around, but her eye caught Milo’s. He was standing off to the side of the room next to Miss Kelly, staring right at Tessa. She felt like she couldn’t breathe as he made his way over to her.

  “Tess,” he breathed.

  “Hey Milo,” she swallowed. “Are you having fun on your date?”

  He cleared his throat, glancing back to where Miss Kelly was chatting with the vice principal. “It’s going exactly how I thought it would.”

  Tessa looked over his shoulder at his date feeling once again like she had been punched in the stomach. The substitute teacher wore a long, sparkly black, very formfitting dress, looking amazing. “Miss Kelly is really pretty,” she forced herself to say. “You two make a really cute couple.”

  “Uh thanks,” he said fidgeting with his collar, loosening his tie. “Did you figure out when you’re supposed to do your thing?”

  “Yeah, I’m the third act.”

  “Well don’t you look like a cute little thing,” Miss Kelly said to Tessa coming to stand beside Milo, linking her arm through his. “I remember how I always wanted to be the best dressed at all the high school dances too.”

  “I wasn’t trying to—” Tessa began.

  “Oh every girl tries Tessa. It’s a high school thing,” Miss Kelly interrupted while winking. She was reminding both Milo and Tessa that Tessa was in fact a high school student, and from the change in their demeanors, the message was received. “Let’s dance Milo, I love this song,” she said pulling him away.

  There was never really a fondness for Miss Kelly from Tessa, but now there was a clear dislike… a very strong dislike. She sighed and made her way to the back where Sam and Ethan were trying one of everything of all the food.

  “You okay Tess?” Sam questioned when he glimpsed her stoic face.

  “Yeah,” she said suddenly feeling tired. “I just want to get this over with and go.”

  After they were done with the food, Sam and Ethan took turns dancing with Tessa, which improved her mood significantly. She wished so badly that she would feel for one of them what she was desperately trying so hard not to feel for Milo. They were kind, funny, and handsome too; if only her heart would get with her mind. Tessa stiffened when she saw Brigette and Dean dancing together, laughing and kissing as if there was not a care in the world. Sam and Ethan saw her staring at the couple, and as observant as they were guessed who they were.

  “Is that them?” Sam asked.

  Tessa gave a short nod.

  “Should we mess with them?” Ethan offered.

  Tessa laughed out once before sobering herself. “No it’s okay.” Then Dean gave Austin a smug high five and Tessa asked, “What did you have mind?”

  Ethan’s eyes flickered with mischief as he said, “Watch and learn.”

  Tessa watched the couple closely, waiting for something to happen. Dean and Brigette smiled again as they kissed briefly before pulling away and their noses scrunched up. Their rocking back and forth stopped as they both stared accusingly at one another. All the other dancing couples around them gave looks of disgust before moving away.

  Tessa burst out laughing. “What did you do?”

  “I just se
nt a little foul smelling odor to attach to them. Sulfur to be exact. They’ll attract plenty of flies just like the trash they are,” Ethan proclaimed proudly.

  “Good idea,” Sam laughed too.

  “How long does it last?” Tessa asked in amusement as she watched the space around Brigette and Dean grow bigger and bigger.

  “It will fade soon, unless you want me to hit them with it again?” Ethan asked.

  “No,” Tessa giggled. “This was awesome though, thank you.”

  Brigette and Dean separated, both appearing to be appalled by the other, and Tessa felt a little satisfaction at that. She danced another dance with Sam before a tap on her shoulder made her turn. Her breath caught when she turned to face Milo.

  “Dance with me Tess?” he asked holding out his hand.

  “Sure,” she automatically replied taking his hand.

  The music started, and the world began spinning around them. They danced while all the faces around them turned to blurs and all that mattered was the two of them. Neither spoke for several minutes, but their eyes remained fastened on each other, unmoving.



  They both said at the same time and chuckled.

  “Go ahead,” Milo said.

  Tessa paused momentarily forgetting what she was going to say in the first place. “When I was in the hospital, I didn’t know that my car was about to blow up. I’ve wanted to tell you thank you for saving my life ever since I found out. So thanks for being there.”

  His hand squeezed her waist gently. “I’ll always be there for you Tess. Always.”

  “I hope you know that… I hope you and your brothers know that I’ll always be there for you too,” she struggled to say. “You guys showed me what it is like to have a family.”

  Milo pulled her closer into an embrace for a brief moment before continuing on with the dance. “You look like you’ve been having fun,” he said, grinning down at her.

  She felt lightheaded at the thought of him watching her. “Sam and Ethan have been trying really hard to make me forget where I am.”

  “It must be working; you’ve been smiling all night, it’s a nice change”

  Again she felt her cheeks heat with color. “I smile,” she defended.

  “I know you do,” he chuckled back. “I just like it when you smile, it looks good on you.”

  Tessa couldn’t contain her grin as she gazed back into his eyes. “Your smile looks pretty good on you too. You look handsome tonight, Milo,” she said and was shocked that she said it outside of her own head. She looked down in embarrassment.

  Milo stopped moving and gently tilted her head up so he could see her. “You’re so beautiful,” he said softly.

  A new song began playing, and several girls screamed out Brigette’s name. Tessa blinked and glanced back at the stage. Brigette and Aaron were on stage beginning their dance, and Tessa’s nerves flopped around her skin. She turned back to Milo. “I have to go get ready,” she said and stepped away.

  Chapter 29

  Milo sighed as he watched her disappear around the corner to go change in one of the dressing rooms that was set up for the performers. He joined his brothers who had silly grins on their faces. “Just admit it Milo,” Sam said.

  “Admit what?” he asked, but before he could get an answer out of either of them, Miss Kelly showed up again.

  “Hey Milo, who are your friends? I’ve seen them around school but have never been introduced,” she said snuggling up against him.

  “These are my brothers, Sam and Ethan. Guys this is Miss Kelly.”

  “Allison!” Miss Kelly laughed. “I’ve told him several times to call me Allison.”

  “Nice meeting you Allison,” Ethan said as he and Sam began to turn away.

  “You guys are all pretty close to that student Tessa, aren’t you?” Allison asked causing the two brothers to halt their escape.

  “Yeah she’s like family,” Sam replied, not liking her tone.

  “Oh that’s a relief to know,” Allison sighed. “It would have been weird if she wasn’t a family friend. I mean she is in high school, and you all danced with her like you were together or something. I was worried I was going to have to call the authorities or something, since you know that’s illegal, and I heard rumors about her escorting business around school—not that you guys would need to hire an escort or anything.”

  “Tessa is eighteen,” Milo said narrowing his eyes at her. “So even if there was something that was going on between her and any of us, it wouldn’t be illegal. On top of that, you have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Whoa there,” Allison said laughing at strong Milo’s reaction. “Take the older brother act down a notch. I was just curious, as it’s my right to be since I’m a teacher here.”

  “Substitute teacher,” Milo clarified.

  Allison was stunned by his sudden attitude, and she looked awkwardly at his brothers to see if it was some sort of joke. They didn’t so much as crack a smile; in fact they glared at her with the same hard expression Milo was giving her. She took the hint, and with a huff she strolled away. The three stood there in silence, each wishing they could turn back time to erase Tessa’s bad reputation; she didn’t deserve the rumors and gossip. The familiar song that she was dancing to started playing and the brothers turned their attention to the stage.

  Tessa was there in the center, wearing black dance pants, and a black, long sleeved, tunic with her hair pulled back out of her face. She danced just as magnificently as she had at the audition, better even as the Ricks brothers watched on in reverence. There were a few cat calls from the crowd, but nothing inappropriate while she danced. Everything went perfectly as her body moved to the rhythm, flying through the air, spinning and bending. When Tessa finished, she instantly found all three of the brothers clapping and beamed at them.

  She hurried off the stage, elated that her dance had gone so well, and that nobody embarrassed her. Part of her thought some of the kids were planning a Carrie moment just for her, but nothing ever happened. She hurried back into the dressing room to quickly change and although everything went well, it was a big relief that it was over, and she was more than ready to go home. She laughed to herself realizing that even she was starting to think of the Ricks’ house as her home too. She quickly locked the dressing room door, but when she turned, gasped.

  Tyler was in there, waiting for her, and she could only stare at him in stunned silence. His eyes roamed over her body up and down before he said, “I can watch you dance for hours Tessa. How about a private showing?” When she didn’t answer he continued on, “How about right now?”

  “Get out!” Tessa demanded finding her voice. She turned to unlock the door, but the latch wouldn’t budge, it was completely stuck. She began pounding on the door frantically calling for help, as Tyler kept coming closer.

  “Come on Baby, don’t be like that. I’ve wanted you for so long, just let it happen,” Tyler said advancing on her.

  “What did you do to the door?” she asked turning to face him, but pressed herself back against the door since he was way too close.

  “This will be fun,” he said reaching for her.

  Tessa did the only thing she could think of; she punched him in the face. Tyler yelped out in surprise for only an instant before he began laughing. Tessa hit him pretty hard, and she shook her hand wincing in pain hoping it wasn’t broken. Along his jaw a patch of red was forming where she had hit him, but he was undeterred. He dove for her again this time angry, but she skittered away, barely.

  “Tyler stop it!” she begged as he went for her again. This went on for a few minutes, as she continued to plead with him to stop, only to barely escape his grasp. Something wasn’t right, the room was getting hotter, and she suddenly began to feel lethargic as she stumbled backwards onto the ground.

  Tyler towered above her triumphantly. “That’s a good girl,” he said coming to stand directly over her.

sp; “Please,” Tessa ground out trying one more time.

  He clicked his tongue as he knelt down over her. “Unfortunately that is not the magic word.”

  Her energy was being drained somehow, and she felt completely helpless. As he began to lean down on her, she called all of the meager strength left in her body and kneed him as hard as she could in his groin. It was a direct hit, and he tumbled over howling in pain. At that same moment, the door flew open and Milo rushed in, followed closely by Sam and Ethan. Milo took one look at the scene and easily put together what had happened as he viciously shoved Tyler off of her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked cupping Tessa’s face gently.

  She managed to nod tiredly. “He did something to me. I think he’s something.”

  “I can feel him now,” Milo agreed. “He must be a fire because he was shielding himself.”

  “Huh,” Tessa said. “Good to know that a junk punch works on regular humans and Gifted too.”

  Milo chuckled softly as he helped to her feet, keeping her securely in his arms more than relieved that Tyler hadn’t hurt her. “You did good Tess.”

  Tyler had since regained a bit of his composure as he glared up at the brothers. “You don’t know who you’re dealing with,” he said in a threatening voice.

  “Do you think he’s Elite?” Ethan asked skeptically.

  “No,” Sam said firmly. “If he was, he would have given her to Dracul, not tried to take her for himself. Besides, this guy isn’t strong enough to be Elite.”

  Tyler continued to glare at them. “I’ll hunt you all down.”

  “Good one,” Ethan mocked, then he leaned down to Tyler. “You obviously haven’t heard of us. Me and my brothers are powerful on our own, but together we’re almost unstoppable.”

  “Let’s make him forget he ever knew Tessa,” Milo suggested. “Although he deserves worse for the way he treated her.”


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