Touched by Darkness (Young Creator Trilogy)

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Touched by Darkness (Young Creator Trilogy) Page 2

by Christiane Shoenhair

  We head back toward Tisiphone and find her with Maximus. He has his arm around her, and they are talking and laughing intimately, I feel bad for having to interrupt their moment, but am ready to get out of this place.

  “Can we head back to camp now?” I ask with a shaky voice and trembling lips.

  Aunt Tisi looks at me inquisitively, but I stare at the ground to avoid her gaze. I don’t wanther see how much pain I’m in and have to answer questions. I see her and Maximus exchanging a glance and then separate. Aunt Tisi walks toward me and gives me a quick hug. “Everything all right,Trish?” I want to say no, nothing is all right, and to be honest everything sucks. My world keeps spinning out of control and I’m tired of it. I don’t want any more worries, or to have my feelings hurt. I need a break, some good luck to come my way. Instead of saying any of this, I just give her a weak smile and say,“Yup, everything is just peachy.” I can tell by the look on her face that shedoesn’t believe me, but thankfully decides not to push me… something that I’m immensely grateful for.

  “Sure, Trish, we canhead back.” She glances around, looking for the rest of our group. Whenshe realizes that Riley and Keagan aren’t around, she returns her gaze to me, searching for answers. She eventually accepts my unwillingness to tell her what is bothering me, and next thing I know Keagan and Riley are standing next to me. I make sure not to look at Keagan, and instead pretend that I’m fascinated with something that some tourists are doing. Aunt Tisi instructs us once again on how to prepare for travel, and in the blink of an eye we are back in the camp.

  To my astonishment, all of the residents of the camp are in the clearing, waiting on our return. They immediately start cheering and clapping when we appear. It is amazing and a little overwhelming when everyone wants to talk to me and introduce themselves. I had met a few people previously, but my group mainly stayed to themselves before tonight. I smile and get caught up shaking hands and hugging everyone for the next hour; meeting some amazing people and hearing some heart wrenching stories. For the rest of the night, I talk, laugh, and am constantly swarmed by people. Luckily, it makes it easier to forget the events of today, and my current heartbreak.

  My favorite moment is when everyone gathers around Mom, who has not left my side since my return, and me. ThenKeagan’s mom approaches through the sea of people, holding a chocolate cake with eighteen candles on it. Everyone sings happy birthday, and then we each enjoy a delicious, homemade piece of cake. There is laughter and chatting all around me.

  Sadly, the night comes to a finish and I find myself alone and heartbroken in my tent. Now thatI’m not surrounded by people, the events of the day seem to slap me in the face. I break down and cry into my pillow. Eventually I fall into a restless night of sleep, tossing and turning from constant nightmares of Keagan dying all over again.

  When I wake up the next morning, I have a pounding headache that seems to have originated at my temples. I apply pressure with my fingers which instantaneously, even though just momentarily, gives relieve. My eyes hurt from crying all night, and I just want to hide in my tent and not face the day. As I bury my face in my pillow, I realize that being by myself is not going to take the pain away becauseI’m left alone with my thoughts, which are not good at all. I decide to brace myself for the day, and in my opinion there is no better way of doing so than with a nice hot bath. I head over to the cave to do so in the hot springs; hopefully that will ease some of the strain from my body.

  The cave is empty, which I could not be happier about. All I want right now is some peace and quiet. It is so relaxing in here, Ican’t help but close my eyes and completely relax.

  I guess I dozed off because I wake up to a raised voice. “I don’t think that we should be involved in this, Helen.I don’t want anyone in my family to be hurt.”

  Helen replies in a soft, gentle tone,“My love, you have to understand why I want to do this. You remember how it was for me when I first got to Haven. I almost gave up on life because of all the misery I was experiencing. If it weren’t for your love and kindness, I would not be standing here today.”

  There is a part of me that wishes I was not here listening to their private conversation. I feel like I’m being rude by eavesdropping, but at the same timeI’m intrigued to find out what Keagan’s parents are talking about. I decide to hunker down and listen.

  “I remember those days, and that is exactly why I do not want us to be involved in this. I can’t fathomhaving to watch anyone in my family be hurt or killed.” I can hear the pain in Markus’ voice.

  “That is exactly why we need to stand up to them and do the right thing. I remember the night that you came to me in that dungeon. I was laying on that cold, wet floor, praying for an escape from this horrible life, begging God to end my life so that I would not have to suffer anymore. I was done, there was no fight left in me. Then you came and carried me away. I cried, and I know you probably thought that it was in relief of leaving that place, but honestly I was crying because my prayers hadn’t been answered.” I take a quick glance over the rock formation that shields me from their view, and can clearly make out Helen and the pain the memories are causing her. Looking at Markus, I see nothing but shock written across his face, and I wonder what he is going to say to all of this. Apparently he was not aware of how his wife and mother of their children felt so many years ago.

  “You wanted to die?”

  “Markus, I know that it is hard to understand, but I was just a young girl, sheltered all my life. Then, all at once, I find myself surrounded by cruel, hateful people that have nothing on their mind except how to hurt me next. I was not strong, and I wanted a way out. You were so sweet and gentle with me, but deep down I was waiting… waiting for the next painful blow or punishment. You know what changed my mind,though?”

  Keagan’s dad just shakes his head, clearly having no idea.

  Helen walks over to Markus, taking his hand in hers. He unfolds his arms and pulls Helen to him; the tension that I had previously noticed leaves his body as he stares into her eyes. “Do you remember when we ate our first meal together and I refused to eat? You said to me,‘Helen, I know that this has been hard on you, but you have to remember that the things worth anything in this life will never come easy. You have to fight for them. It is often a lot harder to do what feels right versus what everyone else wants or expects, but that is what makes it so much more special and worth fighting for. I believe that hardship and tragedy makes you a better person, who appreciates life so much more.’” She gives him a gentle peck on his cheek. “That is exactly why we have to do this. It may be easier to look the other way while women and Young Creators get treated horrible at Haven, but it’s definitely not the right thing to do. Maybe the reason that I had such a hard time at Haven was so that I could find the strength to stand up against them. Living in Haven has made me stronger, and also gave me a wonderful, loving husband and two sweet children. Well, most of the time they are sweet.”

  “Talking about children, what is going on with your son?”

  “Oh, so now he is my son, since he is acting like an alien has invaded his body? Honestly, Markus, I have no idea what is going on, but I’m going to find out. Ever since he has come back from San Franciscoit’s like he is the same egotistical, hardheaded, stubborn boy that we sent to Dalton. I don’t understand what happened.”

  “I don’t know, sweetheart, but he has me worried, and I have a feeling it has something to do with that girl he brought over for dinner that one night.” My heart is pounding madly in my chest; I can’t believe that they are talking about me while I’m right here. Holy crap.

  “You mean Trish, my love. I’m worried, too. There is definitely something different about Keagan and I haven’t figured it out yet. I’ve tried to talk to Maximus and Tisiphone about what happened out there, but they keep evading me. Something is going on. We need to get to the bottom of this and soon. He is our child!”

  “What about Riley, has she said anything to you?” Marcus is
scratching his eyebrow while contemplating everything, and a deep scowl has now taken over his face.

  “I haven’t had the chance to catch up with her. She has been stuck toKeagan’s side and it seems like they just want to be left alone.”

  “Okay, so why don’t you talk to Trish? You two got close while she was here and I know that you trust each other. I think if anyone will tell you about what happened she might be your best bet.”

  “You’re right. Plus, I want to check on her anyway. Make sure that she’s all right, I know that she has been through a lot. Do you still remember that Sunday Keagan came over for dinner and told us all about the girl that had stolen his heart with a scowl? Said he was so thrown off by her hedidn’t know what to do.” Helen and Marcus share a smile, which only moments later is replaced by a sober look. “I really hope that everything works out for them.I don’t think I have ever seen Keagan so… I don’t even know how to describe it.”

  “Cheerful is how I would describe it. A description I wouldn’t have ever thought I would direct my son’s way. Always so serious and focused. I agree with you, Helen, I really hope that they will work whatever has come between them out.”

  I’m leaning forward, trying to get a look at Markus’ face and end up slipping on the rocks, falling backwards into the pool of water. I can’t believe that just happened! How in the world am I going to get out of this situation?I don’t have the courage to face it head on, so I imagine myself with a pair of gills so that I can breathe underwater. To my amazement, it actually works and I can breathe. I sink to the bottom of the pool and sit cross-legged, thinking that I’ll just have to wait it out, when I notice a shadow fall over the water. I just hope that the pool water is hazy enough to make it impossible to see the bottom of the pool. Just in case, I decide to take it one step further and imagine myself in a stylish black bikini that I remember seeing in a Victoria Secrets catalog a while ago.

  While I wait at the bottom of the pool, I decide to run my fingers over my newly acquired gills.I didn’t have specifics in mind when I imagined them, and to my surprise they ended up running up my ribs. I graze my hand over my left side; where smooth skin once covered my torso, I now have deep fissures. I wonder how they enable me to breathe. I decide that it’s time to get up when my skin starts feeling like a prune. It must have been at least thirty minutes since I fell into the pool.

  I slowly start swimming to the surface, and when I breach the water I glance around quickly.

  “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” I say when I see who awaits me at the bank of the pool.

  Chapter 3

  Touched by Heartbreak “What are you going here?” I glare at Porsche, hoping that the way that I feel about her reflects on my face. I have never hated anyone in my life, but Porsche is the exception to that rule. She is the reason that I have a mark from a whip across my back, definitely the most painful experience I have ever been through. I walk up the stairs and grab my towel, wrapping it around myself to ward of both the chill in the air and Porsche’s inquisitive look that she has directed at my torso.

  “Tisiphone transported me and Eddie here per Keagan’s request,” she tells me with a self-satisfied smirk, which makes me want to smack her in her stupid face. Why would Keagan request their presence?“I’ve always told you that Keagan and I were meant to be together.I’m happy to see that he has finally come to his senses. I was actually worried when I first noticed the way that his eyes followed you when we were back at Dalton. And when you two started dating, I could not stand the thought of you touching what was, and is,rightfully mine.”

  “Yours ?I don’t think Keagan belongs to anyone, least of all you. I don’t know what is going on, but I’m not going to give up on Keagan. I know that we had something. I don’t know what you’re doing here, but you better not get too comfortable because I will fight for him,” I state with passion.

  “Maybe you had something, but now all that Keagan can talk about is how you are creeping him out. How you are not even human, andwhen you touch him his skin crawls.” I think that she can see the hurt on my face because she decides to not only open the wound, but also pour salt into it. “He was so relieved when he first saw me—someone real, someone like him—that he threw himself at me and shoved his tongue down my throat. When he finally came up for air, he told me that he was sorry and knew that we were right for each other, meant to be together forever.”

  I want to cry, but fight back the tears that are threatening to spill. That’s the last thing I want to do, cry in front of Porsche. I hate her! I can’t deal with this right now, so I do the only thing I can think of to get out of this situation. I run. I make sure to do it with dignity; I put on my bitchy face, roll my eyes at Porsche, and walk away with my head held high. As soon as I’m out of eyesight, I do what I always do when emotions consume me. I run, as fast as I can, away from everything and everyone. I pass several people, who throw strange looks my way. I know that they can probably see the tears streaming down my face,but I just don’t care. I mean, seriously, a person can only take so much before they crack. This is the final straw, knowing that Keagan can’t bear to be near me, and is with Porsche of all people. I don’t understand why he is doing this to me. I just want to get away from everyone;I don’t want to look at their pitying faces when they all find out that I have been rejected by Keagan. Or even worse, having to see the smirk that I know I can expect when I run into Porsche or Eddie.

  I still don’t understand why Keagan requested Porsche and Eddie to be here . What is going on? I run and run … all that I’m missing is the beat of the music from my iPod, which would make this perfect. I take deep breaths of fresh air, replacing the hurt with the feeling of my burning lungs, which are starting to strain for oxygen, and my legs that are complaining about the breakneck speed that I request of them. It feels great to get absorbed in the uncomfortable aches and pains that my body is now having to deal with, because the physical pain is letting me momentarily forget about the emotional weight that sits on my shoulders.

  After what feels like an hour but was probably more like thirty minutes, I finally decide that I feel better and head in the direction of the camp. When I get closer, I can hear a multitude of voices shouting over each other. I wonder what’s going on. Looking down, I notice that I’m still in the bathing suit that I imagined; no wonder people were casting funny looks when they spotted me earlier. I picture jean shorts, a tank top, and some flip-flops.

  As I get closer to camp, I can make out Aunt Tisi, Maximus, Keagan’s parents, and my mom standing by the large tent surrounded by the rest of the rebels. Something must have happened to cause everyone to argue. I notice that Keagan, Eddie, and Porsche are standing close to each other, and when Porsche spots me she leans toward Keagan and whispers in his ear intimately. She runs her hand through his short hair, as if to show her ownership, and then winks at me. The gesture almost makes me break down in tears again,but then Keagan’s head turns in my direction. His eyes meet mine, and I can’t help but lose myself in them for a minute. However, when they turn cold and hard,I’m brought back to the realityI’m now living in. I just don’t understand what happened in a day’s time.

  “Why shou ld we care about what happens in Haven? Why should we risk our lives for people that don’t want change?” I hear someone yell into the crowd. What is going on? Why is everyone so riled up? Obviously it has something to do with Haven, but in what context?

  Clearly demonstrating his influence with the rebels, Maximus raises his hand and a hush falls over the angry crowd. “I realize that you may not have fond memories of Haven, but think of the people left behind. People that may not be strong enough to fight for themselves.”

  Helen takes a step forward to stand side by side with Maximus. Tall and proud, and in a voice filled with strength and self-confidence, she says,“Most of you know me, but what most of you probably don’t know or have forgotten was my beginning at Haven. I was just a teenager torn from my family and tossed into a cruel,
unforgiving environment. It was so horrible that I prayed for death. You may have all had the strength to walk away, but real strength is going back and fighting for those that are not strong enough to fight for themselves. That is heart, true selflessness.”

  A murmur passes through the crowd, and I’m amazed at how much Helen’s words seem to have influenced the crowd.

  A young woman steps forward in the direction of Maximus, and with raised voice asks, “What do you want us to do about it? The Guardians at Haven are all well-trained, how will we stand up against them?”

  I hear mutters of agreement from the crowd.

  Maximus’ voice raises above the noise of the crowd once more,“We will meet with leadership from Haven first, try to make them understand that their ways are outdated and their view is completely off. They live in fear for the wrong reasons, terrified of what they do not understand.” He pauses for a minute, letting his words sink in. “If we can’t make them see that they are wrong, then we will try to bring those that want to leave with us. Which may cause resistance, and that is where we will need all of your help. If they use force to hold those that want to leave, then we must stand against them.”

  Helen jumps in again at this point. “The hardest part about this is that it will not be a onetime thing. We need to have access to all of the Young Creators that they take and give them a choice. Some may want the structure that Haven provides, whereas others may want to live in a more relaxed environment. Regardless, we still need to make sure that Allecto and the Collectors do not get their hands on any of the Furies’ offspring.”

  Aunt Tisisteps in for the first time. “I realize that most of you haven’t lived an easy life, some of you have given up everything. I know that what we are asking is not making life any easier, but hopefully you see that it is the right thing to do. I know all of you are concerned about your loved ones’ safety, and even though Ican’t promise that someone will not get hurt, I do want to point out an advantage that we have. Trish,could you come up here please.” All eyes shift to me and I feel completely awkward as I push my way through the crowd to stand next to her.I’m so glad that I imagined some clothes for myself; this would be so much more uncomfortable if I hadn’t. “Take a look at her. You all know what she is, but do you know what she is capable of?” Some people shake their head no, but most of the crowd seems to buzz with excitement. It seems that they have heard about the fight that Aunt Tisi and I were involved in.


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