The Reformation

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The Reformation Page 146

by Will Durant

  King’s College, 235

  King’s College Chapel (1447), 119, 839

  camera obscura, 744

  Camoëns (Camöes), Luis (1524–80), 191, 814

  Campeggio, Lorenzo, Cardinal (1474?-1539), 382, 430, 443, 539, 540

  Campin, Robert (1375?-1444), 133

  Canada, 865

  Canary Islands, 261

  Canisio, Egidio, 899

  Canisius, Peter (1521–97), 928

  cannon, 63*, 182, 241, 671

  Cano, Giambattista (1515–79), 872

  Cano, Juan Sebastian del (d. 1526), 866

  Cano, Melchior (1509–60), 641

  canon, clergyman, 856*

  canon, fugue, 775

  canon law, 759

  Canterbury, Archbishop of, III

  Canterbury, England, 42, 119

  Christ Church Priory library, 157

  St. Thomas à Becket shrine, 275, 567

  Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 47

  quoted, 50–54

  Canton, China, 195

  cantons, Swiss, 146–147

  Canzoniere (Petrarch), 811

  Cao, Diogo (fl. 1480–86), 194

  Cape Breton Island, 268

  Cape of Good Hope, Africa, 194

  Cape Verde Islands, 194, 264, 866

  capital offenses, 758

  capitalism, 59, 475, 573, 590, 707, 755, 757, 763

  capitalization, companies, 381

  Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (1478–1541), 439, 443. 479

  Capitoline Museum, 14

  Capo Blanco, Africa, 193

  Capuchins, 893, 900

  Caradosso, Ambragio Foppa (c. 1452–1526), 188

  Caraffa, Carlo (d. 1561), 891, 923

  Caraffa, Giovanni Pietro, see Paul IV

  caravansaries, 707

  Carcassonne, France, 60

  Cardan, Jerome (1501–76), 791, 850

  cardinals: absentee, 31

  selection, 18

  Cardinals, College of, 926

  Careless by Necessity, 614

  Carew, Sir Nicholas, 843

  Carew, Sir Peter, 592, 593

  Carinthia, Germany, 144, 147, 294

  Carlos, Don (1545–68), 872

  Carlstadt (Andreas Bodenstein: 1480?-1541), 349–350, 364, 365, 356, 367, 383, 396, 423, 426, 453, 627, 786

  Libellus, De canonicis scripturis, 352

  Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), Past and Present, 578

  Carmelites, 19, 901, 903

  Discalced, 903, 904, 905

  Carnesecchi, Pietro (1508–67), 893

  Carpaccio, Vittore (c, 1455-c. 1526), 138–139

  Carranza, Bartolomé de (1503–76), 640–641

  cartels, 295

  Cartesianism, 747

  Carthusians, 20, 21, 549

  Cartier, Jacques (1494?-1553), 865

  cartography, 240, 743

  carving, 677

  Casale, Giovanni, 539

  Casimir III, King of Poland (1333–70), 172, 725

  Casimir IV, King of Poland (1447–92), 171, 173, 725

  Casimir, Markgraf of Alsace, 392

  Casimir of Brandenburg, 380

  Casimir, Statutes of, 172

  Cassel, France, 59

  Castellain, Georges, 130

  Castellio, Sebastian (1515–63), 485–486, 614

  writings, 487

  Castiglione, Baldassare (1478–1529), The Courtier, 500, 742, 767, 816

  Castile, 191–192, 197, 205, 214, 224, 228

  Castilho, Joao de (c. 1500), 196

  Castillon, France, 88

  Castro, Inés de (1320–55), 191

  Catalan Grand Company, 177

  Catalonia, Aragon, 197

  Cateau Cambrésis, Treaty of (1559), 522

  Catechism (Calvin), 469

  Catechumens, House of, 735

  caterpillars, excommunicating, 850

  Cathay, Khan of, 261

  Catherine of Aragon (1485–1536), 526, 535–540, 546, 547, 548, 558

  quoted, 559

  Catholic League, 410, 444

  “Catholic Sovereigns, The,” 207*, 532

  Catbolica De concordantia (Nicholas of Cusai, 256

  Catholicism, 148, 216, 409, 473, 489, 606, 631, 641, 806, 928, 929, 936–937

  Cauchon, Pierre (d. 1442), 85, 86

  cavalry, 63, 70, 708

  cave paintings, 223

  Caxton, William (1422?-91), 120–121

  Cebu, island, 866

  Cecil, William (1520–98), 617

  celestial motion, 861

  Celestial Orbs, On the Revolutions of the (Copernicus), 860

  Celestina, La (de Rojas), 225

  celibacy, clerical, 13, 21, 22, 30, 116, 440, 625

  Cellini, Benvenuto (1500–71), 496, 822, 823, 827, 829, 919

  Celtes, Conradus (1459–1508), 301, 305, 321–322, 404

  censorship, 24, 393, 423, 424, 474, 563, 595, 630, 633, 639, 740, 923–927

  Cent nouvelles nouvelles (La Salle), 75, 90

  Centiloquium Theologicum (Ockham), 249

  Centum Gravamina (Hundred Grievances), 17

  Cepeda, Alonzo de, 900

  ceramics, 688, 829

  Cerceau, Jacques A. de (1505–85), 826

  Cerdagne, Spanish possession, 92, 94, 227

  Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547–1616), 216, 225, 905

  Cervini, Cardinal (1545), 928

  Cesarini, Cardinal Giuliano (1398–1444), 13, 185, 186

  Cesena, Michael (1324), 148

  Cesi, Cardinal (1534), 897

  Ceuta, Morocco, 192

  Chalcondyles, Demetrius (1424–1511), 123

  Châlons, France, 506

  Chambers, Dr. John, 843

  Chambiges, Pierre (d. 1544), 825

  Chambord, France, 496

  Gothic chateau, 825

  Chambord, Treaty of (1552), 455, 521

  chambre ardente, le, 521

  Champagne, France, 58

  Chandos, Sir John (d. 1370), 29, 112

  Chancellor, Richard (d. 1556), 655

  chansons, 773, 774

  Chantilly, France, Condé Museum, 80

  chantries, 115, 568

  Chapuys, Eustace, 531, 542, 548, 561

  charitable bequests, 304

  charity, 763

  Charlemagne (King of Franks, 768–814

  Emperor of the West, 800–814), 148, 149, 232, 923

  Charles I, King of England (1625–49), 839

  Charles IT, King of England (1660–85), 840

  Charles IV, King of France (1322–8), 61, 62

  Charles V, King of France (1364–80), 66, 67, 68–69, 76, 80, 157, 234, 252

  Charles VI, King of France (1380–1422), 69–76, 107, 126, 224, 232

  Charles VII, King of France (1422–61), u, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87–88, 89, 97, 519

  Charles VIII, King of France (1483–98), 93–94, 96, 98, 99, 260, 300, 771

  Charles IX, King of France (1560–74), 518

  Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor (1347–78), 148, 151–152, 155, 162, 171, 237, 726, 730

  Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (1519–56), 18, 100, 142, 216, 221, 226, 228, 255, 283, 286, 287, 296, 317, 318, 338, 351, 352, 357–363, 380, 382, 393, 397, 412, 413, 428–430, 438, 441–444, 446, 450, 453–457, 461, 504, 507, 516, 521–522, 526, 527, 538, 539, 555, 558, 591, 593, 631–643, 697, 705, 706, 733, 919, 921

  quoted, 636

  Charles I, King of Hungary (1308–42), 184

  Charles II, King of Navarre (1349–87), 66, 68

  Charles I, King of Spain (1516–56), see Charles V, Emperor

  Charles, Count of Angoulême, (d. 1496), 491

  Charles IV, Due d’Alençon (1489–1525), 497, 498

  Charles, Duke of Berry, brother of Louis XI (1446–72), 91

  Charles, Duke of Bourbon (1505–27), 492, 507–508, 510, 512, 513, 519

  Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy (1467–77), 90, 91, 99, 127, 134–136, 142, 300, 403

  Charles, Duke of Orléans (13
91–1465), 94, 102, 491

  quoted, 77–78

  Charles of Lannoy, 508, 510, 512

  Charles of Lorraine (1524–74), 520

  Charles of Valois, Dauphin, see Charles V of France

  Charles Robert of Anjou, see Charles I, King of Hungary

  charms, 850

  Charolais, Charles, Count of, see Charles the Bold

  Charpentier (Carpenterius), Jacques 565), 886

  Chartier, Alain (1385?-after 1434). 77

  Chartres, France, 68, 96

  Chartreuse de Champmol, 130, 131

  chapel, 131

  chastity, 21, 648, 932

  chastity belt, 303

  Chateaubriand, Edict of (1551), 521

  Chateaubriand, Françoise de Foix, Comtesse de (1475–1537), 492, 512

  Châteaudun, France, château (1464), 74, 97

  châteaux, 74, 96–99, 824–825

  Chaucer, Geoffrey (c. 1340–1400), 30, 38, 47–56, 112, 114

  Book of the Duchess (c. 1371). 49

  Canterbury Tales (1387?), 50–54

  House of Fame (1363), 49

  Legend of Good

  Women (1385), 40

  Parliament of Fowls (1381), 49

  Troilus and Criseyde (1385), 49–50

  Chaucer, John, 48

  Chaucer, Philippa Roet, 48

  “Chaucer, Prayer of,” 56

  Chauliac, Guy de (c. 1300–c. 1370), 231, 243, 244

  Chaumont, France, Chateau, 97

  Chaumpaigne, Cecelia, 48

  Chauvin, Gérard, 459

  Chčlcicky, Peter (1390–1460), 170, 171, 395

  chemistry, 242

  chemotherapy, 876

  Cherbourg, France, 69

  Chermoye, Philippe (1455), 101

  Chernigov, Russia, 173

  Cheseman, Robert, 843

  Chester mysteries (1328), 46

  Chevalier, Étienne (1460), 81

  child labor, 756

  China, 259, 261, 655, 664

  Chinon, France, 82, 84, 97

  Chirurgia (Mondeville), 244

  Choir, Sistine Chapel, 779, 781

  Chora monastery, 176

  Christ, The Imitation of (Thomas à Kempis), 20, 250

  Christian I, King of Denmark (1448–81); of Norway (1450–81), 146, 521

  Christian II, King of Denmark and Norway (1513–23, d. 1559), 621, 622, 623, 624, 627–628

  Christian III, King of Denmark (1534–59), 628

  Christian Brothers, Association of, 533

  Christian Liberty, A Treatise on (Luther), 356

  Christian Nobility, Open Letter to the (Luther), 420

  Christian Religion, The Principles of the (Calvin), 460–461

  Christianae fidei brevis et clara expositis (Zwingli), 413

  Christianity, 3–6, 12, 170, 182, 229, 333, 371, 502, 635

  Christianity, The Restitution of (Servitus), 481

  Christians, medieval, beliefs, 208

  Christine of Savoy, 449

  Christliche Einleitung, Eine kurze (Zwingli), 408

  Christopher II, King of Denmark (1320–26; 1330–32), 145

  Christus, Petrus (1420?-73), 133

  Dionysius the Carthusian (N. Y., Jules S. Bache Collection)

  Chronicle (Tschudi), 44

  Chronique des ducs de Bourgogne (Castellain), 130

  chronology, methods of, 736, 743

  chronometry, 241

  Chrysoloras, Manuel (1355?–1415), 123

  Church: administration, 933

  case against, 17–25

  disendowment, 33, 34, 35, 40

  corruption, 603

  English, royal supremacy over, 115

  Germany, 320, 328–333

  one hundred grievances against, 381

  patronage of scholarship and art, 12, 123, 157, 225

  ruler of Russia, 659

  Spain, 199, 207, 639, 845

  state supremacy, 377, 577, 626, 639

  Switzerland, 403

  trinitarian creed, 10

  university funds, 237

  see also clergy

  Church, On the (Huss), 406

  Church of England, 547, 548, 579, 590

  Church of the Brotherhood, 171–172

  Church organization, 246

  Church Unity, In Defense of (Pole), 562

  Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106–43 B.C.), 234, 289, 291, 856

  Ciceronians, 791

  Cimabue, Giovanni (c. 1240-c. 1302), 177

  Ciompi (1378), 69

  Cisneros, Don Garcia de, 909

  city halls, 96, 130

  Ciudad Real, Castile, 214

  civic buildings, 96

  civilization, Ottoman, 707–716

  class distinctions, 37–38

  class war, 40, 62, 144, 756

  Claude of France, wife of Francis I (1499–1524), 95, 491, 495, 496, 519

  clavichord, 772

  Clavijo, see Gonzalez de Clavijo

  Clement V, Pope (1305–14), 177, 233

  Clement VI, Pope (1342–52), 7, 62, 151, 722, 730, 744

  Clement VII, Pope (1523–34), 8, 9, 382, 412, 434, 438, 450, 504, 510, 512, 514, 518, 534, 535, 538–540, 625, 697, 705, 722, 732–733, 734, 740, 891, 918–919, 927

  Clement, John (1556), quoted, 584

  Cléopatre captive (Jodelle), 811

  clergy: abuses, 544–545

  exemption from state laws, 24

  Hussite rebellion, 169

  personal morality, 19–21, 30, 128, 199, 205, 404, 435–436, 529, 530–531, 603, 932

  rulers of England, 27

  secular, 15, 16, 530

  strikes, 65

  worldliness, 37

  see also Church

  Clerk, Roger (1382), 231

  Clerks Regular of St. Paul (Barnabites), 899–900

  Cleve, Cornells van (1520–67), 831

  Cleve, Joos van (d. 1540), 822, 831

  Eleanor of Portugal (Vienna), 831

  Francis I (Cincinnati), 822

  Cleves, duchy, 445, 515

  climate, English, 39

  clocks, 241, 242

  clothing, specified by law, 474

  clothing manufacture, 38, 136

  Clothworkers’ Guild, 756

  Clouet, François (1510?-?72), 848

  portraits, 830

  Henry II (Uffizi), 830

  Clouet, Jean (c. 1485–1545), 791, 822, 829, 848

  Francis I, 830

  coal-fields, British, 38

  Cobbett, William (1763–1835), 578

  Cochin China, 195

  Cochlaeus, Johannes (1479–1552), 383, 851

  quoted, 426

  code, Turkish, 713

  Codure, Jean (1534), 910

  Coecke, Pieter, 832

  Coelho, Duarte (1537-?79), 195

  Coello, Alonso, see Sanchez Coello

  Coeur, Jacques (1395–1456), 87–88

  House of (c. 1450), 74, 79

  coffee drinking, 713

  Cognac, League of (1526), 512

  Coimbra, Portugal, university, 237

  Colchester, England, 42

  Colet, Sir Henry, 124

  Colet, John (1407?-1519), 25, 123, 124, 125, 273, 275, 291, 428, 429, 524, 768

  quoted, 525, 530

  Coligny, Gaspard de (1519–72), 520, 522, 635

  Collège de France, 788, 791, 797

  Collège Royale, France, 788, 790

  Colloquies (Erasmus), 272, 275, 289, 805

  Colmar, Germany, 156, 297

  Cologne, Archbishop of (1326), 153–154

  Cologne, Germany, 7, 8, 69, 121, 135, 144, 147, 153, 156, 159, 297, 299, 305, 356, 400, 440, 454, 467

  cathedral, 154

  Rathaus, 155

  Reichstag, 297

  university, 232

  Colombe, Michel (c. 1431–1512), Easter Sepulcher (New York), 98

  Colombo, Matteo Realdo (1516?-?59), 871, 872

  Colonna, Giulia Gonzaga, 696

  Colonna, Cardinal Ottone, see Martin

  Colonna, Sciarra (d. 1329), 149

  Colonna, Vittoria (1492-?1547), 508, 893, 900, 926

  Columbus, Bartolomé (1445?-?1514), 265, 266

  Columbus, Christopher (1446?-1506), 24, 157, 194, 195, 216, 239, 240, 258–268, 269, 299

  quoted, 262, 266, 267

  Columbus, Diego (1450?-?1515), 265, 269

  Columbus, Ferdinand (1488–1539), 259, 266

  comedies, 46, 815, 817

  Comenius, John (1592–1672), 172

  cometary astronomy, 239

  comets, 850

  Comines, Philippe de (1447?-?1511), 89, 100, 299

  Cronique (1495–8), 99

  Memoires (1489–91), 99

  quoted, 89, 92, 100, 108

  Commendone, Giovanni, 630

  commerce, expansion, 15, 90, 109, 118, 157, 294, 651

  commercial hegemony, 632

  commercial revolution, 269, 867

  commercialism, 304, 763

  Committee of Public Safety, 399

  commodities, controlled buying, 382

  Common Chest, Regulation of a (Luther), 764

  common law, 759

  commoner, English, 109

  Commons, House of (Lower House), 27–28, 550, 570–571

  communication, 753

  communism, 32, 41, 59, no, iii, 153, 169, 170, 175, 294, 390, 393, 633, 634, 635

  Anabaptists, 395–402

  community chest, 764

  Compañía de Jesú:, 911

  Compère, Jacques (1329), 131

  Compiègne, France, 84, 96

  Complutum (Alcalá), 225*

  conceptualism, 246, 250

  conciliar movement, 9

  Concordat, 502, 503, 520

  concubinage, 21–22, 199, 256, 400, 403, 440, 529, 603, 932

  Condé, Prince Louis de (1530–69), 521

  Confederation, Swiss, 146, 147

  confession, 35, 37

  Confession of Faith and Discipline (Farel), 469, 470

  “Confession of the Lady Mary, The,” 561

  confessional box, 933

  Conflans, treaty of (1465), 91

  Confraternità della Carità, 896

  Confutation, Catholic, 443, 444

  Congo River, Africa, 194

  Congregation of Jesus Christ, Lords of the, 615, 616–618

  quoted, 616–617

  conic sections, 855

  Consensus Tigurinus (1549), 413

  Constance, Germany, 300, 443

  Council of, 10–11, 22, 37, 73, 165–167, 168, 350, 774, 927, 928, 930

  Treaty of (1446), 147

  Constance Missal, 159*

  Constantine XI Palaeologus, Holy Roman Emperor (1448–53), 182–183

  Constantinople, Turkey, 12, 159, 177, 178, 182, 680, 709

  capture by Turks, 16, 157, 171, 183, 649

  last years (1373–1453), 181–184

  mosques, 686, 715–716

  sacking (1204), 175

  St. Sophia cathedral, 183

  siege (1402), 181

  (1452), 182–183, 186

  consubstantiation, 354, 376, 412


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