The Reformation

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by Will Durant

  Lever, Thomas (1521–77), 581, 764

  Levi ben Gerson (1288?-?1344). 741, 744

  S Battles of the Lord, 745

  Levita, Elijah (1468–1549), 724, 741

  Lewin of Augsburg, 328

  Ley den, Netherlands, 398, 400

  town hall, 846

  Libellus, De canonicis scripturis (Carlstadt), 352

  Libero arbitrio, De (Erasmus), 434

  libertine, 469*

  Libertins, Genevese, 469, 478, 479, 483

  libraries, 157, 189, 695, 785

  Liège, 58, 91, 126, 127, 130, 135, 659

  Life and Adventures of Lazarillo de Tormes, The (Mendoza), 818

  Light of the Lord (Crescas), 746

  Ligue du bien public (1464), 91

  Lille, France, 59

  Limburg, Belgium, 126

  Limoges, France, 58, 69, 99

  Limousin, France, 68

  Limousin, Léonard (1505?-77), 829

  Linacre, Thomas (1460?-1524), 123, 124, 125, 524, 873

  Lincoln, England, cathedral, 118, 119

  Lincolnshire, England, 565

  Lindau, Germany, 443

  Lindenast, Sebastian (1516), 308

  Liniers, Jean de (d. c. 1354), 238

  Link, Wenzel, 348, 378

  Linnaeus, Carolus (1707–78), 868

  Lippi, Filippino (1457?-1504), 188

  Lippomano, Lodovico, 630

  Lipstein, Germany, 392

  Lisbon, Portugal, 195, 196, 632

  university, 237

  literacy, 123, 136, 157, 235, 320, 366, 602, 603, 714, 789

  literary societies, 76, 189, 322

  literature: Church function, 18

  Germany, 369, 427

  Iceland, 146

  Islamic, 681–684

  Latin tongue, 173, 192

  licentious, 760

  Norwegian leadership, 146

  Persia, 666, Portugal, 195

  Russia, 649

  Spain, 224–226, 816

  Switzerland, 427

  vernacular, 92, 99, 160

  Lithuania, 161, 173, 647, 653, 725

  Little Book of Eternal Wisdom (Suso), 154

  liturgy, Catholic, 777–778

  livery, 38.

  Lives (Plutarch), 791, 792

  Livonia, 173, 629, 656

  Llorente, Juan Antonio (1756–1823), 215.

  Lobeira, Vasco de (1360?-1403), 192

  Locarno, Switzerland, 403

  Loches, France, royal residence, 97

  Lochner, Stephan (d. 1451), 156

  Loci communes (Melanchthon), 434

  Locke, Mrs. Anne, 609–610

  Locke, John (1632–1704), 247, 251, 939

  Lodovico II Moro, Regent of Milan (1494–1504), 94, 97, 188

  logic, 240, 247

  Logic, Divisions of (Ramus), 884

  Loire, châteaux, 74, 96, 823

  Lollards, 36, 40, 47, 115–111, 236, 532, 595, 607, 727

  Lombardy, 149, 507, 512

  London, England: aliens, banishment (1381), 45

  economy and religion, 475

  Inns of Court, 236

  Newgate prison, 43

  St. Mary of Bethlehem hospital (1247), 245

  St. Paul’s Cathedral, Nelson’s shrine, 839

  Temple, destruction, 42

  Tower, 117

  Westminster Abbey, see Westminster Abbey

  Westminster Cathedral, 119

  workers’ revolt (1381), 69, (1450), 110–111 London and Muscovite Company, 656

  Lopes, Fernao (c. 1380–1460), 195, 815

  Lords, House of (Upper House), 27, 30, 109, 115

  Lorrain, Claude (1600–82), 80

  Lorraine, 93, 135, 455, 522

  lotteries, 759

  Louis I de Nevers, Count of Flanders (1304?–46), 59

  Louis II de Male, Count of Flanders (1330–83), 63

  Louis IX, King of France (1226–70), 231

  Louis X, King of France (1314–16), 61

  Louis XI, King of France (1461–83), 81, 89–93, 95, 97, 99, 108, 135, 142, 792

  Louis XII, King of France (1498–1515), 94–96, 97, 98, 99, 227, 266, 314, 491, 492, 493, 506, 525, 771, 792

  Louis IV, King of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor (1314–47), 148–151, 152, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254

  Louis I, King of Hungary (1342–82), 172–173, 184

  Louis II, King of Hungary (1516–26), 301, 430, 440–441

  Louis I, Duke of Anjou (1339–84), 68

  Louis, Duke of Orléans (1372–1407), 80, 81, 126

  Louise of Savoy (1476–1531), 491, 496, 497, 498, 503, 508, 510, 511, 512, 513

  quoted, 502

  Louvain, Flanders, 58, 126, 127, 136, 356, 631

  Cathedral of St. Pierre (142 c-), 130, 136

  Town Hall (1448-), 130

  University (1426), 130, 428, 788

  Lowlands, see Netherlands

  Loyola, Ignatius (1491–1556), 459, 507, 905–911, 912, 913, 915, 925

  Lübeck, Germany, 144, 297, 398, 439, 445, 622, 623, 624, 627, 628

  Lucan, Marcus Annaeus (39–65), 845

  Lucas van Ley den (1494–1533), 309, 318, 831

  Lucena, Spain, 203

  Lucerne, Switzerland, 146, 410

  Lucero (inquisitor), 215

  Lucian (2nd Century A.D.), Dialogues, 275

  Ludwig, Palatinate Elector (1525), 362, 389

  Lugano, Switzerland, 403

  Luna, Álvaro de (1388?-1453), 222

  Luristan, Persia, 672

  Lusiads, The (Camoëns), 814

  quoted, 191

  Lusitanus, Amatus (1511–68), 743–744

  lute, 772

  Luther, Hans, 341

  Luther, Magdalena, 417

  Luther, Margaret, 851

  Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 13, 16, 32, 55, 75, 149, 152, 157, 160, 166, 195, 238, 250, 275, 283, 297, 299, 318, 320, 324, 325, 327, 329, 340, 341–319, 380, 382, 401, 412, 413, 415–425, 428, 429, 431, 443, 446, 441–453, 471, 607, 624, 726–727

  quoted, 304, 328, 346, 349, 351, 352, 353, 355, 361, 365, 367, 370, 374, 378, 386, 391, 393, 418, 421, 422, 434, 435, 441, 450, 532, 761, 765, 778, 820, 858, 881

  Babylonian Captivity of the Church, The, 354, 359, 449

  Burgomasters, Epistle to the, 786

  Christian Liberty, A Treatise on, 356

  Common Chest, Regulation of a, 764

  Councils and the Churches, On the, 448

  Epitome, 351

  “Indulgencies and Grace, A Sermon on,” 345

  Indulgencies, Disputation for Clarification of the Power of, 340, 428

  Insurrection and Rebellion, Exhortation against, 365

  Jews and Their Lies, Concerning the, 727

  Katechismus, Kleiner, 447

  On Monastic Vows, 364

  Open Letter Concerning the Reform of the Christian Estate, 352–354

  Open Letter to the Christian Nobility, 420

  Papacy at Rome Founded by the Devil, Against the, 450

  Peace, Admonition to, 386

  Peasants, Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of, 389–391

  Peasants, Open Letter Concerning the Hard Book Against, 393

  “Pope and the Bishops, Against the Falsely Called Spiritual Order of the,” 377

  Resolutiones, 346, 350

  Secular Authority, 377, 421

  Servio arbitrio, De, 375, 434

  Theologia Germanica, 345

  Trade and Usury, 379

  Lutheran churches, 419

  Lutheran princes, 520, 521, 624

  Lutheran Reformation, 168

  Lutheranism, 174, 377, 380, 382, 393, 424, 439, 457, 488, 503, 504, 532, 580, 599, 607, 608, 625, 628, 630, 631, 633, 640, 643, 703, 849, 891, 921

  Lutzeburger, Hans (1524), 835

  Luxembourg, 126

  Lwów, Poland, 172

  Lyly, John (1554?-1606), 816

  Lyon, Corneille de (c. 1510–74), Maréchal Bonnivet (Toledo, U.S.A.), 830

France, 227, 494, 506, 784

  Maastricht, Netherlands, 633

  Mabuse, Jan, see Jan Gossaert

  Macarius, Russian metropolitan, 660

  Macedonia, 179

  Machaut, Guillaume de (c. 1300–77), 773–774

  Machiavelli, Niccolo (1469–1527), 100, 198, 206, 227, 229, 288, 300, 516, 610, 815

  quoted, 16

  The Prince (1513), 13, 89, 227, 525, 548

  Madeira, 192–193

  madness, group, 65

  Madrid, Spain, 221, 638

  Obispo Chapel, 846;

  Treaty (1526), 511, 512, 513, 514

  madrigals, 782

  Madruzzo, Cardinal (1545), 928

  Magdeburg, Germany, 147, 153, 297, 338, 438

  Magellan, Ferdinand (c. 1480–1521), 264, 269, 865–866

  magicians, 230–234

  Magnesia, Asia Minor, 680

  Magnificat, (Palestrina), 782

  Magnus II, King of Sweden (1319–65), 145

  Magnus, Johannes, 624

  Magyars, 631

  Mahmud, Sultan of Delhi (1395), 673

  Mahmud Nishapuri, 701

  Mahmud Pasha, 680

  Maiano, Giovanni da, 839

  Maidstone, England, 42

  Maillart, Jean, 68

  Maimonides (1135–1204), 744, 745

  Maine, France, 92, 492

  Maine, U.S., 865

  Mainz, Germany, 7, 12, 121, 144, 147, 156, 158, 159, 231, 297, 299, 338, 356, 412, 440, 467

  Rhenish Literary Society, 322

  Maistre Pierre Pathelin, 100–101

  Maitland, William (1528?–73), 609, 618

  Major, John (1470–1550), 881

  Majorca, 638

  Malacca, Malay Peninsula, 195

  Malaga, Granada, 201, 202, 203, 218

  Malory, Sir Thomas (1470), 121–122

  Malouel, Herman (1416), 80

  Malouel, Jehannequin (1416), 80

  Malouel, Pol (1416), 80

  Malta, 704, 718

  Mamai, Tatar Khan (1380), 651

  Mamluks, 664, 676–678

  Man, Thomas (1518), 117

  Mander, Karel (1548–1606), 832

  Mandeville, Sir John (d. 1372), Travels, 75

  manners, III, 198, 202, 304, 629, 660, 712, 776, 770

  manorial system, 39

  Manresa, Spain, 221

  Manriquez, Isabella, 893

  Mansion, Colard (1471), 121

  Mantegna, Andrea (1431–1506), 195, 313

  Mantin, Jakob (1540), 741

  Manuel II, Palaeologus, Eastern Roman Emperor (1391–1425), 177, 178, 181

  Manuel I, King of Portugal (1495–1521), 194, 196, 219

  Manuel, Donna Costanza, 191

  Manuel, Don Juan (1282–1349), 224

  manumission, 712

  Manutius, Aldus (1450–1515), 123, 159, 275

  Manz, Felix, 396

  maps, 158, 240, 743, 866

  Maqrizi, al (1364–1442), 677

  Maragha, Persia, 664

  Marathon, Greece, 186

  Marcel, Étienne (d. 1358), 67, 68

  Marcellus II, Pope (1555), 781, 922, 925

  Marches, the, Papal State, 8

  Marco Polo, The Book of Ser, 259

  Margaret, Queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden (1363–1412), 145–146, 226

  Margaret of Anjou (Queen of England; 1445–82), 107

  Margaret of Austria (1480–1530), 96, 142, 513, 632

  Margaret of Carinthia (1318–69), 151

  Margaret of Flanders (wife of Philip the Bold; 1369–1405), 131

  Margaret of Saale, 449

  Margaret of Scotland, wife of Louis XI (1425?-1445), 77, 89

  Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scotland (1503–41), 605

  Marguerite, Queen of Navarre (1492–1549), 291, 460, 478, 491, 493, 495, 491–501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 510

  quoted, 509, 511, 517

  Heptameron, 499, 501–502

  Miroir de l’âme pécheresse, Le, 500

  Marguerite of Berry, 522

  Marguerite of Valois (1553–1615), 518

  Mariana, Juan de (1536–1623), 614

  Marie of Orléans (1460), 102

  Marienburg, Germany, 173

  Deutschorden-schloss, 155

  Marignano, battle (1515), 403, 405, 506, 508

  Marigny, Enguerrand de (1260–1315), 232

  marine insurance, 198

  Maritsa, 181

  Marmora, Sea of, 181

  Marot, Clément (1495?-1544), 495, 499, 501, 505, 779, 788, 793–195*, 808, 891

  quoted, 793. 794

  Marranos, converted Jews, 734, 735, 740, 744

  Marraqesh, Morocco, 695

  marriage, 39, 72, 112, 303, 354, 648, 761–762

  brother’s widow, 536, 545

  sacerdotal, 21, 22. 364, 376, 380, 407, 440, 455, 572, 629, 630, 631, 648, 932

  Marseille, France, 494, 508

  sanitary ordinances (1383), 245

  Marsilius of Padua (1290?-?1343), 7, 9, 16, 149, 150, 151, 165, 246, 249, 251, 252–254

  quoted, 253–254

  Marsilius von Inghen (1330?-1396), 241

  Martial (1st Century A.D.), 845

  Martin V, Pope (1417–31), 10–11, 23, 168, 722

  Martin, Jean, 826

  Martínez, Fernán (1391), 200

  Martini, Simone (1283?-1344), 80

  Martinique, 266

  Martyrs, The Book of (Foxe), 596*

  Marville, Jean de (d. 1389), 130

  Marx, Karl, (1818–83), 555

  Mary I, Queen of England (1553–58), 522, 526, 536, 538, 546, 548, 559, 560, 501, 573, 576, 581, 585, 586, 581–601, 606, 612

  quoted, 593

  Mary of Burgundy (1457–82), 142, 300, 507

  Mary of Hungary (regent 1531–52), 301, 632, 633, 636, 641

  Mary of Lorraine, Queen of Scotland (1538–60), 605, 606, 609, 612, 613, 615, 616, 617

  Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (1542–87), 576, 581, 593, 594, 606, 612, 617, 618

  Mary Tudor (Queen of Louis XII; 1514–1515), 95–96, 525

  Mashhad, Persia, 685, 686

  masonry, 838

  Mass, 24, 115, 168, 354, 411, 579, 597, 619, 778, 850

  music, 780

  Mass, Commentary on the (Calvin), 630

  Mass of Pope Marcellus (Palestrina), 781

  Massys, Cornells (c. 1513–80), 832

  Massys, Jan (1509–75), Judith (Boston), 831

  Suzanna and the Elders (Brussels), 831

  Massys (Matsys), Quentin (1466?-1530), 139–140, 141, 842

  Adoration of the Child (New York), 140

  The Banker and His Wife (Louvre), 139

  The Courtesan (Coll. Comtesse de Pourtalès), 139

  Entombment (Antwerp, Louvre), 139

  Erasmus (1517, Galleria Corsini, Rome), 139, 290

  Feast of Herod (Antwerp), 139

  Jesus Christ Shown to the People (Madrid), 140

  Madonna (Louvre, Lyons, Brussels, Antwerp, Berlin), 139

  “Master M.S.,” Mary Visiting Elizabeth (Budapest Museum), 189

  Master of Flemalle, see Campin, Robert

  Master of the House Book (c. 1470), 309

  Master of the Life of the Virgin (fl. 1470), 310

  Virgin and St. Bernard (Cologne), 310

  Masudi, Abu-al-Hasan al (d. 956), 694

  mathematics, 238, 239, 240, 420, 744, 849, 855

  Matteo da Bassi (c. 1495–1552), 900

  Matthew of Arras, 162

  Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary (1458–90), 171, 181–190, 230, 239, 441, 710, 711

  Matthias of Janov (1390), 163

  Matthys, Jan, 398, 399

  Maurice, Elector of Saxony (1547–53), 445, 453, 454, 455, 930, 931

  Maurolico, Fr. (1494–1575), 744

  mausoleums, 664, 675, 700

  Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor (1493–1519), 93, 242, 226, 233, 294, 296, 299, 300–302, 303, 314, 317, 320, 324, 331, 338, 347. 403, 526, 731, 774

>   Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor (1564–76), 718

  Mayan culture, 865

  Mazarin Bible, 159*

  Mazovia, Poland, 172, 629

  Mazzoni, Guido (1450–1518), 97

  meals, 113, 474, 769

  measurements, standardized, 92

  meat-eaters, 321*

  Meaux, France, 67

  mechanics, 241

  Mechlin (Malines), Belgium, 58, 136

  medical practice, 874

  medical schools, 243

  Medici, Cosimo de (1389–1464), 122, 129

  Medici, Giuliano de (1519), 896

  Medici, Lorenzo de (1449–92), 13, 122, 188, 776, 919

  medicine, 64, 231, 243, 689, 743, 873

  Médicis, Catherine de (1519–89), 492, 514, 518, 519, 522, 612, 851

  Mediterranean, 867

  Meissen, Germany, 147, 356

  Meister, title, 156

  Meistersinger, 298, 771, 778, 813

  Meistersinger schools, 156

  Melanchthon, Philip (1497–1560), 324, 349, 350, 352, 364, 401, 412, 419, 423, 424, 426, 438, 440, 441, 443, 446, 447, 449, 451–458, 461, 478, 484, 504, 505, 786–787, 849, 851. 859, 920, 930

  Loci communes, 434

  Schulplan (1527), 787

  Melozzo da Forli (1438-?95), 223

  Melrose Abbey, 604

  Memling, Hans (1430?-95), 137–139

  Adoration of the Child (Cologne), 138

  Adol ration of the Magi (Madrid; Hospital of St. John, Bruges), 138

  Bathsheba at the Bath (Stuttgart), 138

  Crucifixion (Marienkirche, Lubeck; Louvre, Vicenza), 138

  Last Judgment (Marienkirche. Danzig). 138

  Life of Christ and Mary (Munich), 138

  Passion of Christ (Turin), 138

  Memmingen, Germany, 384, 392, 443

  memoirs, French literature, 99

  Mena, Juan de (1411–56), 224

  Ménagier (1393), quoted, 72

  Mendes, Diogo, 735–736

  Mendesia, Gracia (c. 1510–68), 737

  Mendez, Diego (1503), 267–268

  Mendoza, Diego de (1503?-75), 817–818

  Mendoza, Pedro González de (1428–95), 204, 207

  Menno Simons (1492–1559), 401

  Mennonites, 401, 402*

  mercantile oligarchy, 40, 60, 144, 472

  Mercator, Gerhardus (1512–94), 269, 866

  Mercator’s Projection, 866

  merchant adventurers, 109, 632

  merchant capitalists, 297

  Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare), 722

  merits, accumulation, 22, 340

  Merle, William (d. 1347?), 239

  Mermaid Tavern, London, 767

  Merseburg, Germany, 356

  Merv, Russia, 663

  Mesopotamia, 222, 681, 699

  metabolism, 877

  metal industries, 38, 59, 144, 155–156

  Metallica, De re (Agricola), 753

  metallurgy, 753

  metalworkers, 298, 307, 309, 688, 828, 847–848

  metaphysics, 240, 248, 250


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