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Page 17

by Shantee' Parks

  “The doctor said he has to take it easy or he will have to have open heart surgery.”

  Jacob walks over to the bed.

  “Papa its Jake Jr. I'm here. I love ya.”

  Jacob left the room.

  “Son go back to the house and get some rest. Your Mom will be happy you're here,” says Jake.

  “Ok Dad.”

  Jacob goes back to his parents’ house. He throws on a T-Shirt leaving on his boxers. Jacob lay there starring at the wall in front of him where he made love to Samantha. He keeps thinking of her as he falls off to sleep.

  The next morning Jacob goes downstairs to have breakfast with his family.

  "How is your party baby?" asks Rebecca.

  “Its perfect! Mom can I have some more bacon?”

  “Sure hon.”

  His dad enters the kitchen.

  “Good morning son,” he says hitting him on the shoulder.

  “Morning dad!”

  “When you're here with us is the only time we hear your country accent.”

  "Where's Samantha?" asks Rebecca.

  “She's at home because she knows yawl don't care for her.”

  "Jacob she's welcome here anytime," says Rebecca.

  “I'm going riding. I'll be back later.”

  Jacob is dressed in full cowboy gear. A cowboy hat, T-Shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots. He needs to get his mind off everything so he goes to round up cattle. He looks out at his family's land taking in all its beauty.

  Later when he is leaving to go back to L.A. his Dad called him out to the garage.

  “Hey Dad what's up?”

  “Papa wanted to give you a birthday gift.”

  “Wow, an Aston Martin this is a beautiful car. What's the catch? Let me guess, don't marry Samantha.”

  “No son it's just a birthday gift. We'll send it home.”

  “I need to get home because I haven't talked to Samantha all day. I will visit Papa on my way to the airport.”

  Jacob hugs his parents and left.

  The next day Jacob drove to a deserted dirt road. He calls his Father from a burner phone.

  "Dad!" Jacob says frantic.

  “Hey Jacob. Where are you calling me from?”

  "Don't worry about it," says Jacob. “What the fuck is going on?” asks Jacob.

  His Dad asks, “What are you talking about?”

  “My girlfriend is gone!”

  “Oh son I'm so sorry she left you!”

  “You and Granddad are so full of shit! You won't get away this!”

  Jacob hangs up the phone dropping to his knees screaming, “Damn it!!!!!” He wanted this shit to be over.

  He decides to stay at a hotel until it is over because he knows he can’t be there without Samantha.

  Samantha came to trying to scream but can't because her mouth is gagged. She sits there in the dark. She is barefoot only wearing her corset and panties. She wonders why someone would kidnap her. Tony walks in the empty room.

  “I will take the blindfold and gag off if you are going to behave. Shake your head if you're going to behave.”

  She shook her head yes. Tony took the blindfold and gag off.

  Samantha asks, “Where am I?”

  Tony replies, “Somewhere safe.”

  "Where's Jacob?" she asks.

  Jacob is fine,” says Tony standing in front of Samantha.

  Let me talk to you candidly. Jacobs’s family put a hit out on you last night. We had to keep you safe. If it wasn’t for us you would be sleeping with the fishes right now.”

  “You see the Latters’ don’t want you making no mixed babies and mixing their pure Anglo Saxon blood line.”

  “Jacob has been acting weird for a month now. I didn’t know why until now.” Who do you work for?" asks Samantha.

  "That’s a minor thing! Don’t worry about that just focus on getting out of here," says Tony.

  “When this is over you will never have to go through this again. We are going to take care of his Grand Father and his Dad.

  “If I were you I would really think twice about marrying into a family that would try to kill you,” says Tony.

  “Now I'm going to untie you, but if you decide you want to fight Kirk in the other room will chloroform you again. Capisce?”

  "Yes, I understand,” says Samantha.

  “I'm going to take you to the other room so you can freshen up. You will be locked in the room.”

  She goes to the bathroom to take a shower. Leary that someone may be watching, she undressed in the shower.

  She washed her hair thinking how sad it is that she can't be happy. What happened to finding love and happiness?

  Not for me! There has to be some sort of drama. Do I leave Jacob because my possible in-laws; who wouldn’t ever know their grandchildren; tried to have me killed. She looks down at her shaking hands trying to hold herself together. She got out the shower walked into the bedroom finding a bag on the bed.

  She looks inside only to find her clothes, which she is weird. At least she is able to put on some comfortable clothes. There’s a picture of her and Jacob in the bag. She sits on the bed leaning against the wall putting her hand over her mouth as she cries. She then lay down in the bed in a little ball holding the picture falling asleep.

  Chapter 12

  Jacob stays locked in his hotel room only ordering room service. He pays the hotel extra to stock his brand of whiskey. He sits around in a T-shirt and basketball shorts in the dark drinking from almost sun up to sun down. He keeps seeing Samantha's pretty face and her gorgeous smile. He reminisces on how it felt touching and making love to her. They have been through so much in so little time; the lying, the loss of their baby, them deciding to be together, and living together. Now everything hangs in the balance. Jacob stays in a drunken stupor for a week. Jacob won’t take anyone's calls; he only waits for the burner to ring.

  Jake immediately reaches out to Joey to see what is going on with Samantha. Kirk set up his recorder. He has Joey tied up and gagged. “You better not give any hints to him that you don’t have the girl as he points the gun at his head.” Kirk makes sure the cell is on speaker.

  “Hey what's going?” Do you have the girl?”

  "Yes!" says Joey.

  Ted takes the phone from his son.

  "Why haven’t you taken care of her yet? You are supposed to kill the girl!”

  "I'm in the process," says Joey.

  "We are only supposed to scare her into leaving Jacob," says Jake.

  "You can't scare niggers easily. She is going to want our empire and I'm not having it!" Joey take care of it," Ted shouts in the background.

  "I will!" says Joey.

  "Don't call my son. Call me when it's done," says Ted and hangs up.

  "Joey you tried to kill the wrong girl. This won’t end well for you," says Kirk.

  “Please,” Joey pleads, let me go. I can testify that I was hired to kill her!


  Kirk walks out the room. Kirk meets with Tony to play the tape.

  "Let's take it to the boss," says Tony.

  Samantha has been in the room for a week. They make sure to feed her three times a day and give her music to listen to. She stands on the bed looking out the little window. She puts her hands down in her pockets. She pulls a note out of her right pocket. It is a note from Jacob that reads:

  Dear Samantha,

  By the time you read this you will know the whole story how my grandfather and father tried to kill you. I'm so sorry for putting this burden on you. I never knew my wanting to marry the love of my life would result in me being estranged from my family. I want you to know I love you and right now it may not seem like it to you, but I am protecting you just like I promised I’d do when I asked your father for your hand in Marriage. I will see you soon! Love Jacob.

  Samantha now understands he had to have her kidnapped or his family is going to kill her. She has no doubt Jacob loves her and she can see that he will stop at nothing t
o be with her. Still she can’t help but think maybe she has to walk away. Does she want to be with a man whose family won’t love her or her children?

  Does she have to look over her shoulder for the next time they try to kill her? The hardest part of this will be being without Jacob.

  Tony and Kirk go to talk to their boss Mr. Silverman. They play the tape for him.

  "It's time to make a deal boys," says Mr. Silverman.

  Jacob hears a knock at the door.

  Jacob says, “Who is it?”


  “Go away!” he yells.

  The door opens. Jacob jumps up holding the bottle, “I said go away!”

  "Jacob it’s time to get your shit together if you want to see Samantha!" says Tina.

  She takes Jacob into the bathroom and gives him a cold shower.

  "What the fuck are you doing?" yells Jacob.

  "Trying to help you," Tina replies.

  Once he’s sober enough to stand on his own, he tells Tina, “I can do the rest myself.

  "Thanks Tina," he says.

  Jacob puts on a plaid long sleeved shirt folding it above his elbows, a plain dark blue short sleeve T-Shirt underneath, jeans and his rugged boots. He’s dressed just like his character.

  The two leave together using the freight elevator exiting out the dock location. Jacob gets in the back so no one will see him.

  Samantha is free to move around the safe house after getting to know Kirk and Tony. She understands they are on her side. They tell her if she ever needs anything to call them they look at her like a little sister because she is just such a nice girl who genuinely cares.

  Jacob, Tina and Tony are flying to Houston on Mr. Silverman’s private jet. Tony has one of his guys in Houston collecting Jake bringing him to Ted’s mansion. Tony gets the word the property is secured. Tony’s guy, Zack opens the door when they arrive.

  "Tony, they are wrapped up waiting in the living room for you,” says Zack.

  Jacob can see that Tony’s guy has knocked out the help so they don’t know what’s happening. Tony, Tina and Jacob walk into the room.

  “I’m going to introduce myself. I'm Tony the man who was hired to protect Samantha Posey the girl you tried to kill.”

  Both men are gaged and bound. Tony pulls out his gun with silencer.

  “See I really want to kill you both for still showing racism in this day and time. I'm Italian and I wouldn’t even do the things you tried to do.”

  He slaps Ted upside the head with the gun. They keep trying to talk. Tony takes their gags off, “What are you trying to say that can be so important?”

  "We didn’t try to kidnap anyone. We don’t know what you’re talking about!” says Ted.

  "Oh you don’t," says Jacob. You both are some Bitches!”

  “News flash we got you on tape plotting then asking was the work carried out,” says Tony.

  Tony plays the tape back.

  "I only wanted to scare her away," says Jake.

  "Here let me show you what happens to lose ends," says Tony.

  He shows them a picture of their hired hand Joey dead with a bullet to the head.

  "We do have enough for you both to go to prison for the rest of your lives or you can promise to never attempt to harm Samantha ever! If she breaks a bone you both will be blamed!” says Tony.

  “She’s now like a sister to me and what I do for family is nothing you want to imagine! I will torture then kill you!”

  "We will never put an attempt on her life again," says Ted.

  "I will leave it alone," says Jake.

  "I can't look at either of you right now," says Jacob.

  In an enraged voice he continues, “The fact that you would try to take someone from me who I love to protect your legacy is fucked up!” he says in an enraged voice.

  “I will stick to the original arrangements. Samantha said she will sign the prenuptial agreement before we are married. As tears fall from his eyes he continues, "You will never know my children!”

  Jacob storms out the house getting in the truck. He put his head in his hands. His childhood flashes before his eyes. He can't understand how someone who claims to love you could be so heartless.

  Tony tells Zack to cut them loss.

  "My guy here is a trained sniper just like your son here. So your son knows how he can hide in plain sight and take you when you least expect it.”

  Tony laughs, “So we'll be watching.”

  The next day Tony takes Jacob to get Samantha. When they arrive at the safe house Tony walks in first. Samantha is sitting on the couch watching TV. She looks back as she hears the door open.

  "Hey Tony I was just watching your show," says Samantha as she looks back at the TV.

  Jacob then stands in the door leaning up against the doorway.

  "So is this what you do with your time?" asks Jacob.

  She hears his voice turning to see him standing there. She jumps off the couch running into his arms and wraps her legs around him. She cries so hard and Jacob shed some tears too. He holds her so tight. Jacob tells her to get her things so they can go home.

  In the truck on the way back to L.A. there is an awkwardness.

  "I see you’ve became pretty close with the guys," says Jacob.

  "Yes!" replies Samantha.

  It’s a long ride back to the hotel Samantha is really quite. When they pull up to the hotel, "Why are we here?” asks Samantha.

  "I'll explain upstairs," says Jacob.

  He grabs her bag takes her by the hand up to the room.

  "I want to take a bath before we talk I need a little time to myself please!" says Samantha.

  "Sure!" says Jacob.

  Samantha is confused about her feelings for Jacob because of what his family tried to do to her. In the tub she cries for a very long time. This is the first time she’s been free in a little over a week.

  When she leaves the bathroom she looks through Jacobs’s luggage and finds a shirt to put on then gets herself together to face Jacob.

  She fixes herself a drink bringing the bottle back to the couch because she feels she almost needs to be numb from all that has happened to her. She sits on the couch a little farther than usual from Jacob.

  "Explain," says Samantha as she pulls her hair down out of a ponytail.

  "I ordered you something to eat," he says.


  Samantha drinks the Vodka straight from the bottle. Samantha is burning with rage. "Jacob please -fucking- explain," yells Samantha pausing after each word.

  "I never expected this shit to happen Samantha,” Jacob says as he paces around the room.

  “You think I would spend over a half million to get just anyone back. My family is fucked up but don't you see I did whatever I had to do to fucking be with you!”

  “I will start at the beginning,” he says pouring himself a drink. When we were driving to Naples I noticed someone was taking pictures of you and I thought maybe they were Paparazzi. Something told me it wasn't. My father and grandfather were ripping me a new one for buying your truck with my trust fund money. Samantha they don’t want us mixing bloodlines and our children being of mixed races. I hired some people to watch over you and devised a plan to keep you safe.

  The night of the party is when they planned to take you. The guy they hired went to the house to kidnap you then kill you on my grandfather’s orders. We actually can't go home until the room is done being remodeled. Tony's sister, Tina was the decoy and she fought with the guy.

  Tony and Kirk held him captive until my grandfather and father made contact. We needed to get them to confess on tape, so I could blackmail them to leave us alone.

  Samantha gets up off the couch pacing around the room still drinking from the bottle of Vodka before sitting in the corner.

  “Jacob I don’t know if I can be with you,” she says staring at the floor.

  Jacob sits on the floor pulling her into his arms.

  “Hey! Hey! I
told you I would protect you, he says as he holds her in his arms.

  “If I release the tape they can go to prison for attempted murder.”

  Samantha stands to her feet.

  “Jacob they need to go away!”

  "I know!"

  “But I take it you won’t do that!”

  "So it’s best that I go!" says Samantha.

  Jacob stands up grabbing her arm.

  "Please don’t leave me," he pleads.

  “I've been miserable without you. Drinking myself to death in this room.”

  "Jacob I'm just saying I need a little time to think.”

  He pulls her close asking her if she will fuck someone else while she’s away.

  Not believing he just asked her that at a time like this she says,” I might but not as good as I fuck you.”

  “Really Jacob! If you can’t make it a month without me than we weren’t going to make it anyway.”

  Room service arrives with their food. She gets up to answer the door. She removes her food from the tray. She sits on the bed eating her food washing it down with water and vodka. He’s sitting in the chair in the corner of the room watching her stuff her face. He’s upset that she could think he wants to be with anyone else. He goes to watch the basketball game. She knows she’s pissed Jacob off. She walks into the living room. Samantha sits on the floor between his legs looking up at him. Jacob continues to watch TV. Samantha pulls him by his chin to look at her.

  “Jacob I know you only want to be with me I was being a Bitch! “But what would make you think I want to fuck anyone else other than you?" she asks.

  “I just said I need time to process this.” She straddles his lap facing him. He still looks at her with a straight face.

  “Baby nobody else can please me but you. Jacob I let you use me for sex earlier this year. I allowed you to let your frustrations off inside me. That hurt like nothing you could fathom. No one just does that I cried every time you left me I was literally sick.

  I wanted you to come back to me whole hearted, but I couldn't let you take my energy anymore.”

  “Samantha after all we just went through you know I don't want to be with anyone else.”

  “Jacob I love you,” she cries.

  “I love you too.”

  “Jacob I'm not trying to fault you. I know you protected me. It's just hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that they tried to kill me.”


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